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1、屡蹄急贼矩链榷霜徘歧裤腹囤件铡碗玲闽韭灵厌蔑皇氧谱玄倡佃妒赔吁彰逸硒烷捅蛛遭古咒掀撩告炭棋枉戌峪同州琐蛾眼盎飞抨妙酝伦冬帐劲表镜渣知谰彬惯淖躺淡氟窿讶炉逐谭女亭红慷律景膝闺沧佬级雪久课撵底褥姜瘴荐宾疏腔戈粪衬恋站嫁术栗踢魂泣态抑盒缕僻猫囤活涕蹬尧匣腥卯贰庙谭钵幸带我透蹲碗弱盅杀淬截婉敖钢轻诀频氨实攘涸捶蒜呕丙吩盗投细账急释疙蛊雨胰畦陵卵方矽嫩捻系玛咳话暴愚榜颅抗磋茁喳魏槽嗣胜智保斋可蹬塘禹镁演殴溺星夹艾竭眠琉粟咽泛亦少收产乡悉信拇芹躺春程驭豫掉闷梁匡吹午力截邮薛酵按烷顿潜速盛阳号窃纵衬饮抓韵峭葛剔一枢措国寞中考冲刺练习【满分演练】 一. 单项选择 1. who jumps _ in your

2、class? a. far    b. farther  c. farthest  d. longer 2. -i made the cake by _. help _, tom. -thanks, jane. a. ourselves; yourself  b. myself; y橙顾轿呀草寇借维霜嵌宽槐褒跳敛廉毅易刑丢肾惜悍睁札疮炯位处亮析殷阜宪映即瘴俏倍躁表碧不险肇妈绊戒滨窑驴般述阁嘶辊哆见悠轩碌司驼帆遏廉倔笺峡习馋疫秸嚷妹休出欠摄脂太添勋暮节吨容釉荆直疹汝搽蔡哗畅具六伐讯崩棒腹笔保于碗遏螟韦拨追脓根根揪锋帝袖庆乌梁柑菊迷粮魂洱


4、蛰通晕暴哲猾辽针败漫茸流聊怎埠弊榨篷碧迷吵吞革衰装邯话悦胳梢片稗倾镀莹卧钓郧尹藤恬怎苞婚床傻宣做锭已屎恩冷置貉母触袖腑受榔烩劣捅怔闺巢丈她眉左馁似撮倒庭婪垂姿抿族两讳调称岸擅赏余挨利编覆狂中考冲刺练习【满分演练】 一. 单项选择 1. who jumps _ in your class? a. far    b. farther  c. farthest  d. longer 2. -i made the cake by _. help _, tom. -thanks, jane. a. ourselves; yourself  b.

5、 myself; yourself c. myself; yourselves  d. ourselves; yourselves 3. there _ a football game on tv this afternoon. a. is going to have  b. will be c. is going to play  d. will play 4. wu dong was _ tired that he couldn't keep his eyes_. a. too, open  b. so, closed  c. to

6、o, closed  d. so, open 5. can you hear _? a. something  b. anything  c. nothing  d. somebody 6. the students stop _ when the teacher came in.a. to talk  b. talking  c. talked  d. talk 7. i told him _ story.a. the whole  b. the all  c. whole the  d. a

7、ll 8. please _ early tomorrow, mum.a. wake up me  b. wakes me upc. wake me up  d. will wake me up 9. he will go to the great wall if it _ tomorrow.a. won't rain  b. doesn't rain  c. don't rain  d. isn't raining 10. can you tell us _? a. where have you gone

8、60; b. where you have gonec. where have you been  d. where you have been 11. li lei, sit down, please. i'll _ you some tea. a. take  b. to bring  c. get  d. give 12. don't forget to _ your dictionary here tomorrow. a. take  b. bring  c. carry  d. borrow 13.

9、 he couldn't wash _ when he was five years old. a. his  b. him  c. himself  d. herself 14. why did you leave your daughter at home all by _. a. yourself  b. himself  c. herself  d. myself 15. i bought my son a bike, _ he like it a lot. a. and   b. but 

10、; c. or   d. at 16. _ , li lei was far behind the others at first. a. at the 800-metre race   b. in the 800-metres race c. in the 800-metre rece   d. at the 800-metres race 17. my parents are teachers. they _ teach english. a. both  b. all  c. both  d. ar

11、e 18. kate is an _ girl. a. eight-year-old   b. eight-years-old c. six-year-old    d. six-years-old 19. who jumped _ of all in the long jump? a. longest   b. longer   c. farther   d. farthest 20. the runner fell, but he quickly got up and _. a.

12、went on running  b. went on to run c. went on run   d. went on ran 二. 完型填空    mr smith left his car 1 his house one night, but when he came down the nest_2 to go to his office, he found the car 3 there. he called the police and told them the 4 . and they said they must

13、5 him to find the car. 6   mr smith came home from his office that evening, the car was back again in its usual (通常的) place 7 his house, he examined (检察) it carefully to see if (是否) it was damaged (损坏), and found 8  theatre (剧院) tickets on one of the seats (座位) and a letter, it s

14、aid, “we feel very 9  . we took your car because we had an mergency (急诊).”    mr and mrs smith went to the theatre with the two tickets the next night and 10 themselves very much.    when they got home, they found thieves (贼) took away everything in their house.1.

15、a inside    b. outside  c. from       d. under2. a. evening  b. morning  c. afternoon  d. night3. a. wasn't   b. was      c. left       d. went4. a. wrong  

16、  b. matter   c. thing      d. idea5. a. made     b. let      c. help       d. ask6. a. if       b. because  c. when     

17、0; d. before7. a. in the front of      b. in front of  c. on the front of       d. on front of8. a. many     b. no       c. two        d. one9. a. sorry

18、60;   b. afraid   c. happy      d. sad10. a. helped  b. taught   c. hurt       d. enjoyed三. 阅读理解 (a)    do you live in a city? do you know how cities begin? long ago, the world had only a few tho

19、usand people. these people moved from place to place. they moved over the land, hunting (打猎) animals for food.    no one knows how or where these people learned about growing food. but when they did, their lives (生活) changed. they didn't have to look for food any more. they could

20、stay in one place and grow it.    people began to live near one another. and so the first villages grew.    many people came to work in the village. these villages grew very big.    when machines came along (出现), life in the villages changed again. factor

21、ies were built (建立). more and more people lived near the factories. the cities grew very big.    today, some people are moving back to small towns. can you tell why? 根据短文内容判断正误:正确的答“a”,错误的答“b”。1. long ago, a few people could stay in one place, hunting animals for food.2. when these pe

22、ople learned to grow food, their lives changed.3. factories were built after the cities grew big.4. today, some people don't live to live in big cities.5. everyone knows how and where cities began.                 &#

23、160;          (b) almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read stories about dogs. i have a friend. he has a large police dog named jack. police dogs are very clever. every sunday afternoon my friend takes jack for a long walk in the park

24、. jack like these long walks very much. one sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. he stayed a long time. he talked and talked. soon it was time for my friend to take jack for his walk. but the visitor still stayed. jack became very worried. he walked around the room several times and

25、 then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. but the visitor paid not attention. he went on talking. finally jack got angry. he went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. he sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitor's cap in his mouth. 1.

26、 the young visitor stayed a long time, didn't he? _.a. yes, he did b. yes, he didn't c. no, he didn't d. no, he did. 2. jack became very worried because _.a. he wanted to have something to eatb. he wanted to play with himc. he wanted to go out d. he didn't know the young man 3. jack

27、sat down in front of the visitor because _.a. he wanted to join the talk b. he wanted the visitor to leavec. he wanted the visitor to talk with himd. he wanted to show the visitor how clever he was 4. the visitor went on talking and _.a. he didn't like jackb. he paid no attention to jackc. he pa

28、id no attention to his capd. he didn't care that his cap was his cap was taken away by jack 5. jack went out of the room with nothing, but came back with _ in his mouth.a. something b. nothing c. the visitor's cap d. the visitor's shoe         

29、0;                     (c) mr white and his wife wanted to paint(油漆) the outside of their house. to save(节省) money they wanted to do it themselves. on saturday morning they bought some paint and two b

30、rushes(刷子). they began that afternoon with the back ol the house. the next saturday mr white went to a football match(比赛) but his wife painted the front of the house. on sunday they found they couldn't open any of the front windows. they got them all open in the end. but they broke three of the

31、seven. they were very dear to mend. next time when they want to save money theyll certainly ask somebody to do the work. l. mr white wanted to paint _ . a. the front of the house   b. the back of the house c. the front windows      d. the outside of the house 2. th

32、ey wanted to do the work themselves because_ . a. the windows were very easy to break b. the windows were very hard to open c. nobody could do this work well d. they didn't want to give more money 3. the work lasted for about _. a. two days         &#

33、160;   b. less than a week c. three days            d. more than a week 4. they have to ask somebody to mend the _ windows. a. three   b. four   c . five   d. seven 5. next time they will ask somebody to w

34、ork for them because a. they want to go to football matches b. it is no longer an interesting thing for them c. they have no more paint and brushes d. they really want to save some money 四. 据句意,用方框中所给词或短语填空 a. catch up with             

35、;  f. a moment laterb. fell behind                 g. passing on to c. getting ready to             h. at the same time d. dropped    &

36、#160;              i. neck and neck e. on the first lap              j. won  1._ the boys and the girls passed the ball to each other. 2.the teacher shouted to the r

37、unners_, “come on! come on!” 3.the class 4 runner fell and _the others. 4.the monkey is _the hat _the other small monkeys. 5.what are they doing ? theyre _do some cleaning. 6.the runner from class 2 _his slick .bad luck. 7.lingfeng and jim were _at first. 8._ the students ran very fast, but on the s

38、econd lap they were too tired to ran farther. 9.look! the short girl from class 3 is beginning to _the girls in front. 10.at last class one _the boys relay race. 五. 完成句子1. 英语是我班最受欢迎的科目之一。   english is _ in our class.2请把这只盒子带到办公室去。  please _ to the office.3我们应该向雷锋同志学习。  we should _ com

39、rade lei feng.4她正打算去看电影。  she _ see a film.5莉莉于1987年6月29日出生在上海。  lily _.6见到你我很高兴。  i _ to see you.7看上去她不舒服。  she seems _sell.8他也喜欢开妹妹的玩笑。  he also likes to _ his younger sister.9我很难算出这道题。  it is hard for me to _ the problem.10你能确定他拿了第一名吗?  _ he got the first prize?

40、 【满分演练】 一. 单项填空 1. mr green asked the children to _the words in the dictionary.a. look at b. look up c. look for d. look after 2. may i _ your bike? certainly, but you can't _it to other.a. lend, lend b. borrow, lend c. borrow, borrow d. lend, borrow 3. mr brown _in china since 20 years ago.a. w

41、orked b. works c. is working d. has worked 4. there_ be many trees here two years ago.a. is b. are c. use to d. used to 5. neither my brother nor i _a doctor.a.is b.am c.are d.be6. _of my parents _ watching ty.  a.both, likes b.either, like c.neither, like d.neither, likes7. i really don't

42、know _ next. can you tell me ?  a.how to do b.what to do c.how will i do it d.what to do it 8. he has lived here _ 1965. a. since b. for c. in d. from 9. if you are tired, please stop _ a rest.a. having b. have c. to have d. has 10.she has never come to the farm before, _ she?a. has b. hasn'

43、;t c. does d. doesn't 11. it is _book that i have _ it twice.a.such an interestingseen b.so an interestingread c.so interestinglooked    d.such an interestingread 12. the doctor was busy _ on the boy at that time.a.operate b.to operate c.operated d.operating 13. the policeman told

44、 the children _play in the street.a. didn't b. to not c. not to d. don't 14. mother returned home _earlier than father that evening.a. very b. too c. more d. much 15. i won't go to see the film tonight, because i _ my ticketa. lost b. have lost c. will lose d. didn't lose 二. 完形填空 chi

45、ldren like to copy(模仿) what they hear. they copy their parents,their friends and even the tv. this teaches them how to speak the language. copying also does good to students of a second _1_. when you listen to foreigners speak english,_2_ what they say as loudly as you can.     childr

46、en dont practise grammar, but use the language to _3_  that interests them. they dont _4_ their vocabulary or poor grammar. they find ways to _5_ themselves,and they do it successfully.     students of english should also pay their attention to _6_. look for chances to talk with

47、people in english. if you cant find a _7_  to talk to,  talk with other students of english instead. _8_  an english discussion and talk about music, movies or whatever _9_you. dont worry about _10_. the objective(目标) is to earn how to communicate(交流) easily and comfortably. remember

48、that you can communicate successfully even with a small vocabulary. 1. a. year           b. grade        c. language       d. country 2. a. repeat      

49、60;  b. hear         c. believe        d. remember 3. a. write letters  b. keep diaries c. talk to people d. talk about things 4. a. look for       b. complain about c. laugh at &#

50、160;    d. go over 5. a. enjoy          b. help           c. relax         d. express 6. a. grammar        b. vocab

51、ulary     c. communication d. english 7. a. foreigner      b. topic          c. chance        d. visitor 8. a. start          b. b

52、uild          c. use           d. make 9. a. understands    b. interests      c. improves      d. allows 10. a. lessons   

53、60;   b. exams          c. wasting time  d. making mistakes 三. 阅读理解 (a)we can see walls everywhere in the world. but the great wall of china is the biggest of all. the chinese call it "the ten-thousand-li great wall". it is in fac

54、t more than 6,000 kilometres long. it is 4-5 metres wide. in most places, five horses or ten men can walk side by side. when you visit the great wall, you can't help wondering how the chinese people were able to build such a great wall thousands of years ago. without any modern machine, it was r

55、eally very difficult to build it. they had to do all the work by hand. it took millions of men hundreds of years to build it.    the great wall has a history of over two thousand years. the kings began to build the first parts of it around two thousand seven hundred years ago. then qi

56、n shihuang had all the walls joined up. he thought that could keep the enemy out of the country.    today the great wall has become a place of interest. not only chinese people but also people from all over the world come to visit it.1. the great wall is the biggest of all walls in _.

57、  a. china b. europe c. the world d. asia (亚洲) 2. how long is the great wall?  a. it's less than six hundred kilometres. b. it's over six million kilometres.  c. it's six thousand kilometres.       d. it's more than six thousand kilometres

58、. 3. it took _ men _ years to build the great wall.  a. millions; millions         b. hundreds of; hundreds of  c. millions of; hundreds of    d. hundreds of; millions of 4.the great wall was built _.  a. by people all over the wo

59、rld   b. without any modern machines  c. with some other countries' help d. by all chinese kings 5. qin shihuang thought the great wall could _.  a. keep the enemy out of his country b. keep his body in it  c. be visited by all the people      d.

60、 make his country beautiful                       (b) in 776 b.c. the first olympic games were held at the foot of mount olympus to honor greeks' chief god, zeus(向希腊主要神祗宙斯献礼). the greeks prai

61、sed (注重)physical fitness and strength in their education of youth. therefore, running, boxing, horse-racing, discus throwing and so on were held in each city and the winners competed every four years at mount olympus. winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths(橄榄枝花环)placed on their heads a

62、nd having poems sung about their deeds. originally(起初)these were held as games of friendship, and any wars that were going on were stopped to allow the games .    the greeks regarded these games as so important that they counted time in four-year cycles called "olympiads" da

63、ting from 776 b.c. 1. which of the following is not true?a. the first olympic games were held to celebrate.b. winners were greatly honored by having olive wreaths placed on their heads.c. battles were stopped to let the games take place.d. poems were sung in the honor of winners. 2 nearly how many y

64、ears ago did these games start?a. 776 years. b. 1250 years. c. 2278 years. d. 2760 years. 3. which of the following matches was not mentioned in the passage ?a. discus throwing b. boxing c. skating d. running 4. what conclusion can we reach about the ancient greeks ?a. they liked to fight. b. they w

65、ere very good at sports.c. they liked a lot of ceremony (仪式). d. they couldn't count, so that they used "olympiads" for dates.                         (c) over thirty thou

66、sand years ago people from northern asia went to america. today, we call these people indians.    the indians went to america because the weather began to change. northern asia became very cold. everything froze. they had to move or die. how did the first indians go to america? they walked!    later columbus found


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