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1、肥西县中小学教师多媒体教学应用学术作品评比推荐表参评项目:教学设计作品题目:Unit3. My friends. 教学设计姓名陈家亮性别男年龄31学段小学学科英语县(区)肥西县联系电作单位上派镇菁菁小学电子邮箱16119023230作品简述依据课标,立足课本,注重互动,辅以多媒体。本节课充分利用畅言交互式多媒体教学系统和状元郎电子白板软件强大的交互功能,将抽象的教学内容变成具体的视听形象,不但能激发学生的兴趣,而且能降低学习难度。获奖情况 学校一等奖;“一师一优课、一课一名师、课课有精品”县级优秀课教学设计;第八届全国中小学互动课堂教学实践观摩活动参赛教学设计学校推荐

2、意见 同意推荐(盖章) 年月日县(市、区)级教育主管部门意见(盖章) 年月日肥西县中小学教师多媒体教学应用学术作品模板作品信息(封面)作品类型作品名称(包含扩展名)学科学段作者安徽基础教育资源网用户名作者姓名作者单位(全称)性别职称学历联系方式邮箱通讯地址邮编是否获校推荐教学设计Unit3. My friends. 教学设计.doc英语第一学段fxcjl陈家亮上派镇菁菁小学男小学高级本科136555147521611902320肥西县上派镇肥光路231200是作品原创性声明本作品是我个人进行教学研究取得的成果。作品中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。

3、如有抄袭、剽窃等侵权行为任由主办机构公开曝光并处罚。作者签名图片:日期: 2015 年 5月 17日Unit3. My friend.教学设计一、基本信息学校安徽省肥西县上派镇菁菁小学课名My friends教师姓名陈家亮学科(版本)人教PEP章节Unit3.PartA学时1年级四 教学内容Lets talk: -Mum, I have a new friend. -Really? -A Chinese friend? -Yes, hes very friendly. -Whats his name? -His name is Zhang Peng. - Look! Hes tall and

4、strong. -Yes, he is. Lets play: -I have a new friend. Shes tall and thin. -Whats her name? -Her name is Lucy. -Oh, there she is. (划线部分为生词)二、教学目标1. Goals for knowledge and ability. (知识与能力目标)(1)能听懂、会说What's his/her name? His/her name is.He/she is .(2)能用所学知识来简单描述一位熟悉的朋友。2. Goals for progr

5、ess and method. (过程与方法目标)利用旧知识What's your name? My name is.及friend, tall, short, thin和新知识What's his/her name? His/her name is.He/she is . 及friendly, strong的密切联系,让学生动口动脑。3. Goals for feelings, attitude and values. (情感、态度、价值观目标)懂得和身边的朋友友好相处,珍惜友谊。三、学习者分析四年级学生对这种句型已有所了解,三年级学习

6、过What's your name? My name is.句型,以及friend和描述人物外貌的一些单词tall, short, thin等。四、教学重难分析及解决措施教学重点:能够用新单词、句子描述自己朋友的特征教学难点:理解和区分his, her的不同解决措施:运用启发法、练习法,创设情境法、并结合游戏,加深学生对知识的理解、记忆和应用。小学生因为年龄小,好奇心强,所以注意力容易分散,而现代信息技术具有形象性、直观性、色彩鲜艳、图象逼真等特点,能集声、像、图、文、动画于一体,本节课充分利用畅言交互式多媒体教学系统和状元郎电子白板软件强大的交互功能,将

7、抽象的教学内容变成具体的视听形象,不但能激发学生的兴趣,而且能降低学习难度。五、教学设计教学环节及时间活动目标教学内容活动设计媒体功能应用及分析 Step I.Greeting & Revision(3)歌声入课,创设轻松、和谐的英语氛围,引发思考,预测课题和内容1.Preparation: (Before class)Enjoy the song Auld lang syne.Look at the title My ? and think.白板控制模式下,听歌曲、看图片、书写不完整课题师生互致问候,体现礼仪、平等2. Greeting T: . Ss:实现了师、生、机三方交互与互动

8、,既可活跃气氛,又可复习旧知,为新知作铺垫3.RevisionLets do.(三年级下册)(师生同做)Be fat. Be fat. Be fat, fat, fat!Be thin. Be thin. Be thin, thin, thin!Be tall. Be tall. Be tall, tall, tall!Be short. Be short. Be short, short, short!观看电子白板视频,边看边说边做Step II.Warm-up & Lead-in(2)趣味揭题,吸引学生Guessing riddle: Who are they?You play t

9、ogether. You study together.You love each other. You help each other.出示谜底,用白板感应笔书写课题My friendsStep III.Presentation(14)以旧带新,从生活实际入手来解决这一教学难点1. New sentence pattern learningT asks a boy.T: Oh, excuse me. Whats your name?B: My name is. /Im.T: Nice to meet you. (Shaking hands)B: .观看课件出示的旧句型,复习旧知T point

10、s to the above boy and asks the other Ss.T: Now, boys and girls, tell me, Whats his name?T & Ss: (Think and answer) His name is.观看课件出示的新句型,白板注解模式下标注生词T asks a girl. T :. Ss: . (同 )T points to the above girl and asks the other Ss. T: . Whats her name?T & Ss: . Her name is. (同)自编歌谣,节奏明快,朗朗上口,学

11、生喜欢吟唱,将新知识点通过吟唱内化成技能2. Practice: Lets chantHello! Whats his name? Whats his name? His names John. His names John,Hello! Whats her name? Whats her name? Her names Amy. Her names Amy.听伴奏,看歌词,做动作,唱歌谣利用构词法推测新单词意思3.New words learningGame: What's his/her name?T shows a profile of a girl.T: I have

12、 a new friend in our class.She is friendly.She is short and thin.What's her name?Ss: Her name is.用白板放大镜或探照灯工具让学生观察对比思考细微点,与照片打招呼;同时运用畅言软件生成“单词发音评测卡片”功能评测学生发音通过观看图片和动作提示帮助学生理解新单词意思,照片来自本班同学,学生好奇感兴趣,刮奖游戏吸引学生注意力T shows a profile of a boy.T: I have a new friend in our class.He is tall and stron

13、g.What's his name?Ss: His name is.白板窗口模式下设置刮奖区,观看轮廓图和strong相关图片,与照片打招呼带着问题观看课文视频,更有针对性4. New dialogue learningPre-listening & watchingT: Do you want to know who Johns new friend is?Q1: Who is Johns new friend?Q2: Where is Zhang Peng from?Q3: Is Zhang Peng friendly? Q4: Is Zhang Peng sho

14、rt?Q5: Is Zhang Peng strong?浏览出示的问题,白板窗口模式下设置2分钟倒计时;同时运用畅言软件生成“随堂测试评测卡片”功能评测学生理解情况呈现对话While-listening & watching Lets talk:-Mum, I have a new friend. -Really? -A Chinese friend? -Yes, hes very friendly. -Whats his name? -His name is Zhang Peng. - Look! Hes tall and strong. -Yes, he is.观看课文视频,思考问

15、题。动画视频,有声有色有动作,便于理解对照问题,进行讨论、回答,师生解读对话Post-listening & watchingT &Ss read the dialogue and check the answers.白板注解模式下,师利用白板感应笔标注出生词和答案,让学生进行核对Step IVPractice(10)跟读对话,培养正确的语音语调1.Listen & read after the video.利用畅言软件即点即读功能生生、人机之间合作、模仿、表演2.Role-play the dialogue in pairs.与畅言软件中虚拟的人物对话,利用软件的评测

16、功能修正自身的不足3.Role-play the dialogue in groups.4. Role-play with the virtual characters.观看出示的填空题进行思考5.Retell the dialogue.Hello, I am John. I have a new friend.He is a Chinese friend. He is very friendly.He is tall and strong. His name is Zhang Peng学生根据屏幕提示完成复述任务,加强和检测对对话的理解Step V. Production(8)借助文本,帮助

17、学生迅速找出答案,考查学生解读对话的能力1.Brainstorm :Lets playWho is Sarahs friend?-I have a new friend. Shes tall and thin. -Whats her name? -Her name is Lucy. -Oh, there she is.利用畅言软件“隐藏幕布”功能事先覆盖答案在实际情景活动中巩固、操练、运用新语言2.Show time: Make a dialogue. eg.A: I have a new friend. He/ She is _ and _. (tall, short, strong, th

18、in, friendly, cute, beautiful )What's his/her name? B: His /her name is.A: Yes, he/ She is. No, he/ She isnt.出示样例,提供更多的词汇和句型,让学生有所参考,学生离开座位自由编制新对话StepVI.Pack up(1)在朗朗上口的吟唱中学会总结本节课知识点,也为渗透情感教育作下铺垫1.Summary: Lets chant.n Tim is my friend.n He's a good, good boy.n He's tall and thin.n

19、He's a good, good boy.n Lily is my friend.n She's a cute, cute girl.n She's quiet and friendly.n Shes a cute,cute girl.听伴奏,看歌词,做动作,唱歌谣自由编唱新歌谣2. Extension: Chant about your friends.听伴奏Step VII.EmotionalEducation(2)体会友谊的重要性;结课前课堂留白,学生可以提问疑难问题,歌声中结课 Enjoy the song Auld lang syne again.T&

20、;Ss share some proverbs about friendship.eg. A life without a friend is a life without a sun.A friend in need is a friend indeed.T: Any questions for the class?再次聆听歌曲友谊地久天长,品读出示的名人名言Step VIII.Assessment&Assignme

21、nt(1)评价学生本节课的课堂表现,布置课外作业,鼓励学生通过网络搜集更多的有关友谊的名人名言或故事1. Make an assessment of Ss performance.2.AssignmentListen and repeat “Lets talk & play”. Talk about your friends to your parents.Search more proverbs or stories about friendship from the internet.观看出示的课外作业,提供相关学习网站,星级作业体现分层Step IXBoard design帮助学生提炼本节课的主要知识要点,Unit3. My friendsWhat's his/her name?His/her name is.He/sh


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