已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、pep六年级上册第六单元第二课时教案铅厂中心小学曾敏unit6 the story of rain part a let's read、教学目标:1)知识目标:能简单叙述小水滴的“旅行经历”并通过阅读进一步熟悉理解水循环的过程。2)能力目标:进一步训练学生的自我阅读能力并要求能快速阅读后 领会主要句子的意思。3)情感目标:培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感,增强孩子们的环境 保护意识。二、教学重点和难点:1)使学生通过阅读进一步理解水循环的过程。2)对文章能听、读、理解及获取其中的主要信息。3)学会运用与短文有关的重要词语。三、教学方法:情境教学法、直观教学法、任务型教学法等。四、教具准备:

2、小水滴和风先生等头饰、录音机、磁带、缺水图片等。五、教学过程:step i : warm up1) greeting each other.2) say a chant to review what they learned in part a.chanti'm rain.rm from the clouds.i'm cloud.rm cloud.i'm from the vapour .i'm from the water.step ii leading inmiss flower and little

3、water drop are good friends. today is sunny.they feel very hot. miss flower is thirsty. she asks little water drop give her some water. but little water drop is too small. he wants to ask his friends to help her together. but where are his friends? can they help miss flower? now lefs read the passag

4、e.stepiii课文展现与分析1 .播放课文录音,初步感知短文。2. listen and read:任务设计read the passage after the tape, trying to guess the meaning of the new words according to the context. then answer the questions.(1) 出示问题,让学生带着问题再听录音,督促学生仔细观察、认 真聆听并圈出新单词,同伴互助,组内自学生词,然后在班级内学习 组内未解决的词。(2) read the sentences and fill in the blan

5、klittle water drop sleeps in the river. he up. heveryhot. itbeup in the sky, he.little water drop goesand. hemanylittlewater drops. little water drop becomes very. little water dropand his friendsinto a lake.(设计的目的:加深对重要词汇的理解达到对词汇的掌握,使学生将 更多的注意力放在语句中,让单词的记忆不再孤立。)(3)全班齐读故事(4)分角色读故事(5)学生带着问题自读故事,在书中寻找

6、答案。questions:!) what's the weather like?2)does little water drop feel very hot in the river?3)where is he going?4)who does he meet when he goes up?5)does he meet many of his friends in the sky?6)does little water drop become very heavy?7)how does little water drop feel when the sun comes out?8)c

7、an mr. wind help little water drop go up to the sky again?(采取小组竞赛的形式完成本任务,每答对一题给小组加10分)stepiv work in groups任务设计:discuss the passage carefully in groups, then try to draw the rout of littlewater drop1、小组合作画出水循环的简图2、根据水循环简图口头描述水循环过程,然后写出来。3、利用头饰小组表演短剧并作评价(设计目的:阅读和写作在英语教学中占有很大的比重,也是学生语 言学习能力的综合体现,这里设计

8、听说读写相结合,旨在巩固所学语 言中的重点和难点,提高学生综合运用所学语言的能力)step v consolidation and extension阅读一篇描述水循环的课外短文,根据短文意思选词填空(become, go up, meet, shines, rain, lives, come out, heavy, feel, vapour, wants, fall down, sunny)miss waterin the river. ifs aday. the sun.misswater and her sistershot and become. they to thesky. the

9、y together and become a . miss water becomes, her sisters, too. theyinto the river and become. the sun again. miss waterto go up to the sky again.2、完成活动手册stepvi summary:小组讨论本节课的收获。设计任务:after reading the passage, ask the students conclude the useful words and expressions in reading.(设计目的:由学生自己总结本课的知识点和语法项目,有利于培养 学生自主学习的良好习惯)stepvn看缺水图片,了解地球上水资源严重缺乏的情况,根据学校 当前存在学生浪费水的现象比较严重对学生进行环境保护教育。stepvdi homework1、听录音熟读短文2、完成同步练习的配套练习附板书unit6 the story of rainpa


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