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1、学习必备欢迎下载初三中考情形交际题训练: 一问候1. 你与你的好伴侣很久没有见面了,一见面你会说什么? long time no see./ how are you.2. 早晨,你在上学的路上遇到你的老师(mr brown ),你会怎么跟他打招呼? ( good morning, mr brown./ i am glad to see you , mr brown/ nice to see you )3. 当别人向你说“ how are you. ”你应当怎样回答: (fine, thanks. and you. ) 二介绍1. 在正式场合下, kangkang 把你介绍给他的好伴侣熟悉,你会

2、怎么打招呼? ( how do you do. )2. 你准备把 kangkang 介绍给 jane 熟悉,你会如何介绍?jane, ( this is my friend, kangkang/i d like you to meet kangkang.)3. 假设你叫康康,请做一句自我介绍:hello,( my name is kangkang.) 三辞别1. 当有人跟你说see you later, 你要如何回答: ( see you later)2. 你去参与晚会,但是由于某些缘由,你对你的伴侣说,你不得不走了,你怎么表达? (i am afraid i have to go now )

3、 四感谢1. 当他人帮忙你了,你会怎么对他说? ( thank you/it s very kind of you )2. 当有人夸奖你的新衣服很美丽时,你要如何回答? ( thank you )3. 当你向他人救助时,对方也正在忙,无法给你供应帮忙,你会怎么对说; ( thank you all the same. )4. 当有人对说: thank you 时,你要如何回答: ( it s my pleasure./ you re welcome./ that s ok. / that s all right/ not at all. )五赔礼1. 当有人跟你说: sorry 时,你要如何回

4、答: (nevermind./itdoesntmatter./it s nothing/that s ok/ that s all right )2. 当你做错事情时,你会说什么? ( im sorry六邀请1. 明天是你的生日,你准备邀请康康来你的晚会上,你会如何邀请他? ,kangkang. ( willyoucome to myparty./ may i invite you to my party./would you like to come to my party./ how about coming tomy party./ why not come to my party.2.

5、 你的伴侣邀请你去他的晚会,你很想去,但是你没有时间,你怎么说? (i d love to ,but i have no time. )3. 你想知道康康愿不愿跟你一起去野炊,你可以这样问他: ,kangkang. would you like to have a picnic with me七恳求答应1. 你想问一下你的伴侣是否介意你开窗户,你要怎么问? ( would you mind me opening the window./ would you mind if i open the window.) - of course not./certainly not.2. 你叫你的伴侣别

6、在公共场合吸烟,你要怎么说? ( would you mind not smoking in public.)3. 你想问一下你的伴侣康康,你是否可以使用他的自行车?你要怎么问 ,kangkang could/may i use your bike.八希望和庆贺1. 你的伴侣要去北京旅行了,你会怎么说: ( have a good trip./ have a good time./enjoy yourself)2. 你的好伴侣要去参与一个面试,你会怎么对他说: ( good luck./ i wish you success/ best wishes )3. 人家跟你说 happy birth

7、day.你要怎么回答: (thank you )4. 人家跟你说 happy new year., 你要怎么回答: (the same to you) 九供应帮忙1. 你想问一下康康是否需要你的帮忙,你会怎么问: , kangkangcanihelpyou./mayihelp you.what can i do for you./ would you like me to help you2. 你想问一下康康能否帮你搬一下箱子,你会怎么问: ( could you help me with the box. )3. 你去商店买东西,服务员说的第一句话:hello, can i help you

8、./ may i help you.what can i do for you./ would you like me to help you十约会1. 你想问一下康康明天早上是否有空?你会怎么问: , kangkang. are you free tomorrow./ will you be free tomorrow.2. 你与康康明天要去动物园,你要问他什么时候碰面(在哪里碰面) (when shall we meet./ where shall we meet. )3. 你与康康明天要去动物园,你说让我们在7 点钟碰见,怎么回答 (let s make it 7 o clock. )4

9、. 你的好伴侣邀请你去他的party,你很想去,但是你没有时间,你会怎么说: i d love to, ( i have no time )十一,打电话1. 你打电话想找康康,你会怎么说:hello, kangkang. may i speak to/ id like to speak to 2. 打电话用语中,你要介绍你是简,你会如何介绍: ( this is jane./ this is jane speaking)3. 打电话用语中,你如何问对方是谁:hello,. who is that./ who is speaking.4. 你打电话找康康,他妈妈叫你稍等一下,她会怎么说: ,pl

10、ease.( hold the line / just a moment )5. 打电话用语中 ,假如你打错了电话,对方会怎么说: (sorry, i m afraid you have the wrong number )6. 打电话找康康,可是他不在,你想问一下你是否可以留言,你会怎么问: ( can i leave a message.) 十二,就餐1. 你去康康家做客,他妈妈叫你任凭吃点鱼肉,她会怎么说: ( help yourself to some fish ;)2. 你去饭店吃饭,服务员问你要点什么菜,他会怎么说: (may i take your order, sir )3,

11、你去饭店吃饭 , 服务员问你要吃点什么,他会怎么问: (what would you like to have. )would you like something to eat/drink.十三,就医1. 你去医院看病,医生说的第一句话: (what 's the matter./what s wrongwithyou./ how are you feeling.anything wrong.)2. 你牙齿痛,你好伴侣给你的建议: (you should see a doctor./ you shouldn t eat too much candy.3. 你听到你好伴侣生病的消息,你

12、会怎么说: ( im sorry to hear that.)十四,购物1. 你去商店,要买一双鞋子,服务员问你要什么码的,他会怎么问: ( what size would you like/ what size do you need )2. 你去商店要买一件衣服,服务员问你需要哪一种类的衣服,他会怎么问: ( what kind of clothes do you need/would you like)3. 你想问一下服务员那件外套多少钱,你会怎么问: ( how much is the coat )4. 你想问一下服务员你是否可以试穿一下那条裤子,你会怎么问: ( can i try

13、the pants on .) 十五,问路1. 你不知道去银行的路怎么走,你可以这样询问路人:".excuse me,.( where 's the bank/could youtell me how to get to the bank./which is the way to the bank ./ could you tell me the way to the bank./ how can i get to the bank./ could you tell me how i can get to the bank.)2 . 你想问一下,从这里到火车站的距离,你会怎么

14、问:excuse me, (. station)十六,天气1. 你向你的伴侣打听伦敦的天气,你会怎么问?how farisitfrom here to the ?( whats the weather likein london./how is the weather in london./in spring,summer,autumn,winter2. 今日的天气真好,你会怎么表达 (what a nice day. it is sunny today.十七;语言交际困难1. 你无法跟上你的英国伴侣的谈话,你会怎么说: (i beg your pardon./ sorry,i can t f

15、ollow you./ can you speak more slowly.)2. 你想知道苹果用英语怎么说,你会如何问? (whats this in english.)十八,提示留意1.你跟你的伴侣与野炊,你提示你的伴侣别遗忘带相机,你会怎么说: ( remember/don十九,劝说1.你的好伴侣生病了,你给他的建议是:t forgetto bring your camera. ) (you had better go to see the doctor./ you should have a good rest/)二十,建议1.你的好伴侣很无聊,不知道这周末要干嘛,请给出你的建议: (

16、let s go to the park./what about havinga picnic./ why not go to a movie.) 二十一,态度1. 如何表达同意他人的观点 (i agree with you./ i think so.)2. 如何表达不同意他人的观点 ( i dont agree with you./i dont thinkso. )3. 如何表达你最喜爱的运动是篮球 ( i like basketball best./ my favorite sport is basketball.)不喜爱 i don t like at all.4. 你的同学问你是否喜爱

17、听流行音乐,你无法做出判定,你要如何回答: ( it s hard to say.) i like it very much.5. 你表达你会游泳,你会怎么说: (i can swim./ i am good at swimming.) 二十二 夸奖与勉励1.你的好伴侣要参与面试,你会怎么对他说: ( good luck./ i wish you success./come on.) 二十三,期望与愿望1.长大后,你期望当一名医生,你会怎么表达: ( i am going to be a doctor when i grow up.) 二十四,批评,禁止1. 不能在公共场合吸烟 ( dont

18、smoke in public)2. 作为一名中同学,不能在上课吃东西,你会怎么表达: ( dont eat in class.)二十五,表达伤心1. 你听到你的好伴侣生病的消息,你的反应是什么 ( i am sorry to hear that.)3.你的好伴侣康康买不到电影院的票,不能和你一起去看电影,你感觉如何 ( what a pity.)二十六,劝慰1. 你的好伴侣要参与英语演讲竞赛,很紧急,你怎么劝慰他 ( dont worry./ take it easy./calm down.)2. 你的好伴侣康康输了竞赛,你怎么劝慰他 ( i am sure you will win nex

19、t time.)二二十七,时间1. 你的手表坏了,你想问一下你同学几点了,你会怎么问? (whats the time./ what time is it. )2. 你想问你的同学多久去一次图书馆,你会怎么问? (how often do you go to the library. ) 二十八,方式1. 你想问一下简的妈妈上班的方式,你怎么问: (how does your mother go to work, jane. )2. 你如何表达你通常走路去学校 school. i usually walk to 二十九,外形1.你想问一下康康的礼物的外形,你怎么问: ,kangkang. what shape is your present, / what s the shape of your present,/ what does your present look like,三十, 颜色1.你想问一下康康鞋子的颜色,你会怎么问 (what color are


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