Small Cell发展现状及未来趋势_第1页
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Small Cell发展现状及未来趋势_第3页
Small Cell发展现状及未来趋势_第4页
Small Cell发展现状及未来趋势_第5页




1、Animal blight prevention control center 2015 summary reported material this year yilai, in County, and County Government of right led Xia, I Xiang in-depth implement party of 18 big and 18 session three in the, and four in the plenary spirit, to liberation thought caught opportunities, and good and

2、fast of development for theme, to reform and technology progress for power, to full development for starting point and foothold, in-depth implement implementation science development views, pay close attention to the implementation, solid work, led full Xiang cadres to economic construction for Cent

3、er, to strengthened "three agricultural" And a focus on poverty alleviation and development, pay special attention to infrastructure construction, system construction, vigorously develop the aquaculture and farming, to promote the development of township economy, provide strong ideological

4、 and organizational guarantee for building a harmonious society. One, the 2015 review of agricultural gross domestic product is expected to be completed in 2015 I 47.13 million Yuan, an increase of 22.03%, per capita net income of farmers is expected to reach 7198, from 2014 1007 Yuan, an increase o

5、f 16.25%. (A) innovative mechanisms to comprehensively strengthen party building. -Seize the theme, improving work style. First, continue to carry out the party's mass line education practice, further consolidating and expanding the results of my countrymen in mass education activities, seriousl

6、y "look." Second, seriously carry out "three Suns" practices, insist on promoting economic development throughout the grass-roots party building work throughout. Focus on "consolidation of traditional economy, develop characteristic industries" development ideas to guid

7、e farmers to adjust industrial structure, in terms of finance, technology and other support, promoting the practical technology popularization and application of planting and farmers ' income. -Full implementation of responsibility system for party building work, providing strong protection for

8、Township party building work. One is to further improve the branch responsibilities at all levels, establish and improve the responsibility system for basic-level party building work. Implementation of township Party Committee responsibility, team leaders specific work, persons responsible for imple

9、menting the work mechanism, strengthen guidance, responsibility and supervision work, through the establishment of supervision and assessment mechanisms, pay close attention to implementation of objectives, systems, accountability, effectiveness, catch levels at the formation level, layers of party

10、building work in implementation of the pattern. Second, according to the Township Party Committee and the County party responsibility documents signed earlier this year, determine the goals of the party building, examination results and party cadres linked to quarterly wage, effectively enhance the

11、enthusiasm of cadres pay close attention to the work of party building. Third is steadily carry out the permanent system of the Party Congress. According to the County's request, carefully open the 13th Party Congress for the second time, received during the party 14 proposals involving areas su

12、ch as agriculture, infrastructure, Xiang proposals has been form report to the relevant units of the Party Committee, and will continue to improve the system of the Party Congress. Meanwhile, Township Party Committee has established a sound study of grass-roots party organizations on a regular basis

13、Small Cell发展现状及未来趋势1、Small Cell的应用情况Small Cell源于最初为家庭场景设计的Femtocell(俗称的“家庭基站”),Small Cell的“小”是相对于传统的宏基站(Macrocell)而言的,其特点体现在:小型化、低发射功率、可控性好、智能化和组网灵活。从发射功率看,典型发射功率在100mW到5W之间;从重量看,普遍重量在2到10kg之间;从组网方式看,支持包括DSL/光纤/WLAN及蜂窝技术在内的多种技术的回传;而且还具备自动邻区发现、自配置等SON功能。Small Cell具有四类产品形态:第一种称为FemtoCell,主要用于家庭和企业环境中;

14、第二种称为PicoCell,应用于室内公共场所如机场、火车站、购物中心等。第三种称为MicroCell,用于受限于占地无法部署宏基站的市区或农村;最后一种称为MetroCell,主要用于市区热点区域来降低容量瓶颈或农村。自2007年9月Sprint全球首家部署Femtocell以来,Small Cell已成功在23个国家的41张网络中部署,目前全球部署量超过380万台,主要以Femtocell的形态存在(占80%)。而从地区分布来看,主要分布在美国(Sprint部署超过90万台AT&T部署约50万台)、欧洲和日韩(日本软银部署12万台)。从国内三大运营商的情况来看,中国联通早在2009

15、年就推出“3G驿站”品牌,提供于WCDMA的Femto家庭基站,服务于北方十省;中国移动于2012年2月在江苏正式开始TD-SCDMA Femto家庭基站的商用放号,截止到2012年9月仅苏州地区实装数超过2万台。    为了迎接未来10年全球移动数据流量增长1000倍的挑战,为了更有效实现网络容量的均匀覆盖并消除单一宏覆盖造成的空洞,为了降低热点和室内区域站点获取和工程实施的难度,为了解决未来众多LTE网络面临的高频组网穿损的问题,Small Cell成为运营商的不二选择,Small Cell已经处在爆发式发展的前夜。 2、Small Cel

16、l未来发展前景2.1重点部署区域预测       Small Cell的部署场景将比传统的Femto家庭基站要丰富得多。咨询机构Informa Telecoms & Media在2012年进行了一次Small Cell的调研,覆盖了全球主要运营商和设备厂商。在问及Small Cell未来的重点部署区域时:65%的受访者选择了密集城区,62%的受访者选择了高话务量的公共热点区域(机场,火车站等),48%的受访者选择了企业,而选择家庭的受访者则只有28%。这组调查数据也反映出业界对Small Cell定位的一个有趣的变迁

17、:从诞生之初定位于解决家庭覆盖和接入,到现在主要定位于公共热点和企业应用。2.2 Small Cell市场分布预测在同一调研中,当受访者被问及哪个地区是未来2年Small Cell最重要的市场时:31.9%的受访者选择了美国,有22.8%的受访者选择了日本和韩国,15%的受访者选择了西欧,而选择中国的受访者达到了6.9%。美国、西欧和日韩都是部署家庭Femto商用网络的先驱,上榜并不足奇,而中国市场引起Small Cell产业链的关注,则反映出业界一致看好TD-LTE在中国未来2年的发展。随着中国政府正式宣布把2.6GHz频段全部190MHz都留作TD-LTE,中国市场对LTE Small C

18、ell的需求更加迫切。 2.3 Small Cell市场规模预测咨询机构DellOro在2012年7月发布的研究报告中,预测未来5年Small Cell市场将快速增长。不包含家庭Femto市场,到2016年Small Cell在全球RAN投资中的占比将从3%上升到9%。目前的Small Cell主要用于补盲,未来则更多用于补热。DellOro预计2012年Small Cell的全球收入约为11.4亿美元,而到2016年Small Cell的全球收入将达到34.2亿美元,年均复合增长率超过30%。其中LTE Small Cell的表现尤为突出,2012年预计市场收入只有3千万美元,占整

19、个Small Cell市场收入的份额不到5%;而到2016年其市场收入将达到18亿美元,占到整个Small Cell市场收入的53%。而来自咨询机构Infonetics的研究则表明:2013年4G Small Cell的出货量将占37%,3G Small Cell将占63%;到2015年4G Small Cell的出货量将首次超过3G;到2016年Small Cell的整体出货量将达到3百万,市场规模达到21亿美元。这和DellOro的研究分析结果基本一致。2.4 LTE Small Cell市场规模预测客观上说,3G时代全球Femto或者说Small Cell的发展并没有达到预期。而LTE则

20、为Small Cell的发展带来了新的历史机遇。进入LTE时代,由于全球各国的LTE频段非常分散,包括了2.6GHz、2.3GHz、2.1GHz、1.8GHz、1.5GHz、800MHz、700MHz等。根据对50家已经公布频率规划的运营商进行的统计,62%的LTE网络将部署在2.1GHz或更高的频段,而其中41%的网络在2.6GHz或更高频段。众所周知高频段覆盖性能占劣势,而未来数据业务有80%是发生在室内的,仅仅依靠宏蜂窝网络无法有效进行热点和室内的覆盖,所以Small Cell对于LTE网络的建设至关重要。有报告指出:即使不包含家庭Femtocell市场,到2016年,LTE-TDD S

21、mall Cell的市场规模将达到7亿美元,而LTE-FDD Small Cell的市场规模将达到11亿美元。    3、Small Cell技术发展趋势3.1 与Wi-Fi的融合Wi-Fi是IEEE 802.11标准的统称,来自可以和3GPP并驾齐驱的另一组织IEEE,包括802.11a、802.11b、802.11g、802.11n以及后续的802.11ac/ad等,目前市场上在售的WiFi AP和终端等多已支持802.11n标准并向下兼容。Wi-Fi 的工作频段是2.4GHz 或5GHz,是不需要政府授权使用的频段。对

22、比3GPP蜂窝技术Wi-Fi组网更加灵活,但同时也带来了干扰不可控的问题。博通、高通和Mavell等重量级芯片厂商,在今年先后发布了支持802.11ac的芯片,最大支持速率为1.3Gbps,毫不逊色于LTE蜂窝网络。       Wi-Fi在热点和室内覆盖领域,和Small Cell形成竞争关系。业界进行过很多的研究,从QoS、切换、安全性等多个角度对Wi-Fi和Small Cell做了比较,最终形成的共识是:Wi-Fi和Small Cell融合是最符合终端用户利益的方案。Wi-Fi和Small Cell的融合产品,不仅可以

23、扩大服务终端范围,实现更好的数据分流,还可以实现更好的切换体验,并通过共享站点或回传等降低建设成本,甚至有望衍生出新的商业模式。在一些大型展会上,部分主流Small Cell厂商发布展示过一些支持蜂窝技术(WCDMA/LTE等)和Wi-Fi融合的原型产品。中国移动今年新发布了Nanocell白皮书并和若干厂商签订了合作意向,这对产业链来说是一个利好,我们预计更多的厂商会参与到Wi-Fi与蜂窝技术融合产品的研发中。3.2 网络与终端协同       在移动互联时代,新的终端和业务层出不穷,如何保障不同终端、不同业务、

24、不同状态下的QoE是运营商面临的挑战。现有移动网络对于用户的信息了解不够,这也造成了无法实现更好的资源调度和保障体制。随着智能手机的处理能力越来越强大,我们预计Small Cell网络和终端的协同是未来发展的技术趋势,终端通过信息上报增加网络对用户状态等相关信息的了解,从而最终实现改善用户体验、降低信令开销、节省终端能耗的目的。3.3 可管可控业务本地化       移动数据业务越来越多呈现为多用户交互式业务,例如社区网络、微博、视频分享等。在这种情况下,如果所有的Small Cell的数据流量都要回传到核心网络,

25、必然带来额外的时延和传输开销。我们预计Small Cell未来将引入业务本地化的架构,根据业务属性、用户位置等决策,将适合进行本地化的业务通过小基站直接在接入网内进行疏导,支持同一基站下或相邻基站之间的直接通信,从而大大节省传输资源,降低端到端的通信时延。3.4 SON技术       因为大量的Small Cell基站并不像传统宏基站一样位于运营商的站点,为了降低安装、维护成本,SON技术是Small Cell不可或缺的组成部分。SON不仅包括自动物理小区ID配置、自动邻区关系获得、小区间干扰协调等,还应具备自动IP连接、

26、自动软件升级、发射功率自动调整等。Small Cell面临的重大挑战如宏微协同、干扰控制等都涉及到SON。虽然目前的SON实现不完美、SON的机制也很复杂,但是在没有出现其他的可替代性技术前,我们预计SON技术仍将是Small Cell未来最重要的技术发展趋势之一。4、Small Cell产业链情况4.1 运营商目前已经部署Small Cell的运营商包括了中国移动、中国联通、Sprint、Verizon、NTT Docomo、Vodafone、SK Telecom等全球领先的运营商。虽然目前LTE网络的部署还是以宏网为主,但是运营商们已经开始筹划LTE Small Cell的部署。

27、韩国SKT是第一个承诺部署LTE Femtocell的运营商,Virgin UK 和 Telefonica也已经开始LTE small cell的测试。值得一提的是中国移动今年携手TI、Mindspeed等芯片厂商,创造性地提出了Nanocell(LTE/GSM/TD-SCDMA与Wi-Fi的融合产品)的概念,部署场景包括企业、热点、家庭等,并可采用无线方式回传。目前多家设备厂商已经在进行LTE Nanocell的研发,预计明年中多款产品将进行入网测试,到2014年TD-LTE Nanocell产品将在中国移动网络实现规模商用,这和中国移动在2014年建成35万个TD-LT

28、E基站的时间点规划也是吻合的。4.2 设备厂商Small Cell的厂商链条中已经包括了68家公司,除传统的通信设备厂商外,Small Cell的厂商名单中也不乏像Airvana、Cisco这样的新面孔。Small Cell产业链的特点,就是System on Chip技术的引入使得Small Cell基站的行业进入门槛大大降低。在这个意义上,SoC厂商作为Small Cell产业的上游,对整个产业链影响巨大。目前Small Cell SoC解决方案的主要厂家是TI(德州仪器)、Mindspeed(敏讯)、Freescale(飞思卡尔)和Qualcomm(高通)等。德州仪器、飞思卡尔

29、和高通都是耳熟能详的传统基站DSP的供应商,而敏讯则是出身于终端芯片的制造和研发,为了提升Small Cell领域的技术实力,敏讯于2012年1月收购了专业做Small Cell SoC解决方案的Picochip。这些SoC厂商目前努力的方向都集中在降低产品的成本和功耗,以及实现多模集成上。今年10月份在迪拜落幕的ITU国际电信展上,TD-LTE全球发展倡议组织GTI和部分全球主流设备厂商,发布了支持LTE在内等多种无线制式的Small Cell产品的路标规划;部分厂商还展示了其TD-LTE的Small Cell产品。多家厂商都明确表示其Small Cell产品未来的重点市场在公共热点和企业。

30、to the branch on a regular basis to inspect and guide the party building work system, and meets at least quarterly and team meetings or conferences. -To enhance learning, enhance the combat capability of the party organization at all levels. Is a combination of a Central Committee on educational pra

31、ctice of the mass line of the party spirit, open up thinking, and innovative ways to make full use of the County, Township . Levels members cadres amounted to more than 360 more passengers participate in learning has party of 18 big, and 18 session four in the plenary spirit,; II is active organizat

32、ion carried out cadres podium, and moral school, activities 4 period, encourages leaders on Forum, since intends subject, will himself by thought, and by wants to, and by Wu full actual work, and general members cadres common share experience; three is using rural modern remote education site carrie

33、d out party of policy and rural practical technology training. Four is the full use of the rural cadres college classes and instructor training courses, training of young and middle-aged cadres of new rural construction, organize cadres to attend the training. -Strengthening the construction of gras

34、sroots party organizations, and enhance the level of service to the people. One is to focus on "two committees" team-building. Sticking to "four on the two open", "three lessons" at work, to raise the village "two committees" combat effectiveness and the cohes

35、ion of the team and strive to create a thinking, something, Director-General of the cadres. Second, strict implementation of the rural resident system of leading cadres. Asked Xiang resident leaders village at least 2 times a week, the scene to solve the problem, effective solution to reaching peopl

36、e at the service of "last mile" problem. Three is in what Commission village established village level convenience service model site, equipped with has corresponding of personnel and equipment, to created "convenience service type" party for target, full play good convenience Li

37、min of role, and put convenience service station of operation and members station, and "two representative a members" work gang organic combined up, science set service matters, full service content, for masses provides policy advisory, and Affairs agent, and disputes mediation, and trap, service, total processing various


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