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1、国家开放大学电大本科理工英语3期末试题及答案(试卷号:1377)一交除用m (共计io分.饵小 2分)1 一逸择正的18句完成下列耐话,并将答#序号琦在答上.I. Well, may I know how long the Training wdl be?A. It will Iaa! nix nuinthn<C It will be (inc.IL It will be 5 meters2. Sir could you plcasr put out your cigarette? Thia Im a aninkc-frer schooLB. No problemA< Ptn wo

2、rry about thttuC. Surr> Td love to.3. Sorry. I h»vc ukrn your car key by mistake.A- That1 s rightsK Yourre wcicomc>CL It doeNnft matter.i. How nrr you feeling? Much better.A. Thank、for coming to ner rnc< K You look grcaUDon #t mention iu5. I aaw a car rrnnh into the tree junf now.A. Yo

3、u nhould drive mfely.H A car" Not n mnn?V. Wowt thatf 5 M?MririK>二、伺汇与站构(共计30分,每小赠2分)6-208J:陶律下JB的句子,从A,虬C三个选顼中逸出一个能堵入空白处的正雄攻弁将答 案序号耳在答B!纸上.6» tk> you WAnt to wnit? Five (Uyx too long for me to wait.A> areft isthe task *oan.K RninhedC wrrr7. What I should do imA to finishC. be fin

4、ithexiMr ZhnnK 仙“旧 n8huB. WhenA. ThatC. Whin9. Tom told a lie io avoidA. punishingC. putuuhrdIO> ril never foruet thr dny A. I hidG which.A designer 人 ncedrd.A full timeG hill timing12. It wb» the Luuvrr Pyrnmid 一A. whalfar hi* Uuh.H beinic punished I worked together witkR whrnIl full titnrb

5、rought him worldwide Ume<K that1 enjoy rnot inA. Wh” th«1I ran have a holiday from work.K That thatG Wh砒whatIL Km tired.A. hitveworking very lwrd<K luve brrtiC- had15. The urg«nu#ittDn will graduatesA. leada aurvcy about the career choice* ol th« edl*B. conductC. mAMRC,U Kn,C Ad

6、m,U 订”wmdims uses TV g n pacifier when her children are overlyexcited and it iiRiiallyA. playsHb works(: Meet/b ou do"i Haw Io »!«rt over fromA< ncratrh Agninl& 丁hr more JcnowIrdKc wr hrtvrt thr better we vanour chotcex.A rrmovrH rrccirdC. refineID. What qunNfiratiofu »bou

7、ld I have tothis major?>Mpxrr B gk forB -nokor£) -r w二 h hr wiTon housx-oH:nXFSX?rarguedFuppedlstnlyw|£9»2 系 3$amBN$)rallz5a"85Hu A,®clll今步fi-e3sl->Rs琳*3争会濡«员所ma»hr Groen -n-c2.ur dai«l>Nomr>tm$n»rd AzsiM32lb-c deB.K? = mfirbolH W5- fwKood Asd

8、 whn- A. b=d 一-二 一 H?op-oMIhn=h for 一 he s<-ro-二 Mn3_ nad 一ur TnarKy. -nCMlrAfs -=huH二 s h£W3ufKrAn m-Ms-rS-S-Km?二二rm二Mcn-y h2-K bc-nx一O2S&un ttk* wcs.,4 Km imer-£ mz.oen fr g- ,£0zfm£2-t ;lyrh,rind w- -Mr.ud ;ui2.nnh 甘J,McyrLlz;o3-ox-c/8cnn=y A3=fredJMrMfwAzMd 80M2.ntmfn

9、-舀二耳 2 二 ch? mish-T-7hE word m My?Bin a xrcrnfmar dgnnM mor,nbo 三 WM-h -heHnfr sTum = tnxna.c 3=!T? whahdhf wood 5 T32 suxn-MXIy munn 吾 dr*- whlher -hrm SM nny 3xn»=3 used,-nk=-xMt? rFll:cHUErc und WM- wnb erboaoutpil 二s言 P3W一一巳-a- *orfrom Enropns Qs-er sfrtuFGyps drxiRH in About analyzing 6= d

10、spoc-ssfarbu 二 dinKE hnd wnys -o sv,eneKTQyAsd WAUM -G一ind ways 6 redung KsenhcnJ*,emf±.on5 mn-ak- -Iwirncro-K -rem o一一 oMa nhenuolsrilnd K> -is<! mRtnrwb ihaL ore -hftmo 竺 c3<.ro3mnnw=y f2§db Reducing serKy bi=s -8a pr-5nry Hi3O- Krann f3?rujf dns-g-rsavin* w=er iul-hrl Acccmd Em

11、2,green m-ermr des-KmJUJW vKJ-JJfm wx.iH3d * vc( 一气 arn new bwx phEM _n “hgrcen dex-p From grog dz_gn pc-n-=<_? _w m38ncrmS-s choo 着 fndoorfloormvcrnifur: P2.JH -hln BR fn!n ofs-emic2.s 二一七 po=cre urn! mbk, pecx.:nk2 一Gmnmm£ da£n pays grg;m=nn 6 pgpn/heu-lrsa<.n«o*rgy and >eM

12、mmmld pro-cxtlon B cool <k2.专【-znsc!UJUnmb-c rsource2WA Arcs m-crior d 令s.xn<?K mmy n。- choosencr-m= mserfn一二=% r6usmmbTpr3,wabrr-QXIC23 Th,wo-d XCOO3,Ls-: m£n A. chillyK ttyliuhC pold2L The prini«ry aim ! grem interior drnign Ik. .A. hAVing waterH. reducing cnt?uy billi(:.low V()C2S

13、.Thr topic of fhiA p/i&Mi" is about,A. how to decorate homrMB rrilucniK energy ccmflumption(:.«rcrn inTrrlor design«:«*»«话内客判Bi第出的Ul句是否正»,正墉的Mr.WW的写"F。并将答案 序号与在答U蛾上.Hm,y and hh landlady art talking about how toof Rurbuge.2Henry i Mnry, ran you rell mr hIkj

14、uI fhe !rn»h collection? When do ! take out the tra*h?Mary t 0K« lei1# »cr> On Mondnyi Wednesday and Friday, you can leave your burnable trjifih oui>tde.Henryi Wluii I, hurnnblr traflh?Marj iHurnabk in. (or rxamplci milk canon?* other pnper thing,. And food well. You enn put oil

15、 the rtmnins of your food in the htirnublr hiruHrnry: OKt no burnnblc iraRh h Monday Wedne>dayf and Friday.Mary: Thalf» righkHenryi OK. whm nbout other trnsh?r On InfMciny huricbiy and Saturday you enn leavr your unburnablr trAnh ouintde your <loortHenryi OK whni t» unburniibk trash?

16、Mar) f Unbumahlr rr/i-ih in. for rx/iTnplrf plastiG You ennf t burn photic 心 if would hnrni the environinrnf.limryt QK what About plntic bottles?Mary i 1 hn< rollrrtion i» nn Saturdny. You ran lewvr plnMic PET boitlo and abo kIans bonkjit but in b ar|Hirate biruHcnryt ()K anything like b&

17、;ttcnest or clothing?Mary: Ye»t for bAtteriri and clothing there arc npcrinl d*y9 every months so you have to keep them till that day.Henry! OK< and where do 1 put the tranh?Mary: Yon have to put all the Iranh In clear plnatic b/ig.-i and leave them just outMde yourapartment. Just over thrrc

18、t on rhe left.Henni OK. Thinks. Mnrv-Mary: You1 re welcome.Henry; I might have to osk you again< but fhankx-Maryr Don*t worry- That'5 fig26. Milk cartons are unbwmabte trwh<27a Everyday Henry enn leave his rubbish outside us he wishciiw28. Plastics would harm the environment if you were io

19、 burn them.29. You cah leave batteries and clothes once every week.30. Henry can just leave all hh rubbish outxide his apartment without putting them intoa四、写作(共20分)31. 根据所给信息完成求职信.供设你是王芳.主修行政管理芽业将于255年7月从白云职业技术学院毕业 2015年 6月M日.你看到某公司正在其网站上招聘-名秘褚.Dear Sir or Macinni I write this letter to apply for t

20、he position of (1 >< 秘书)that you advertised on (2) (信息崇源)of (3)(信息发布日期).I will be graduating frum(4) majoring in (5) Not only do 1 have the qua!ificat(ons for this job# but 1 aho have th伫 right pcrsonnlity for n(6)(职位名 称).(7)(原因之一>-On the other hand. (8)原因之二).| w tula he very Krntrful if you grant me a pcrsonwl interview. If you need to know more about me» please (eel Mte to contact me at any time at R7253X XThank yoti (or (9) 1 am (10)meeting you.Yours 5incerrly fWanR Fang试题答案及评分标准:一交际用语(共计】0分,宓小S81


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