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1、1、国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而此国内贸易要复杂得多。International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. It involves more factors and thus is more complicated than, domestic business.2.随着经济一体化进程的发展,很少人和公司能完全独立于国际商务之外而存在。因此,在此方面具有一定的知识是十分必要的,这既有益于企业的发展又有益于个人的进步。With the dev

2、elopment of economic globalization, few people or companies can completely stay away from international business. Therefore, some knowledge in this respect is necessary both for the benefit of enterprises and personal advancement.3.其他参与国际贸易的形式有管理合同、承包生产和“交钥匙”工程。Other forms for participating in inter

3、national business are management contract, contract manufacturing and turnkey project.4.国际贸易最初以商品贸易的形式出现,即在一国生产或制造商品而出口或进口到另一国进行消费或转售。International business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in

4、 another.5.除了国际贸易和投资,国际许可和特许经营有时也是进入国外市场的一种方式。Besides trade and investment, international licensing and franchising are sometimes taken as a means of entering a foreign market.6.有形贸易是指将在一国生产或制造的商品,出口或进口到另一国消费或转售。Visible trade refers to exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one co

5、untry for consumption or resale in another.7.外国直接投资,简称FDI。投资者通过控制其投资在他国的企业和资产获得回报。Foreign direct investments of FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country.1. 民生产总值和国内生产总值是表明一国收入的两个重要概念。区别在于前者强调的是生产要素的所属权而后者着重于进行生产的国家。GNP and GDP are two

6、 important concepts used to indicate a countrys total income. The difference between them is that the former focuses on ownership of the factors of production while the latter concentrates on the country where production takes place.2. 要评估某一市场的潜力,人们往往要分析其收入水平,因为它为那里居民的购买力高低提供了线索。In assessing the pot

7、ential of a country as a market, people often look at per capita income since it provides clues about the purchasing power of its residents.3. 世界各国被世界银行分为三大领域:高收入国家,中等收入国家和低收入国家。Countries of the world are divided by the World Bank into three categories of high-income, middle-income and low-income ec

8、onomies.4. 中国现在年人均收入为1100美元以上,但几年前它还是个低收入国家。China with a per capita income of over $1100 is a middle-income country though it was a low-income country just a few years ago.5. 就中国来说,周围还有其他应特别关注的市场,如亚洲四小虎、东盟国家、俄罗斯等国,这些国家都具有前景看好的市场潜力,能为中国提供很好的商机。As far as China is concerned, other markets we should pay

9、 particular attention to are those around us: the Four Tigers, the ASEAN countries, Russia, etc. These countries with very promising market potential and can offer good business opportunities to China.6.国民生产总值指一个经济体凭借其居民拥有的资产和劳动力所生产的货物和服务的市场价值。GNP refers to the market value of goods and services pro

10、duced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy.7.日本和中国是重要贸易伙伴,两国经济互补,又是一衣带水的近邻。中日贸易关系对两国都有重要的意义。With mutually complementary economy, Japan and China are major trade partners, and the two countries are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water. Sino-Japanese relations

11、are therefore of great importance to both countries.8.加拿大和美国有很长的共同边境,而且大部分加拿大居民居住在边境地区。加美两佃以其富有的市场,拥有世界最大的双边贸易。Sharing a very long common border along which most of the Canadian people live, Canada and the United States, with their respective rich market, enjoy the largest single bilateral trade in

12、the world.1. 过去的几十年,地区经济一体化越来越重要。The past decades witnessed increasingly growing importance of regional economic integration.2. 最著名的自由贸易区是北美自由贸易区,它是由美国、加拿大和墨西哥于1991年建立的。The most notable free trade area is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the largest free market formed by the United S

13、tates, Canada and Mexico in 1991.3. 经济联盟成员国不仅要在税收、政府开支、企业策略等方面保持一致,而且还应使用同一货币。The members of an Economic Union are required not only to harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry polices, etc., but also use the same currency.4. 欧洲委员会是欧盟的管理机构之一,此机构将提议呈交给部长理事会做决定,并监督各成员国根据所制定的条约履行自己的义务

14、。The European Commission is one of the governing organs of the European Union. It is the body that puts proposals to the Council of Minister for decision and sees that the members carry out their duties under the treaty.5. APEC建立于在澳大利亚首都堪培拉召开的一次部长级会议上。当时有12位成员国出席,分别为澳大利亚、美国、加拿大、日本、新西兰和东盟六国。APEC was

15、set up at the Ministerial Meeting held in the Australian capital Canberra attended by 12 members of Australia, the United States, Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand and six ASEAN countries.6.欧盟委员会是它的执行机构,有20个委员会,管理23个负责不同事务的部门。Its executive body is the European Commission composed of 20 c

16、ommissioners overseeing 23deaprtments in charge of different affairs.7.尽管内部存在矛盾,外部有来自非欧佩克产油国的竞争,但欧佩克这个占世界产油量40%的组织对油价的影响是世界各国无法忽视的。Despite internal contradictions and cornpetition from non-OPEC oil producing countries, the influence on oil prices by OPEC that accounts for 40% of the global oil produ

17、ction is something the world cannot afford to neglect.8.过去十年中,亚太经济合作组织越来越受到人们的关注。由于中国在其中发挥了积极的作用,中国人尤其关注这个组织。Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation(APEC) has caught more and more attention for the past decade, especially in China since the country is playing an active role it.1. 经济全球化为世界经济发展提供了新的动力和机会,同

18、时也使各经济体更加相互依赖、相互影响。Economic globalization is giving new impetus and providing opportunities to world economic development and meanwhile making the various economies more and more interdependent.2. 跨国公司是在一个以上国家拥有、控制和经营资产的商业组织。A multinational enterprise is a business organization that owns (whether wh

19、olly or partly), controls and manages assets in more than one country.3. 许多人欢呼经济全球化带来的好处,但同时也有强烈的反对声音。While many people are acclaiming the benefits brought about by economic globalization, there are also loud vices of opposition.4. 除了总部以外,跨国企业组织也可能有不同的地区总部和业务总部。An MNE may also have various regional

20、or operational headquarters, in addition to international headquarters.5. 跨国公司的内部交换占整个国际贸易的一个很大的比例。The transfer of the Intra-MNE transactions constitutes a very significant proportion of total international trade.6. 尽管公司的日常管理工作下放到跨过企业的子公司,但重要决策,如有关公司目标和新投资等都由母公司来决定。Although the day-do-day running of

21、 corporate operation maybe decentralized to the affiliate MNCs, the major decisions, such as those on corporate goals and new investments are made by the parent company.7. 无论人们是否喜欢,经济全球化已成为世界经济发展中的一个客观趋势。Like it or not, economic globalization has become an objective trend in world economic developme

22、nt.10、广阔的地域分布是跨国企业的一个特点,这使得它在资源和定价的决策上有很大的选择范围,也使它能更方便地利用世界经济的变化。Wide geographical spread is characteristic of MNEs. It enables them to have a wide range of options in terms of decision-makings on sourcing and pricing. They are also more able to take advantage of changes in the international economi

23、c environment.11、技术、资本和现成的市场是跨国企业组织带给欠发达国家的利益。跨国企业被认为是促进世界和各国经济发展的最有效的工具。Technology, capital and ready markets are sort of benefits MNEs bring to less-developed countries. They are considered to be the most effective vehicle for the promoting of global and national economic welfare.1. 在复杂的经济世界中,没有一个

24、国家可以完全自给自足。In the complex economic world, no country can be completely self-sufficient.2. 随着制造业和技术的发展,出现了另一个刺激贸易的因素,即国际专业化。With the development of manufacturing and technology, there arose another incentive for trade, i.e. international specialization.3. 按照比较利益学说,两个贸易伙伴均可从贸易中得到好处。According to the th

25、eory of Comparative advantage, both trade partners can benefit from trade.4. 比较利益并不是一个静止的概念,一个国家可以通过自己的行动发展某种特定的比较利益。Comparative advantage is not a static concept. A country may develop a particular comparative advantage purely through its own actions5. 比较利益理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石。The idea of comparative a

26、dvantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trade.12、按照比较学说的观点,一国只要出口相对有优势的产品,而不是有绝对优势的产品,就可以从中受益。According to the comparative advantage, a country can benefit from trade if only it has a comparative advantage, not absolute advantage, in producing certain product.13、贸易的比较

27、优势是基于比较优势理论,即各国生产相比较而言效率更高的那种特殊产品。更理想的是,各国集中专门生产它的特殊产品,然后再进行相互间的贸易。The advantage of trade are based on the theory of comparative advantage, where each country produces a particular product more efficiently than another. Ideally, each country focuses re-sources on producing its specialty, and then tr

28、ades with one an-other.1. 一件商品的成本会因生产规模的扩大而减少。The cost of a product will decrease with the expansion of production scale.2. 在实际中,即使完全的专业化在经济上有利,也可能永远不会发生。In reality, complete specialization may never occur even though it is economically advantageous.3. 配额或者说数量限制是最常见的关税壁垒。Quotas or quantitative restr

29、ictions are the most common form of non-tariff barriers.4. 有形贸易指货物的进出口贸易,而无形贸易涉及的是国家间的劳务交换。The visible trade is the import and export of goods, and the invisible trade is the exchange of services between countries.5. 国家从事的贸易种类是多样的、复杂的,往往是有形贸易和无形贸易的混合。The kinds of trade nations engage in are varied a

30、nd complex, often a mixture of visible and invisible trade.14、总的来说,国际专门化理论寻求回答的是哪些国家将生产什么产品,以及采用什么样的贸易结构。To summarize, the theory of international specialization seeks to answer the question which countries will produce what goods, with what trade patterns among them.15、最惠国待遇并不是什么特殊待遇,而只是正常的贸易地位。受惠国

31、只是享有被征收关税表中最低关税的待遇。The most-favored nation treatment is not really a special treatment but a normal trading status. The favored country is given the lowest tariffs only within the tariff schedule.16、无形贸易也被称作服务贸易。在一些发达国家,无形贸易已经占据这些国家的国内生产总值的相当份额。Invisible trade is also called service trade. In some d

32、eveloped countries, the invisible trade has taken quite a large share in their gross domestic production.1. 包装需按运输的要求进行,在大多数情况下,卖方明确知道把货物安全地运道目的地所需要的包装。Packing should be made according to the requirement of transportation. In most cases, the seller knows clearly the particular type of packing requir

33、ed for transporting the goods safely to destination.2. 在许多情况下,应通知买方在卖方将货物启运之时或之前安排验货。除非合同另有规定,否则买方必须支付为其自身利益而安排的验货费用。In many cases, the buyer shall be notified to go through the inspection of goods at or before the time of shipment. Unless otherwise specified, the buyers supposed to undertake the ch

34、arges of inspection thus incurred for his own sake.3. 进口商可以通过可转让的运输单据将货物在运输途中卖给新的买方,这类可转让单据用起来非常方便。The importer can sell the goods to a new buyer while they are being carried by means of negotiable shipping documents that are very convenient for use.4. 在所有条款中,买卖双方各自的义务排列在10项标题下。Under all terms, the

35、respective obligations of the parties have been grouped under 10 headings.5. 2000年对国际贸易术语解释通则的修改考虑了无关税区的发展,商务活动中电子通讯使用的增加,以及运输方式的变化。The 2000 revision of Incoterms took account of the spread of customs-freezones, the increased use of electronic communication, and the changes in transport practices.17

36、、买卖双方在制定合同时,如果有理解一致的具体规则可供参照,他们就肯定简单、可靠地确定各自的责任。If, when drawing up their contract, buyer and seller have some commonly understood rules to specifically refer to, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely.18、当卖方不得不提示可转让的运输单据,尤其是出售货物所常用的提单时,就会产生特殊麻烦。Particular p

37、roblems arise when the seller has to present a negotiable transport document and notably the bill of lading which is frequently used for the purpose of selling the goods while they are being carried.19、2000年对国际贸易术语解释通则的修改考虑了无关税区的发展,商务活动中电子通讯使用的增加,以及运输方式的变化。The 2000revision of Incoterms took account

38、of the spread of customs-free zones, the increased use of electronic communication, and the change in transport practices.1. 合同依法实施,未能履行合同义务的一方可能受到起诉,并被强制做出赔偿。A contract is enforceable by law, and the party that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced to make compensation

39、.2. 口头业务协商指的是面对面的直接谈判或通过国际长途电话进行的商谈。Oral business negotiations refer to face-to-face discussions or those conducted through international trunk calls.3. 买方发出的询盘是为了获得拟定购商品的有关信息,他对发出询盘的人无约束力。Enquires made by the buyer are to get information about the goods to be ordered, and are not binding on the inq

40、uirer.4. 有效期对于确盘是必不可少的。在规定的时间之前,或在被对方接受或拒绝之前确盘一直是有效的。The validity period is indispensable to a firm offer, that remains valid until a stipulated time or until it is accepted or rejected.5. 还盘是对发盘的拒绝,一旦作出还盘,原报盘即失效而失去约束力。A counter-offer is a refusal of the offer that will be invalid and unbinding once

41、 a counter-offer is made.20、书面谈判往往以买方询盘开始,发生询盘是为了了解预购货物的有关信息,包括各种贸易条件。Written negotiations often begin with enquires made by the buyers to get information about the goods to be ordered including all the terms of trade.21、虽然多数合同并不引起纠纷,但合同是依法实施的,任何一方当事人若未能履行合同义务,可能会受到起诉并被强制作出赔偿。It is enforceable by la

42、w, and any party that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced to make competition, though most contracts do not give rise to disputes.1. 对销贸易一般是与有关国家的政策目标相互联系的,如应对外汇短缺和扩大出口之类的问题。Counter Trade is often associated with policy objectives of relevant economies like dealing wi

43、th foreign exchange shortages and promotion of exports.2. 实质上,反向贸易指的是各种货物和服务的直接交换。In essence, counter trade refers to the direct exchange of assorted kinds of goods and services.3. 回购贸易和互购贸易之间另一个重要的区别在于回购贸易一般比互购贸易要延续更长一段时间。Another important difference between counter purchase and buyback is that a b

44、uyback deal usually stretches over a longer period of time than a counter purchase deal.4. 在正常的市场交易中,由于使用货币及市场手段,货物的买与卖是分别进行的。In normal market transactions buying and selling of goods and services is unbundled, because of the use of money and the market.5. 尽管有很多好处,反向贸易可能是风险很大的事。Despite all its advan

45、tages, counter trade can be very risky business.6. 在其他贸易方式中还有加工贸易、寄售、租赁贸易、代理等。Among other modes of trade are processing trade, consignment, leasing trade, agency etc.22、虽然易货贸易是原始、低效,并且昂贵的贸易方式,但是发展中国家巨大的债务以及世界上大量的商品过剩使其不可避免。Barter trade is a primitive, inefficient expensive way of doing business, but

46、 the massive debts of developing countries and the worlds oversupply of goods make it inescapable.23、对销贸易可帮助有严重债务的国家继续进口商品而实际上向债权人掩盖出口收入。Counter trade may help those nations, with serious debt problems to continue to import goods while ,in effect, concealing export earnings from creditors.1. 在国际贸易中进

47、出口双方都面临风险,因为总存在对方不履约的可能。In international trade, both the exporter and the importer face risks, as there is always the possibility that the other party may not fulfill the contract.2. 为处理国际贸易中的不同形势,各种支付方法便发展了起来。Various methods of payment have been developed to cope with different situations in intern

48、ational trade.3. 许多国际交易是通过汇票支付的,汇票是对银行或顾客的支付命令。A lot of international transactions are paid for by means of the draft, which (, also referred to as the bill of exchange,) is an order to a bank or a customer to pay.4. 即期付款交单要求进口商立即付款以取得单据。Documents against payment at sight requires immediate payment

49、by the importer to get hold of the documents.5. 就出口商而言,即期付款交单比远期付款交单有利,付款交单比承兑交单有利。So far as the exporters interest is concerned, D/P at sight is more favorable then d/P after sight, and D/P is more favorable then D/A.24、在国际贸易中,由于交易当事人很难充分了解彼此的财务信息和信誉状况,很难建立相互信任。In international trade, it is very di

50、fficult for the parties to get adequate information about each others financial standing and credit worthiness, and mutual trust is hard to build.25、如果进口国的政局稳定,而且又有出口商信任的代理人,出口商就可以采用寄售方式,待货卖出后再收回货款。If the importing country has a stable political situation and a trusted agent there to work for the ex

51、porter, the exporter can enter into consignment transactions and get payment until the goods are sold.26、在付款交单的情况下,进口商在承兑了出口商所开出的汇票后,便可得到单据,而付款则要晚于这个时间。In the case of documents against acceptance, the importer will get the documents once the bill of exchange drawn by the ex-porter is accepted, while

52、 the payment will not be made until a later date.1. 在国际贸易中几乎不可能使付款和实际交货同时进行。In international trade it is almost impossible to match payment with physical delivery of the goods.2. 信用证付款方式对买卖双方都提供保障。The method of payment by the letter of credit offers security to both the seller and the buyer.3. 现代信用证

53、在19世纪后半叶开始采用,第一次世界大战后得到了实质性的发展。Modern credits were introduced in the second half of the 19th century and had substantial development after the First World War.4. 要么因为信用证金额过大,要么因为对开证行不完全信任,出口商有时可能需要保兑的信用证。Either because the credit mount is too large, or because he does not fully trust the opening ban

54、k, the exporter may require a confirmed letter of credit.5. 信用证的形式、长短、语言和规定各不相同。Letters of credit are varied in form, length, language, and stipulations.27、卖方凭提交的正确无误的单据得到货款,买方凭规定的单据得到货物,这种双边保证是信用证独特的,具有代表性的特征。Against the impeccable documents presented the seller gets paid, against the stipulated do

55、cuments the buyer gets the goods. This bilateral security is the unique and characteristic feature of the letter of credit.28、受益人要对信用证的所有内容进行认真审核,以便保证安全及时地收到货款。He beneficiary has to make a careful examination of all the con-tents of the credit so as to ensure safe and timely payment.1. 信用证按其作用、形式和机制

56、分作不同的种类。Letters of credit are classified into different types according to their function, form and mechanism.2. 光票信用证主要用于非贸易结算,而在商品贸易中一般使用跟单信用证。Clean letters of credit are mainly used in non-trade settlement, while the documentary credits are generally used in commodity trade.3. 在即期信用证情况下,提示汇票和正确无误

57、的单据后便立即付款。In the case of sight credits, payment can be made promptly upon presentation of draft and impeccable documents.4. 远期信用证显然要使用远期汇票。付款期限可为30天、60天甚至可长达180天。A usance credit obviously calls for a time draft, and the usance varies from 30, 60, to as long as 180 days.5. 如果信用证可以由原受益人转让给另一个或几个人,那么这种

58、信用证即为可转让信用证。原受益人称作第一受益人,接受转让的人称作第二受益人。A little of credit is called transferable if it can be transferred by its original beneficiary to one or more parties. The original beneficiary is called the first beneficiary and the party (or parties) the credit is transferred to is called the second beneficiary.6. 对于一笔具体交易来说,信用证不一定是最理想的付款方式。缔约双方应根据具体情况做出最好的选择。The letter of credit may not be the most ideal method of payment for a particular transaction, and the contraction parties should make their best choice according to the speci


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