



1、UNIT 5 LANGUAGES AROUND THE WORLDPart 1 Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking基础过关练1 .单词拼写1.(本土也的)English speakers can understand each other even if they don't speak the same kind of English.2.It is a pity that I cannot operate the computer(系统)well.3.(尽管)applying for hundreds of jobs,

2、 he is still out of work.4.In his speech, he(谈至U) to a recent trip to England the other day.5 .For many nations,blue is a(象征)of protection and religious beliefs.6 .The Tang(朝代)was the golden age of classical Chinese poetry.7 .We should develop a good(态度)towaids life.8 .Hes kept the(经典的)music CD for

3、over 20 years.n.选词填空refer to;pay attention to;ups and downs;date back to:develop into;be connected with;at least1 .The hotel the station by a walkway.2 .He has gone through many in his life.1.1 n the past ten years, the town has a city.4 .He always a dictionary when coining across new words.5 .When

4、doing our work, we must our ways.6 .My family has a vase, which is said to the Ming Dynasty.7.It will take you 20 minutes to get there.HL单句语法填空1 .He gave us a few specific examples to help us deal with current(affair).2 .There are several(refer)books to help you make your choice.3 .In ancient times,

5、the wood(carve) into the shape of a flower.4 .There are(variety)of roses planted in his garden.5 .She majored math and physics at university.6 .The eagle is usually regarded a symbol of courage.7 .The tiger is native China,but now they are dying out.8 .We*d appreciate you(leave) as fast as possible.

6、9 .So far, every possible means(try)to solve the problem.M课文语法填空China is 1 (wide) known for its ancient civilisation, which has continued all the way until now. One of the main 2 (factor) is the Chinese writing system.At the beginning, written Chinese 3 (base) on pictures, which can date back severa

7、l thousand years. Ancient Chinese people carved symbols on animal bones and shells.By the Shang Dynasty, these symbols 4 (become) a well-developed writing system. Over the years, the system developed into different forms, as people lived in different places, 5 (lead)to many varieties of dialects and

8、 characters.Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one country 6 the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. The writing system played 7 important part in uniting the Chinese people and culture. Now, Chinese people can still communicate in writing despite speaking d

9、ifferent dialects.Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China's present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the classic works which were 8 (write) by Chinese in ancient times. Chinese calligraphy,9 is an important part of Chinese culture, is an art f

10、orm derived from the Chinese writing system. As China plays a greater role in 10 (globe) affairs, an increasing number of international students are beginning to learn Chinese...9.10.能力提升练I .阅读理解A主题语境:人与社会 难易度:童 语篇类型:应用文 建议用时:7Learning Chinese has never been more convenient now that ev

11、eryone carries a smartphone in their pockets. There are a number of Mandarin Chinese learning apps for iPhone and Android out on the market, varying from simple games and flashcard apps to full-blown language courses.Fluentu: Learn through Real World ContentIf you have ever taken a language class in

12、 school you probably used a textbook filled with all sorts of exercises or reading passages. Usually this content is boring, and not like anything you would normally meet in real life.Fluentu takes a novel approach to language learning by using real world Chinese language video content taken from th

13、e Internet. Vocabulary specific to each video is taught and every video has subtitles in Chinese. Videos are usually very interesting and range from commercials to music videos and so ongreat for cultural education.ChineseSkill: Language Learning GameChineseSkill teaches language much like the popul

14、ar language learning app Duolingo. It starts off the basics through contained topical modules like numbers, food, directions, etc. Instruction is laid out in an intuitive (直观的)way, slowly introducing grammar and vocabulary through a series of mini-games. Most of the tasks in ChineseSkill use pinyin

15、and English but there are also some character recognition tasks as well. If you want to learn how to write Chinese, this app won't be enough for you. But for basic conversational listening, speaking, and vocabulary, this little app does the trick in a very entertaining way. Even better its total

16、ly free!Skritter:Learning to Write Chinese CharactersSkritter is a powerful app that teaches you to write and recognize Chinese and Japanese written characters. The app is able to recognize your handwritten characters and correct any mistakes. It is available for all major platformsiOS, Android, Mac

17、, Windows and they currently offer a 7-day free trial. Check it out!1 .What is the advantage of Fluentu?A.Interesting.B.Manufactured.C.Dull.D.Basic.2 .What does the underlined pait “the trick*' refer to?A.Game introduction.B.Chinese grammar practice.C.Vocabulary video.D.Chinese learning.3 .Where

18、 may we find this passage?A.A Chinese learning reference book.B.An advertisement.C.An app store website.D.A tourist handbook.4 . Which one may be the favorite of the children?A.Fluentu.B.ChineseSkill.C.Skritter.D.Duolingo.主题语境:人与自我难易度:童语篇类型:说的文建议用时:8If you live in a place where most people speak the

19、 language you are learning, you may use the language fbr seveial hours each day. So it may become part of your "inner speech”. In other words, you start thinking in that language. Your mind stops trying to translate things from your native language into the second language. But most of the Engl

20、ish learners live in places where English is not the main language. This may be true for you. You may not have many chances to practice English. You may even be self-taught.Thinking in English really helps! It is not very difficult, but it does need practice. Here we will share some mental exercises

21、. A good first step is to think in words. Look around you. What do you see? In your head, try to name each object in your surroundings. Charles Thomas has taught English for over 10 years. He tells his students to name the things that they see around them, wherever they are.Another exercise Thomas s

22、uggests is describing in your mind objects you don't know the words for. Tliomas says, “If you're looking at your house and you see your garage, but you can*t think of the name in English. You can say, 'The place inside which I put my car.' or you can say, 'It's next to my ho

23、use. I keep things there.5vThe next exercise is thinking in simple sentences. For example, if you are sitting in a park, you can tell yourself things like, “If s such a beautifxil day" and “People are playing sports with their friends”. You can also describe your daily activities. Thomas asks h

24、is students to describe their days using the simple present verb form. So, they would think to themselves tilings like, “I put on my shirt” and “He drives the bus”.How much time should you spend on these exercises? Thomas says you do a little every day. "When you make things a habit, then it ju

25、st pops up into your mind without thinking and then, before you know it, really, you're tliiiiking in English.”5 .When a second language becomes part of your uiiiiier speech”,.A.you learn the language by yourselfB.you start thinking in the languageC.most people around you speak the languageD.you

26、 translate things from your native language into it6 .Wliich one does the example of “the place inside wliich I put my car“ belong to?A.Describing your daily activities.B.Thinking in simple sentences.C.Naming objects in your surroundings.D.Describing objects you don*t know the words for.7 .Which of

27、the following is the best title for the passage?A.Spend your time on exercises8 .Teach yourself a second languageC.Train your brain to think in EnglishD.Practice English wherever you aren.七选五主题语境:人与m我 港易度:城 语篇类型:说明文 建议用时:7How to Improve Vocabulary FastYour vocabulary refers to the words in a languag

28、e you are familiar with. We should learn some ways to expand it.Read every day. 1 Choose reading materials that are slightly above your level and keep a dictionary with you to look up words you do not know.2 If you do not meet an unfamiliar word in your daily reading, use your dictionary to search f

29、or one.Learn the correct definition and pronunciation for each new word. The pronunciation is as important as the definition because in order to add a word to your active vocabulary, you must be able to use it in speech.Elaborate (详尽 I阚述)on the meaning of the word. If you have just learned the word

30、“stubborn”, tliiiik about the neighbor who will not lend you his car. 3Use your new word in speech and in writing. E-mail your sister about how your cat is stubborn about sleeping on your pillow. 4 But the more you use it, the more fluent you will become in its use. Soon it will be a regular part of

31、 your active vocabulary.Tell everyone you are trying to increase your vocabulary. Encourage them to ask you what your latest word is. 5 The more you explain the meaning of a word to someone, the more likely you are to remember it.A.Find a new word every day.B.The vocabulary can be increased.C.Your v

32、ocabulary contains the words you understand.D.The more often you read, the faster your vocabulaiy can grow.E.Or let them ask the definition of a new word you have used.F.The first time you use a new word in speech it may seem strange.G.Imagine him shaking his head, and think of him as “stubborn in h

33、is refusal..5.Part 2 Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking基础过关练I .单词拼写1 .They had to(斗争)against all kinds of difficulties.1.1 t s very rude to stick your(舌头)out at people.3 .The new(学期)is coming and I have to go back.4 .As soon as we opened the front door we could smell th

34、e(燃气).5 .The price of(汽油)is coming down by four pence a gallon.6 .Would you like to take the(地铁)to get there?7 .She promised to help me move into my new(公;四套房)on the weekend.8 .The book follows four(人物),loosely(以为基础)on my uncle s family.9 .He(雕亥U)a sunflower on the stone, which was regarded as a(象征)

35、of strength and hope.10.1 think the(系统)the man(提到)to at the meeting is very modern. What is your(态 度)towards it?n.单句改错1 .The reason why he gave for his being late at the meeting wasn't accepted by his boss.2 .My computer, with which I can't search information.broke down yesterday.3 .Maria ha

36、s written two novels, both of whom have been made into television series.4 .The car which window got broken in the accident belongs to Mr Brown.5 .The number of the people whom come to visit the city each year has risen to one million,in.单句语法填空1 .He begged(tell) the truth,but his mother refused to t

37、ell him.2 .my point of view, you should turn to your teacher for help.3 .No one will appreciate(treat) like a second-class citizen.4 .1 know you mean, but I can't agree with your suggestion.5 .When I arrived, my friend took me to see the house I would be staying in.6 .As is known to us.the(lazy)

38、 a person is,the more things he needs to do tomorrow.7 .Andrew lives alone and enjoys the company of a pet cat which he's grown so fond.8 .The company is struggling(find) buyers for its new products and everyone is struggling thecompany's future.M完成句子1 .人们公认吸烟可能导致癌症。It is recognized that.2 .

39、你越小心,你犯的错误就越少。you are,youll make.3 .我觉得我好像离开学校整整一个世纪了。I feel I had left school for a whole century.4 .那位老板让工人们一天干14小时的活。That bossfourteen hours a day.5 .这就是我所感兴趣的。This is.V.用适当的“介词+关系代词”或关系副词填空1.1 still remember the day /I first met Jennifer.2.They consider summer vacations as a time/relaxing and ha

40、ving fun is a necessary part.3.We have come to a point/everyone has different opinions and it is difficult to reach an agreement.4.One of the reasons/he was refused in the interview was that he had spoken in broken English.5 .He gets into a situation it is hard to decide what is right.6 .Who is the

41、girl you just shook hands?7 .He bought a telescope he could study the sky.8 .The woman I turned for help just now is my English teacher.能力提升练I .阅读理解A主题语境:人与口找 难易度:怏 语篇翅:说朗文 建议用时:7Lzearning Chinese could be one of the most important decisions you ever made. Chinese is becoming the language to learn i

42、n the 21st century. With the world's largest population and a rapidly growing middle class, China stands to become the engine of the world's economy in the coming years. This will make learning Chinese very important to people in many industries, or for those of us who wish to visit China or

43、 learn about its culture and history.There is an ongoing effort to modernize the writing system and standardize(使标准化)the language. An increasing number of people learning Chinese are learning the Mandarin, so unless you absolutely need to learn another dialect (such as Cantonese), be sure you are st

44、udying Mandarin.For native English speakers Chinese is one of the most difficult and most different languages to learn. The vocabulary is wholly unfamiliar and unlike anything we know. In addition, in the Chinese tone system, words are spoken in rising or falling tones, which helps to distinguish be

45、tween them. Furthermore, there is the Chinese writing system.a collection of thousands of individual ideograms (表意文字),or symbols, which represent a word or an idea. These ideograms have no phonetic value.that is to say, we can't tell how the word is pronounced by how it is written. There is a me

46、thod to present written Chinese in a phonetic script called pinyin. If you are learning Chinese, you*ll be working with this pinyin system, but the beauty of the traditional writing system shouldn't be passed up(放弃).All these factors make learning Chinese difficult for us. Yet, for a determined

47、learner, there*s always a way to overcome them.1 .Why is learning Chinese becoming more and more important?A.Chinese engines are very welcome.B.China has the world's largest population.C.There are more and more rich people in China.D.China has become important to the world economy.2 .What can we

48、 learn from the text?A.The author thinks Chinese is as difficult as English.B.The author is interested in the Chinese language and its culture.C.Foreign languages can play a great role in industrial development.D.As long as the pinyin system is learned well, one can learn Chinese well. 3.What is the

49、 last paragraph mainly about?A.The difficulties of learning Chinese.B.The advantages of learning Chinese.C.The Chinese tone system.D.The Chinese writing system.4 .What would be probably written following this text?A.The sources of Chinese characters.B.The importance of learning Chinese.C.The advice

50、on how to learn Chinese.D.The difficulties of learning other languages.B主题语境:人与自我 难易度:水 语篇类型:说卜月文 建议用时:1If you enjoy reading, the world in books will become a place which is not to be experienced in watching television only for entertainment. Studies have shown how those who read for pleasure achiev

51、e more in literacy(读写能力)and thinking abilities than those who don't. Actually, there is nothing else that will expand your language skills and make your imagination fly.To begin with, language skills can be better learned through reading for pleasure than through watching TV for entertainment. A

52、t its best, television can be educational as well as entertaining, but nobody wishes to improve his literacy by simply sitting in front of a TV box.Therefore, only by reading can you enlarge your vocabulary. However, it must be made clear that the relation between literacy and reading is like compar

53、ing health to sport. One is something practical and the other is something you do because you enjoy it.The books that help you most in imagination are those that make you think most. In this point, reading for pleasure, both paper-based and on-screen, is far more helpful than watching TV. For exampl

54、e, there is always a book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit: imagination. Unluckily, some people's love of books is lost influenced by television, which is considered as a decline in thinking abilities.On the whole, watching TV is largely harmless as an entertainment and in

55、formation tool, but there is no better way to improve your language skills and imagination than reading for pleasure. For those who would continue to enjoy reading, there is a paradise(天堂)not yet being lost. Having got an amount of language skills through wide reading, you might as well imagine that

56、 such a paradise would not be very unlike a kind of library.5 .What does the writer mainly talk about in Paragraph 1?A.The advantage of reading books.B.The way of improving language skills.C.The pleasure in watching TV.D.The advantage of our imagination.96 .What does the writer say about reading in

57、the text?A.People can get the latest information through it.B.It offers more pleasure than watching TV.C.It plays a bigger role in kids' growth than watching TV.D.More language skills will be gained as people read more.7 .Wliich word can replace the underlined word “decline“ in Paragraph 3?A.Dev

58、elopment.B. Decrease.C.Destroy.D. Improvement.8 .What does the writer think of watching TV?A.It s a waste of time and energy.8.1 t's a paradise for those who like watching TV.C.It's helpful in some aspects.D.It s done only for entertainment.I【.语法填空主题语境:人与问我 难易度: 语篇类型:说明文 建议用时:6English 1 (become)the global language in the last few decades. In today's world, being able to speak English is how you stand out and get ahead.However, learning English as a foreign language 2 (be) very difficult in the absence of a native language environment. We have


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