



1、专业英语八级(听力)-试卷132( 总分: 50.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、LISTENING COMPREHENSIO总题数:6,分数:50.00)1. PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION解析:2. SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY.While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-fillingtas

2、k on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s)youfill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You haveTHIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.解析:Types of Language TestingI. Placement

3、sort new students into 【 T1】 1【T1】 2 test the students 【T2】 3ratherthan specific points of learning【T2】 4 Interview as a good form of placementtests:- 【 T3】 5 both positive and negative factors that 【 T3】 6are not revealed by written tests- assess both 【T4】7 and fluency 【T4】 8II. Diagnostic also cal

4、led 【T5】 9 or progress tests 【T5】 10 check students progressafter learning 【T6】 11【 T6】 12 the results 【T7】 13 those learning well, meanwhile, 【T7】 14give feedbackto those notIII.【T8】 15【 T8】 16 also called【 T9】 17【 T9】 18 examine a longer period of learning than diagnostic tests determine which lev

5、el a studentlies with 【 T10】 19 standard 【T10】 20IV. Proficiency assess the students ability in 【T11】 21【T11】 22test students ability to repair 【T12】 23in communication 【 T12】 24 An example of proficiency test: 【 T13】 25【T13】 26-【T14】 27: to measure the ability to understand English 【 T14】 28as it i

6、s spoken in US- Structure andWritten Expression: to examine the knowledge ofstructural and【 T15】29points in standard written English【 T15】 30- Vocabulary and ReadingComprehension: to test the ability to understand a variety of reading materialsTypes of Language TestingI. Placement sort new students

7、into【T1】31【T1】32 test the students【T2】33ratherthan specific points of learning 【 T2】 34 Interview as a good form of placement tests:- 【T3】 35 both positive andnegative factors that【T3】36are not revealed by written tests- assess both【T4】37 and fluency【 T4】38II. Diagnostic also called 【T5】 39 or progr

8、ess tests 【T5】 40 check students progress after learning 【T6】 41【 T6】 42the results 【T7】 43 those learning well, meanwhile, 【T7】 44give feedback to those notIII.【T8】 45【 T8】46 also called【 T9】 47【 T9】 48 examine a longer period of learning than diagnostic tests determine which level a studentlies wi

9、th 【 T10】 49 standard 【T10】 50IV. Proficiency assess the students ability in 【T11】 51【T11】 52test students ability to repair 【T12】 53in communication 【 T12】 54 An example of proficiency test: 【 T13】 55【T13】 56-【T14】 57: to measure the ability to understand English 【 T14】 58as it is spoken in US- Str

10、ucture andWritten Expression: to examine the knowledge ofstructural and【 T15】59points in standard written English【 T15】 60- Vocabulary and ReadingComprehension: to test the ability to understand a variety of reading materials(分数: 30.00 )(1).【T1(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: teaching groups )解析:解析:讲座的

11、主题是“ types of language testing( 语言测试的类别 )”。其中,第一种是安置性测 试(placementtests),即把新生分为不同的教学组(sort new students into teaching groups)。此处填入原文原词 teaching groups 。.【T2(分数:2.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: general ability )解析:解析:安置性测试关注的是学生目前的状况,看综合能力而不是看具体的知识点。此处填入原文出 现的generalability “综合能力”。.【T3】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答

12、案:正确答案: disclose )解析:解析:讲座提到,有的教员在期末考试之前单独会见每个学生,这有助于通过发现笔试所发现不了 的因素来完整评估每个学生。在原文中出现的单词是 disclosing ,但根据题目,每个小点的动词用的都是 原形。故此处填入动词原形disclose 。.【T4】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: oral production )解析:解析: 这里填入的内容表示访问的好处。 讲座谈到, 访问的好处是有机会评估话语产出和流利程度。 由于空格后已给出了 fluency ,故填入 oral production 。(5) .【T5】(分数:2.0

13、0 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: formative )解析: 解析: 说到诊断性测试(diagnostic test)的时候, 讲座说, 该测试有时被称为影响发展的或进步的 测试(formativeor progress test) 。题目已经给出了 progress ,此处应填入 formative 。(6) .【T6】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:aone particular point)解析:解析:讲座提到,诊断性测试是为了在讲完某个特别点之后进行检测。故填入 a one particularpoint(7) .【T7】(分数:2.00 )填空

14、项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: encourage )解析:解析:演讲人说,如果学生的学习是成功的,测试结果会大大提升他的士气、让他充满热情地去开 始下一个学习任务。也就是说,测试结果能够鼓励成绩好的学生。此处应填入 encourage 。这道题无法直 接从原文获得答案,需要根据笔记的内容进行总结。(8) .【T8】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: Achievement )解析:解析:讲座接下来提到的是成绩测试(achievement tests) 。根据题目,此处应填入 Achievement ,注意 A 要大写。(9) .【T9】(分数:2.00 )填空项

15、1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:an attainment test attainment tests )解析:解析:讲座提到,成绩测试也叫 an attainment test ,故填入 an attainment test 或 attainment tests 都可以。(10).【T10】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: constant )解析:解析:讲座提到,最重要的是该标准尽可能地在不同课程、年复一年的过程中都保持不变 (standardremainsconstant) ,并且延伸到个人课堂或者教科书中。此处填入原文出现的 constant 。(11).【T1

16、1】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: actual situations )解析: 解析: 讲座还说到熟练程度测 (proficiency) 。这种测试的目的是评估学生把所学知识应用到实际情 况中的能力。此处填入原文出现的 actual situations “实际情况”。(12).【T12】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: breakdowns )解析:解析: 熟练程度测试还有另一个重要因素, 就是用某些方法来评估学生修复沟通失败的能力, 比如: 通过要求重复、解释,或者通过更换措辞重新讲述自己刚刚试图表达的话。此处填入原文出现的 brea

17、kdowns“( 沟通 ) 失败”。(13).【T13】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:TOEFL)解析:解析:讲座提到,一个标准化流利程度的测试叫做托福,即TOEFL 注意该词的拼写。(14).【T14】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:Listening Comprehension ) 解析:解析:讲座提到,听力理解是对美国人所说的英语的理解能力。 这里缺少 Listening Comprehension 。 根据题目设置形式, L 和 C 都要大写。(15).【T15】(分数:2.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:正确答案: gramm

18、atical )解析:解析:讲座提到,结构和写作表达衡量的是对标准英语写作中重要的结构点与语法点的掌握。此处 应填入原文出现的 grammatical “语法的”。3. SECTION BINTERVIEWIn this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. Atthe end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the quest

19、ions will bespoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the fourchoices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWERSHEETTWO.YouhaveTHIRTY seconds to preview the questions.解析:(分数: 10.00 )A. She desires to look

20、younger.B. She is excited that she looks mature.C. She doesnt have a problem with her age.VD. She wishes she could go back to her teenage years.解析:解析:访谈从年龄话题开始。对于外界说她 1 9 岁的传言,女士一再强调她已经 23 岁了,不想重新 过一遍那些青春期的时光,而且她很满意自己的年龄。故C 项的表述是正确的。A. She started singing opera at a pretty young age.B. She played mu

21、sic with friends in Detroit.C. Besides music, she had no extra activities.VD. Shes been taking music lessons until now.解析:解析:访谈中, Alex 说她觉得自己一生都在演出。这可以从她随后的话语中得到诠释,她谈到,除 了音乐,她从没有参加过其他的活动。因此选择C 项。A. Lack of identity.VB. Inability to mimic.C. Lack of interest.D. Inability to write music. 解析:解析:在谈到歌剧的时

22、候,女士坦言她不喜欢歌剧这种无法再创新的东西,这让她在演唱时觉得自 己毫无个性。 A 是正确答案。A. It is the only birthplace of rock-and-roll.B. It is a place with lots of music talents.VC. It is the place where Alex started her debut show.D. It is like no other city in the world.解析:解析: Alex 非常热爱 Detroit ,并将其与很多音乐类型和音乐人联系在一起,可见有很多音乐人在Detroit 。因此

23、选择 B 项。A. Alex Winston was trying to cover her real age.B. Alex Winston started band at the age of 10.C. Alex Winston couldnt read music.VD. Alex Winston likes all kind of music but folk.解析:解析:Alex 在谈到她退出歌剧学习的时候提到她无法 read music,由此可见 C 项是正确的。其他选 项都是利用访谈出现的个别词语拼凑的干扰项。(分数: 10.00 )A. Her different style.B. Her distinctive voice.VC. Her young age.D. Her cool music. 解析:解析:主持人说他试着将 Alex 与其他歌手进行比较,却发现根本没有可比性。因为女士的声音太独 特了。故答案为 B 项。A. He hates people say hes a new musician.B. He is one of the greatest artists in Alexs list.VC. He was a great r


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