已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、七年级英语上册期中质量检测试卷一 根据句意,首字母提示补全单词。(10)1Iamh_, Iwanttoeat .2. sheisag_, Heisab_.3.Intheevening , Ihaves_4. Howm_pencilsdoyouhave ?5. MayIb_yourpen,Jenny?6.Whats yourf_food ?Chicken .7. W_ hatisthis ?ItsJennys .8.Dannyh_threehairs.9. Ilikesugaronp_ .10.Thanks, YoureW_.二词组互译(12)1再见 _ 2.我的新毛衣 _3一条短裤 _ 4.他

2、的右手_5大耳朵 _ 6.多高 _7金黄色的短发 _8.黑色的大眼睛 _9.gotobed_10.have lunch_11.intheevening _ 12. getup_三用所给单词的正确形式填空。(8)1. Ilivein _ (Chinese)2.Whereis_(you )book?3.Ihavefive_(strawberry).4.Her_(foot)areverybig.5. He_(have)longblackhair .6.Howmany_(peach)doyouhave?7.I_(notlike)dumplings .8. Hewants_(open )thedoor.

3、四选择填空(20)()1. Whatshisname? _nameistom .A.HisB.My C.Her D.It()2.I live_Gansu.A. at B. in C. of D.on()3._ishermother? Sheisathome .A. Where B.What C.How D.Which()4.Howmany_doyouhave ?A. pens B. pen C.penes D. apen()5.Whatcolour_ yourhair?A .be B. are C. is D. am()6. Whatcolour are they?_A. Theyreredp

4、en B. Theyre blackC. Theyrepen s D. Theyre blackpens()7.Are they new _old?A. and B. of C. in D. or()8.Thenew sweat is _my mother.A. to B. of C. from D.in()9.Your new dress is very nice!_A.Yes, itis B. No.they arentC.Thankyou D.Of ,course()10.Doyou feel happy?A.Yes,Iam B.NO,IarentC.Yes, IdoD. NO, I d

5、oesnt()11.Whatwould you like_lunch?A. in B.From C.for D. at()12.He has _.A.three bottle of pop B. three bottle of pop.C.therepops D.three bottles of pop()13.Do you like tea or coffee?_A.Yes,I doB.No,I dont C.Yes,I likeD.tea()14._the morning .I _ breakfast.A. on , eatb. in ,haveC.at,have D. at , has(

6、)15.I _vegetables. But I _dumplings.A.like, dont like B.likes, dont likeC. like, dont D. dontlike,()16.We dont have _milk here.A. some B. a C. the D. any()17.Do you like a cup _tea?A.of B. in C./ D. on()18.- How _for one donut?-One yuan.Ill _five ,please.A. many, haveB.much, wantC. much ,takeD.tall,

7、 have()19. They do _ homeworkonSundays.A. my B. his C. our D. their()20. Tom ,_is Li ming, _ismy friend.A. this, heB. that,sheC. this, it D.she,he五该错(10分)( )1Thanksyouverymuch._A B C D( )2.Thisis aorange._A B C D()3.Wouldyoulikesomenoodles?No,I dontA B C D( )4.Whatshefavouritecolour? _A B C D( )5.Ho

8、wtallareyourmother ? _A B C D六句型转换,每空一词(20分)1Its lunch time (同义词)Itstime _.2.Thoseareapples(变单数句)_ _apple.3.Thisismymother(否定句)This_mymother4.Id like some dumplingsfor lunch (对划线提问)_ _ you_ _lunch.5.The coat is forty yuan (对划线提问)_ _ is the coat ?6.Toms pants are black.( 对划线提问)_Toms pants.7.Ilike cof

9、fee.(一般疑问句)_you _ coffee.8.My favourite foodischicken. (对划线提问)_favourite food?9. We have some red desks (否定句)Wedont have_ red desks七阅读短文。判断正()。误()。(10分)Im a girl .My name is Jenny. Ilive in Canada ,Im short ,Im 1.2 metrestall.I have short ,blond, hair .What colour are my eyes? They are blue.Im wearing a white skirt and a purple shirt.My favourite colour is blue.( )1.Jenny live in china.( )2.Her hair is long and blond.( )3.Sheis


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