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1、 全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初二组试题笔试部分(共八大题,计120分) I单选(Multiple-choice test)(共20小题,计20分) A)从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一种和划线部分意思相似或相近选项。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1The elephant wanted one more banana Aother       Bthe other        Ca       

2、 Danother 2The girl next door married a doctor    Alived with    Bgot married to    Cwas married with     Dwent to see 3Judy sometimes drinks coffee before lunch    Asometime      Ball the time  

3、     Cat times              Dsome times 4I have no timeHurry up! Hold your horsesIt takes time to open it    A耐心点儿。    B牵好马。           

4、 C管好自己。            D别松劲儿。 5Dad brought me a doggy bag when he got home    A袋装狗食              B打包袋 C难吃食物            D有小狗图

5、案袋子 B)选出下列各题最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6There _ only one desk and three chairs in that room last night    Awas           Bwere           Cto be           Dare 7M

6、y sister always says she is too thinBut I think she is just _ thin    Amore          Bmuch           Ca few           Da little 8We all laug

7、hed _ Johnny when he made faces    Aon            Bat             Cfor             Dof 9What are you doin

8、g here?    I don't like this skirtI'm trying to find _ to wear    Aelse anything    Beverything     Csomething else     Dnew something 10_ ?   I caught a bad cold     AWhat do you do?   &

9、#160;      BWhat did you catch?     CWhy are you here?       DWhat's the matter? 11The boy is short _ fat     Awith              Bor    

10、        Cso                 Dbut 12_ do you like China? Oh,very much     AWhy               BHow

11、0;          CWhat               DWhen 13There is _ boy playing _ football under the tree_ boy lives near _ Changjiang River  Aa;不填;The;不填    Ba;the;A;the C不填;th

12、e;The;the    D不填;a;The;不填 14The bus kept the people _ for so long     Ato think          Bwaiting       Cbe worried         Dhealthy 15Help yourself to some fru

13、it! _     AOh,I'm hungry  BYes,please CNo,I can't      DOh,thank you 16I'm sorry about that   _     AThat's all right     BI'm OK CThank you        DNo,you

14、 needn't 17Which umbrella is yours? The _ one is _     Asecond;mine     Bfour;my      Cfifth;me         Dtwo;mine 18In _,“the ground floor”has the same meaning as“the first floor”in China  &#

15、160;  Athe USA          BChinese       CEngland           DEnglish 19Mel looks _ of the two boys     Aolder        

16、     Bliker         Cthe best          Dthe younger 20Fred's daughter _ the machine over thereShe wants to _ how it works Alooks at;find    Bis watching;find out Cis looki

17、ng for;know     Dfinds;look out II阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分) 阅读下面短文或图表,按规定完毕文后各题。 (A) Foot ball Football,or soccer,is one of the most popular games around the worldIt is played on a fieldThere are goalposts(球门柱)at either endThere is a net(网) behind the goalpostsThis

18、net catches the ball when it goes into the goalThe ball is round and is inflated with(布满)air There are two teams of eleven playersA team scores(得分)a goal when one of its players kicks the football into the netThis would be easier if there were no goalkeepersThe goalkeepers'job is to stop the bal

19、l going over the goal line between the postsHe is the only player who can touch the ball with his handsAll the others have to play only with their feet or their heads,except when throwing it in after it has gone out of play Every player in the team has a job to doThe goalkeeper stops the ball going

20、into his goal with the help of his defenders(后卫)Midfield(中场)players help the defenders and pass the ball to the forwards(前锋)The forwards'job is to score goals Football is played by boys and girls,men and women all over the worldIt is an Olympic sportThe most famous football event in the world is

21、 the World CupWhen teams play,many millions of people watch the matches on television Choose the best answer(答案涂在答题纸上) 21Where is a net used(被用)in football? AIn front of the goalposts BBehind the goalposts COn the midfield  DIn the goals 22What is the most famous football event in the worl

22、d?    AThe Chinese Cup  BThe Olympic Games CThe World Cup    DThe World Championship 23Why is it difficult to score a goal?     ABecause the goalkeeper makes it difficult BBecause the defenders don't help     CBecause the goal

23、 isn't empty DBecause a lot of people watch the matches 24What is the forwards'job?     ATo stop the ball BTo hold the ball CTo help the goalkeeper DTo score goals 25What does“Olympic sport”mean?     AA sport played by everyone  BA football game &

24、#160;   CA sport played at the Olympic Games DA popular sport (B) Most children today go to a school where each class has its own roomIt was different many years agoMost children went to a one-room schoolhouseIn a one-room schoolhouse all the children learned in one room from the same teac

25、herA fourth grader might have sat next to a ninth graderPossibly you have seen(已经见过)a one-room schoolhouse on a television program(节目) There was a good reason for many of the one-room schoolhousesThey were often in the countryside,where there were only ten or twenty children going to schoolThen one

26、room was big enough for everyone!Today there are many more children going to schoolThe one-room schoolhouse has just about disappeared(消失) Choose the best answer(答案涂在答题纸上) 26The best title is _     AToday's Schoolhouses          &#

27、160;    BThe One-room Schoolhouse     CBig Enough for Everyone            DFourth and Ninth Graders 27Children going to a one-room schoolhouse had _      Athe same teacher   Bdifferent

28、teachers Cno lunch period    Dno homework 28Schoolhouses today usually have _     Aone room     Bone teacher     Ctwenty pupils     Dmore than one room 29One-room schoolhouses were not used where _   

29、  Athere were farms nearby          Bpeople lived far apart     Cthere were many pupils           Dthere was one teacher 30The word“possibly”in line four means _     Ausu

30、ally      Bmaybe            Cluckily            Doften (C) This is a story in ten parts,but the parts are in the wrong orderRead the ten parts and then put them in t

31、he rig ht orderThe two pictures are there to help you(答案写在答题纸上)  a)The two men walk on                 f)An hour later Bert suddenly shouts,    down the road until they      &

32、#160;          “Quick,quickPull me up!    come to a bridge                        QUICK!” b)Fred and Bert ask him &

33、#160;             g)“It's great!The fish there are    where he get the fishHe                 jumping so high you can catch    tells the

34、m,“I got it from a             them in your handsfrom the    river near here”                       bridge!” c)Two

35、men,Fred and Bert,            h)“Have you got a fish?”Fred asks    are walking along a road               “How big is it?Enormous?” d)Fred says to Bert,“When &#

36、160;  you catch a fish,shout and           i)Fred holds Bert's feet while he    I can pull(拉)you up”                hangs(吊)over the bridge e)They meet

37、 another man    He's coming in the                    j)“No,I haven't got a fish,”    opposite direction(相反方向),        Bert answers“There'

38、s a    carrying a very big fish                train coming!”The right order is:c-(31)_ -b-(32)_ -a-(33)_ d-(34)_ -h-(35)_ (D) Dominic's Day Out Answer the following questions(答案写在答题纸上) 36Where does Dominic come

39、 from ? _ 37What did they do in London?    _ 38Why did Dominic miss the coach?_ 39How did Dominic plan to go home at first?_ 40Where did the train go?        _ (E) WANTED IMMEDIATELY A boy or girl to deliver newspapers Hours6:30 amto 800 amMondays to

40、 Saturdays Wages 4per day It would be an advantage if heshe had a bicycle Write to: Mr Jones Newsagent Pensby Rd MoretonComplete the passage according to the poster(海报)(答案写在答题纸上) Mr Jones wants a boy or a girl to deliver(投递)(41)_ It would be a good thing if the boygirl has a(42)_ He needs the boygir

41、l to work(43)_ hours a weekThe boygirl will get(44)_ a weekYou can write to Mr Jones Newsagent(报摊),(45)_ (F) Answer the following questions(答案写在答题纸上) 46How many people eat at Burger King every day?     _ 47Which company is the biggest?     _ 48Where do people eat falafe

42、l?     _ 49Which company has 200 restaurants in China?     _ 50How many Pizza Hut restaurants are there around the world?     _ III完形填空(Cloze test)(共15小题,计15分) A)从所给出词或词组中选出最合适8个,并用其合适形式完毕下文。(每个词或词组只可使用一次)(答案写在答题纸上) hour,don't,in a hurry,move,so,Monda

43、y,have,get up,day, because,today,at,after,be,about B)根据对话内容,用最合适词完毕下文。(答案写在答题纸上) Deirdre:(59)_ ? Jim:Hello,is(60)_ Deirdre? Deirdre:Yes,(61)_ is speaking,please? Jim:It's JimIs George there? Deirdre:No,I'm(62)_ He's at the libraryCan I(63)_ a message? Jim:Yes,pleaseIt's about ou

44、r meeting tomorrowCan he phone me(64)_ before      7:00 this evening?I'm going out then Deirdre:OK,just let me get a penRightbefore 7:00What(65)_ can he           reach you at? Jim:334 6885 Deirdre:That's 334 6885Fine Jim:

45、GreatThanks,DeirdreBye Deirdre:OKBye IV句型转换(Sentence pattern transformation)(共10小题,计10分) A)按规定转换下列句型,每空一词。(答案写在答题纸上) 66I like apples very much(用oranges改写成选择疑问句)     Which do you like _ ,apples _ oranges? 67That is a woman doctor(改为复数句子)     _ are _ doctors 68Look out of

46、 the window(改为否认句)     _ _ out of the window 69The new superm arket is three kilometres away from here(对划线部分提问)     _ _ is the new superm arket from here? 70Allan woke up on the back seat of the police car(改为否认疑问句,并作肯定答复)     _ Allan _ up on the back seat

47、 of the police car?     _ ,he _ B)根据上句完毕下句,使两句表达意思基本相似,每空一词。(答案写在答题纸上) 71Why not go to visit Bill Gates'house near Seattle?     _ _ we go to visit Bill Gates'house near Seattle? 72We're sure to have some fun at the party this evening     We

48、9;re sure to _ _ at the party this evening 73It's best to get down from the tree at once     _ _ get down from the tree at once 74The wom an stopped the car when the policem an came over to her     The wom an _ stop the car _ the policem an came over to her 75Sam al

49、ways gets to school earliest in his class     Sam is always the _ _ to get to school in his class V动词填空(Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper for ms)(共8小题,计10分)用括号内动词合适形式填空。(答案写在答题纸上) 76Please remember _(clean)the floor,or Mrs Klip may _(be)angry 77My father _(buy)some new boo

50、ks for me every year 78Erid is good at _(make)kites 79It's a fine day todayWhy _ _(not go)on a field trip?     Good idea! 80We _(learn)how _(feed)the animals these days 81There _ _ _ _(be)a New Year's party the day after tomorrow 82The students really enjoyed _(work)on the far

51、m 83Ed _(be)always late for class last term VI翻译(Translation)(共5小题,计10分) 把短文中划线部分译成汉语。(答案写在答题纸上) (84)It was two weeks before Christmas,and Mrs West was very busyShe bought a lot of Christmas cards to send to her friends and to her husband's friends,and put them on the table in the living-roomThen,when her husband came home from work,she said to him,“Here are the Christmas cards for our friends,and here are some stamps,a pen and our book of addresses(85)Will you please write the cards while I am cooking the dinner?” (86)Mr West did not say anything,but


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