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1、提能单独成册:对应学生用书第 1页I 阅读理解Special Kids Therapy (治疗)(SKT) is a charitable organization devoted to improving the quality of the in dividuals who struggle with physical, men tal or emoti onal disabilities.Examples of what SKT can do :SKT offers the families of children with special needs practical help in

2、 buying special medical equipme nt, such as electrically- powered wheelchairs and other com muni cati on equipme nt that are not covered by in sura nee.SKT orga ni zes summer camp activities for childre n with special n eeds, providi ng them with a chance to enjoy their summer and experience the tra

3、ditional summer camp that fits their abilities.How you can help :SKT is an all- volunteer charitable organization, which is staffed by volunteers and depends on don ati ons that make it possible for us to serve and help these special childre n.SKT relies on people like you to help make good things h

4、appe n for these special childre n.Your contribution is sincerely appreciated. Your donations help make children with special needs able to have alter native therapies such as the ani mal-assisted therapy, art & music therapy, massage therapy and water therapy. These are just a few of the many p

5、rove n alter native therapies that bring joy and build self- respect of the children with special health care needs. Although these therapies are not covered by in sura nce, they enhance the men tal, physical and emotional aspects of a child's life.SKT knows that your time is valuable and we app

6、reciate your volun teer in terest. There are many chances for volunteer to work with the children and their families at our events or programs.Donations may be mailed to :Bosse Finan cialAtt n: Special Kids Therapy, Inc.PO Box 1024Fi ndlay, Ohio 45839Please write checks to Special Kids TherapyPho ne

7、: 419-422-5607Email: carespecialkidstherapy. org语篇解读本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了一个慈善组织SKT,并呼吁人们加入SKT帮助残疾的孩子。1 From the passage we can know that SKT .A earns very little by its alternative therapiesB offers help to the children with disabilitiesC is partly supported by the local governmentD pays insurance for chil

8、dren with special needs解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“devoted to improving the quality of theindividuals who struggle with physical, mental or emotional disabilities ”可知, SKT 是一个为残 疾的孩子提供帮助的组织。答案: B2 What can we infer from the text?A SKT is a non- profitable organization.B The disabled can ask any practical h

9、elp from SKT.C Donations are used to pay insurance for children.D Families of children with special needs are all poor.解析: 推理判断题。 根据第一段第一句 “Special Kids Therapy (SKT) is a charitable organization. disabilities. ”可知, SKT 是一个非营利性的组织。答案: A3 The text is written to .A encourage families to get donationsB

10、 tell us how children can live a normal lifeC make an introduction of the special childrenD call on people to join SKT to help disabled children解析: 写作目的题。根据全文可知,这篇文章介绍了 SKT 这个慈善组织,主要目的是 呼吁人们加入 SKT 从而帮助残疾的孩子。答案: DBA 7- year-old boy in Ohio tried to sell his toy dog, police in Franklin said.“ We heard

11、 aboutthe boy from a man who came into the police station and said there was a small child carrying a stuffed animal in a busy street of Franklin ,” Franklin Police Officer Steve Dunham said.When officers went to the area, Dunham spotted the boy in front of a shop and got out of his car to speak wit

12、h him. “The boy was really nervous at first ,” Dunham said. “He told me he was hungry and needed food.”Chief Russ Whitman added the boy said he had not eaten for several days. While other officers went to the child's home, Dunham took the boy to a fast food restaurant and the two had dinner toge

13、ther.The officers who went to investigate the boy's home reported that it was in terrible condition and there were other children there, adding that they found garbage and liquor bottles everywhere. Four other children 11, 12, 15 and 17 also lived in the house. The parents, who were home at the

14、time, were each charged with child neglect.Child Protective Services contacted other family members to pick up the children. The 7-year-old watched cartoons at the police station with a policeman for a few hours until a family member picked him up. The boy's parents were not jailed, but the chil

15、dren remained in the care of relatives, according to Franklin Police. St. Vincent De Paul at St. Mary's Church in Franklin is organizing a donation drive to raise money for the family, according to Whitman.“ I'm very proud of my officers for what they did, but officers across the nation go a

16、bove and beyond every single day,” Whitman said. “ You can find stories like this everywhere with police officers every day. That's why we get into the business to help people. ”语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,主要叙述了富兰克林的警察帮助一位七岁的男孩的经 历以及这次经历带给 Whitman 的感悟。4 Why did the 7- year-old boy try to sell his toy dog?A Be

17、cause he wanted to get money for food.B Because he was concerned with the police.C Because he needed to own a stuffed animal.D Because he had no time to do some cooking.解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “He told me he was hungry and needed food. ”可知, 这个七岁的男孩努力卖他的玩具狗是因为他想得到钱买食物。答案: A5 What did Dunham do when other o

18、fficers went to the boy's home?A He bought the toy from the boy.B He took the boy to his own home.C He took the boy to the police station.D He bought the boy some food.解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“While other officers went to the child's home,Dunham took the boy to a fast food restaurant and the two ha

19、d dinner together. ”可知,当其他的警D。察去那个男孩的家里的时候, Dunham 带这个男孩去了快餐店,两人一起吃了饭。故选答案:D6. How many children are there in the boy's home?A . 4.B . 5.C. 6.D . 7.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的 "Four other children 11, 12, 15 and 17 also lived in the house.”可知,男孩家中另外还有4个孩子,加上这个男孩一共有5个孩子。答案:B7. What makes Whitman proud?

20、A . Helping people in need.B. Going across the nation.C. Beginning the bus in ess.D. Finding the pare nts guilty.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段 "I'm very proud of my officers for what they did. That's why we get into the bus in ess to help people. ” 可知,使 Whitman 感到自豪的是帮助那些有需 要的人。答案:ACIn June 2015, Emi

21、ly Hedl und gave herself a challe nge: She would go an en tire year without buying any clothes. At first she thought she'd try it out on her own. But because she was also in charge of clothes shopp ing for her husba nd and young son, she expa nded the experime nt to also in clude them. Hedl und

22、calculated that she spe nt hun dreds of dollars each year on clothes she and her family n ever actually wore.Hedlund shared her pledge (誓言)on her blog. With the exception of a single pair of running shoes, Hedl und succeeded in not buying any cloth ing for anyone in her family for one year. Along th

23、e way, the experime nt brought her atte nti on to someth ing else en tirely: the clothi ng in dustry's wastefu In ess. This problem, Hedl und realized, was fueled partly by people like herself, who bought too many clothes they did n't n eed. These purchases power a fashi on in dustry where p

24、olluti on, waste and un safe work ing con diti ons are too ofte n see n.“ There's this whole dark side of the fashi on in dustry that I was n't really aware of ,” said Hedl und. It was n't at the forefront of my mind whe n I started the ban, but now it just makes me want to keep not buyi

25、ng cloth ing.”It's not impossible that one person's actions can affect a trillion- dollar global industry. Con sumers can pressure retailers (零售商)into slow ing the over- product ion that leads to so much waste, said Christ ina Dean, foun der of the fashi on waste reduct ion orga ni zati on R

26、edress.“ By controlling their consumption, consumers can send a clearer signal to the big players that are producing billions of clothes a year that they don't want to buy so much and they don't want to buy cheap clothing that's badly made ,” Dean said.However, minimalism has earned plen

27、ty of critics. “ Minimalism is a virtue only when it's a choice, and it's telling that its fan base is in the well- off middle class ,” said Stephanie Land, a journalist for The New York Times. “ For people who are not so well- off, the idea of choosing to have even less is not really an opt

28、ion. ”语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。 Hedlund 在奉行极简主义生活的过程中发现了服装行 业的诸多问题。8 Why did Hedlund include her husband and young son in her experiment?A She needed their help.B She shared her pledge with them.C She was responsible for their clothes.D She wanted to face a great challenge.解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“But because she was

29、 also in charge of clothes shopping for her husband and young son, she expanded the experiment to also include them. ”可 知,因为自己也负责购买丈夫和儿子的衣物,所以就让他们也一起加入实验。答案: C9 What did Hedlund do after sharing her pledge?A She did lots of running.B She bought fewer clothes.C She stopped buying anything.D She kept

30、writing her blog for a year.解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “Hedlund shared her pledge on her blog. With the exception of a single pair of running shoes, Hedlund succeeded in not buying any clothing for anyone in her family for one year. ”可知,她买的衣服比之前少很多。答案: B10 What does the underlined word “It ”in Paragraph 3 re

31、fer to?A Overconsumption.B Adopting a simple lifestyle.C Unfair competition between retailers.D The negative effect of the fashion industry.解析:代词指代题。根据第三段中的There's this whole dark side of the fashion industrythat I was n't really aware of"可知,在这之前Hedlu nd并不了解服装行业的黑暗面,但是现在,正是这些负面影响坚定了她不买衣

32、服的决心。答案:D11. What can be inferred from Stephanie Land's words?A . Mi ni malism is not suitable for every one.B. Minimalism should be spoken highly of.C. Minimalism is popular with poor people.D. Minimalism can't be considered as a virtue.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的"For people who are not so well-

33、 off, the idea ofchoosing to have even less is not really an option. ” 可知,Stephanie Land 认为极简主义并不适 合每个人。答案:ADThe human tendency to gravitate towards people that are similar to them starts early. In school- age childre n, the behavior called homophily, or " love of the same often" has to do

34、 with how others dress or act. Adults tend to form groups based on professions or personalities. However, forming cliques ( 小集团)and shutting out those that are “ different is n&t just a human characteristic. South Africa's Cape baboons (大狒狒)show similar tendencies too!A team of researchers f

35、ollowed the same two troops of babo ons for several mon ths. What they noticed was that like humans, baboons rarely left their original groups. To prove if their observati ons were correct, the researchers con ducted an experime nt.They bega n by placi ng some foods that the babo ons had n ever see

36、n before on the edge of paths the animals frequently crossed. The researchers recorded the time it took a baboon to get close eno ugh to exam ine the new foods and the time for ones that had the courage to taste them. Sure eno ugh, the most curious and dari ng babo ons all bel on ged to the same gro

37、up. What did surprise the scie ntists was that the mon keys with similar pers on alities hung out together, regardless of whether they were male or female.The researchers say this behavior is not a good sig n for the ani mals, because the dari ng and curious baboons are also good problem solvers. Th

38、e scientists worry that if the baboons share new problem-solvi ng skills with only their group, it leaves the rest of the species vuln erable (易受伤害的 )to any environmental changes or enemies.Unfortunately, baboons are not the only animals that form cliques. In another study, the scientists divided 80

39、 fish into two groups. After about three weeks, the fish were rearranged into smaller groups of ten. The researchers observed that many of the fish that had spent time together in the original two groups seemed to seek each other out. What was even more interesting is that once they regrouped, they

40、were able to find the hidden food much faster. This led the researchers to think that like humans, the fish tended to share their secrets with their best “ friends ”语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。科学家通过研究证明 “ 物以类聚,人以群分 ” 并非虚 妄之词,不仅人类容易被同类吸引,很多动物亦是如此。12 What can be used to replace the underlined word “ gravitate in P”

41、aragraph 1?A Lose respect.B Feel attracted.C Move smoothly.D Behave naturally.解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段中的love of the same "和 “forming cliques and shuttingout those that are different 'is not just a human characteristic ”可知,人往往容易被与自己相似的人吸引并形成小集团,故画线词在此处意为 “被吸引 ”。答案: B13 What did the experiment on baboo

42、ns show?A Baboons associate with similar others.BMale baboons tend to be in the same group.CCautious baboons are good at finding new foods.D Female baboons are usually braver than male baboons.解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“the most curious and daring baboons all belonged tothe same group "禾口 the mon keys w

43、ith similar person alities hung out together "可知,性格相似的狒狒会形成自己的小集团。答案: A14 What might the researchers worry about?A Baboons tend to be attacked.BBaboons may be reduced in numbers.CBaboons are suffering from a lack of foods.D Baboons have difficulty in solving problems.解析: 推理判断题。根据第四段中的 “The scie

44、ntists worry that if the baboons share new problem-solving skills with only their group, it leaves the rest of the species vulnerable to any environmental changes or enemies.”可知,科学家担心如果狒狒只在自己的小群体内分享新技能,那么一部分不善于解决问题的狒狒将很难应对环境变化带来的问题或敌人,这将有可能导致这一物种数量的减少。答案:B15. Why is the experiment on fish mentioned?

45、A . To show they are different from baboons.B. To introduce human- like behavior in fish.C. To prove other animals form groups as well.D. To explain how they get on with each other.解析: 写作目的题。最后一段的 baboons are not the only animals that form cliques "是本段的主题句,下文提到的研究正是为了证明这一观点。答案:Cn .阅读七选五Many peo

46、ple find it hard to lose weight and have to go starvation. Now, I'd like to offer some tricks to help lose weight.Put out a large vegetable plate. Eating water-rich foods such as tomatoes during meals reduces calorie consumption. Other water-rich foods include soups and salads. 1Because the body

47、 processes hun ger and thirst through differe nt systems, it simply does n't register a sense of fullness with water (or tea, coffee or juice).Down size your dinner plates. The less food put in front of you, the less food you'll eat. So in stead of using sta ndard dinner plates, serve your main course on salad plates.2In stead of large glasses and coffee mugs, retur n to the old days of cups and even smaller coffee cups.Serve your dinner resta


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