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1、高二选修8各单元单词(短语)检测Unit 1   A land of diversity一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:strait, hire, apparent, seagull, racial, nationality, bakery, slavery, slip, majority, applicant, ferry1 It is _ from her accent that she is from the north of China.2 China is a big country

2、with 56 _.3 The Taiwan _ separates Taiwan from the mainland.4 Did I call you Richard? Sorry, Robert, just a _ of the tongue.5 They have appealed for an end to the _ discrimination in aspects such as employment.6 It was time to end the _ and set slaves free.7 You can buy newly-mad

3、e cakes from across the _.8 There were more than 50 _ for the job, but only 10 were employed.9 The _ of representatives are in favor of the plan, only a few are against it.10 There is no bridge over the river between the primary school and the village. So those children need to be _ to and from scho

4、ol.11 He was _ three years ago and he is content with the job in the company.12 A _ is a seabird with long wings and usually with white or black feathers.第二组:swap, cattle, socialist, mixture, means, immigration, insert, indicate, percentage, luggage, aircraft, react13 China is a _ cou

5、ntry with the Chinese Communist Party ruling.14 Over the past years, there has been a big rise in _ to the USA.15 _ coins into the slot and press for a ticket.16 We own a big farm, where sheep and _ are kept.17 What _ of the population in China are farmers?18 Some people can _ badly t

6、o seafood, such as shrimps.19 Research _ that eating habits are related to health.20 An _ carrier is a large ship that carries planes which use it as a base to land on and take off from.21 His telephone is out of service. Is there any other _ of contacting him?22 Ive finished this magazine. Can I _

7、with you?23 Water is a _ of hydrogen and oxygen.24 After getting off the train, I asked Peter to stay with our _ while I found a taxi.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):by means of  make a life  occur to  team up with    mark out  take in  a great/good many &

8、#160; 1 Our trip _ a visit to the old temple built in the Ming Dynasty.2 It never _ me to ask him for help.3 I got to know Jack years ago and now we _ each other quite well.4 Thoughts are expressed _ words.5 _ workers joined in the general strike last week. They wanted higher wages.6 The old ma

9、n used to _ by selling newspapers.7 We _ a tennis court on the lawn.Unit 2   Cloning一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:clone, arbitrary, moral, merely, resist, decoration, assumption, commercial, differ, straightforward, regulation, disturbing, media1 It is impossible to make _ about how peopl

10、e feel about the new law.2 It is very _ to think that a fierce tiger that escaped from a zoo wandered about.3 Dolly, the _ sheep, lived for only six years.4 All the new employees are asked to learn about the rules and _ of the company and they must obey them.5 Never draw an _ conclusion before you t

11、hink carefully.6 American English _slightly from British English in vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation.7 The bank strongly _ cutting down interest rates.8 The _ covered Hu Jintaos visit to Hong Kong in honor of the 10th anniversary celebrations since its return toChina.9 Huaqiangbei and Dongmen

12、are both the _ heart of Shenzhen City.10 He is _ a boy of five, but he can speak very good English.11 That some evil leaders hoped to clone themselves raised some _ questions among the world.12 I like to make friends with those _ people. I hate those who are dishonest.13 Christmas is drawi

13、ng near. Lets go and buy some _ to make our house and Christmas tree more beautiful.第二组:breakthrough, obtain, argument, forbid, reasonable, ceiling, accumulate, undertake, zebra, bother, retire, procedure14 Xiao Lin likes to spend all his time playing online computer games at a net bar. Now his moth

14、er _ him to go to visit any net bar.15 Your application must go through a few _ before it is finally approved.16 We had an _ with the waiter about the bill because we thought he overcharged us.17 He was fortunate to have _ a big fortune by investing wisely in the stock market.18 Professor Wang works

15、 very hard, for he both teaches and _ research.19 His explanation was not _, so all of us didnt accept it.20 The electric fan is hanging from the _ of the room.21 After years of hard work the five doctors achieved a _ in cancer treatment.22 My father is currently 59 years old and will _ from work ne

16、xt year.23 By reading this book I am sure that you will _ a lot of information about Britain.24 Sorry to _ you, but there is a call for you on line two.25 A _ is an African wild animal like a horse with black and white lines on its body.  二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):be cast do

17、wn  object to  in favour of  be bound to (do)  from time to time    bring back to life    pay off   1 During my stay in Japan my sister visited me _.2 I _ to know that she failed in the final exam.3 All your efforts will _. J

18、ust keep it up!4 All those present at the meeting _ the plan.5 He has made full preparations for the exam. He _ succeed.6 Are there anyone _ human cloning?7 I think some day dinosaurs may be _ through cloning.Unit 3   Inventors and inventions一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:discovery, criter

19、ia, dot, passive, patent, current, monitor, straw, tap, distinguish1 The countryside is _ with small villages.2 I have bought a new PC with a 17 inch colour _.3 The _ of a childs body in the river shocked the community.4 Remember to turn off the _ after you wash.5 Insert a drinking _ here and you wi

20、ll suck the milk out.6 The new regulation played a _ but not active role in the reform of the factory.7 He made a new invention and applied for a _.8 I am interested in _ affairs so I surf the internet to read the latest news every day.9 What _ do you think can assess a students ability?10 Liu Xiang

21、 has _ himself as an athlete.第二组:perfume, valid, stable, helicopter, practical, power, application, product, file, triangle11 The _ landed on the roof of the building to save those trapped in the big fire.12 My passport is _ for only one month. I must renew it.13 The new _ gained great success after

22、 it was introduced to the market.  14 Please draw a right-angled _ with a set square(三角尺).15 If you want to be a member of our club, please fill in an _ form first.16 _ is one of the great four inventions in ancient China.17 After three days of treatment the patients condition is very _.18

23、 Every _ on the same disk must have a different name.19 In that cosmetics section you can buy expensive well-known French _.20 From a _ point of view, this is not a good place to live in.第三组:refrigerator, committee, bear, forehead, version, court, abrupt, convenient, jam, mess, expectation21 A&

24、#160;special _ was set up to look into that matter.22 The weather here is changeable. Sometimes it has an _ change in temperature.23 Would you like to play tennis with me? I have already booked a tennis _.24 The temperature here is always below zero degrees. I cannot really _ living in such cold wea

25、ther!25 It is very _ from here to downtown. There are many buses running along this street.26 The Chinese _ of Harry Porter is due for publication this September.27 I was late because I was held up in a traffic _.28 _ of life for both men and women has improved greatly in China in the past

26、 20 years.29 Put the ice creams in the _. Or they will melt very soon.30 Your room is in a _. Why not put things in place?31 I felt my sons _ and thought he must be running a fever.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):call up   now and then   in case   dive into   s

27、et out to (do)   get through   in truth   hang on   out of order   ring back    ring off    set about 1 It turned out that the newcomer was _ a spy.2 I wont _ my brother unless something unexpected happens.3 Please

28、_. I will go and get her.4 Our freezer is _ again. Wed better buy a new one instead of repairing it.5 Last winter that writer _ writing a new long novel.6 The police _ investigate the cause of the fire.7 Please take your credit card with you _your money is not enough.8 He is not here right now; will

29、 you please _ later?9 She _ her bag and took out a few coins.10 The line is engaged; I cannot _ to his office.11 I must _ now because I will go to a meeting.12 _, I visit my grandpa and grandma in the country.Unit 4   Pygmalion一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:mistaken, sob, brilliant, compro

30、mise, plot, disgusting, status, bathtub, adaptation, superior1 At first neither of the two sides would give in but after lengthy talks they reached a _.2 Over the years women want to be given equal _ and pay with men.3 I thought I saw someone I knew, but actually I was _.4 This film is an _ of a fam

31、ous writers works and it is well received.5 A _ is a container that you put water in and then you get into to wash your whole body.6 Although I disagree with him, yet I cannot speak out, for he is my immediate _.7 She has one of the most _ minds in her country.8 They were put into prison becaus

32、e they were accused of _ against the state.9 Listen! I hear a baby _ in the next room.10 I think it is very _ that some people show off themselves in public.第二组:pence, classify, pronunciation, hesitate, alphabet, betray, overlook, antique, dismiss, uncomfortable11 Marys _ is the best in our class. S

33、he speaks very standard English.12 The books are often _ according to subject.13 Since it was a well-paid job I didnt _ for a moment about taking it.14 She was terrified of saying something that would make her _ herself.15 How much altogether? Fifty _, please.16 Looking into the matter, the police _

34、 an important fact.17 From across the street there is an _ shop, where you can see very old but often valuable objects.18 School is _. The students will enjoy a two-month summer holiday.19 The chair is so hard that it feels _ to sit on.20 The English vocabulary is arranged in the order of _.第三组:clas

35、sic, pronounce, condemn, musical, outcome, nail, troublesome, fortune, effective, ambassador21 My daughter is very _. She can play quiet a few instruments.22 A high school diploma (文凭) _ him to work in a factory with a low pay.23 The film Casablanca is really a _ among the many foreig

36、n films.24 President _ the country to be in a state of war.25 He graduated from a foreign affairs university and worked as the British _ to the United Nations.26 His son is addicted to computer games and cannot get rid of them. It is really a _ problem for him.27 This kind of new drug is very _ agai

37、nst cancer but a little expensive.28 Please bring me a hammer and I will _ the painting up.29 She is hoping her US performance will be the first step on the road to fame and _.30 The negotiation is still on. We are waiting for the final _.    二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式

38、变化):passoff as   make ones acquaintance(make the acquaintance of sb.)   in amazement  generally speaking  in terms of  showin  the other day  take away  fade out   in need of1 It was a bad year for films, _ both quantity and quality.2 He es

39、caped by _ himself _ a guard.3 Peter, please _ the man at the door _.4 It was in London that I _ Jones, who was an electrical engineer.5 I dont know who has _ my dictionary.6 I happened to have read this story in a magazine _.7 _, girls are more careful than boys.8 Our school is badly _ tw

40、o teachers of English.9 _ the music at the end of the scene.10 I looked at him _.Unit 5  Meeting your ancestors一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:patient, systematic, applaud, accuracy, alternative, punctuation, tentative, division, yogurt, affection, preserve, analysis, skilful, radioactive, botan

41、y1 A river forms the _ between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.2 Our troops made a _ plan to attack the enemy, which was well prepared and organized. Finally it worked out quite well.3 This is a 14th century house, which is perfectly _ and visited by lots of people.4 We had no _ but to wait for the

42、 rain to stop.5 I have lived in New York for years and have a great _ for it.6 Some kids prefer _ to pure milk.7 _ is the scientific study of plants and their structure.8 I made a _ arrangement to see him on Friday and I would let him know if any change.9 She works as a teacher at a kinder

43、garten. She is very _ with those children.10 Only those _ teachers are qualified to teach Senior 3 students.11 Radium(镭) discovered by Madame Curie is a kind of _ element.12 Your blood samples(样本) are sent to the lab for _ to see if you have got infected with AIDS.13 He kicked the ball with great _

44、and scored a goal.14 _ marks in English are not completely the same as those in Chinese.  15 My speech was so exciting that all the audience began to _.第二组:somehow, interrupt, primitive, relief, dizzy, ample, specific, arrest, assume, significance, category, sharpen, accelerate16 Those mon

45、ey was collected for a _ purpose, that is, to sponsor those poor children living in the remote mountain villages.17 Please dont _while we are talking.18 The central government decided to raise interest rate, for inflations continued to _.19 The results of the survey can be divided into three main _.

46、20 Let us _ that the plan succeeds. Then what would you do next?21 Dont look at him. He did so in order to _ others attention.22 The meeting is of such great _ that I have to attend it.23 My knife is blunt. It needs _.24 Climbing to such a height makes me feel _.25 Dont be worried. We have _ glasses

47、 for all the guests.26 News of their safety came as a great _ to us all.27 _, I dont feel that I can trust him.28 There still existed a few _ tribes in that African country.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): regardless of  cut up  look ahead 1 He went ahead and did it, _ its consequ

48、ences.2 I _ the meat on the plate.3 _ and you will enjoy a bright future. 选修八Unit 1一 第一组:1 apparent  2 nationalities  3 Strait  4 slip  5 racial  6 slavery  7 bakery  8 applicants  9 majority  10 ferried  11 hired  12 seagull 第二组:13 so

49、cialist  14 immigration  15 Insert  16 cattle  17 percentage  18 react  19 indicates  20 aircraft  21 means  22 swap  23 mixture  24 luggage二 1 takes in  2 occurs to  3 team up with  4 by means of  5 A good many  6 make

50、a life  7 marked out  Unit 2一 第一组:1 assumptions  2 disturbing  3 cloned  4 regulations  5 arbitrary  6 differs  7 resists  8 media  9 commercial  10 merely  11 moral  12 straightforward  13 decorations 第二组:14 forbids

51、0; 15 procedures  16 argument  17 accumulated  18 undertakes  19 reasonable  20 ceiling  21 breakthrough  22 retire  23 obtain  24 bother  25 zebra二 1 from time to time  2 was cast down  3 pay off  4 objected to  5 is bound to

52、0; 6 in favour of  7 brought back to lifeUnit 3一 第一组:1 dotted  2 monitor  3 discovery  4 tap  5 straw  6 passive  7 patent  8 current  9 criteria  10 distinguished   第二组:11 helicopter  12 valid  13 product  14 triangle  15 application  16 Power  17 stable  18 file  19 perfume  20 practical 第三组:21 committee  22 abru


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