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1、广州版牛津英语八年级下册词组填空题有答案UNIT11 .袁隆平被认为是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。Yuan Longping is one of the in the world.2 .他20 岁就成为一名作家。He became a writer the twenty.3 .他的演讲非常成功。His speech was a .4 .我非常感激我的英语老师,因为他经常鼓励我并帮助我。I'm my English teacher since he has always and helped me.5 .那时他正忙于在互联网上搜寻关于四川地震的信息。He was the informati

2、on the Sichuan earthquake on the Internet atthat time.6 .成功来自于辛勤的工作。Hard working success.7 .大家都讨厌他,因为他经常嘲笑别人。Everyone him because he often laughs at others.8 .他为我们树立了一个好榜样。he a fine example to all of us.9 .昨天我在看电视,我的父亲在看书。Yesterday evening I TV while my father a book.10 .我们正在下棋,突然电话响了。we chess when

3、the telephone .11 .其他孩子在玩游戏时,他正在练习钢琴。he the piano while other children games.12 .她有画画的天赋并且每天坚持练习。She had a drawing and kept every day.13 .我感激我的老师。I'm my teacher.14 .乔丹被认为是历史上最好的篮球运动员。Michael jordan the best basketball player in history.UNIT21 .读科学书很有趣。It science books.2 .每晚睡眠8 小时很重要。It eight hou

4、rs every night.3 .他的主意听起来不错。his great.4 .物理很难学。physics learn.5 .保护环境很重要。It our environment.6 .她病了,不想吃什吗东西。She is .She does feel anything.7 .熬夜对你的健康不利。It's for your health to too late.8 .他经常迟到。他的父母对他很生气。He is often for school and his parents are him.9 . 200 年过去,这座房屋依然完好无缺。After 200 years,the hous

5、e is still .10 .你认为这本书值得看吗?Do you think in one hand and a pen ?11 .他一只手拿着一本书,另一只手拿着钢笔。He took a book in one hand and a pen .12 .那些医护人员忙得顾不上吃饭。The doctors and nurses were have their meals.13 .不管什么时候人们见到他都不会挡住他的道。people met him,they would his way to let him pass.14 .我很困倦,什么也不想做。I'm very,I don'

6、t feel anything.15 .老师满脸笑容走进课室。The teacher came into the classroom with a on her face.16 .那个粗心的司机把车开进河里。The drove his car into the river.17 .我的父母太忙,没有时间去旅游。My parents are take a travel.UNIT31 .黑暗中看见一个男人在后面,她吓了一跳。She her skin when she saw a man behind her in the dark.2 .老师问我是否完成了作业。The teacher asked

7、me my homework.3 . 2008 年奥运会给全世界人民留下了深刻的印象。The 2008 Olympic Games on people all over the world.4 .看电视太多对你的眼睛不好。It's for your eyes to watch TV .5 .我想和你交朋友。I would like to you.6 .我从未听过如此感人的故事。I have never heard story.7 .新电影往往是重要的社会事件。A new film is often an event.8 .我将永远记住我们之间的友谊。I will remember th

8、e us .9 .电影能帮助我了解社会文化。Film can help us the of our .10 .你最好不要看这些书,它们对年轻人有不良的影响。You'd better not read these books.They have young people.11 .爱迪生小时候就对科学产生了巨大的兴趣。Edison showed science when he was a boy.12 .他的父亲太忙,不能去度假。His father is take a holiday.13 .我永远不会忘记我们之间的友谊。I'll never forget the us.14 .

9、我将开车过来接你。I'll drive over to you .UNIT41 .昨天她收到一份礼物,但她没有接受。Yesterday she a present,but she didn't it.2 .我深深为他的言行所感动。I was moved by he said and .3 .他通过发电子邮件与朋友保持联系。He kept with his friends by e-mails.4 .你离开家多久了?How long have you home?5 .虽然大雨倾泻不止,但战士们却没有停止训练。the heavy rain kept pouring down, th

10、e soldier didn't training.6 .虽然医护人员很累,但他们不肯停下了休息。 the doctors and the nurses were very ,they didn't have a rest.7 .他虽然是个孩子,但他懂得很多。He knows a , he is a child.8 .他虽然很忙,但经常帮助其他人。he is very ,he often helps others.9 .无论他到哪里,他都乐意帮助别人。he goes,he always to help others.10 .他们经常与外国学生练习说英语。They often s

11、peaking English with the students.11 .北京有许多名胜古迹。There are a lot of of in Beijing.12 .他问我怎样和同学们保持联系。He asked me how I with my classmate.UNIT51 .我简直不相信我的眼睛。I can my eyes.2 .他用一生帮助他人。he all his life others.3 .总有一天,你将必需为你所做的一切付出代价。One day you will have to what you did.4 .我的祖母过去住在农村,现在习惯住在城市。My grandmoth

12、er in the countryside.Now he is in the city. 5.学会独立是很重要的。 It's important to learn to .6 .他年龄太小,不能照顾自己。 He is young .7 .我不能立即决定,我要考虑一下。 I can't decide at once, I'd like it.8 .这个建议听起来不错,我会考虑的。 This suggestion good, I'll it.9 .你知道你的父母很关心你吗?Do you know your parents a lot you?10 .我的父母习惯早起

13、床。My parents are up early.11 .我盼望与你交朋友。I'm looking to friends with you.UNIT61 .除了汤姆以外,每个人都在这里。everyone here Tom.2 .你如果累的话可以休息一下。If you feel ,you can .3 .现在我对英语越来越干兴趣。Now I'm getting in English.4 .老师说汤姆干得好。The teacher said that Tom .5 .最后小偷被关进监狱。At last the thief .6 .那个老人有自己的一套办法。The old man

14、has .7 .这河大约有3 米深。This river is about .8 .他大声叫喊以便大家能听见。He called out everyone could hear.9 .不要到处扔垃圾。Don't throw the rubbish .10 .她年龄太少,不能自己照顾自己。She isn't to herself.11 .我们互相帮助是非常重要的。It's important us each other.12 .战士们已经连续工作了18小时,有必要让他们停下来休息。The soldiers have kept working for 18 hours, s

15、o it's necessary to make them to .13 .她想尽力说服她的丈夫戒烟。She tried to her husband to smoking.UNIT71 .虽然他上了年纪,他仍然能记住很久以前的事物。Though he got old,he could still things from a .2 .你应该尽力每天记住一些新单词。You should some new words every day.3 .我没有见过这位作家,但我经常听说过。I haven't seen the writer,but I often him.4 .如果明天天晴,

16、我们去钓鱼。If it tomorrow, we fishing.5 .如果他考试不及格,他的母亲会难过。His mother if he pass the exam.6 .如果你在这里抽烟,其他人会不高兴。If you here, others happy.7 .如果你父亲睡着,请悄悄进来。If your father asleep, please come in .8 .如果他明天起床不够早的话,就不能赶上早班车。If he get up early ,he be able to catch the early bus.9 .短期记忆一次大约可容纳7 条信息。Short-term memo

17、ry can hold about seven pieces of information .10 .我过去常常把“在船上 ”和 “在国外 ”这两个词混淆。I the word "aboard" with "abroad".11 .你应该特别注意你的健康。You should of your health.12 .课堂上你应全神贯注老师所讲的重要内容。In class you should your and on the most important things yourteachers says.13 .我们有必要记笔记和写日记。It's u

18、s to notes and a diary.14 .什么也不能阻止历史车轮前进。Nothing can the wheel of history from .15 .我们应该珍爱自己,远离毒品。We should ourselves and away from drugs.16 .飞机半小时就要起飞,我们做好准备吧。5 / 11广州版牛津英语八年级下册词组填空题有答案The plane willin half an hour. Let's get ready,17 .他们很担忧自己的前途。They are very their future.牛津版英语8B期末测试英语试卷I .单项选

19、择1. The Greens in Paris and now they in China. They like China.A. used to live; are used to livingB. are used to living; used to liveC. use to live; used to liveD. used living; used to living2. We know that go of the cases of blindness can .A. per cents; cureB. percent; curedC. per cent; be curedD.

20、percent; are cured3. All the drivers must be careful when they are driving to prevent the traffic accidentA. happen B. to happen C. from being happened D. from happening4. UNICEF clean water, food and education poor children in many countries.A. provide, toB. provides, for C. provides, to D. provide

21、s, with5. Our teacher told us that pollution a very serious problem in the world we live.A. has beenB. had beenC. isD. was6. Ricky hopes more charity shows.A. to there beB. there will haveC. there is going to beD. there will be7. Ricky was so excited he couldn words.A. that, speak someB. because, sa

22、yC. that, say anyD. and, say some8. When I , I found no one there.A. got toB. arrivedC. reached9. The work must in half an hour.A. be finishedB. finishC. finishes10. “How far is the station? ”“It,siovey ”A. two hoursB. two hours ' C. two hourD. gotD. finishedD. two hour11. A desk is made wood, a

23、nd paper is made wood, too.A. from, fromB. of, ofC. of, fromD. from, of12. My pencil-box is better than .A. his and herB. he and she C. his and hers D. him and her13. We have never seen film before. It's very interesting.A. so good B. such good C. such a good D. a so good14. -Did your teacher te

24、ll you this afternoon?-Yes. We'll go to visit the Science Museum .A. how to do B. what to do C. to go where D. where go to15. Li Lei hasn't come yet. I don't know what to him.A. is happened B. has been taken place C. has taken place D. has happened16. Mr Smith in America this time last y

25、ear.A. travelled B. would travel C. has travelled D. was travelling17. Don't go out. I don't want you toA. get lose B. get missed C. get miss D. get lost18. How it is to see you again!A. happy B. please C. glad D. pleasant19. If you want to open a file, please on the icon.A. left twice click

26、sB. left double clicks.C. double left clicksD. twice left clicksD. will be happenedD. among20. The 30th Olympic Games in London in2012A.has been had B.will be heldC. hold21. London is the biggest cities all over the world.A. ofB. inC. between22. Haven ' t you been invited to the party?- No,A. No

27、 time to help with it.B. No time to take part in.C. I don know then at all. D. I don ' t think so.23. -Excuse me. Look at the sign: No SMOKING! -Sorry, I it.A. don ' t see. didn ' t seC. haven ' t seen D. won ' t see24. -was the show? - It was a big success.A. WhatB. WhenC. WhyD.

28、 How.25. Last Friday I saw some boys behind Daniel, the computer games. A. sit, watching B. sitting, watch C. sit, watch D. sitting, watchedII.按要求改写下列各句,每空一词1. "Don' t be late for school." Tom' s fatheraiditolhimtl)Tom' s father Tom late for school.2. " Would you like to g

29、o to the party?” Meimeaskedme复合句)Meimei asked me I to go to the party.3. She ' s got some books about art she?(改成反意疑问句)III.完形填空Do you like to go camping (里予营) ? Do you know how to start a fire? If you don' t know how to start a firyou 1 your food, and can ' t sit by the side of a fire, a

30、nd can2 '. t keep yourselvesLong, long ago people 3 how to start fires. They probably started fires from lightning (闪电).But they had to 4 the lightning fire burning, for there was5 to start it 6 .Later people learned how to start fires. They 7out hitting two pieces of stone (石头)together could ma

31、kea spark (火光).The spark could set 8 on fire (set on fire使 燃烧).They could start this kind offire again if it went out (熄火)Then people also learned to make a fire by rubbing (摩擦)two sticks together. They made a hole(洞)on a large stick and put the _9 stick into the hole. And then they turned the stick

32、 again and again. _10_ a few minutes they started a fire.About two hundred years 11, people began to 12matches (火柴).One early match looked _13_ the match we use today. The match gave people a 14 way to start fires. Today people are 15 finding new ways to start fires. One of the new ways to start a f

33、ire is to use an electric fire starter (电子打火器) .Now you can 16 matches and electric fire starter at 17 . Of course an electric fire starter is more expensive than 18_ , 19 it is useful.After people learned to make fires, their lives became 20()1. A. can cookB. can eatC. can ' t cookD. can '

34、t eat()2. A. quietB. fullC. hotD. warm()3. A. have knownB. knewC. haven ' t known D. didn ' t know()4. A. askB. keepC. letD. make()5. A. no wayB. no ideaC. a wayD. an idea7 / 11广州版牛津英语八年级下册词组填空题有答案()6.A. onlyB. againC. moreD. either()7.A. tookB. foundC. lookedD. heard()8.A. dry paperB. wet l

35、eavesC. wet paperD. dry leaves()9.A. largerB. largeC. smallerD. smallest()10.A. AfterB. BeforeC. When1D. For()11.A. beforeB. agoC. laterD. after()12.A. inventedB. doC. makeD. used()13.A. upB. differentC. the sameD. like()14.A. quick and easyB. slow and difficultC. new and interestingD. important and

36、 clever()15.A. alwaysB. alreadyC. evenD. still()16.A. sellB. buyC. seeD. find()17.A. homeB. factoriesC. shopsD. towns()18.A. a matchB. a box of matchC. a box of matchesD. a box matches()19.A. soB. andC. butD. because()20. A. harder and harderB. easier and easierC. longer and longerD. happier and hap

37、pierJ.阅读理解ALetter ADear Roes,I like your programmes very much. I' m now writing to ask you something about American soci&fMustoms交习惯).My American friend want me to join them in their dinner party. I am very happy and have decided to go, but I ' m a little worried about it, too. The socia

38、l customs in my country are very different from here, so I making mistakes.Should I bring a present, such as sweet or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork (叉子)or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I ' mhankful for their k

39、indness?Wang LinLetter BDear Wang Lin,It ' s a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine (葡萄酒)if you know that your friends drink it.You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don' t get there earl

40、y. If you' re goirfifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.Try to be free at the dinner tabl e. If you don ' t know about choosing the right fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do. ask the person next to you.If you like

41、 the food, say so. Of course, you' ll thank them for the meal and for their kindness. Itidea to send a thank-you card the day after.()1. Wang Lin wants to .A. make friends with RoseB. know some social customs for a dinner partyC. make her friends happyD. give her friends a surprise ()2. Rose is

42、possibly .A. a good housewifeB. a TV hostess (主持人)8 / 11C. a member of the dinner partyD. a friend of Wang Lin ' s) 3. If you ' re asked to a dinnerarty but not sure about what to bring as a present. It' s good to bringA. some fruitsB. a bottle wineC. some flowersD. a knife and fork() 4.

43、 Which of the following is NOT proper(适当的) for joining in a dinner party?A. Get there 15 minutes earlierB. Make yourself at homeC. Follow others to use forks and knivesD. Thank your friends for the meal() 5. From the letters we ' re learned that it ' s very to know something about American s

44、ocialcustoms.A. difficultB. friendlyC. enjoyableD. helpfulBIn elementary school (小学),Guadalupe Quintanilla was often referred to (认为) as a “ slow learney her ” teachers. But she really wasn' slow at all. She just didn ' understand the language used in the classroom. Her problem was that she

45、didn ' t speak English. So she left school after the fourth grade.When Guadalupe grew up, married (结婚),and had children of her own, she knew that her children were clever.But some of their teachers didn' t think so. The children were having trouble in school because they didnEnglish. Mrs Qui

46、ntanilla was angry. She didn' t want people to think that here:lsllowelearniers. So shedecided to learn English herself as a way of helping them. She practised English. She looked up words in the dictionary. She asked the school headmaster to let her sit in on classes. It wasn' t easy, but s

47、he pShe said that many of the other students helped her.Mrs Quintanilla has helped her children with their lessons. Her two sons have won success(成功).One is ateacher, and the other is a doctor. Her youngest child, a daughter, is studying in a university (大学)()1. Guadalupe was called as low learner .

48、A. to make her study harderB. because she wasn ' t cleverC. because she stayed at homeD. because she didn ' t speak English()2. According to (根据) the story, children who don ' t speak English .A. may have more trouble in school B. have trouble playing football C. often write a diaryD. gr

49、ow up to be teachers()3. Which happened first?A. Guadalupe passed all her exams.B. Guadalupe left school after the fourth grade.C. Guadalupe had three children.D. Her two sons won success.()4. The story is mainly (主要的)about .A. learning to sing and danceB. the problem of slow learningC. going to a u

50、niversityD. Mrs Quintanilla ' s successCYoung men often give flowers to young women when they are in love. This tradition may have come fromTurkey. In the 1700s in Turkey, it was quite popular for people in love to send each other baskets full of strange things. The baskets were delivered (递送) s

51、ecretly to the person who was receiving it. Usually, and old woman who sold flowers or fruit on the street left the basket b eside the person ' s door.These baskets included a variety (种类) of “ gifts ” : flowers, stones, feathers, was , and even charcoal (木炭).Each thing in the basket had a speci

52、al meaning. By figuring out (领会至U) the secret message contained9 / 11in each item (项目),the person who received the basket began to understand little by little the true feelings of the person who sent it.This idea of sending gifts of love with secret meanings quickly spread to (传至U) Germany, France a

53、nd England. However, as time passed, only sending flowers, remained (保持) popular.An innocent (清白的) bunch (束) of flowers told young ladies about the feelings in hearts of young men.Each different flower held a different meaning. For example, the flowers from an orange tree meant,“You abeautiful and p

54、ure. nk carnations (康乃馨) meant, “My love for you is strong and great." Yellow roses, onother hand, meant ,“I saw you with someone else. ”Many flower dictionaries were made to help young people in love understand the meaning of the flowers they received. Not all of the dictionaries agreed, howev

55、er, on the meaning of each flower, so a person had to be careful about the flowers they chose to send.By the 1880s, using flowers to send messages had fallen out of fashion, and the more direct way of sending love letters began. Today, flowers are still considered a lovely gift. But the meaning for

56、each kind of flower has been lost.()1. Lines 1 to 10 describe the tradition of .A. sending gift basketsB. selling flowersC. selling love lettersD. sending dictionaries()2. What did the items in a basket explain to the receiver?A. The lady ' s looks.B. The sender ' s emotions青)C. The person ' s door.D. The person ' s country.()3.To where did the idea of sending gifts of love spread?A. To Asia. B. To Europe. C. To Australia. D. To North America.( )4.How did people know the meaning of each kind of flower?A. A dictionary told them.B.Their parents told the


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