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1、1星际星际穿越穿越2In the near future, the terrible environment has caused humans comeback to the agrarian(农业的) society. 3The Protagonist(主人公) Cooper runs a farm with his father-in-law(岳父), his teenage son, and his 10-year-old daughter Murphy.He was a NASA(美国航空航天局) pilot and also good engineer, but he has to

2、 be a farmer.4CooperMurphy5Accidentally , Cooper and his daughter find the NASAs base.And the NASA requests Cooper to help their project , which is to save human beings.6The leader of this mission,Professor(教授) Brand.7Brand says that there is a wormhole(虫洞) near the Saturn (土星), which was created by

3、 alien intelligence(外星智慧), namely TheyIt should be a guidance for mankind to find new homeland.8NASA has made sure that there are three planets, which surround a Black Hole(黑洞), might allow humans to live in. NASA request Cooper to carry the last step of the mission.9I will be back.Cooper must make

4、a choice: to save the humans future, or to stay with his children. Cooper choose the former,but Murphy cant forgive him.10Cooper and his teammates embark on(踏上) a journey to the unknown.11This is the spacecraft where Cooper, Amelia, Doyle, Rommily and TARS will spend many years.(太空飞船) Its named Endu

5、rane12 AmeliaProfessor Brands daughter.Scientist.13RommilyScientist14DoyleScientist15A robotTARS16Their mission is to make sure that whether the three planets,which were searched by former teammates,are surely suitable for life or not.17First, they go to a planet which is covered by water, named Mil

6、ler.But they find that the planet is very dangerous.They have been misled(误导) from the beginning.Unfortunately, Doyle is killed by the huge billow(巨浪).18Then they decide to go to Mann,a frozen planet, which named by scientist Dr.Mann.But finally, they find that there is no possibility for mankind on

7、 the planet. Dr.Mann cheated them, just because he want to survive.19Murphy(grown-up,physicist(物理学家)Because of Time Dilation(时间膨胀), several decades(几十年) has already past on earth.When Professor Brand is dying,he explains that Plan A is impossible from the beginning.20But Murphy doesnt lose hope, she

8、 just need a string of data(数据).21Now Rommily has also died.Because they are short of fuel(燃料), Cooper and Amelia have to be separated.Amelia travels towards the last planet Edmunds22As for Cooper and TARS , they drop into the Black Hole. But They save Cooper and TARS.With the help of They, Cooper e

9、dit TARS data , which is necessary for working out Brands equation(方程) , and send it to now aldut Murphy. 23Now the movie is coming to an end. Years later , Cooper awakes in a space station and reunites(重聚) with the now very old Murphy , who has led to build the humans refuge(避难所). 24To Murphys advi

10、ce,Cooper decides to search for Amelia, who has stayed on that planet.25Actors lines (台词)Love is the only thing that can transends time and space. (爱是唯一可以穿越时间和空间的事物爱是唯一可以穿越时间和空间的事物) - AmeliaMankind was born on earth. It was never meant to die here.(人类生于地球,绝不意味着灭亡于此人类生于地球,绝不意味着灭亡于此) -Cooper26A poem in this movieA poem in this movieDo not go gentle in


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