



1、欢迎阅读珍惜粮食英文谚语导读:1、节约粮食是美德,浪费粮食是犯罪。Saving food is a virtue, and wasting food is a crime.2、不当家不知柴米贵。I dont know how expensive firewood is.3、节粮从我做起,建设节约型社会。Starting from saving grain, we should build aconservation-oriented society.4、崇尚节粮风气,促进可持续发展。Advocate grain saving and promote sustainable developmen

2、t.5、节约光荣,人见人赞;浪费可耻,谁闻谁恶。Economy is glorious and everyone praises it; waste is shameful andeveryone smells it.6、食堂饭菜香,买饭多谦让。The food in the canteen is fragrant and modest.7、省吃餐餐有,省穿日日新。Save meals and meals, and save time and space.8、尊敬他人就是尊敬自己,与人方便就是与己方便。Respect for others means respect for oneself,

3、andconvenience for others means convenience for oneself.欢迎阅读9、糠菜半年粮。Bran vegetable for half a year.10、节约粮食光荣,浪费粮食可耻。It is glorious to save grain and shameful to waste it.11、有荒节约度荒,天荒节约备荒。There is a shortage of economy to overcome the shortage, andnatural shortage to save and prepare for the shortage

4、.12、家有万石粮,挥堆不长。There are ten thousand stone grains at home, but they cant be piledup long.13、珍珠为宝,稻米为王。Pearl is the treasure, rice is the king.14、珍惜粮食,远离浪费。Cherish food and keep away from waste.15、生命诚可贵,粮食价更高!Life is precious, and the price of grain is higher!16、倒下的是剩饭,流走的是血汗。What falls is leftovers

5、, what flows away is sweat and blood.17、食不净则多病,食不尽则多蝇。欢迎阅读If you dont eat properly, you will get sick. If you dont eat properly,you will get many flies.18、也许温饱在某个角落还是难题,请珍惜手中的粮食!Perhaps food and clothing in a corner is still a problem, pleasecherish the food in your hands!19、一天省下一两粮,十年要用仓来装。Save one

6、 or two grains a day and store them in warehouses for tenyears.20、一两煤,一块炭,积少成多煮熟饭。One or two coals, one piece of charcoal, accumulate less into morecooked rice.21、饮食是文化,请从窗口文明做起。Diet is culture, please start with window civilization.22、饮水要思源,吃饭当节俭。粒粒盘中餐,皆是辛苦换。Drinking water should be thought of and

7、eating frugally.Chinese food on grain plates is hard to change.23、一斤粮,千粒汗,省吃俭用细盘算。A catty of grain, a thousand sweats, thrift and careful calculation.24、文明礼貌,秩序井然。Civilization, courtesy and orderliness.欢迎阅读25、谁爱风流高格调,共怜时世俭梳妆。Who loves high style, compassion for the frugal dressing of thetimes.26、惜衣有

8、衣穿,惜饭有饭吃Cherish clothes and clothes, but eat meals.27、存粮如存金,有粮不担心。If you have grain in reserve, dont worry about it.28、省下烟酒钱,急难免求人。Save money for cigarettes and drinks.29、节约粮食,远离浪费。Save grain and keep away from waste.30、一顿省一口,一年省一斗。A meal saves a mouthful and a bushel a year.31、惜衣有衣,惜食有食。Cherish clo

9、thes and clothes, and eat and eat.32、不用方便筷,植树造绿荫。Do not use convenient chopsticks, plant trees to shade.33、身后有余忘缩手,眼前无路想回头。Behind him, there is no way to turn back.create欢迎阅读34、请记住:粮食来得不容易!Remember: Food is not easy!35、节约粮食给未来生活多一点机会!Saving food will give more chances for future life!36、爱惜粮食,人人有责!Ch

10、erish food, everyone has a responsibility!37、一粥一饭汗珠换。One porridge and one meal of sweat.38、兵马未动,粮草先行。The soldiers and horses did not move, but the grain and grass wentahead.39、吃饭不忘农人苦,穿衣不忘工人忙。Eat without forgetting the hardships of the peasants and dresswithout forgetting the busyness of the workers

11、.40、细水长流,遇灾不愁。Thin waters flow long, and you will not worry about disaster.41、请大家保持餐桌卫生,给我们一个干净的用餐环境。Please keep the table clean and give us a clean dining environment.42、爱惜粮食就是热爱生活。Cherishing food means loving life.欢迎阅读43、好处安身,苦处用钱。Benefits are comfortable and pains are spent. 44、一天省一两粮,十年用用仓来装。Save on


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