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1、1PEP BOOK7 Unit 6 How do you feel? PartB Read and write Bai Ze ZhongXin Primary School,YiXiu2angry34How does she feel now? sad5What can we do for them?6Let them be.happy78Boys and girls,How do you feel,now? Today,we are going to read a story. Robin and the AntGuess ,what its about?How do they feel?9

2、Pre-reading (初读课文)初读课文) 1、Listen and know about the story. (听录音,初步感知课文)(听录音,初步感知课文)2、Underline the naughty words. ( (画出文中淘气词汇)画出文中淘气词汇) 3、Number the pictures. ( (给图片排序)给图片排序) 1011( )1.It is a rainy mornig.( )2.Robin will sit on the grass. ( )3.The ant is worried.( )4.Roin is in the museum.Task . Rea

3、d and write “T” or “F” .FFTF12CHALLENGE YOURSELF(挑战自我挑战自我)Answer the questions( (回答问题)回答问题) 1. What is Robin going to do? 2. Whos worried on the next day? Why?13Searching Games(搜寻游戏)Game rules( 游戏规则):游戏规则):1.找一位同学上台面对黑板,同时找一位同学将本篇找一位同学上台面对黑板,同时找一位同学将本篇短文中的单词卡片藏于班级的某处,让其搜寻。短文中的单词卡片藏于班级的某处,让其搜寻。2.班级其它

4、同学一起说出单词名称,当搜寻同学接近班级其它同学一起说出单词名称,当搜寻同学接近单词,音量加大,远离单词,音量减小,直到发单词,音量加大,远离单词,音量减小,直到发现单词卡片,游戏结束!现单词卡片,游戏结束!14Task 、Fill in the blanks and retell the story. worriedpull Robin out of the mud afraid happy15While- reading: (阅读呈现)阅读呈现)It is a sunny morning. Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears,

5、“Wait!” It is a little ant . He is afraid. “please dont sit on me. One day I can help you.” “Dont worry, little ant. I wont sit on you,” says Robin . The next day, it is raining. Robin is in the park. He is stuckin the mud. He is worried. Then he hears, “Let us help you!” It is the ant and all of hi

6、s friends. They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud. Everyone is happy! 16 Task . Make a book show. ( (课本剧表演)课本剧表演) 17 Tips:(温馨提示)温馨提示)Step 1. Role play with investment. ( (角色扮演要投入)角色扮演要投入)Step 2. Pronunciation and intonation. (注意语音、语调)(注意语音、语调)Step 3. Cooperation with each other. (协同配合)(协同配合

7、)18 Post reading:(阅读拓展、(阅读拓展、情感升华)情感升华)It is a sunny morning. Robin is going to sit on the grass when he hears, “Wait!” It is a little ant . He is afraid. “please dont sit on me. One day I can help you.” “Dont worry, little ant. I wont sit on you,” says Robin . The next day, it is raining. Robin is

8、in the park. He is stuckin the mud. He is worried. Then he hears, “Let us help you!” It is the ant and all of his friends. They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud. Everyone is happy! 19What does the stroy tell us? 2021 We should always be nice to each other. 我们应该总是善待彼此!我们应该总是善待彼此!22 If youre good to others, our life will be full of love!善待他人,我们的生活才会充满爱与阳光!善待他人,我们的生活才会充满爱与阳光!1.Draw faces for each word. ( (画出课本上的心情脸谱)画出课本上的心情脸谱)2.Retell the story to your


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