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1、are allowed to Fill in the blanks with the words below. Change the forms where necessaryFill in the blanks with the words below. Change the forms where necessary1. We that he is quite careful in his work. 2. In my memory, my parents never me when I did something wrong. 3. These poor buildings need b

2、ecause of the problem of safety. 4. After todays heavy snow, many high ways . 5. In this school, students not stay out at night except in their holidays. 6. After a few minutes, the plane behind a cloud. 7. Do you know what kinds of caves the American Black Bears use in the cold winter? 8. Of the si

3、x people injured in the crash, only two . 9. I both happiness and sadness in the past 10 years when I was abroad. 10. The main purpose of trade is wealth. have discovered hit destroying/to be destroyed were blocked disappeared to hibernate survived experienced to create create hibernate disappear su

4、rvive allow hit experience discover block destroy 大学英语基础教程(第三版)Translate the following sentences into English.Translate the following sentences into English.1. 恐龙消失的原因引起了许多科学家的注意。The reason of dinosaurs disappearance attracts many scientists attention.2. 他似乎同意我的建议。He seems to agree on my suggestion.

5、3. 天气如此炎热以致我们不得不停课。The weather was so hot that we had to stop our class.4. 你肯定那个戴眼镜的学生借了你的书吗?Are you sure that the student who wears a pair of glasses borrowed your book?大学英语基础教程(第三版)Translate the following sentences into English.Translate the following sentences into English.5. 考试结束后,你至少应该检查一下试卷。Af

6、ter the exam, you should at least check the test paper.6. 这家的生活都依赖父亲的收入。The life of this family depends on the fathers income.7. 小行星碰撞地球后,有些小型的哺乳动物活了下来。After the asteroid hit the earth, some small mammals survived.8. 未满18岁的青少年不允许进入网吧 。Teenagers under 18 years old are not allowed to enter the net bar

7、. 大学英语基础教程(第三版)1. 这颗小行星的撞击产生了相当于十万颗氢弹的冲击力,造成了毁灭恐龙的严寒冬天。2. 英国一所大学的科学家们认为,流星碰撞地球引起的灰尘可能造成了地球上至少三个月暗无天日。3. 如今,科学家们确信小行星非常巨大,它有可能阻挡了射向地球的阳光,并引起了酸雨性的暴风雨和地震;这些地震比我们在过去100年里经历的最厉害的地震还要强烈1000倍。4. 许多还没有老鼠那么大,它们能在灾难中最恶劣的天气里冬眠,正如今天许多像松鼠这样的小哺乳动物可以冬眠一样。5. 正是恐龙从地球上消失之后,大型哺乳动物才出现在地球上,从而最终导致哺乳动物中最具统治地位的人类的出现。大学英语基础

8、教程(第三版)5. After doing the morning exercises, I caught an cold. occasional LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the blanks with the words below. Change the forms where necessary1. My roommate phoned his friends for almost an hour and I could do nothing but . 2. My of writing in English needs training. 3. The q

9、uestion given by my math teacher was quite difficult to . 4. Scientists that global warming should be paid a great attention. 6. What the 4-year-old girl said her parents. 7. He his mother as a good friend. 8. How can you your health by overworking? 9. He always takes part in some hot with his frien

10、ds. 10. A cruel ruler once this country. tolerate skill respond argue surprised reckoned ignore debates dictated occasional surprise tolerate ignore dictate skill reckon argue debate respond 大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)Translate the following sentences into English.1. 我喜欢看的电视是卡通片和流行歌舞表演。I like to view c

11、artoons and pop shows.2. 我决心不再依赖父母,成为一个独立的人。I was determined not to depend on my parents and became an independent man.3. 他答应给我再做一次试验的机会。He agreed to give me another chance to do the experiment.4. 在不看电视的日子里,我们仍旧有(从事于)许多别的爱好。In the days when we didnt watch TV, we still took up lots of other hobbies.大

12、学英语基础教程(第三版)Translate the following sentences into English.5. 网络让有些人变成了冷漠的人。The Internet changes some people into indifferent ones.6. 我无法容忍他的粗鲁。I was unable to tolerate his rudeness.7. 既然电视节目既有趣又增长知识,为什么它不利于儿童智力的发展呢?Since some TV programs are entertaining andinformative, why is it harmful for the de

13、velopment of childrens brain?8. 每个人都有创造的潜力。Everyone has the potential to create. 大学英语基础教程(第三版)Translate the following sentences into English.1. 但是现在一切都变了,离我们最后一次打开电视大概三年了。2. 我们的三个孩子喜欢看卡通片、喜剧片、流行歌舞表演,还有任何与野生动植物及科学有关的节目。3. 它就是能将你变成(懒洋洋)精神恍惚的样子,甚至在你看的节目十分无聊的情况下,你也没法走开的玩意儿(东西)。4. 我丈夫不是很热情,但还是同意试一试。5. 尽管

14、电视展现出新的世界,带给我们快乐也增加我们的知识,但是我认为如果它让你忽略了大脑的潜质,那就存在一种危险。大学英语基础教程(第三版)5. There has been an improvement recently. overall LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the blanks with the words below. Change the forms where necessary1. The changes will have to be if they are to have any effect. 2. His encouragement me to c

15、arry on with the work. 3. This year the company on improving its quality. 4. Nomadic tribes these deserts. 6. You should immediately in person or by letter. 7. He is a friend of mine. 8. Different people have different on life. 9. Ive had enough adviceit only tells me what not to do. 10. Everyone sh

16、ould have a attitude to life. fundamental determined has concentrated wander apply particular perspectives negative positive fundamental apply concentrate wander determine perspective negative positive overall particular 大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate the following sentences in

17、to English.1. 有多少个国家参与了这届奥运会?How many countries have participated in the Olympic Games?2. 每个人对待生活和工作的态度应该是积极的,而不应该是消极的。Everyone should have a positive attitude toward his life and work, and not negative. 3. 一个人的成功在于他的努力和运气。Ones success lies in his hard work and luck.4. 我们从别人的错误和榜样中学习。We learn from p

18、eoples mistakes and examples.大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate the following sentences into English.5. 他的未来还没有确定,但是他可能要学医。 His future has not been determined, but he may study medicine.6. 那天我在街上碰见了我多年没见的朋友。The other day in the street I came across a friend of mine whom I havent se

19、en for ages.7. 在这个国家,市内驾车的速度限制在每小时30英里。Driving speed is restricted to 30 miles per hour in towns in this country.8. 要想学好英语,就必须每天留出时间来学。To learn English well, you should set aside certain amount of time to learn every day. 大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)1. 如果你不试一下,你怎么知道你能把自己从绝望的深渊中挽救出来?2. 人类需要爱,正是在给予和接受的过程中

20、我们选择了生活。3. 今天,这个小时,这分钟正是使得我们认识到生活是美好的这个事实的那一天,那个小时,那分钟,尽管有磨难和困难,但也许正是它们让生活变得更有趣。4. 正如消极情感对我们的身体有负面影响一样,积极的情感对我们的身体也有正面的影响。5. 你(满怀希望地)向你生活中的人学习,他们也有向你学习的机会。大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)5. Art education has the function of promoting students development. overall LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the blanks with t

21、he words below. Change the forms where necessary1. Aunt Mary is really . Shes totally opposed to women going out to work. 2. The world does not change, but your of it can. 3. Successful traders are often people, and some are very eccentric. 4. He uses medium of painting to mans requirement of divers

22、ified life and diversified emotions. 6. Make an outline before trying to write a . 7. The social freshmen should every opportunity to enrich their experiences. 8. Do you know when the first artificial satellite of America was ? 9. Most of the food they eat is in iron and protein. 10. Like most of my

23、 , I grew up in a large family. conservative perception unconventional embody composition exploit launched deficient contemporaries overall unconventional perception deficient embody conservative launch exploit composition contemporary 大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate the followi

24、ng sentences into English.1. 这种款式只不过是一时的流行而已。This style is just a passing fad.2. 我们什么时候向敌人发动进攻?When should we launch an attack on the enemy?3. 我们的问题在于如何去创新。Our problem lies in how to be innovative.4. 摄影激励艺术家们去追求另一种艺术表达的方式。Photography inspired artists to pursue other means of artistic expression.大学英语

25、基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate the following sentences into English.5. 虽然一些保守的批评家不能接受他的作品,但更多进步的艺术家提出了赞扬。While some conservative critics refused to accept his works, more progressive artists praised them. 6. 印象派画家力图通过绘画表达他们对自然的感知。The Impressionists sought to express their perceptio

26、ns of nature by their paintings. 7. 我相信我们每一个人都能为世界的未来做出贡献。I believe every one of us can contribute to the future of the world.8. 传统的画家在正式创作之前要画素描草稿或轮廓。 The traditional painters tend to make sketches or outlines of the subject before painting them. 大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)1. 促进印象主义发展的部分原因是艺术家对摄影技术发展所

27、带来的挑战做出的回应。2. 由于画家所用的创作技巧,经典印象派画作总是很容易被识别。3. 虽然传统画家注重细节,印象派画家却更珍视整体效果。4. 现代性体现在这些作品对固有模式的拒绝。5. 尽管大家绘画的方式各有千秋,但这些独立的画家对于他们同时代的人而言就是一个群体。大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)5. The average price of new houses is about $50,000, but there are wide regional . variations LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the blanks with the

28、words below. Change the forms where necessary1. Buses run from the city to the airport. 2. Dont spoil your by eating sweets before meals. 3. Americans have the reputation of being very . 4. We can judge what he did until we know all the . 6. The cost of the two systems is the same. 7. She her worker

29、s at the union meeting. 8. There has been a increase in the birthrate. 9. This book all the information you need. 10. This city has 60,000 . frequently appetite hospitable circumstances roughly represented gradual contains inhabitants frequently appetite hospitable variation circumstance represent g

30、radual contain inhabitant roughly 大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 食物在夏天容易变质。In summer food tends to go bad./In summer food is apt to go bad.2. 大家都知道他乐于助人。Everyone knows that he is ready to help others.3. 我把他当作我的好朋友。I regarded him as my goo

31、d friend./ I look upon him as my good friend.4. 他的家人盼望收到他的信。His family are looking forward to receiving his letters.大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTTranslate the following sentences into English.5. 这两个观点截然不同。The two views differ greatly./The two views are greatly distinct.6. 他们在多大程度上感兴趣?T

32、o what extent/degree are they interested?7. 这种自私的习性该结束了。This selfish habit should be over.8. 当地的居民热情好客。 The local inhabitants are hospitable.大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)1. 许多没去过英国的外国人把当地的所有居民称为英格兰人,因为他们习惯于把不列颠群岛称为英国。2. 北方人通常声称自己比南方人更加勤劳、直率。3. 他们是有别于英格兰人的民族。4. 它几乎消失。当爱尔兰共和国独立时,盖耳语被认可,现在成为第一官方语言,英语为第二语言。5

33、. 爱尔兰人以他们的魅力、活力和女孩的美丽而闻名。大学英语基础教程大学英语基础教程(第三版第三版)5. The plane crashed killing all its passengers and . crew LANGUAGE IN CONTEXTFill in the blanks with the words below. Change the forms where necessary1. He the boat carefully between the rocks. 2. The lake is ; there used to be a valley here. 3. The girl gave a cry of distress. 4. I down to pick up the box from the floor. 6. Hainan island is one of the most popular in China. 7. Our team very well in


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