



1、Unit 3It must belong to Carla. (Section A 3a-3c)教学设计教学方法和学习策略1.教学方法:(1)情景交际法:本单元话题主要围绕“推测物品”展开,并进一步引入神秘事件这一话题,集中呈现与学习表示推断的相关词汇。本部分的教学目标是要求学生能听懂掌握情态动词must,could, might 的用法。(2)任务型语言教学法:设计多种任务活动,提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生 为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究学习。(3)开放性教学策略:开放性地处理教材,结合教材插入学生感兴趣的图片、音像片段等,丰 富学生知识,拓宽他们视野,实现知识的整

2、合。2.学习策略(1)合作学习:在与同学合作完成任务的活动中形成合作学习和探究学习的学习方式,引导学生积极思考,善于抓住英语交流的机会。在活动中相互探讨、相互交流、相互合作,从而获得知识、 技能和情感体验,发展他们的能力。(2)通过小小汇报家、展开想象力等有意义的任务活动,创设情景,激发学生的学习热情,培 养他们的概括和推理能力,发挥他们自己的主观能动性,把被动的学习变为主动学习,让学生 巩固所学语言知识。学习目标确立:Learning objectives1. Knowledge Grasp the words & expressions of the reading: noise-

3、maker, wolf, uneasy, have fun (in)doing, anything strange, see sb./sth. doing Grasp the sentences:It might/must/could be 2. AbilityLearn to make inferences using the target language: It might/must/could be3. EmotionBelieve in science.课堂活动设计:教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图吉、ReviewReview the knowledge:让学生在真头的语后环境Can

4、 you guess what it is?we' ll learn unit 3 -Section A 3a-4c.and try to use" migcould/ must " to make inferences.Read the title after the teacher.lh中体验,感知几个情态动 词表示猜测的用法,并能 再语境中进行实践,实现 了语言的工具性。二、Show the learning objects:(导入语) Before we go into the newlesson, I think it' s necessary t

5、o knowlearning objectives first.Look at the screen and know the learning tobjectives.教授新知之前让学生清楚 的知道本节课要达到的学 习目标,做到有的放矢。对目标的设定分成知识,能力,情感三方面,紧扣 本节话题。三、Presentation1. Leading into the readingDid you hear kinds of noises?Where did you hear them? and how they felt when they heard the strange noises. And

6、 then tell them my feeling and the people in the neighborhood feel uneasy, too.(导 入课本内容)2. Learn a few new words and remember themquickly .After a few minuters let'Have a dictation3. Reading ask the Ss to find out the information phrases of thethreeparas.quickly.First ,ask two questionsAbout the

7、 pictures of the article. Explain that something unusual means people heard strange noises recently. And then ask the Ss to find out and complete who heard the strange noises. Let them use scanning to find out theanswersListen carefully and make their inferences.All of them read them Well and do a g

8、ood Job.They turn to page 59 and sread the passage quickly to find out the main information.Read the passage again and find out who heard the noise.The student who answers the question correctly can get 2 smiling faces. If they miss one answer, they can ' t get 2 faces.这个环节引出了这一节课 着重要强调的一个词声音导入环

9、节让学生和老师产 生在对事物看法上的共鸣. 单词的记忆,有利于文章 的学习 理解并且着重练习 了本单兀重点词汇- uneasy。快速阅读文章,寻找关键 信息,让学生在短时间内 找到所需信息,培养学生 阅读技巧的运用更深入理 解了文章。从细节处着手 文章中的图片先提问题, 让学生从整体把握感知整 篇文章,捉住文章中关键 人物-Victor, Victor ' s friends, Victor' s wifeVictor ' s parents, HeOend the woman in the area.quickly.Read the article again and

10、 answer the four questions. Ask the Ss if they want to know more about the mystery and have them read the passage again and find out the answers to four让学生养成仔细认真的好 习惯。针对每一段落设置一些问 题,对于学生整体把握文 章大有裨益。questions. Have the Ss look at the four questions and ask if they know the meaning or not. Remind them

11、they should pay attention to the underlined words. 导入语:Now we know the peoplein the neig hborhood didn ' t finthe noise-maker, but everyone has his or her own ideas. And then ask theRead the passage again and finish the mind-map. Use the mind-map to Retell the articlSs to find out what the peopl

12、e thought of the noise. This mind-map can help the Ss understand thecontext better.I丽/帚布丽f也 如undei'imidiht却而思绅廿图助你;也科2tg¥的巾.4. Work i n groups: M ake an interview Have the Ss work in groups and make an interview about the strange happenings in the town. Remind the Ss to pay attention their

13、pronunciation and intonation.Choose a role and finish the report. Before they make the interview, they should be familiar with the reading. Then make the report fluent.Use might/could/must to make inferences about what happened to the three monkeys and try to use some conjunctions to make the story

14、complete and fluent.思维导图使文章脉络更加 清晰,然后配上生动形象 的插图,使学生对于人们 奇怪噪音的观点在脑子更 加清晰和深刻。思维导图是学生复述文章 和背课文的有力保障。有 了思维导图背起文章来更 容易。学生8人一组扮演reading里的任务,每组以记者采 访报道的形式重现文本内 容,并鼓励小组成员发挥 自己的想象充相关内容,toAt the same time, encourage them to add related content andexpresstheir own ideas.5. Discuss in groupsAsk the Ss if they w

15、ant to know the ending of the story. And tell them the noise-maker is three monkeys. Have the Ss develop their imagination and think about what happened to the monkeys. Let them discuss first and then make up a story. I will give them useful words and phrases.先小组练习,最后全班展 示。鼓励学生发挥想象力并且 使用本节课重点内容对故 事结

16、局进行合理想象,并 根据提示词自己进行语言 的合理安排并输出语言。四、Teacher' s wordsWhen you meet strange things, don ' t be uneasy or worried. Just calm down and believe that in the end, things will mend and believe in science.寓教于学在学习知识的过程中,不 忘记对学生情感的教育, 让学生不要被负面情绪影 响,相信船到桥头自然直O五、Homework( 一过L )1 .巩固作业Finish and perfect the story.2 .实践性作业Hav


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