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1、四级模拟考试题目大学英语四级考试模拟试题PartWrit ing(30 mi nu tes)Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the outline below. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given below in Chin ese.现在社会上越来越多人开始在网上购买商品了,对此你有什么看法呢?1很多人开始在网上购买商品2. 网上购物可能

2、存在的问题3. 我的看法The Quality of ProductsPart II(Skimm ing and Scanning)Reading Comprehension(15 mi nu tes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet1.For questi ons 1-7, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the inform

3、ation give n in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts with the information give n in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage;For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the in formati on give n in the passage.One in three of us will get can cer

4、 at some point in our lives. Once so feared its name was whispered, the disease is no Ion ger an in evitable death senten ce. Today, almost two-thirds of those who develop can cer will still be alive five years later, compared with just half in 1970s.Cancer has turned out to be tougher to crack than

5、 every one hoped whe n U.S. Preside nt Richard Nix on launched the War on Cancer in 1971.But death rates are falling, thanks to earlier detection of tumors (肿瘤)and improved use of existing treatments mainly chemotherapy and radiotherapy .The success has bee n biggest for childre n: since the mid-197

6、0s, death rates from cancers of childhood have halved.Innerwork in gs.A key reas on why can cer patie nts are livi ng Ion ger is that scientists now understand more clearly what happens whe n cells turn can cerous. Can cer begi ns whe n genes which normally control cell division, growth and repair a

7、re damaged through mutation(突变).These genes can then cause cells to grow and divide uncontrollably, destroying neighboring healthy cells.Mutati ons can arise by cha nee errors in DNA replicati on, and genes can also be damaged by carcinogens(致癌物 质)一such as tobacco chemicals, benzene, and some food a

8、dditives or ultraviolet light from sunshine. Certain viruses can also trigger gene mutations, such as the human papilloma (孚L突淋瘤)virus that can cause cervical( 子宫颈的) can cer.Some mutated genes are inherited: two examples are BRCA1 and BRCA2 , which together accou nt for about 5% of all breast can ce

9、r cases. Other genes such as DBC2, EMSY and FA have been implicated in ovarian, breast and lung can cer.Once a cell has tur ned can cerous, it divides un til a mass of cells forms a tumor. Diagnostic tests can quickly distinguish between malignant, or cancerous, tumors and those that are benign, or

10、harmless. As a malignant tumor progresses, cells or clumps of cells break off and spread, around the body via the lymphatic system and blood vessels.The latest gen erati on of treatme nts exploit our knowledge of what happens within cancerous cells. These target proteins and messenger chemicalssuch

11、as growth factors or enzymes -hat the errant cells need to survive and grow.Prevale nee patter nsIn developed eountries, the caneer most likely to afflict you is non-mela noma skin can cer, ofte n caused by the Sun ' harmful ultraviolet rays. This is usually treated and cured. Mela no ma, a dead

12、lier skin can cer, is less comm on but is in creas ing by around 3% a year in the U.S. Though UV light is the cause of many skin can cers, there is some evide nee that small amounts may also help prevent other cancers. In the develop ing world the most comm on can cers are lin ked to infectious agen

13、ts, such as cervical cancer or liver cancer, caused by hepatitis(肝炎) B.The biggest killer in in dustrialized n ati ons rema ins lung can cer. For men, lu ng can cer mortality has bee n falli ng since 1990, mirroring a peak in popularity of smoking during the 1960s. For wome n, who comm only took up

14、smok ing later, lung cancer mortality is still rising. Tobacco is also rapidly becomi ng the leadi ng cause of can cer in Asia.Breast cancer accounts for almost one in three of all cancers diagnosed in women each year. For men, prostate can cer is just as comm on , with the highest rates in Africa n

15、 America n men and Caribbea n men of Africa n origi n.Screening for both of these diseases has improvedsharply. Early breast tumors show up on a mammogram(孚L房 X 线照片)long before they can be felt as a lump. More wome n now survive the diseasethree-quarters of wome nwhose breast cancer was diagnosed 10

16、 years ago are still alive today.Similarly , a prostate-specific antigen(PSA)test has revoluti oni zed early diag no sis for this can cer in the U.S.Some experts argue that screening can be harmful , however.Factoring in riskDoze ns of factors affect an in dividua l's risk of gett ing cancer.Smo

17、king is the biggest single risk factorwithtobacco lin ked to about a third of all can cers.Another clearly established risk factor is exposure to ionizing (电离)radiation.This may be responsible for cancers in people liv ing around Cher nobyl in Ukrai ne, Toikamura in Japa n and for people work ing in

18、 nu clear power plants.Radiation may also have led to a high incidenee of cancer in those who witnessed early nuclear tests or have bee n in con tact with depleted ura nium mun iti ons, though a rece nt study con tests this risk.Risk factors for develop ing breast can cer in clude:be ing childless o

19、r delay ing childbeari ng un til aged over 30,start ing periods early,using hormone replacement therapy , being exposed to oestrogen-like(雌性素类的)chemicals,and drinking one or more units of alcohol daily. More than one risk factor is usually n eeded before can cer cells develop.Risks posed by living n

20、ear overhead power lines or petrol stops,or using cell-pho nes,are less clear.Preve ntative stepsIf every one stopped smok ing, can cer deaths could be cut by one-third, researchers estimate. Moves to protect people from passive smoking, in bars for example, are gaining ground in many industrialized

21、 countries.Stay ing out of sun light and using strong sun scree ns could preve nt hun dreds of thousa nds of us from develop ing skin cancer worldwide annually. Foods rich in antioxidants and beneficial fatty acids such as omega-3 and oleic acid found in olive oil a key ingredient of the healthy Med

22、iterra nean diet seem to protect aga inst some can cers, although the findings are mixed.Doctors can increasingly intervene directly to prevent can cers. For example, vacc ines aga inst hepatitis B could soon cut deaths from liver cancer . There are also preventive therapies that in terfere with the

23、 producti on of the horm one oestrogen, implicated in many breast cancers. Doctors believe that it could have the rates of breast can cer in wome n with a family history of the disease.All this means that, while hopes of total cure for cancerare still unrealistic, the disease is increasingly under c

24、ontrol.1、2、注意:此部分试题在答题卡 1上作答;8-10题在答题卡1 上willThe biggest killer in China is liver cancer.Some viruses will give rise to gene mutati ons , which result in can cers.ancer3、In the 1970s,only one-third of those who developed c could be alive five years later.4、 Sun bath ing helps us preve nt ourselves f

25、rom develop ing skin can cer.5、Non-melanoma skin cancer is a deadly skin cancer.6、Can cer patie nts are liv ing Ion ger tha n before because scie ntists know more about can cerous cells.5%7、Mutated genes which are inherited account for about of all can cer cases.8、 Gen erally , on e-third of people

26、will get can cer at some point of all cancers have something to do with9、About tobacco.10、It is true that for cancer is still impossible butthe disease is in creas in gly un der con trol.Part IIIListe ningComprehe nsion(35 minu tes)Section ADirecti ons:In this secti on, you will hear 8 shortconversa

27、tions and 2 long conversations. At the end of each con versati on, one or more questi ons will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoke n only on ce. After each questi on there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B) ,

28、 C) and D), and decide which the best answer is. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a sin gle line through the cen tre.注意:此部分试题在答题卡2上作答。11、A)The woman should have taken Bus Number 15.B) The woma n got on the bus to Grand Theatre.C) The woma n should have asked the con ductor.D

29、) The woma n was going in the opposite directi on.12、A)The next train for Bost on will run a bit late because of the weather.B) The n ext train for Bost on will run on time despite the weather.C) The n ext train from Bost on will be late as it is raining heavily.D) The train for Bost on will be late

30、 as it is foggy.13、A)Stay at home and review the less on.B) Stay athome and have a good rest.C) Go somewhere else.D) Go to thecon cert.14、A)The TV program after the news report. Whether there is a docume ntary about the Middle East.C) The n ews headli nes on today' n ewspaper. D) The man ' f

31、eeling about the documentary.15、A)At a supermarket. bakery.C) At an ice-cream house.restaura nt.B)D)B)At aAt aB) Ala n is weakD) Alan is16、A)Ala n is very careless. in health.C) Alan has good friends.disappo in ted.17、A) it's not worth seeing at all.B) Its better tha n TV programs any way.C) it&

32、#39;s a good cha nge for some one who stays at home for a long time.D) it's a bit terrible.B) She isD) She works18、A)She has a pain in her neck. very busy with work.C) She feels weak.in the laundry.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have noon.just heard.19、A)At the airport. tra

33、vel age ncy.C) At the railway station. in formatio n cen ter.20、A)Every 24 hours.and a half hours.C) Every morning.B) At theD) At theB) Every 22D) Every21、 A)At 11:40 Monday.B) At 11:40 Wed nesday.C) At 22:30 Tuesday.D) At22:30 Wedn esday.22、A)The passenger has booked a train ticket.B) The passe nge

34、r has booked a pla ne ticket.C) The passenger hasn 'decided whether he will go by train or by pla ne.D) The passe nger will come back to book a train ticket.Questi ons 23 to 25 are based on the con versati on you have just heard.23、A)The goods were damaged when the workers unioaded them.B) The g

35、oods were not the same size as they had ordered.C) The quality of the goods was not what they had ordered.D) They had some trouble uni oadi ng the goods ordered.24、A)The shipping department in Carpenter and Sons.B) The shipp ing departme nt in Schre iner In ter nati on al.C) The pers on in charge of

36、 orderi ng the goods.D) The pers on in charge of uni oadi ng the goods.25、A)He would give the customer some discount for the load and ship a load of right quality.decideB) He would call back and tell the customer when to deliver the goods.e whatC) He would check the stock position and then when to s

37、end the goods.D) He would check on the computer so as to se disco unt he could give her.Secti on BDirecti ons: In this secti on, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questi ons. Both the passage and the questi ons will be spoke n only on ce. Afteryou hear a

38、questi on, you must choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the cen ter.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答。Passage OneQuestion 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard26、A)lt refers to facial e

39、xpressions and gesturesB) It refers to moveme nts of the bodyC) It mea ns the non-verbal la nguage or body Ian guageD) It refers to the nodding or shaking of one 'head27、A)Because some sounds are hard to pronounceB) Because there are sharp differe nces in culturessig nalsC) Because there is no g

40、ood Ian guage en vir onmentD) Because we may not understand non-verbalof ano ther culture28、 A)Byavoidi ngeyecon tactB)By directly look ing into his eyesC) Byno ddi ngyour head upD) by liste ning to him atte ntivelywithandhimdow nPassage TwoQuesti ons 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just

41、heard.29、A) it's a new method to measure a country 'production.ns.B) it's a way to study the economies of different coun tries.C) it's a new system to help make econo mic decisioD) it's a means to understand a country ' economic cha nges.30、A)GNP does not include earnings of

42、companies operating in foreig n coun tries.B) GDP counts only goods and services produced with in the nation 'borders.C) GDP refers to earnings from home-made products.D) Earnings by foreign-owned companies are not in cluded in GDP.31、A)Because econ omic experts gen erally approve GDP.ntry '

43、B) Because most in dustrial coun tries used GDP.C) Because GDP provides a truer measure of a cou econ omy.D) Because GDP is easier to be un derstood.Passage ThreeQuestion 32 to 35 is based on the passage you have justheard.32A) They han ded insta inedresumes.B) They are not supposed to be trusted wi

44、th a job.C) They even cannot spell the name of the company.D) They are irresp on sible.33、A)We should struggle over little things at the cost of someth ing larger we work toward.everyB) Keep losing the forest for the trees.C) We must constantly pay great attention to detail we encoun ter.D) We shoul

45、d work hard on the releva nt details.34、A)Attention to details is most important in undertaking a task.B) Having in mind a clear goal helps judge the importa nee of n ecessary detailed tasks.C) A goal can be achieved despite some minor faults.D) Only with attention to every detailed task can there b

46、e success.35、A) Details should be paid attention to at any costB) Too much atte nti on to details is harmfulC) Whe n appl ying for a job, you should pay eno ugh atte nti on to detailsD) It is n ecessary to pay reas on able atte nti on to details.Secti on CDirections : in this section ,you will hear

47、a passage three times .When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea .When the passage is read for the second time ,you are required to fill in the blanks nu mbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard .for bla nks nu mbered from 44 t

48、o 46 you are required to fill in the miss ing in formati on .For these bla nks ,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write dow n the main points in your own words .Finally ,when the passage is read for the third time ,you should check what you have writte n .注意:这部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答Th

49、e food we eat seems to have (36) effects on ourhealth. Although scienee has made (37) steps inmaking food more fit to eat , it has , at the same time , made many foods (38) to eat . Some research has shown thatperhaps eighty perce nt of all huma n ill ness are related to diet and forty percent of ca

50、ncer is related to the diet as well , (39) cancer of the colon . Different cultures aremore prone to(40) certain illnesses because of thefood that is (41) in these cultures . That food isrelated to illness is not a new (42). In 1945 ,government researchers realized that nitrates( 硝酸盐)comm on ly used

51、 to (43 ) color in meats , and otherfood additives , caused cancer .Yet , these careinogenic ( 致癌的)additives remain in our food , and(44) . The additives which weeat are not all so direct. Farmers ofte n give peni cilli n to beefand poultry , and because of this, (45 ) , but for financial reasons .

52、The farmersare simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain ahigh price on the market.(46) Part IVReading Comprehension(Readi ng in Depth)(25 minu tes)Section ADirections: in this section, there is passage with ten blanks .You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of c

53、hoices given in a word bank following the passage .Read the passage through carefully before making your choices .Each in the bank is indentified by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center .You may not use any of the words

54、in the bank more tha n once.Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.Time spe nt in a bookshop can be most enjoyable ,47)_ you are a book lover or merely there to buy a book as a present .whatever the reason ,you can soon become totally 48)_ of your surroundings .You soon become engross

55、ed in some books ,and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spe nt far too much time there and must 49)_ off to keep some forgotte n appo in tme nt without buying a book ,of course .This opport unity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I thi nk, the main 50) _ of a booksho

56、p .A music shop is very much like a bookshop .You can wan der round such place to your heart '51) _. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the in evitable greet ing.Can I help you,sir? ” You need not buy anything you don' twantn a bookshop, an assista nt should rema in in

57、 the backgro und until you have finished 52) _ .Then, and only then, are his services n ecessary.You have to be careful not to be attracted by the 53) _ of books in a bookshopt is very easy to enter the shop look ing for a book on an cie nt coins and to come out carry ing a copy of the 54) _ best-se

58、lling novel and perhaps a bookabout brassrubbingomething which had only vaguely in terested you up un til the n. This volume on the subject ,however ,happe ned to be so well 55)_ and the part of the text you read proved so in teresti ng that you just had to buy it ,This sort of thi ng can be very dan gerous .Apart from running up a huge account ,you can waste a great deal of time 56)_ from section to


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