已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读




1、协和内分泌回忆版名解6个,一个2分旁分泌,糖异生,骨质疏松症,adrenarche,垂体卒中单选20个,多选6个,一个2分简答 一个5分骨质疏松症的机制生长激素治疗禁忌症2型糖尿病和LADA的鉴别诊断库欣综合征的代谢异常泌乳素瘤的治疗论述 一个10分原发性甲旁亢的临床表现氧化应激在糖尿病中血管并发症发生中的机制库欣综合征定位诊断时疾病分类男性骨质疏松症的治疗2016年上海交通大学医学考博专业基础A真题1. 单选30个,每个1分,共30分。2. 多选10个,每个2分,共20分。(今年没有名解,选择题相对较简单,多选有几个把握不大)3. 简答:生理、生化各3个,每个5分,共30分。生理:1)呆小症

2、的原因级临床症状。2)动脉压力感受器的传导途径及生理意义。3)什么是牵张反射?分为哪两种类型?各自有何生理意义?生化:1)酮体的组成及生理意义。2)什么是嘌呤核苷酸循环?3)什么是第二信使,及其作用特点?4. 问答:生理、生化各1个,每个10分,共20分。1)糖尿病患者出现尿糖、多尿、多饮,试从生理学角度分析原因。2)葡萄糖的分解代谢途径级生理作用。英语作文:议论文,自己写题目,45分300个单词。手机症候群(其中给了三小段news:手机症候群的定义;一个女性走路时看手机掉河里了;英语记忆不是太清楚了)首医内分泌试题回忆:30个选择都很简单,都是练习册上的原题大题四道,1.脑垂体激素有几种?2

3、.尿崩症3.口服降糖药有几种,举例说明4.肢端肥大症的诊断依据。3大题四道,脑垂体的激素有几种?尿崩症定义。口服降糖药物有几种,举例。肢端肥大症的诊断依据,30个选择都简单,都是练习册上的原题,考了好几道T3抑制试验的,还有激素的分类,反正感觉出的题没有什么实用性,提干中还有应用甲状腺素片的,要知道这个临床基本不用啦 选择里有几个关于T3抑制实验的,还有关于硫脲类言药物的主要不良反应,甾体激素是哪个,下面给了几种要选,还有属于肽类激素的是哪个,关于嗜铬细胞瘤降压的,选择错误的一个,剩下的都非常简单首都医科大学的内分泌学考试一共30个选择题共60分,以糖尿病甲亢为主。二、简答题1、简述垂体分泌的

4、激素2、何谓尿崩症3、糖尿病口服降糖药分几大类,举例4、肢端肥大症诊断标准南方医科大学2016年病理生理学(专业基础、完整版)一.简答题(40分,每题8分) 1. 什么是发热?热限的病理生理意义。 2. 什么是炎症?细胞因子在炎症发生发展中的作用。 3. 举例说明微循环调节障碍在休克时发生发展作用及机制。 4. 疾病与健康的关系,并举例说明外界环境因素与遗传因素对于疾病发生的可能作用。 5. 什么是心功能?评价心脏泵血功能的指标有几个,其意义是什么? 二、问答题(60分,每题20分,任选三)1.I型呼衰定义,与 II呼衰在机理、治疗原则上的异同。2.举例说明受体介导的细胞转导过程异常疾病的分子

5、基础。 3. 什么是细胞凋亡?细胞凋亡的细胞结构改变和生化改变特征,及其分子生物学的基础。 4.什么是肝性脑病?其发生的机制有哪些?2016年南京医科大学,基础课,生物化学与细胞生物学补充与更正补充:第五题:胰岛素,胰高血糖素通过影响哪些代谢途径调节血糖?更正:第六题:举例说明两种B族维生素的作用还有氧化磷酸化的影响因素需要举一例说明作用机制。2016同济大学病理生理学回忆题型:选择题其中单选50个 .K型题 15个各章节均有涉及。今年没有考名词解释,让人感觉奇怪。😰😰😰😰😰😰😰简答

6、3个每个5分1 DIC出血的特点和相关机制2心脏收缩障碍的机制3钙离子超载对缺血再灌注损伤的机制病例分析题2个 每个10分1车祸盆骨骨折肝破裂相关问题1患者属于哪种休克,相关机制2患者为什么补充碳酸氢钠?病例2 一位老人呕吐剧烈,急性机械性超梗阻,手术后,患者病情未见好转,具体记不清了问题,患者处理前后发生了那些谁电解质,酸碱平衡紊乱。依据是什么?2患者后期的处理是否不合理?为什么?今年病理生理学和往年难度差不多,最终分数线估计差不多,主要看英语了。同济大学英语太难了。你懂的!2016重庆医科大学病理生理真题回忆一、名词解释(题目是英文,中文作答):1、hypoxic hypoxia(低张性缺

7、氧)2、DIC(弥散性血管内凝血)3、dyspnea(呼吸困难)4、calcium paradox(钙反常)5、CARS(代偿性抗炎反应综合征)6、endoplasmic reticulum stress(内质网应激)7、functional shunt(功能性分流)8、hemorrhagic shock(失血性休克)9、hepatic encephalopathy(肝性脑病)10、metabolic alkalosis(代谢性碱中毒)二、问答题:1、高钾血症对机体的影响;2、应激时儿茶酚胺升高对机体的代偿意义;3、缺血再灌注导致氧自由基增多的机制;4、心功能不全时心脏本身的代偿反应及意义;5

8、、急性肺损伤引起呼吸衰竭的机制;6、急性肾衰竭少尿期机体代谢、功能的变化。三、论述题:1、休克导致MODS的机制;2、细胞信号转导与炎症反应;3、细胞凋亡不足或过度引起的疾病及意义;4、机体缺氧对心血管系统的影响。哈医大内分泌专业考博题一名解糖尿病心肌病 亚临床甲亢 大剂量地塞米松抑制试验 醛固酮增多症 胞内分泌 obesity 多发内分泌腺瘤I型二简答举例四种特殊类型糖尿病,葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂禁忌证, I131治疗甲亢适应症,Tbg水平影响因素,粘液性水肿昏迷抢救原则,高血压肾上腺疾病?三论述胰岛素抵抗?因素哪型?垂体瘤临床表现。2016年复旦大学博士生英语完形填空是时间简史的节选:A wel

9、l-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits _ the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of th

10、e room got up and said: "_ you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported _ the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?" "You're very clever, young man, very clever,"

11、 said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way _!"Most people would find the picture of our universe as an infinite tower of tortoises rather ridiculous, but why do we think we know better? What do we know about the universe, and how do we know it? Where did the universe come from,

12、and _ is it going? Did the universe have a beginning, and if _, what happened _ then? What is the _ of time? Will it ever come to an end? Can we go back _ time? Recent breakthroughs in physics, and possible in part by new technology, suggest answers may seem _ obvious to us as the earth orbiting the

13、 sun or perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of turtles. Only time (whatever that may be) will tell.around What on down where so before nature in as (有一两个空的位置不太确定了)翻 译:有人说,幸福就是一种感觉。这话没错。在农耕社会,风调雨顺、庄稼丰收是幸福的,再加上人丁兴盛、六畜兴旺则更是幸福的;耕读传家之家族,有人金榜题 名,整个家族的人是幸福的,荣耀地幸福着。而在如今这物质主义泛滥的年代,每个人都在追逐着名和利,倘若突然一问:你幸福吗?相信很多人都

14、会回不过神来。 因为,过多的压力已经销蚀了我们的幸福感。无怪乎央视在你幸福吗栏目调查中,会有如务工人员一样“我姓曾”的回答,更有如莫言一样“我不知道”的回答 不管是务工人员,还是莫言,都有各自所面临的压力。Some say happiness is but a feeling, and nothing could be truer. In a bygone agricultural society, favorable weather and bumper harvests would bring happiness to a whole community, and a feeling of

15、 being doubly blessed would prevail if there was also a baby boom accompanied by thriving livestock populations. For a clan that valued farming and letters, all its members would be feeling on top of the world if one of them was successful in an imperial exam. However, in todays materialistic world

16、where everyone seems to be in a hot pursuit of fame and wealth, people would be at a loss if asked “Are you happy?” Indeed, too much stress has eroded our sense of happiness. No wonder when some migrant workers were asked if they were happy in a CCTV happiness survey, their answer was “I dont know”,

17、 just like that of Mo Yan, a famed writer. After all, migrant works and folks like Mo Yan are all experiencing stress, albeit in different ways.作文:How I Wrote My First Research Paper. 分三段。阅读找不着原文,第一篇讲日本的低犯罪率,第二篇是移民妈妈帮孩子克服语言困难,最后一篇是介绍动物睡眠中山大学 病理生理学:中山大学 病理生理学:名词解释(5分*4题)1.钙超载 calcicum overload2.阴离子间隙

18、 anino gap3.心室重塑 ventricular remodeling4.SIRS论述题(20分*4题)1.肾性高血压的机制2.shock 和DIC如何转化3.COPD与呼吸书衰竭的机制,为什么?4.线粒体损伤和凋亡的关系2016年复旦考博阅读原文第一篇:(来源于:新编大学英语2【浙大版】课文Unit2 passage1)Five New Words at a Time Yulan Ying My family came to America in 1985. No one spoke a word of English. In school, I was in an English

19、as a Second Language class with other foreign-born children. My class was so over-crowded that it was impossible for the teacher to teach English properly. I dreaded going to school each morning for fear of not understanding what people were saying and for fear of being laughed at. At the time, my m

20、other, Taiqi, worked part time in a Chinese restaurant from late afternoon until late in the night. It was her unfamiliarity with the English language that forced her to work in a Chinese-speaking environment. Although her job exhausted her, my mother still woke up early in the morning to cook break

21、fast for my brother and me. Like a hen guarding her chicks, she never neglected us because of her fatigue. So it was not surprising that very soon my mother noticed something was troubling me. When I said nothing was wrong, my mother answered, “ You are my daughter. When something is bothering you,

22、I feel it too. ” The pain and care I saw in her moon-shaped eyes made me burst into tears I had held back for so long. I explained to her the fear I had of going to school. “ Learning English is not impossible, ” my mother said. She cheerfully suggested that the two of us work together to learn the

23、language at home with books. The confidence and determination my mother had were admirable because English was as new to her as it was to me. That afternoon, I saw my mother in a different light as she waited for me by the school fence. Although she was the shortest of all the mothers there, her fac

24、e with her welcoming smile and big, black eyes was the most promising. The afternoon sun shone brightly on her long, black hair, creating an aura that distinguished her from others. My mother and I immediately began reading together and memorizing five new words a day. My mother, with her encouragin

25、g attitude, made the routine fun and interesting. The fact that she was sacrificing her resting time before going to work so that I could learn English made me see the strength she possessed. It made me admire my mother even more. Very soon, I began to comprehend what everyone was saying and people

26、could understand me. The person solely responsible for my accomplishment and happiness was my mother. The reading also helped my mother learn English so that she was able to pass the postal entrance exam . It has been seven years since that reading experience with my mother. She is now 43 and in her

27、 second year at college. My brother and I have a strong sense of who we are because of the strong values my mother established for herself and her children. My admiration and gratitude for her are endless. That is why my mother is truly the guiding light of my life. ( 510 words)第二篇 是关于如何做一个喜剧演员的要求第三

28、篇 是关于Tokyo low criminal rate的问题第四篇 是关于animal sleep的问题中山大学 2016 病理生理真题 回忆补充版一名词解释(用中文作答)Calcium overloadAnion gapMyocardial remodelingSystemic inflammatory response syndrome二简答题1.试述肾性高血压的发病机制2.休克和DIC的相互转化关系3.慢性阻塞性肺病与呼吸衰竭的关系4.线粒体损伤与细胞凋亡的联系2016年青岛大学病理生理学回忆名词解释 英译汉 4*5个 20分1反常性酸性尿2呼吸爆发3 肾性骨营养不良论述 分值不等 总

29、分80分(原题可能不如下面所述 但是所涉及到的知识点差不多)华科2016年博士考试病生真题回忆版1高渗性脱水的表现及机制2休克1期及2期的特点及机制3缺血再灌注损伤致使急性肾衰竭的机制4一患者车祸倒置双腿被压 其可能出现的病理变化?为什么?5一长期肺气肿严重患者出现昏迷,为什么?6谈谈你对"微生物-肠脑-大脑轴"的认识?并设计实验说明"微生物-肠脑-大脑轴"的临床变化及意义? 20分名词解释(10个,每个3分)反常性碱性尿、心肌顿抑、疾病、血氧容量、肝功能衰竭、发绀、发热、MODS、post-traumatic stress disorder、死腔样通气

30、问答题(共9个,共70分,6-10分)2.低钾血症和严重高钾血症对骨骼肌兴奋性的影响及机制。4.慢性肾功能不全时低钙血症的机制。8.COPD导致呼吸功能 不全的机制。9.脑死亡标准制订的意义。5.应激性溃疡的机制。3.休克II期的微循环特点及机制。7.DIC广泛出血的机制。1.常见的脱水类型有哪几种,哪种最易导致休克,为什么?6.AG增高型代谢性酸中毒的原因。(以上均非考试顺序)广西医科大学病理生理学名词解释:1.应激原 2.肝性脑病 3.循环性缺氧 4.DIC 5.真性分流简答:1.钙超载在缺血再灌注损伤的机制2.休克初期腹腔及皮肤血管收缩的机制3.肺通气血流不足、弥散障碍引起呼吸衰竭的病因

31、和机制,血气变化?问答:1.右心衰竭体循环淤血的临床表现和机制2.自由基在缺血再灌注损伤的机制3.滤过分数?何时升高?如何致水钠潴留?上海交通大学 临床基础A 牵张反射定义,两种方式,各自生理意义从内分泌角度分析呆小症原因及临床表现酮体组成及生理作用糖尿病糖尿多饮多尿产生机制葡萄糖代谢途径及生理意义嘌呤核苷酸循环第二信使定义及作用方式北京协和病理生理2016年南京医科大学考博病理生理(专业基础)真题一、简答题。(6*10分)1.钙超载发生缺血-再灌注的机制。2.应激性溃疡的机制。3.腺苷酸环化酶信号转导途径及功能。4.应激时交感-肾上腺髓质系统兴奋对机体的影响。5.临床输血和输液时发生高热的机

32、制。6.心力衰竭患者出现心率加快的机制及心脏的影响。二、问答题。(2*20分)1.严重酸中毒造成血管内皮细胞损伤引起DIC的机制,并阐述其出血原理。2.何谓肝性脑病?肝性脑病时血氨升高的原因?临床常用降血氨的措施?2016首都医科大学内科学(专博)生理学C名词解释1.钠泵2.heterometric autoregulation3.recepter potential4.肾糖阈5.hypothalamic regulatory peptides简答1.钠离子通过细胞膜的几种方式2.举例说明主动转运和被动转运的区别3.兴奋在神经-肌肉接头传递的特点及其机制4.血清和血浆有何区别?如何获取?5.胃

33、酸的作用?6.甲状腺激素分泌水平对生长发育有哪些影响?举例说明论述1.心肌细胞膜上的钾离子通道有哪些种类?各自的特点、作用?2.后负荷对骨骼肌收缩张力和缩短速度的影响及机制。南京医科大学考博 专业基础课 病理生理学1.简答题(6*10):1.1 钙超载导致缺血再灌注损伤的机制;1.2 应激性溃疡发生机制;1.3 腺甘酸环化酶介导的信号途径及其功能;1.4 心衰时心率加快的影响;1.5 应激时交感神经兴奋对机体的影响;1.6 输血输液引发高热的机制;2.问答题(2*20)2.1 酸中毒时毛细血管损伤导致DIC和出血的机制;2.2 何为肝性脑病?血氨升高的机制?降低血氨的措施?2016上交考博真题

34、临床基础B选择题30题单选(1分每题),10题多选(2分每题)部分多选回忆应激血糖变化结节性淋巴细胞为主型的特点(cd20 30阳性,爆米花,双核RS)微小病变性肾小球肾炎(足突融合?)病理生理学部分试题1.如何定义健康与疾病?5分2.简述肝功能不全容易感染的原因。5分3.分子病的定义,举例说明。5分(论述题)试论急性DIC凝血功能亢进和继发性纤溶亢进之间的转换关系。10分病理学部分试题1.简述大肠癌的发生发展的 多步过程及相关基因改变 5分2.膜性增生性肾病的病理特点。5分3.克罗恩病与溃疡性结肠炎的鉴别。5分(论述题) 试述心肌梗死的定义,病理分型以及合并症。10分英语作文试题2016年解

35、放军301医院博士研究生考试病理生理学试题简答及论述题1、缺血预适应和缺血后适应的区别2、简述收缩性心力衰竭的机制3、简述高血压引起的血管重塑的机制4、简述生理性心肌细胞肥大的细胞内信号转导机制5、论述病理性心肌细胞肥大的神经体液信号转导机制6、论述血管内皮功能障碍引起的动脉粥样硬化的机制南方医科大学病理生理学(专业基础课)简答题1. 发热定义及病理生理意义2. 炎症定义及细胞因子在其中作用3. 休克微循环变化4. 健康与疾病关系,举例说明外界环境在疾病发生中作用5. 心动能定义,评级指标及各指标临床意义问答题1. I型呼吸衰竭和II型呼衰区别及治疗2. 信号通路3. 肝性脑病的病理生理改变根

36、据同学回忆整理 .2016年广西医科大学病理生理学专业真题回忆:一、名词解释(每题5分,共15分)应激原肝性脑病循环性缺氧真性分流DIC二、简答题(1、2题8分,第3题9分,共25分)1、 钙超载引起再灌注损伤的机制2、 休克初期引起腹腔内脏及皮肤血管收缩的机制是什么?3、 通气不足及弥散障碍引起呼吸衰竭的原因及机制,以及血气改变三、论述题(每题20分,共60分)1、右心衰竭时体循环淤血引起的临床表现及其机制2、自由基在缺血-再灌注损伤机制中的作用3、什么是滤过分数,什么情况下滤过分数会增高,滤过分数增高引起水钠潴留2016年南开肾内 病生名解:钙超载,夜间阵发性呼吸困难,ARDS,MODS,

37、自噬。简答:DIC引起微循环障碍的机制;血液性缺氧的分型和病理生理进展;肺通气功能障碍分型和病理生理;休克代偿期的机制;低钾引起酸碱功能障碍的类型和机制。论述:缺血再灌注造成损伤的机制;血管新生的概念、意义和治疗靶点;精准医学的定义、提出背景以及临床应用;干细胞的定义、应用以及病理生理学。的机制华科内科内分泌部分原发性甲状旁腺的诊断与鉴别诊断GLP受体激动剂的适应症和禁忌症库欣综合征的分类和临床表现 抗甲状腺药不良反应2016 山大肾内专业课名词解释(4分/个)1. ARDS2.Faconi综合征3.渗透性肾病4.急性间质性肾炎5.ESRD简答题(10分/个)1.渗出液和漏出液的鉴别2.高血压

38、肾损害与肾性高血压鉴别3.过敏性紫癜与血小板减少性紫癜鉴别4.尿路感染诊断标准5.狼疮性肾病病理分型6.急性肾衰透析指征及目的论述题(20分)慢性肾脏病进展的因素和机制2016年山东大学考博病生1.抑癌基因与促癌基因各举一例并说明相互关系2.高钾对机体的影响3应激时各系统的变化4.缺血再灌注时氧自由基升高的机制5.内皮损伤造成血栓形成的机理6.休克I期的机理7.低张性缺氧心血管系统变化、机理、意义8.粘附分子与肿瘤转移的关系9.血管内皮细胞、平滑肌在动脉粥样硬化中的作用10肝性脑病假性神经递质学说2016年 福建医科大学 博士研究生入学考试 英语A卷(2016. 3.19 8:3011:30)

39、Part I. Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET. Passage One(在网上居然找到原题,是高考二轮复习题)Scientists discovered 163 new species in Southeast Asias Greater Mekong region last year

40、,but all are at risk of extinction due to climate change,the WWF said in a report released Friday.The newly discovered creatures include a birdeating frog with fangs ,a bird that would rather walk than fly and a gecko whose alien appearance inspired the reports title of “Close Encounters”,the conser

41、vation group said.The report was released ahead of major UN talks on climate change in Bangkok next week,which are being held before a makeorbreak summit in Copenhagen this December.“Some species will be able to adapt to climate change,and many will not,potentially resulting in massive extinction,”

42、Stuart Chapman,director of the WWF Greater Mekong program,said in the report.“Rare and endangered species like those newly discovered are especially vulnerable because climate change will further shrink their already restricted habitats,” he said.“The new discoveries in 2010 include 100 plants,28 fi

43、sh,18 reptiles,14 amphibians,2 mammals and a bird,”the WWF report said.The area spans Cambodia,Laos,Myanmar,Thailand,Vietnam and Chinas Yunnan Province.“Among the new species is the birdeating fanged frog,which remains hidden in a protected area of Thailand despite the fact that scientists are study

44、ing there for 40 years,” the report said.The tigerstriped pit viper was discovered accidentally on an island off the coast of Vietnam when a scientist was looking for a lizard and his son pointed out that his hand was on a rock right next to the snakes fangs.“We caught the snake and the gecko and th

45、ey both proved to be new species,” researcher Lee Grismer of La Sierra University in California was quoted as saying in the report.The leopard gecko,found on another Vietnamese island,has the coloring of a leopard and bizarre orange,catlike eyes and thin legs.The Greater Mekong region has proved a r

46、ich area for scientists.The WWF said in December 2010 that it had found 1,068 new species there between 1997 and 2009.1 What is special about the newly discovered bird?AIt usually walks.BIt likes walking and flying.CIt can eat other birds.DIt can eat frogs.答案A解析细节理解题。由文章第二段第一句可知,这种新发现的鸟的独特之处是它喜欢行走,而

47、不是飞翔。2 Stuart Chapman believes that_.Amost of the newly discovered species can adapt to climate changeBclimate change can cause massive extinction of the newly discovered speciesCthe newly discovered species are not so vulnerable to climate changeDmany species have already died out because of climat

48、e change答案B解析细节理解题。由文章第四段可知,这些新发现的物种很少能适应气候变暖,因此会出现大量灭绝的情况。3 When Lee Grismer discovered the tigerstriped pit viper,he probably felt_.Afrightened BdisappointedCexcited Dpuzzled答案C解析推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段可知,这种蛇的发现很偶然,而且后来被证明是一个新的物种,因此发现者应该感到“惊喜”,故选excited。4 The tigerstriped pit viper is probably a kind of_.A

49、frog BlizardCgecko Dsnake答案D解析细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段第一句和第二句可知,这种tigerstriped pit viper是一种新的蛇类。因为文中有明确的提示“the snakes fangs”及“We caught the snake and the gecko.”,而the gecko的介绍在后面出现了。5 What does the passage mainly tell us?AThe Greater Mekong region is a rich area for scientists.BMany rare species remain to be

50、discovered in the Mekong region.CScientists have discovered many new species in the Mekong region.DClimate change threatens Mekong new species.答案D解析主旨大意题。由文章第一段可知,本文重点在于说明大湄公河次区新发现的物种面临受气候变暖濒临灭绝的危险,而不是强调新物种的发现,故选D项。Passage Two医学科普题。讲述anthax的在欧洲的起源、流行及研究,并讲述heroin和anthax的关系,没有找到原题。试题难度和选项都很有迷惑性,个人感觉比

51、国家卷难。 Passage Three人体电子工程学科普题。讲述Tongue Drive System的工作原理和应用前景,也没有找到原题,试题难度和选项都很有迷惑性。比较难。 Passage Four医学科普题,由Dolly讲到克隆技术,再引申到Pluripotent stem cells,最后讲到neural stem cell,embryonic stem cell,以及一种能运用皮肤基底干细胞以实现组织修复和器官再生的技术,没有找到原题,试题难度和选项都很有迷惑性。比较难。 Part II Vocabulary ( 15% )Directions: There are 30 incom

52、plete sentences in this part. Choose the one that best complete the sentence. And write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 21.40. 医学英语词汇BladderPelvicAudileMetabolismSepsisNecrosissystemic ;Systematic时间太紧张,记不起来了,很多不懂,靠猜。 41.50. 公共英语Anything but; nothing but考意义Which;that 引导主语从句考语法时间太紧张,其他的记不起来了。Part III

53、 Cloze Test ( 10%,0.5×20)关于gene sequencing在Anti tumor drugs中的运用,可以减少副作用,提高疗效,降低耐药率。Part IV Translation ( 10% )Directions: Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.Key words :the causes of anemia, Physician, ulcer, tumor, gastrointestinal tract, endoscope, Colonoscopy, Esophageal hernia etc.只要经常有看英文文献,难度不是很大。Part V Translation ( 10% )Directions: Translat


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