教学设计 (15)_第1页
教学设计 (15)_第2页
教学设计 (15)_第3页
教学设计 (15)_第4页
教学设计 (15)_第5页




1、Unit 2 Whats your number? Lesson 8教学设计天津市津南区实验小学 白玉炜一、教学目标1. 能听、说、读和写单词three, four,能听、说、认读thirteen, fourteen。能正确流利地朗读课文,并使用Whats your number? Im number, 就自己真实的学号等编号进行交际,尝试就日常生活中的其他常用号码,如地址、电话、QQ等进行表述。能听懂Line up. One, two, three, go! Start counting from to, 并根据教师指令数数。2. 以学生熟悉且喜爱的动漫形象营造“羊羊运动会”语境,调动学生的

2、学习兴趣,使学生通过直观的观察,积极地思考,大胆的猜测,有效的合作交流来实现运用句型进行询问和表达,从而使学生能准确理解和使用数字进行编号表达和计数。3. 以学生的正确回答换星星,再以星星的数量换“喜羊羊”徽章的方式进行教学评价,以此方式调动学生主动参与,体会数字在日常生活中的广泛使用,错误的数字表达会造成误解,并通过数星星训练学生用英语准确计数的意识和能力,培养学生严谨的习惯。二、重点、难点及学情分析学生在二年级快乐英语(Happy English)中已经学习过数字110的说法,对数字有初步的认识,经过Lesson 7的学习,学生已会使用数字进行班级的问答,但对数字的更多方面的运用能力不足,

3、且本课教学前只听过该班一节英语课,该班任课英语教师介绍,该班学生课堂表现较为活跃。1.重点:与学生建立融洽气氛,与学生进行有效互动。本课单词的学习和Whats your number?问答使用。2.难点:单词three, thirteen中th的读音,以及学生熟练使用数字就日常生活中的编号进行表述。三、教学过程教学流程教学内容学生活动教师活动设计意图一、课前介绍,自然导入Greet and introduce the teacher himself then revise “Nice to meet you.”Have the class guess the teachers family n

4、ame and give them the code of the teachers family name, 224.Show the covered cartoon characters, Xiyangyang, Meiyangyang, Feiyangyang and Huitailang to the class and have the class guess what they are.Have the class guess what classes they are in to revise the sentences “What class are you in? Im in

5、 ” Then learn the words “three, four”.Greet the teacherSs: Good morning, MrSs: Yes.Guess the teachers family name and read the code of the teachers family name (224).Look at the covered pictures and try to guess the characters.Try to guess the classes they are in and revise the words then learn the

6、new ones.Greet the classT: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Im new here. So you dont know my family name. Do you want to know my family name?T: My family name is (write the code ,224, on the Bb). Its the code of my family name. Walk around in the classroom and greet the class with “Nice to meet you.”

7、T: I bring some friends to our class. Do you want to know who they are?出示遮盖的卡通人物,让学生猜他们的身份。T:They are students, too. Do you know what classes they are in? Can you ask them?让学生提问以复习What class are you in?,并复习四会词“one, two”,进而学习“three, four”让两个学生上黑板写这两个单词,进行适当讲评,然后让学生在纸上练习。利用初次和学生见面的机会,自然地复习 “Nice to me

8、et you.”并进行自我介绍。将教师的姓氏“白”化为数字密码224,将数字学习自然引入学习,为新授做前期铺垫,并以此形式化解学生紧张情绪,拉进师生距离。利用学生喜爱的卡通人物营造语境,复习旧知。并在此基础上,自然地学习四会词“three, four”。二、营造语境,引入新授Show and learn the words “thirteen, fourteen” and new sentences “Whats your number? Im number”Look at the picture and try to guess the numbers of the three runner

9、s.Watch the race and learn the words and then try to ask and answer using the sentences.Listen and repeat the text with the courseware.Show the background, “Pleasant Goats Sports Game” to the class. Talk about the background and the judges. Then encourage the class guess who will be number 1/2/3. He

10、lp the class say “number 1, number 2.”Play the courseware to show the result of the race and encourage the class ask and answer using “Whats your number? Im number thirteen/fourteen.”通过课件呈现语境,适时学习单词“thirteen, fourteen”,并对th的发音进行强化。利用课件播放课文,使学生在语境中学习和理解课文。利用“羊羊运动会”的场景将本课语境自然融入,通过让学生猜这场比赛结果来让学生初步练习num

11、ber 1/2等说法,通过课件展示本课课文,将学生卷入语境,自然地学习和运用数字和句型,调动学生兴趣,通过观察、想象,在运用中学习,实现学生在学习中的主体地位。三、联系生活,运用拓展Talk about the Ss number and more numbers in our real life.Practice counting in many ways.Ask and answer in pairs.Say more numbers and practice. Have one student say the number and the others note then report.

12、Count numbers in different ways to practicing counting.Encourage the class ask and answer in pairs to practice “Whats your number? Im number”Encourage the class try to say more numbers in our life and talk about them.Invite the Lucky Students who are number 3,number 4, number 13 and number 14 in the

13、 class to come to the front. Have them line up and then count the numbers.T: Start counting from 1 to 10/from 10 to 14.通过让学生就自己的学号进行交谈,将所学语言用于实际,并在此基础上,拓展学生日常生活中更多的数字应用。通过一人说数字其他人记录的方式,进行更丰富的运用,并通过此过程培养学生认真倾听的习惯,感受数字在生活中的运用,体会到错误的数字表达会造成误会。四、趣味练习,强化细节Practice to make the class grip the sentence stru

14、cture well.Count the starsWatch and read the sentences carefully and find then correct the mistakes.Count the stars to practice counting.Have the class watch and read the sentences carefully and try to find and correct the mistakes in the sentences like the cartoon characterConan.Conan Action1. Im i

15、n class three, grade four.2. Im in Grade Four, Class Five.3. Whats you number?4. Im number thirten.5. What Class are you in?6. Im in Class Two, Grade OneHave the class count the stars and give them the badges according to the numbers of the stars.教师将学生在班级和编号询问中容易出现的问题变成句子,让学生化身为他们喜欢的名侦探柯南,找出句子中的错误,强化学生


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