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1、汉译英非谓语练习200句参考答案1. Chinaisa developingcountry,belonging to the Third World.2. Thereareno soldiersdrilling.3. A childlearningtowalk often falls.4. The menworkinghere are all from thecountryside.5. The manspeakingtous has gone to Japan.6. There are a lotofstudents waiting towelcomethe foreign teachers

2、.7. His sister studying at college is a Party member. / His sister, studying at college, is a Party member.8. :力 Yesterday at the riverside I met Mike, fishing.10. ThelecturegivenbyMr.Smith was very interesting.11. Themachinesmadebythetrainees work very well.12. Thepresentgiventohisson was a diction

3、ary.13. Some of them, born and brought up in the countryside, have never seen a train.14. The building being buiIt will be served as our dining- hall.15. We met him at the time and place given.16. The instrument used at that time was new.17. )ih. These are used cars.19. Yesterday I received a letter

4、 written in English.20. Who is the girl reading aloud under the big tree21. Have you seen the building built in the 1970s22. Those interested in the lecture are welcome to attend it in time .23. These are problems left over in history.24. There are 3 prob1ems remaining to be solved./There are 3 prob

5、lems to be solved25. Hearing thenews, they jumped with joy (excitement).26. )27. Not knowinghis address, we have no way togetin touch with him.28. Theysent aletterto me, hoping to get my support.29. He stood there waiting for the bus.30. Thestudentswalkedinto the classroom, talking and laughing.31.

6、Theforeignerstoodthere, looking very worried and obviouslygetting lost.32. She sat there, thinking.33. Just now I met a girl here, looking like a nurse.34. Having been working with him for many years, I know him very we11.35. «-36. Arriving home, he began to prepare.37. She came up to me, sayin

7、g“Glad to meet you. ”38. Believing that Juliet had died, Romeo decided to ki11 himself.39. Knowing that he hadn, t enough money and not wanting to borrow f rom his father, he decided to pawn his watch.40. Not understanding the local language and having no friend in t he country, he found it impossib

8、le to find a job.41. Looking out of the window, I saw a few birds singing in the tr ee.42. Not feeling comfortable, I went to see a doctor.43. The child fell over, striking his head against the wall.44. 他 Adding up the figures, we' 11 find the correct answers.46. We entered the classroom, follow

9、ing our teacher.47. We sat by the window, talking about what had happened the day b efore.48. Thinking that Mr.Jackson was a thief, the guard turned around and caught him.49. Helen borrowed a dictionary from me, saying that she wouId return it to me soon.50. Being ill, I had to stay at home.51. Clim

10、bing to the top of the mountain, I saw a beautiful scene.52. He went out, shutting the door from behind.53. -m. "Can' t you readM the man said, angrily pointing to the notice.55. Living in the lonely countryside, they know little about the outs ide world.56. The bell rang, announcing the en

11、d of class.57. Heranup to her,breathingheavily.58. Helaythere lyingthat theeggs laidby the hens the day before yesterday had been laid in the basket.59. He stood there leaning against the wall.60. Having taken my temperature, my mother found I was having a high fever.61. Being ill, I can' t go t

12、o school tomorrow.62. /63. Having finished the work t I had a rest.With the work done, Ihad a rest.64. Having been shown around the lab, we were taken to see the libr ary.65. Not having finished his lessons, he won' t go out to play.66. Not having met him before, I don' t know what she looks

13、 1 ike.67. Not having finishedhis homework,hewentoutto play.68. Knowing ( Having been told) that some guests would come, they ha d got the roomsready.69. Having failed twice,she didn' twanttohaveanothertry.70. Be careful while crossing the road.7L !72. As a chi Id, he is interested in museums.73

14、. Realizing that the guard mistook Mr. Jackson for a thief, the wo man manager walked up toapologize to Mr. Jackson。74. Not havingheard from yousolong, I missyouindeed.75. He came in running.76. Turning right, you' 11 find acinema.77. Once seen,she will neverbeforgotten.78. Written insimple Engl

15、ish,thebook iseasytounderstanda) Seen from the hill, the park will look more beautiful.1.1.»o. Explained in another way, the problem is easier to understand.81. Compared with that suit, this one suits him better.82. Given more time, I wi11 work out the problem.83. The visitors walked in, follow

16、ed by a group of young people.84. Born and brought up in the countryside, he knows better about th e hard life of pleasant.85. In recent years, led by the Party, people find their living cond it ions greatly changed.86. She sat there, lost in thought.87. Hearing that he fell ill, I went to see him r

17、ight away.88. yArriving at the station, I found the train had already left.I arrived at the station, only to find the train had already left.90. They sent me an invitation, inviting me to attend a birthday par ty.91. The old lady walked into the room, supported by her two daughters.92. Being tooexit

18、ed, shedidn't knowwhat tosay.Shewas too excited to say anything.93. Interested,Lao Li wants tohave atry.94. Inspired by the news,theydecidedto set outatonce.95. Moved, LaoZhou thankedheragain and again.96. The river being too wide, we can' t swim across.97.The sun set, we had to stay at the

19、village for the night.99 . It being Saturday, we have no lessons.100 .With the telephone out of order, we can* t get in touch with him.1.1 .It being such a fine day. someone suggested holding a party.1.2 . She stood there still, leaning against the wall.1.5 .She sat there, silent, tears running down

20、 from her cheeks.104. He lay there, with nobody caring for him.105. There being no bus, we had no choice but to walk home.106. >io-. Do the children need looking after108 .The captain gave an order to cross the river at once.109 . Do you have any questions to ask110 .They hope to have a chance to

21、 visit China.111 .There are still 2 rooms to be cleaned.112 . Xiao Ming is the right person to do the job.to raise production.to raise the question.to think of herself, need to hurry.to visit China.113 .This is an important way 114.He was the first student 115.=nt*. She isn' t a person only 117.

22、 It9 s early. There is no 118. We welcome their decision119. We have a few things to do before leaving.120. We went there to help get in the crops.121. I came here to say goodbye to you.122. We? 11 try our best to help you.123. Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.124.to hear125. Hearing this, we

23、were very excited. We were very excited this.126. I was very surprised to find all of you here. Finding al 1 of y ou were here,I was very surprised.127. She is always ready to help others.128 .We are eager for you to come here. We are eager for your arriv al.129 . Everyone is too anxious to know the

24、 examination results.130.I think they will be willing to work with us.131 .He is determined to devote himself to the cause of education./ He is determined to be devoted o the cause of education.132 .The sentence is difficult to translate.133 .-nt. Her question is rather difficult to answer.135 . The

25、 room is uncomfortable to live in.136 .He is too excited to say a word.137 .She is too old to do this kind of work.138. They were too tired to walk on.139. We went there by bus in order to save time.140. We were in a hurry so as not to miss the train.141. We kept the news as a secret so as not to ma

26、ke him discouraged 142.hi Would you be so kind as to give us some advice on how to lear n English.144 .He is said to be in better health than before.145 .The book is said to have been translated into several languages.146 .The news is believed to be untrue.147 . There are a lot of subjects to be dis

27、cussed at the meeting.148 .Asked of the question, he was puzzled.149 .You' re asked to attend the lecture to be held at 5 . tomorrow in the lecture hal1.150 . I find the question hard to answer.15L.IK. The child is old enough to go to school.153 . I find it necessarytolearn English well.154 .The

28、 first thingforusto dois to makea careful plan.155 . He doesnJ t wanttobepraised too much.156 .Have you decidedtospend your holidays there157 . I was wondering whether to stay here for anther week.158 .Did he promise to attend the meeting159 . Sorry, I forgot to refer to the matter in the letter.160

29、 .-lei. Please show me how to operate the machine.162.The doctor will advise you which medicines to take.163It' s necessary to do morning exercises.164.It, s hard to finish such a task within such a short time.165.It, s wrong not to carry on with the work.1 66.It9 s a shame to have done such a t

30、hing!167 . It, s a pleasure to talk with you.168 . It,sanhonor tospeak here.169 .”Ivo. It'sourduty toremind himof thething,171 . The person is hard to deal with.172 . Ittookus almostan hour toget thereby bus.173 .He offered to help us to learn English.174 .Tobe ateacher,you need patience.175 .Hi

31、s wish is to become an engineer.176 .At present our job is to improve our examination results.177 .My thought (idea) is to let Mary look after the chi Id.178 .:179 . What we should do is ( to) improve our living conditions, (raise our living standard)180 .Do you have anything to say181 . We have not

32、hing to be worried about now.182 .He was the last man to leave the vi1lage.183 .John, it' s time to start out.184 . There is nothing to be ashamed of.185 .The doctor gave me some medicine to be taken 3 times a day.186 .Just at that time he heard someone singing in the next room.187.jihk. I find

33、the chi Idren well looked after.189 . Would you like to have a picture taken here190 . I had the picture taken in 1990.191 .On getting down the plane, he found himself surrounded by the re porters.192 . I am so poor that I can' t make myself understood.193 . Speak louder to make yourself heard.1

34、94 .With so many books to read, I can' t kill the time by playing cards.195 .He lay there, only with his face exposed, (with nothing on).196 ./i9T. Walkon and you will finda street lined withtrees.或:Walking on, you' 11 find a street lined with trees.198 .Thatman died in a hotel,with no one k

35、nowingwherehe camefrom.199 .The room with its window facing south needs cleaning.200 .Not having heard from his parents for a long time, Alice look s forward to receiving their letter.201 .To improve your English, you should practise your spoken English more.202 .He reached the station tired, only to find (only to be told) the train had already left.203 . Realizing that something m


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