



1、Unit 4 Activities after Class Lesson 8 Colors 龙岩武平县实验小学 李银莲教材分析Activities after Class 是闽教版教材四年级下册第四单元的内容。单元内容以Activities after Class为话题,以Whats your favorite sport? Whats your favorite subject? What is? 及相关的activities,colors 单词为重点。在本教材第一册第六单元的教学中,学生已经学习了有关颜色的词汇及对颜色的问答“What color is it?”“Its blue.”本节课

2、是巩固所学颜色词句及对颜色主题学习的延伸。通过Mix the colors 学习活动认识三颜色的神奇魔力,激发学生学习兴趣的同时整合所学句型,在一定的情景下使用语言。通过描述我们生活中多彩的画面,让学生用英语做事情。设计理念英语课程标准强调培养学生的综合语言运用能力,学生能用英语做事情。教师尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境运用语言。鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、感知、体验、参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律,将所学习语言在实际生活中使用。本节课由颜色单词的学习运用,进而到句子的问答描述事物,由简单到复杂,层层递进,左后使得语篇的学习运用水到渠成。在语篇整体性教学过程中,形成一种新型的体验、

3、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式,实现整体语言的目标,初步培养了学生综合语言运用能力。一、Teaching aims and demands: 1. Ss revise the colors: red, yellow, blue, green, white, pink, orange, black.Ss can listen, say and read the words: grass, sun, flower, sky.2. Ss can describe the beautiful worlds and colorful world. The sky is blue. The clouds

4、 are white.3. Ss get to know the meaning of colors in different countries.4. Ss can love our colorful world.二、Teaching difficult and important points:Ss can talk about colors. Ss can describe the colorful world.三、Teaching aids: CAI crayons 四、Teaching stepsStep1:Warming Up1) Greetings T: Good morning

5、/afternoon, boys and girls.SS: Good morning/afternoon.T: How are you?设计意图:上课伊始,教师与学生自然地问候可以使学生快速融入英语学习氛围,同时为下一步教学做铺垫。2) Ss sing a song.I Can Sing a Rainbowbeautifully.设计意图:教师与学生一起sing,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,激活学生原有的知识colors为学习新知识做必要的准备。Step2:Revision1) Game: Sharp Eyes. (CAI)Ss look at the screen and say the c

6、olors as fast as fast.设计意图:让学生在充满趣味的火眼金精说单词的活动中复习巩固单词,同时也是一种很好的放松。2) Ask and answer about favorite color between the teacher and the students.T: Whats your favorite color? S: I like red. S: I like blue. Look! My schoolbag is blue. T:S:设计意图:通过这个活动延伸上课时的话题,同时复习运用颜色单词于句子话题,起到承上启下作用。3) Practice. What co

7、lor is it? (CAI洪恩GOGO颜色视频片段). 设计意图:先通过语篇对话情景让学生在视觉、听觉感知语言,捕捉语言信息,整体感知语言应用。T: Whats the cartoon about? Ss: Colors.T: Yes, colors. So today were going to learn colors .(Topic)Step3 Presentation1) Magic Show. Use “Magic games” to present and revise the colors:White black blue.Practice the sentences: Wh

8、at color is it? Its T: Look, I have some water. Now Ill make the color. (做魔法手势) Who wants to help me? Good. Now lets say what color is it? It can make the color. Now, you please blow.T: Now look, what color is it? Ss: white. Its white.T: Now I can change the color. Who can help me? Oh, lets play roc

9、k, paper, scissors. The winner can help me. Are you ready? Now the whole class say white, white, white, do you understand? One, two, go.T: Congratulations! Do you want to know what color it will be? So you can ask what color is it ? T: Please shake the bottle. Look, its black.设计意图:通过孩子现在极其感兴趣的魔术引入课题

10、,激发孩子们的求知欲望。让孩子们参与其中,感受魔术神奇魅力的同时学习运用了语言。 2) Watch the video then learn magic colors.T: Now we know white and red is pink. What about yellow and red? Lets watch the video together.T: So yellow and red is orange. T: Do you want to know more magic colors? Please come to the color factory and have a loo

11、k.设计意图:学生们通过视频观察颜色变化,激起学生的自己动手实践的兴趣。3) Making colors.(动手实践,学习三原色原理)T: Look, what color is it? Yes, its white. What about this one? What color is it? Now lets paint and see what will happen? T: Please choose two colors. T: What color is it? What happen? T& Ss: What color is it? T: Now can you dra

12、w a conclusion? (CAI出示结论)red + white = pink red + blue = ?red + yellow = orange red + yellow + blue = ?blue + yellow = greenGood job. You can do it by yourself after class.设计意图:学生们通过小组合作动手实践进行调制颜色,玩中学,学中玩过程中发现学习三颜色原理,印象深刻,兴致盎然。 4)A. Chant. Ss listen and read the chant (CAI).Ss look at the pictures c

13、arefully.呈现单词grass, sun, flower, sky。 What can you see? What color can you see?B. Ask and answer. T: What is blue? S1: The sky is blue. T: What is white? S2: The clouds are white. T: What is green? S3: The grass is green. T: What is yellow? S4: The flowers are yellow. T: What is red? S5: The sun is

14、red.C. Ss listen and chant. Ss chant with the teacher .Next Ss chant by asking and answering in halves. And then several students show it. 设计意图:教师与学生一起chant,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,激活学生学习热情,把重要的词汇功能句型融于有韵律的chant中,为接下来的语言输出做好充分地准备做必要的准备。5)Ss learn to describe the things and the beautiful nature.(CAI提供物品、美景图片)T:

15、 Look. This is my hometown. The shy is blue. The trees are green. The house is red. How beautiful they are. 设计意图:注重学后的深化和口语练习,也就是对语篇结构感悟,把知识呈现给学生,学生进行了输出。这一环节也可通过小组合作,增强学生的合作意识,也可以起到口语交流的目的。Step4: Expansion1) Colors and express.T: Can you use one color to express your mood at this time? It seems tha

16、t everyone on color perception is different.T: The difference is also between Chinese culture and English culture. 设计意图:透过拓展英语文化知识,多让学生了解英语内涵,培养学生的跨文化意识。2) Colors and NamesT: We know many colors. Do you know the colors also can be names?But the first letter must be big letter.设计意图:透过拓展延伸英语词汇知识,趣味记忆单

17、词,培养学生学习单词识记能力。Step5: Summary 1): What did you learn today? We learned the colorful world.T: Actually, colors make the world colorful. But these days, many things are polluted. We should love our nature and protect our earth. Lets make it colorful.We also know to use the colors mix new colors that we want to know.2) Homework.This is todays homework. Please talk about the colors around you.T: Now class is over, goodbye children.设计意图:通过课堂小结再次让孩子明白本课要掌握的重点及布置课后的任务,学以致用。Blackboard Design设计意图:板书形象直观的设计,就是一副美丽


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