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1、33个生活中最深刻的经验教训(第二部分)译者: 暖盈929发表时间:2011-10-28浏览量:3870评论数:4挑错数:0 我们总会在生活的点点滴滴中吸取些教训,它们会让我们的生活变得越来越好。本文中提到这些经验教训是否也曾在你的生活中出现过? 33 of Lifes Most Powerful Lessons (pt. 2)33个生活中最深刻的经验教训(第二部分)This is a sequel to my original post on 33 of Lifes Most Powerful Lessons. These are personally the most powerful l

2、essons I have learned in my life. You might ask why I chose to make a list like this, instead of writing articles to elaborate on each one. While I do believe there is a place for this, I believe sometimes more is said, when you say less.本文是我最初的邮件33个生活中最深刻的经验教训的续篇。这些都是我在生活中亲自领会的最深刻的教训。你可能会问道,为什么我要像这

3、样列个清单,而不是针对每一点写篇文章详细阐述。然而我认为这样处理会留有一定的空间,我认为有时候当你说的越少,要表达的意思就越多。I hope you enjoy these lessons, they are a little window into my soul of teachings that have changed my life. Everyone has their own truth though and what is true for me may not be true for you. I encourage you to share your own most po

4、werful lessons with us in the comments below.我希望你们能欣赏这些经验教训,它们就是一扇小窗,通往了改变我人生的教义之魂。然而每个人都有自己的实际情况,对我来说正确的东西可能对你们来说就不正确了。我支持你们在下面给出评论,分享一下你们自己最深刻的经验教训。1.Believing in yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself.1. 自信是给自己的最好的礼物。2.Your friends can be an elevator, or a cage.2. 朋友可以像电梯一样助你上升,也可以像笼

5、子一样将你困住。3.The best investment you can make, is in yourself.3. 最好的投资就是投资自己。4.Suffering is the result of unfulfilled expectations.4. 期望没有实现就会导致痛苦。5.Intentions are like seeds in our consciousness, with water and nurture, they will flower into existence. What thoughts, what seeds, are you nurturing?5. 意

6、愿就像我们意识中的种子,给它们浇水,悉心培育,它们就会绽放花朵。你正在培育着什么思想,什么种子?6.What you feel is always right, however, the root of those feelings may be based on lies.6. 你的感觉总是正确的,但是那些感觉的根基可能建立在谎言之上。7.The meaning of life is not found in something other than life.7. 只有在生活中才能发现生活的意义。8.Your level of happiness is largely related to

7、 your level of intimacy with nature.8. 你的幸福水平很大程度上与你贴近自然的程度有关。9.Life is dreaming with the brain awake.9. 生活就是头脑清醒着做梦。10.Creatively expressing yourself is like making love to the universe.10. 创造性地表现自我就如同向全世界表达爱意。11.Everything is a game, or a dance, life is the ultimate game, the ultimate dance.11. 每件

8、事情都是一场游戏,抑或一支舞蹈。生活就是最大的一场游戏,最长的一支舞蹈。12.Time is a real illusion.12. 时间是真正的幻觉。13.When beauty is seen as beauty, there is ugliness.13. 当把美丽视为美丽的时候,丑陋就出现了。14.When the mind is clear, a dark room has its blue sky.14. 头脑清醒时,暗室也自有蓝天。15.Sometimes the best answer is silence.15. 有时沉默是最好的答案。16.We are not our bo

9、dies, we identify ourselves with our bodies, but in reality, we are the energy that moves through them.16. 我们并不是身体,我们以身体来识别自己,但实际上,我们是流淌全身的能量。17.When tired, sleep, when hungry, eat.17. 累了就睡,饿了就吃。18.Division is only found in the mind, it is not present in reality.18. 分歧只存在于心中,现实中它并不存在。19.Love and com

10、passion can heal the deepest wounds.19. 爱和怜悯能治愈最深的伤口。20.An eye for an eye makes us all blind.20. 以眼还眼会使我们完全盲目。21.The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.21. 你能给予他人的最好礼物就是你的时间。22.Practice makes the master, we are creatures of habit.22. 熟能生巧,习惯成自然。23.If you want to receive, give.23. 如果你想有所

11、收获,请先付出。24.In life we have control over two things, what we think, and what we say.24. 在生活中我们可以掌控两件东西:思想和话语。25.Your perception of others is a reflection of your own reality.25. 你对他人的看法反应了你的真实情况。26.If you believe you can, you can, if you believe you cannot, you cannot.26. 如果你认为自己能行,你就行;如果你认为自己不行,你就不行

12、。27.When you are true to yourself in all your actions, your life takes on a whole new level of joy you never thought possible.27. 如果你在一切行为中都忠于自我,那么你的生活就会呈现一种全新的快乐,这种快乐是你从未想过的。28.Devotion is the supreme symbol of love.28. 奉献是爱的至高象征。29.Lifes worth is not defined by external success, but by your collection of experiences.29. 生命的价值并不由外在的成功来定义,而是由经历的积累来诠释。30.Everyone is an divine artist, writing their own story each day, choose to write your story with love.30. 每个人都是神圣的艺术家,每天都书写着自己的故事,选择用爱来书写你的故事。31.The meaning of life is found in the present, it is found now.31. 在当下发现生活的意义,就是现在。32.Sometimes


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