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1、一、词组复习1.familiar adj.熟悉的,熟知的,友好的,不拘礼节的(有时被人认为太放肆,不够尊重人)be familiar to 为所熟悉 be familiar with 熟悉,通晓,精通make oneself familiar with 同好(熟悉)起来;同亲近起来in a familiar way/style 亲切的方式/风格 Are you familiar with the laws relating to trespass?你熟悉关于侵入私人领地的法律吗?This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me.我对这首摇篮曲很熟悉。He ye

2、arned for a sight of the old,familiar faces.他渴望一见那些熟悉的老面孔。He is my familiar friend.他是我亲密的朋友。His voice on the phone sounded familiar to me.他在电话上的声音我听起来很熟悉。She greeted them by their first names in a familiar way.她与他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其名。反馈1.1Though I'm familiar _the poem,I'll try to learn it_ heart.Ato

3、;to Bto;byCwith;by Dwith;to反馈1.2His name is familiar _ us.Aby Bto Cin Dwith反馈1.3 She wrote _ a familiar style.Awith Bat Cby Din二、听写词组in common 共同,共有 compete in a contest 参加比赛give a concert 举办音乐会 on condition that 条件是congratulate sb.on sth.祝贺某人 on the contrary 相反地out of control 失控 have a conversation

4、 with sb. 与谈话 in/during the course of 在期间/过程中 be covered with 被覆盖be cruel to sb. 对残忍 be curious about sth. 对感到好奇do great damage to 对造成巨大损害 in danger 处境危险out of date 过时 the other day 在不久前,前几天be deaf to sth. 对充耳不闻 deal with 对付,应付in debt 负债 out of debt 还清债务make a decision 作出决定 do good deeds 做好事deep int

5、o the night 直到深夜 deep in thought 沉思delay doing sth. 迟迟未做某事 deliver a speech 发表(演说等)meet the demands 满足要求 foreign language department 外语系department store 百货商店 beyond description 难以形容be determined to do sth.决心做某事 without delay 毫不耽搁,立刻with the development of industry 随着工业的发展devote oneself to 献身于,致力于 be

6、 in danger of dying out 处于灭亡的危险中make no difference 没作用,没影响 in the distance 在远方,在远处have difficulty in doing sth. 做有困难,难以be invited to dinner 应邀赴宴 in all directions 向四面八方make a new discovery 做出新的发现 under discussion 正在讨论中三、阅读理解实战演练(一)Anna arrived far too early. Usually she left things to the last minut

7、e, 16 today was a very special occasion. It was almost 17 by getting there an hour beforehand that she 18 to cause the plane to arrive sooner: 19 raced through her mind. “Do I look all right? Will he notice that Im wearing a 20 trouser suit? Will he even 21 me? "After all,it was a year almost t

8、o the day since she had 22 seen Joe. She fished a 23 out of her handbag and inspected her face. Too much make-up?. Joe had 24 made any comment but she knew that he did not approve of(赞成)heavy make-up“gilding the lily”,he 25 it. It was funny how much importance she attached to 26 a good impression on

9、 him. After all,friends do not judge each other by 27 All the same,it was the first meeting after a long separation,and she wanted everything to 28 right·Looking out of the window,Joe 29 a first glimpse,through a break in the 30 ,of the town far below. Certainly it was very flattering that they

10、 had 31 him to be the guest lecturer at their Autumn Congress yet again. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee,as a matter of Courtesy(礼貌),had. 32 to meet him at the airport,as he had done on previous occasions. This time, 33 ,it was not necessary, 34 because Joe was quite familiar with the city,

11、but mainly because Anna had said that she could 35 the afternoon off in order to come and meet him. 16. A. and B. but C. for D. as17. A. because B. since C. as if D. when18. A. thought B. liked C. had D. hoped19. A. Idea B. Facts C. Thoughts D. Matters20. A. new B. strange C. latest D. single21. A.

12、like B. recognize C. terrify D. tell22. A. before B. recently C. last D. most23. A. purse B. handkerchief C. mirror D. book24. A. never B. almost C. often D. regularly25. A. told B. called C. saw D. thought26. A. offering B. taking C. having D. making27. A. appearance B. clothes C. make-up D. lookin

13、g28. A. come across B. turn up C. go off D. get out29. A. caught B. left C. enjoyed D. met30. A. air B. rain C. train D. clouds31. A. employed B. invited,C. told D. informed32. A. offered B. arrived C. intended D. attempted33. A. therefore B. however C. instead D. as well34. A. luckily B. really C.

14、partly D. separately35. A. put B. make C. take D. leave(二)I was blind, but I was ashamed of it if it was known. I refused to use a white stick and hated asking for help. After all, I was a teenage girl, and I couldnt bear people to look at me and think I was not like them. I must have been a terribl

15、e danger on the roads, Coming across me wandering through the traffic, motorists probably would have to step rapidly on their brakes. Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.One evening, I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to cha

16、nge buses, and as usual I ran into something,“Im awfully sorry,”I said and stepped forward only to run into it again. When it happened a third time, I realized I had been apologizing to a lamppost. This was just one of the stupid things that constantly happened to me. So I carried on and found the b

17、us stop, which was a request stop, where the bus wouldnt stop unless passengers wanted to get on or off. No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived.Generally in this situation, because I hated showing I was blind by asking for help, I tried to guess at the sound. Sometime

18、s I would stop a big lorry and stand there feeling stupid as it drew away. In the end, I usually managed to swallow my pride and ask someone at the stop for help.But on this particular evening no one joined me at the stop; It seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus. Of course

19、I heard plenty of buses pass, or I thought I did. But because I had given up stopping them for fear of making a fool of myself, I let them all go by. I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one. Then I gave up. I decided to walk on to the next stop.36. The girl refused to ask for help

20、because she thought_.A. she might be recognizedB. asking for help looked sillyC. she was normal and independentD. being fond blind was embarrassing37. After the girl got off the bus that evening, she_.A. began to runB. hit a person as usualC. hit a lamppost by accidentD. was caught by something38. A

21、t the request stop that evening, the girl_.A. stopped a big lorryB. stopped the wrong busC .made no attempt to stop the busD. was not noticed by other people39. What was the problem with guessing at the sound to stop a bus?A. Other vehicles also stopped there.B. It was unreliable for making judgment

22、s.C. More lorries than buses responded to the girl.D. It took too much time for the girl to catch the bus.40. Finally the girl decided to walk to the next stop, hoping _.A. to find people thereB. to find more buses thereC. to find the bus by herself there一)阅读方式总结1. 略读。 粗略地阅读语言材料的面式读法。通过略读获取阅读材料的主要内容

23、和大意。快速阅读时,略读首尾段、首尾句了解文章大意。2.跳读。 带着明确目的寻找特定信息,忽略无关内容的点式阅读。跳读适用于细节检索式问题。如:3.组读。 以意群为单位,一组一组视读。边读边理解。减少眼停次数,缩短“眼脑直映”时间。4.记忆。 阅读语言材料时,熟记文中的重要事实,情节是提高阅读理解速度的重要手段。边读边忘,便无法深入全面理解材料。回视,重读等不良阅读习惯会随之出现。加强记忆能力的训练可以通过背诵重点句型、段落主题句、课文主要段落、结论。(二)巧妙绕开生词1.英语文章中不是所有的词的功能都是同等的,有些词担负着传达主要信息的功能,而有些词主要起语法作用或者它所传达的信息和下文的其

24、他信息没有联系。这类词有:表示人名,地名,机构名等专有名词。遇到这些词,只要我们能辨认出它是专有名词,就能理解文章而不必知道它的意思。比如在下面的句子中:"In fact", says David Dinges, a sleep specialist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, "there's even a prohibition against admitting we need sleep." 两个引号之间的部分就不必去管它。类似的还有:"We hav

25、e to totally change our attitude toward napping," says Dr. William Dement of Stanford University,the godfather of sleep research.2.我们不用弄清上面某些部分的原因是,它们的后面往往有一个同位语来解释说明它们的意思。这就引起了我们不用弄懂所有单词意思的第二个理由。也就是说如果我们对文章中的某一个单词不熟悉,我们还可以根据统一篇文章中的其他信息来帮助判断。这类信息有:同位语、下定义、解释、举例、同义词、反义词、上下义词以及标点符号(如破折号、冒号都表示解释和说

26、明)等。课后作业“Have a nice day” may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression. When my friend Maxie says “Have a nice day” with a smile, I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me. I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well. “Have a nice day. Next!” The

27、 version of the expression is spoken by a salesgirl at supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out the door. The words came out in the same tone ( 腔调 ) with a fixed procedure. They are spoken at me, not to me. Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone elses is the managements attempt to

28、increase business.The expression is one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other. Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting. As soon as you hear it, you know the meeting at an end. Sometimes the expression saves us when we dont know what to say. “Oh, you just had a tooth out?

29、Im terribly sorry, but have a nice day”The expression can be pleasant. If a stranger says “Have a nice day” to you, you may find it heart-warming because someone you dont know has tried to be nice to you.Although the use of the expression is insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is no

30、thing wrong with the sentence except that it is a little uninteresting. The salesgirl, the waitress, the teacher, and the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, its nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really dont care all that much. While the expression may not often


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