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1、Translation Unit 1Part ATranslate the following into English.拉塞尔贝克曾说过:“热爱新闻写作和想当记者的人多半都有一种浪漫的理想或 梦想.他们或者希望长大成为马克.吐温、海明威这样的作家.或者成为某个大媒 体的总编、首席记者。我八岁时就开始投身新闻工作啦,这是我母亲的主意。她 对生活充满了幻想,而且她不想让我像我父亲那样,日出而作,日落而息,一生 劳碌,到死也不过留下几件破烂家具。她特别希望我能出人头地,在对我的勇气 进行了一番冷静地赞美后,把我介绍到了星期六晚邮报。就这样,我开始沿街 兜售报纸。Russell Baker had

2、once said: Those who deeply loved the news writing and wanted to work as reporter had one kind of romantic ideal or dream mostly. They hoped that someday they might become writers like Mark Twain or Hemingway, or become some big media editor-in-chief, chief reporter. Wlien I was only eight years old

3、, I embarked on journalism and this was my mothers idea. She had filled herself with fantasy to life. Shedid not want to let me be the same as my father who had worked from dawn to dusk, living the life of toils and leaving behind with us a few pieces of tattered fimiitiire till his death. She expec

4、ted especially I could make something of myself. After giving me a moderate praise on my gumption she introduced me to The Saturday Evening Post. I begun to sell the newspaper in this way.Part BTranslate the following into Chinese.Wliat a difference a bust makes. Hie employers are back in the driver

5、s seat, and job switchers have to leam to play the game anew. As an executive agent, I manage the careers of senior executives, and Pm often privy to their most tiyiiig professional challenges. From my vantage point, the following new mles are helpfiil for job hunters.Its easier to be acquked than h

6、ired: Tlie old wisdom is “Just get your foot in the door? But even thafs not easy now, since companies have the luxuiy of taking long, hard looks at candidates before hiring them. One solution: develop some kind of business relationship with the company. A client of mine developed a consulting agree

7、ment that would lead to an equity stake in the finn - and a pennanent job 一 if he was successfill. His plan worked.Develop a taste for selfafiinnation: A client became depressed during a job inteiview because the hiring executive he sat across from was a fbnner subordinate of his. Its a conmion occu

8、nence. After all, with the flight by entrepreneurial types from coiporations during the height of the dot-com boom, those left behind were often promoted - largely because they stayed. Like the tortoise competing against the hare, they are plodding towards the finishing line with big smiles. In this

9、 job market, timi off anogance or hubris; theres little time for gamesmanship. Position yourself positively; you may bypass them later on, but to get back in the race you must first get back inside.经济萧条造成了多么大的影响!雇主们回到了司机的座位自己开车,想改行 的人不得不重新学会游戏规则。作为一个经理代理人,我负责高级管理人员的职 业安排,对于他们在职业上遇到的最艰难的挑战,我通常了如指掌。在我

10、看来, 求职者应该遵循以下几条新规则是有好处的。让人需要你比让人雇佣你更容易:有一句老话说得好:“先把你的脚跨进门 内。”不过,即使想那样做,现在也不容易。因为公司在雇用员工之前完全有条件 对求职者进行长时间的仔细考察。有一个解决办法,就是先和公司作某种交易。 我的一个客户就与其公司达成一项为公司提供咨询服务的协议,并与公司共同承 担风险,如果他能成功,他就会得到一份永久的工作。他这一招还真奏效了。学会自我欣赏:有位客户在求职面试时颇为沮丧,因为坐在对面负责面试的 主管竟然是他以前的下属。其实,这样的事情屡见不鲜。毕竟,在网络行业繁荣 的时期,随着不少企业家型人才外流,那些留守员工往往加官进职

11、一一很大程度 上就是因为他们留下来没有跳槽。像乌龟和兔子赛跑一样,乌龟艰难地爬向终点 却乐观自信。在求职市场,要摒弃傲慢,不要目中无人;不要搞小动作。要摆正自 己的位置,至于你从前的下属,你以后可以采取回避的方式对待.不过要重新参 与意争,你必须首先回到队伍中。Translation Unit 2Pait ATranslate the following into English.由于繁忙的日程安排,我的社交生活已经减少到几乎没有。当我意识到没有 朋友可以见面、任我倾诉时,我陷人了忧虑。我决心结交新朋友,但是在中年时 结交朋友要比在年轻时结交朋友难得多。开始一段新的关系也许会使我们感到难 为情

12、。在中年时结交朋友,我们不再根据他们的受欢迎程度来选择朋友。共同的 兴趣成为让我们聚在一起最好的催化剂。有了新的友谊,我感到获得了新生。Due to hard schedule, my social life had dwindled to almost notliing When I realized that there was no chum to meet, and let me rant, I was in fiuik. I resolved to acquire new friends, however, its a whole lot harder to make fiiends

13、 in midlife than it is when youre younger. To start a new relationship may make us self-conscious. To make friends in niidlife, we do not choose fiiends based on their popularity. Mutual interests become the perfect catalyst for bringing us together. With new friendship, I turned over a new leaf.Par

14、t B Translate the following into Chinese.English friendships follow still a different partem. Their basis is shared activity.Activities at different stages of life may be of veiy different kinds - discovering a common interest in school, seiviiig together in the aimed forces, taking part in a foreig

15、n mission, staying in the same countiy house during a crisis. In the midst of the activity, whatever it may be, people fall into step - sometimes two men or two women, sometimes two couples, sometimes tluee people - and find that they walk or play a game or tell stories or serve on a tiresome and ex

16、acting conmiittee with the same easy anticipation of what each will do day by day or in some critical situation. Americans who have made English fiiends comment that, even years later, You can take up just where you left of. Meeting after a long interval, fiends are like a couple who begin to dance

17、again when the orchestra strikes up after a pause. A break in an English friendship conies not necessarily as a result of some ineconcilable difference of viewpoint or feeling but instead as a result of misjudgment, where one friend seriously misjudges how the other will think or feel or act, so tha

18、t suddenly they are out of step.英国式友谊遵循着一种不同的模式。其基础是共同参与的活动。在人生的不 同阶段,活动会有很大的不同:在学校中发现共同的兴趣,在军队中共同服役,在 国外一同完成任务,在危机中共住一间农舍。在活动中,不管是什么样的活动, 大家会步调一致:有时是两个男人或者两个女人,有时是两对夫妇,有时是三个 人,他们或散步,或玩游戏,或讲故事,或者担任一个又累又烦的委员会委员, 日常事务如何做,出什么危急情况怎么办,都是不难预料、一成不变的。有英国 朋友的美国人议论说:“即便在多年以后,你也可以在上次停留的地方继续开始 时隔很久会面时,朋友就像一对舞件,

19、在休息过后,乐队重新奏响时再次共舞。 英国式友谊中断并不一定是由于一些世界观或情感的不可调和的差异,而是判断 失误的结果。一方对于另一方的想法,感受或行为出现了严重的判断失误,突然 使他们格格不入。Pail B Translate the following into Chinese.Translate the following into English.当人们说起奥巴马的魅力时,常常会想起约翰F肯尼迪。但共和党人却说, 由于奥巴马缺乏经验,他令他们想起的不是约翰F肯尼迪,而是想起吉米卡特。 这听起来可不像是恭维的话了。奥巴马的总统候选人身份最引人注目之处在于 他在美国历史上是独一无二的。这

20、当然要从他的种族说起。奥巴马是一位来自堪 萨斯州的、周游世界的白人妇女与一位从肯尼亚来到美国的交流留学生结合的产 物。他的父母确实是非洲人和美国人。因此有了奥巴马,非洲裔美国人。小时候 在夏威夷长大,那时他叫巴里奥巴马,但在从政前,他改回了巴拉克这个名字; 并且从未隐瞒其中间名侯赛因一其父亲的名字。然而奥巴马决不会让种族问题 限制了他的竞选之路。Wlien describing Obamas charisma, Democrats often invoke Jolin F. Kennedy. But Republicans say that with his paucity of experi

21、ence,Obama reminds them less of Kemiedy and more of Jinuny Carter. This is not intended as a compliment. The most striking aspect of Barack Obamas presidential candidacy, however is that he is unique in the American experience. It starts, of course, with his race. Obama is the product of the union o

22、f a white woman from Kansas who wandered the world and a Kenyan man who came to the United States as an exchange student. His parents were tmly African and American. Tlien there is Barack Obama, an Afidcan-American. As a kid growing up in Hawaii, he went by Bany Obama, but even before going into pol

23、itics, he reverted to his given name, Barack, and he never hid his middle name, Hussein, which was his fathers. However, Obama will never let liis race limit his campaign.In 2007 ? after seeing Obama at an event in Boston, I called a well-known political writer living in semi-retirement in Californi

24、a and asked him if hed ever seen a candidate with this much charisma. Tliis political write, with whom I share a surname, is an acclaimed author who is recognized as the foremost expert on Ronald Reagan. He paused a minute and said, “Yes, I have. John F. Kennedy was like this. After another moment,

25、he added: The early Reagan was, too. He combined, in some odd alchemy, Kemied/s discipline as a campaigiiei; Bill Clintons gift of gab, and Ronald Reagans optimism and Teflon quality. In other words, Obama rarely made mistakes on the campaign trail, and when he did, they didnt really stick. Obama also appears to be an utterly devoted family man - voters still want that in the wake of the Clinton years while offering the most u


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