



1、初中英语总复习专题(主谓一致)初中英语总复习专题(主谓一致)主谓一致是指一个句子的主语和谓语动词保持数的一致关系。主谓一致要遵循三条原则:语法一致、意义一致、就近一致。一、复习要点:1语法一致的原则:语法一致的原则就是指主语和谓语动词保持语法形式上的一致,即主语为单数形式,谓语动词也采用单数形式;主语为复数形式,谓语动词也采用复数形式。 单数名词或代词、动词不定式短语、动名词短语或从句用作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。主语为复数名词或代词时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:His father works for a computer company. 他的父亲在一家电脑公司工作。Reading

2、in the sun is bad for your eyes.  在阳光下看书对眼睛有害。What he said is very important for us all.  他所说的话对我们大家都很重要。 由连词and或both and连接的并列主语后面,要用复数形式的谓语动词。例如:New York and Boston are American cities.  纽约和波士顿是美国城市。Both she and her sister like drawing pictures.  她和她的姐姐都喜欢画画 由“a and a half, more

3、 than one 名词” “one and a half + 名词”, 等作主语时, 谓语动词要用单数. 如:Only one and a half apples is left on the table.注意: one or two + 复数名词作主语, 谓语动词用复数形式, 如:One or two places have been visited. 参观了一两个地点构成的主语,尽管从意义上看是复数,但谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:A month and a half has passed since I saw him. 自从我见到他,已经过去一个半月了。More than one pe

4、rson here is going to find a new job.  这里不止一人准备找新工作。 主语为单数名词或代词,尽管后面有with, together with, except, but, like, as well as等引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数形式;如果主语为复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式。例如:Mr Green, together with his wife, has come to China. The students as well as their teacher were playing a game on the playground. 

5、; No one except the teachers knows the answer.  除了老师没有人知道答案。She, like you and Tom, is very tall.  她跟你和汤姆一样个子都很高。 主语为表示两部分构成的物体的名词(如:glasses, jeans, pants, scissors, trousers等)时,谓语动词用复数形式。但如果它们前面用了a pair of,谓语动词的数取决于pair的单复数形式。例如:My blue trousers have worn out.  我的蓝裤子已经穿破了。This pair of

6、 scissors is China-made.  这把剪刀是中国制造的。Here are some new pairs of shoes.  这里有几双新鞋。 主语为“the number of 复数名词”时,谓语动词用单数形式;主语为“a number of 复数名词”时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:The number of cars is increasing.  汽车的数目正在增长。There were a number of people out this afternoon.  今天下午有很多人外出。A great number of mig

7、rant workers have entered the city.  大批的民工涌入了城市。 each或由some, any, every, no构成的复合代词用作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:Each of us has a new dictionary.  我们每一个人都有一本新词典。Somebody is looking for you.  有人在找你。Everybody is doing his best.  人人都在尽力而为。Theres nothing interesting in the newspaper.  报纸上没有

8、什么有趣的新闻。I cant find my pen has anyone seen it?  我的笔找不到了有谁看见了吗?each of + 复数代词, 谓语动词用单数. 复数代词+each, 谓语动词用单数.如:Each of us has something to say. 我们每个人都有话要说 either, neither用作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。但是,如果后接“of 复数名词或代词”时,谓语动词用单复数均可。例如:Either is acceptable.  两者中哪一个都能接受。Neither of us was having any luck.

9、0; 我们两个都不走运。Neither of the sisters was alive.  两姐妹都不在人世了。 在定语从句中,关系代词that, who, which等用作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与先行词的数一致。例如: This is the man who wants to see you.  这就是想要见你的人。The girls who are coming soon are my students.  快要到来的那些女孩是我的学生 由what引导的主语从句,主句谓语动词一般用单数形式。但如果表示复数意义,主句谓语动词则用复数形式。例如:What we

10、 need now is time.  我们现在需要的就是时间。What he left me are only some old books.  他留给我的只是几本旧书。2意义一致的原则:主语形式为单数,但意义却为复数;有时主语形式为复数,但意义却为单数。这时,就要采用意义一致的原则,即谓语动词的数必须和主语的意义一致。 由and 所连接的并列主语如果是指一个人或一种事物时,其后的谓语动词就用单数形式。例如:The writer and artist has come.  那位作家兼艺术家来了。There is a knife and fork on the t

11、able.  餐桌上有一副刀叉。Fish and chips is a popular food.  炸鱼土豆片是一种很受欢迎的食物。Five and five makes ten.  (or: make ten.)  五加五等于十。 由“each A and each B”或“every A and every B”构成的并列主语,其后的谓语动词要用单数形式。有时,可以省去第二个each或every。例如:Every hour and every minute is important.  每一小时和每一分钟都是宝贵的。Each man an

12、d (each) woman is asked to help.  每一个男女都被要求给予帮助。 表示时间、距离、价格、度量衡等名词的复数形式用作主语时,通常作为整体看待,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:Three days is too long for us to wait.  要我们等三天,时间太长了。A hundred miles is a long distance.  一百英里是一段很长的距离。Ten thousand dollars is cheap enough for that house.  一万美金买那所房子是够便宜的。 有些形式为单数

13、、意义为复数的名词(如:people, police, staff等)用作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:There were many people at the meeting.  许多人参加了会议。The police have caught the thief.  警方抓住了那个盗贼。 集体名词(如:class, family, group, team, crowd等)用作主语时,谓语动词的数取决于集体名词的意义。当集体名词指整体时,谓语动词用单数形式;当集体名词指其中的个体时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如:The class is the best one in t

14、he grade.  这个班级是年级中最好的班级。Almost every family there owns a motorcar.  那里几乎每家都拥有一辆摩托车。   Before the match our team was expected to be the best one.  比赛前,我们球队被认为是最好的。   The team are driving to the game in their own cars.  全队人开着自己的车去比赛。 none用作主语时,谓语动词多用复数形式;作为单数看待

15、时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:None of the suggestions was accepted. None of the children in the class are tired of his lesson. some, any, all, more, most等代词做主语时,谓语动词要与它们所指代的名词的数一致。例如:Some (of the apples) remain green.  有些苹果还是绿的。Some (of the fish) went bad.  有些鱼发臭了。All was quiet in the street.  街上一切平

16、静。All (of the people) have gone.  所有的人都走了。(8)主语中有all, half, most, the rest等, 以及”分数或百分数+名词”做主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于连用的名词.如:The rest of the bikes are on sale today. 剩下的自行车, 今天出售.60%of the apple was eaten by little boy. 这个苹果的60%都被这个小男孩吃了.Most of the apples were rotten. 大部分的苹果都是烂的.Most of the apple was eate

17、n by a rat. 这个苹果的大部分被老鼠吃了.3就近一致的原则:就近一致的原则就是指谓语动词的数与并列主语中最靠近它的那个主语保持一致。 There be 句型和Here be中的be的单复数形式取决于其后的主语,如果其后是由and连接的并列主语,则应与最靠近的那个主语保持一致。例如:There is a table and four chairs in the room.  房间里有一张餐桌和四把椅子。Here is a pen, a few envelopes and some paper for you.  这里有一支笔、几个信封和一些纸给你。 当两个主语由 o

18、r, either or, neither nor, not only but also, whether or连接时,谓语动词和最靠近的主语保持一致。例如:No food or water is allowed to take with.  不准带食物和水。Either a telephone or a fax machine is needed in my office. Neither you nor he knows how to answer the question. 你和他都不知道如何回答这个问题。Not only the students but also their

19、 teacher likes the film.  二、例题分析: many students are there in your school -_ the students in our school _ over two thousand. 选择填空                            

20、0;            A. The number of, is          B. The number of, are    C. A number, is              D. A number of, are分析:

21、本题问“有多少学生”实际是问“学生的数量”,应该用the number of来回答; 谓语动词用单数形式。(答案A) than one man _ been sent to the place since 1979.选择填空      A. has        B. have      C. had           D. is分析:

22、“more than one 单数名词”做主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。(答案A)3. Whether he comes or not _ nothing to do with me. 选择填空      A. are         B. is           C. has        

23、60;    D. have分析:“Whether he comes or not”是主语从句,主句谓语动词用单数形式。(答案C)4. Sheep is kept for their wool and mutton. 改错           分析:Sheep是单复数同形,句中有their一词,可知本句中的Sheep应为复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式。(答案is改为are)5. All is satisfied with what he said. (改错) 

24、;         分析:本句中的All意为“所有人(= All of the people)”,是复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式。(答案is改为are)三、巩固练习。I. .用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Two thousand miles _ (be) too far for us to travel over a short vacation.2. The old in my country _ (be) cared for by their children and grandchildren.3. The

25、re _ (be) a pair of trousers on the sofa.4. Ten divided by two _ (equal) five.5. The Chinese people _ (be) a great people.6. Nobody but Tim and Tom _ (be) in the room.7. Li Fang like many girls _ (like) dancing.8. Every boy and every girl _ (want) to go there.9. Three-fourths of the surface of the e

26、arth _ (be) sea.10. All of the work _ (be) finished.II.选择填空。1. The rich _ not always happy.A. are           B. is            C. has           D.

27、have2. The old woman, together with her two grandsons, _ crossing the road.A. are             B. is           C. has            &#

28、160; D. have3. This pair of trousers _ Lucys. Your trousers _ on your bed.A. is, are         B. is, is          C. are, are         D. are, is 4.     

29、    kilometers _ a very long way to go in a day.A. are                B. has               C. is       &#

30、160;         D. have5. Climbing hills _ better than having classes.A. are            B. is            C. was       

31、   D. have6. What he wanted to know _ why they didnt tell him.A. are            B. was          C. were          D .is7. Either you or he _ to st

32、ay at home this afternoon.A. has        B. have         C. are               D. is8. Neither of the twins _ bread.A. like     

33、0;    B. likes          C. liked             D. is like9. Fish and chips _ my favorite food.A. is            B. are 

34、0;          C. has            D. become10. The singer and dancer _ come to our city.A. are           B. is       &#

35、160;     C. have             D. has11. Three-fourths of the water _ gone.A. is         B. are          C. have    

36、 D. were12. Everybody, men and women, young and old, _ listening to the radio here.A. enjoys      B. enjoy       C. is enjoyed     D. are enjoyed13. Either Tom or Maria _ sure to know the answer.A. are   &

37、#160;      B. be         C. is           D. were14. Neither you nor he _ how to answer the question.A. know           B. knows 

38、60;         C. knowing       D. to know15. I as well as they _ ready to help you.A. am        B. are         C. is       

39、;     D.  be16. The number of the students in the class _ about forty.A. is           B. are          C. were        D .have17. Every hour and ev

40、ery minute _ important.A. are        B. be        C. is          D. were! The Turner family _ having supper under the tree in front of their house.A. is     

41、60;   B. are        C. like          D. like19. Not only the twins but also their father _ the film.A. like        B. likes        C. liking

42、         D. is like20. He is one of the children who _ fond of playing football.A. is           B. was       C. were          D. are四、应

43、用性训练。I.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Neither the teacher nor the students _ (have) enough time.2. Most of the houses _ (need) painting.3. A person who has good friends _ (enjoy) life more.4. John, together with his family, _ (be) flying to London.5. Few of my family really _ (understand) me. third of the students

44、_(be) boys.(be) twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class. a students _(have) this new dictionary. man, woman and child _(be) asked to contribute. old man or mature(成熟) woman_(be) needed for this job.II. 选择填空。1.  There _a lot of people at the street corner when the acciden

45、t happened.A.      Was   B. were    C. have been   D. had2.  Neither she nor Dick and I _interested in maths.A.      Is       B. are       C. am&

46、#160;    D. be 3.  Fish and chips _the most popular take-away food in England.A.      Are      B. is      C. were         D. was4.  How many students

47、are there in your school -_the students in our school _over two thousand.A.      The number of; of       number of ; are number of ; of           D. A number of ;are 5. All my classmates, ex

48、cept Wu Lin,_ interested in singing English songs.A.      Is      B. am             6.  Neither he nor I _from Canada. We awe from Australia.A.      Is 

49、60;    B. was          7.  The teacher told us yesterday that December 25_Chritmas Day.A.      is     B. was    been     be8.  He thinks that two moth

50、s _quite a long time.A.      is         C. be   D. was9.   There _a sports meeting in our school next week.  hold   B. will have   C. is going to be   D. is going to hold10.  Are t

51、he twins on thee team-No, neither of them_on the team.      B. Are    C. were   11.  Im going to do some shopping this .A.      do   B. will    C. am I   am12.   What_ the popular of Canada Do you think it will_A.      is; become  B. are; become  C. are; grow  D. is; grow13.&


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