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1、2015包头市高中招生考试 (英语卷)单选题: 1. Honey! Lets go out for supper! _. I dont have to cook. A. Thats great! B. Why? C. Forget it! D. Never mind! 2. Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to _them too hard. A. draw B. cry C. pass D. push 3. In order to find _better living environment, he decide

2、d to move to the west of the country. A. an B. a C. / D. the 4. Im not finished with my dinner yet. - But our friends _for us. A. wait B. waited C. are waiting D. were waiting 5. The large grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful _the blue and clean sky. A. against B. above C. thr

3、ough D. past 6. If you can speak English well, you will have a great _over others while looking for a job. A. activity B. article C. agreement D. advantage 7. To get more information about the topic today, use the internet or go to the library, or _. A. neither B. both C. some D. all 8. I didnt do w

4、ell in the last English exam. How about you? - _. A. Ill do better next time B. Me too C. Even worse D. I like English, though 9. When you get home, please call me to let us know that you _safely. A. would arrive B. have arrived C. had arrived D. will arrive 10. It's very _to feel nervous when y

5、ou go to a new school. A. natural B. dangerous C. soft D. cool 11. You have to be fairly good speaker to _listeners interest for over an hour. A. hold B. make C. improve D. receive 12. We had to wait half an hour _we had already booked a table. A. or B. once C. although D. as 13. Is your homework do

6、ne? - _. I need at least another two hours. A. Exactly B. Far from it C. Not a little D. No wonder 14. Mike, can you go and _how many flights there are from our city to London every day? A. work out B. look out C. give out D. find out 15. Its said that the new highway has been completed. - Yes, but

7、we don't know _its to be opened to traffic soon. A. which B. when C. whether D. since 完形填空: Frank was a very talkative little boy. He never saw a new thing _1_ asking a great many questions about it. His _2_was very patient and kind. When it was _3_to answer his questions, she would do so. Somet

8、imes she would say, “You are not _4_enough to understand that, my son. When you are ten years old, you many ask me about it, and I will tell you.” The first time Frank saw an hourglass(沙漏),he was very much interested, but he did not know _5_it was. His mother said, An hourglass is made in the _6_of

9、the figure 8. The sand is put in at one end, and runs through a small hole in the _7_. As much sand is put into the glass as will run through in an hour. When Frank watched the little stream of sand, he was impatient, _8_it would not run faster. “Let me _9_it, mother,” said Frank:“it is lazy, and wi

10、ll never get through.” “Oh yes, it will,my son,”said his mother. “The sand moves down little by little, but it moves all the time. “ “When you look at the _10_of the clock, you think they go very slowly, and so they do; but they never _11_.” “While you are playing, the sand is running, grain(颗粒) by

11、grain.The hands of the clock are moving, second by second. At night, the sand in the hourglass has run through twelve times. The hour hand of the clock has moved all around its face. This is because they keep working every _12_. They do not stop to think how much they have to do, or how long it will

12、 _13_them to do it. Now Franks mother wanted him to learn a little poem, but he said, “Mother, I can _14 _do it. His mother said, “Study all the time. Never stop to ask how long it will take to learn it. You will be able to say it very soon.” Frank _15_his mothers advice. He studied line after line,

13、 very busily; and in one hour and half he knew the poem perfectly. 1. A. without B. except C. for D. about 2. A. father B. brother C. mother D. sister 3. A. easy B. proper C. Impossible D. useless 4. A. popular B. wise C. friendly D. old 5. A. what B. why C. how D. who 6. A. for B. shape C. time D.

14、number 7. A. middle B. back C. front D. top 8. A. so B. because C. before D. until 9. A. kick B. touch C. drop D. shake 10.A. faces B. time C. hands D. surface 11.A. stop B. worry C. walk D. talk 12.A. year B. minute C. day D. month 13.A. bring B. leave C. take D. offer 14.A. finally B. easily C. ca

15、refully D. hardly 15.A. refused B. allowed C. followed D. forgot 阅读理解 A Would you like to hear me tell a story? I will tell you where I live, what I do, and what I see. My little house is up in a tree. It has no doors or windows. I do not go up any stairs(楼梯) to get to my house. I fly into it when I

16、 have been out. I always go home early, and never stay up late at night. That is not good for me any more than it is good for boys and girls. I go out very early in the morning to look for something to eat. That is the best time to find worms(虫子),which I like very much. Now and then I find some food

17、 which some kind little boy or girl has put out for me. As I fly about, I see all kinds of things and people. I see horses, cows, sheep and rabbits in the fields. I see people going to work, and children going to school. You like to go out for a walk,but I go out for a fly. How nice it would be if y

18、ou could fly home from school! I would like to meet you up in the air. But I know I cant, for you have no wings. I can fly over the houses, over the trees, and over the hills and far away. I can not stay to tell you anymore now, I must fly to my sweet home. 1. Who is “I” in the passage? A. A bird B.

19、 A boy C. A girl D. A worm 2. How do “I” go home after going out? A. Take a lift B. Walk upstairs C. Fly home D. Swim home 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Horses B. Rabbits C. Sheep D. Ducks 4. What does the underlined sentence mean? A. Boys and girls should go out and

20、look for something to eat. B. Boys and girls can fly home from school every day. C. Boys and girls should go home early and never stay up late. D. Boys and girls can build a house up in the tree too. B. One pleasant New-year morning, Edward got up and dressed himself in a hurry. He wanted to be the

21、first to wish a happy New Year. He looked in every room, and shouted “Happy New Year” to every one of his family. Then he ran into the street, to repeat them to those he met. When he came back, his father gave him two bright, new silver dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for

22、 a long time to buy some nice books. As he ran down the street with a light heart to the bookstore, he saw a poor German family, the father, mother and three children walking in the cold wind. “I wish you a happy New Year.”said Edward, as he was happily passing on. The man shook his head. “You do no

23、t belong to this country?”asked Edward. The man again shook his head, for he could not understand or speak English. But he pointed to his mouth, and to the children, as if to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.” Edward quickly understood that these people were poor and i

24、n trouble. He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and other to his wife. They said something in their language, which doubtlessly meant, “We thank you a thousand times, and will remember you forever.” When Edward came home, his father asked what book he had bought. He hung his head a momen

25、t, but quickly looked up. “I have bought no books,” said he, “I gave my money to some poor people, who seemed to be very hungry and tired. I think I can wait for my books until next New Year. Oh, if only you had seen how glad they were to receive the money!” “My dear boy,” said his father, “here are

26、 some books. I give them to you, more as a reward for your goodness of heart than as a New-year gift.” “Always be ready to help people around you and every year of your life will be a HAPPY NEW YEAR!” 1. What words can we use to describe Edward? A. smart and hard-working B. kind and warm-hearted C.

27、honest and easy-going D. rich and helpful 2. We can infer from the passage that _. A. Edwards father was in favor of what he had done. B. the German father was too ill to support his family. C. Edward often gave money to help others in trouble. D. giving money to others will make people become poor.

28、 3. After reading this passage, we know that _ A. knowledge can change peoples life B. all people are happy on New Years Day C. true happiness lies in helping others D. only poor people move to foreign countries 4. Which of the following is the best title for the story? A. A Poor Family B. Father an

29、d Son C. Some Nice Books D. Two Silver Dollars C In English, people use many expressions with the word dog. People in Britain and America love their dogs and treat them well. They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care. However, dogs without owners

30、to care for them lead a different kind of life. The expression, to lead a dogs life, means living an unhappy life. Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. That means many people are competing for the same thing, like good jobs. They say that to be successful, a person has to work very hard;

31、to put it in another way, he has to work like a dog. Such work can make people dog tired. And the situation will be even worse if they become sick as a dog. Sometimes we would let a sleeping dog lie, which means we'd better not trouble a person who is likely to cause problems. And if someone say

32、s you are a lucky dog, he is just saying you're very lucky. Very often, people say every dog has its day. This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life. To achieve ones goal, people often have to learn new skills. Yet some people say that you can never teach an o

33、ld dog new tricks. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change they way they do things. Dog expressions are also used to describe the weather. The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. A rainstorm may cool the weather. But we do not want it to ra

34、in too hard. In other words, we do not want it to rain cats and dogs. 1. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. How to live with dogs B. Expressions about dogs. C. Peoples love for dogs. D. Ways to train dogs. 2. According to what you have read above, working too hard can make people _. A.let a

35、 sleeping dog lie. B. become a lucky dog C. live in a dog-eat-dog world D. work like a dog 3. What can we learn from the passage? A. It may be difficult for the young to learn new skills. B. Dogs play an important part in language and culture. C. We can be successful if we learn from our own mistake

36、s. D. Dogs like the hottest days in summer very much. 4. If we say a person lives a dogs life, he might be _ A. a student who does quite well in English. B. a baby that is well taken care of by its mother C. a person who has endless work to do. D. an old person who refuses to accept new things. D If

37、 you are sitting down reading this report, stand up, move your legs and touch your feet if you can. Do anything but sit. If you cut down on the time you spend sitting, you might live longer. New research shows that sitting less than three hours a day might make your life longer by two years. The hum

38、an body is designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs dont give us the chance to move around very often. Peter Katzmarzyk, a scientist at the University of Louisiana in the southern United States, says that sitting is ubiquitous in our lives, meaning it is something we do all the time.

39、We sit while were eating, we sit in the car, we sit while we watch TV. And many of us sit for long hours at work. On average, Americans report that they sit between four and a half to five hours a day. Mr. Katzmarzyk says you may exercise often. But, he says even that does not mean you can sit for t

40、he rest of your waking hours. “We cant throw away physical activity. Its extremely important, but moving is also important. Even if you exercise for 30 minutes a day, what goes on in the other 23.5 hours a day is also very important.” He found that cutting television time to less than two hours a da

41、y could add 1.4 years to life. Change is already coming to some offices, especially in the design of desks. A “standing desk” lets people stand while they work. Another new design is called the “treadmill desk.” A treadmill is an exercise machine that lets you walk in one place. Even some U.S school

42、s are beginning to experiment with desks that are part bicycles to keep children moving. If you work in office job, Mr.Katzmarzyk and his team suggest a few simple changes: get up from your desk as often as you can take walks at lunch time instead of emailing colleagues(同事), walk to their offices an

43、d talk directly. All these activities may help you live longer. 1. Where is the passage above probably taken from? A. A menu in the restaurant. B. A magazine on health C. A school textbook D. A story book 2. The underlined word “ubiquitous” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _. A. commo

44、n B. strange C. painful D. powerful 3. Wed better do the following EXCEPT _. A. get up from our chairs and move from time to time B. cut down on the time that we spend watching TV. C. try to walk to work or school if possible D. take less exercise since it is a waste of time 4. Whats the main idea o

45、f the passage? A. Sit less, live longer B. Exercise more for a healthier life C. Watching TV is harmful D. Never sit down. E To do anything and get anywhere youve got to be a dreamer first. A long time ago I used to dream about being a real actor and now its come true. Several teachers at school in

46、Liverpool had a special influence on me. I went to Hayworth Street School, where there was an English and art teacher called Mr. Jackson. He was quite strict, but if he went out of the room for a minute, hed ask me to keep the class in good order. I was only 12 but hed say, “Tommy, get up there and

47、tell the class a story.”And I did. And it was like nothing, it was easy. Then , at Venice Street, he was an English teacher called Mr. Vurnette. He ran a theatre. He took us all down there once a year and I remembered looking at the stage and thinking, “Wow! Thats great! I love that.”So from an earl

48、y age acting was calling me. I moved schools again and ended up going to Walton Technical College, and I stayed there until I was 16. Elwyn Jones was another English teacher who encouraged me to write. So I guess it was these teachers who encouraged me and stopped me going wrong. The biggest influen

49、ce on my life, without any doubt, was my mother, Feggy. At the age of 86, shes still a great driving force. She bought me my first banjo when I was 17. I started playing in the pubs and clubs and began to see myself as a performer, even though I got into the construction industry after graduation. S

50、o I learned a lot at school and at home, and I was able to take this on and use it positively. Im probably learning more now at 62 than ever before. I would like to think there are still a few things I havent done and that I will do in the short time I have left. Im still dreaming. 1. What can we kn

51、ow about the author from the passage? A. He is working in the construction industry at present. B. He regarded Mr.Jackson as the greatest teacher in his life. C. He performed badly so he had to change schools frequently. D. He showed great interest in acting when he was young. 2. The underlined word

52、 “banjo” in Paragraph 6 might be _. A. a musical instrument B. a toy C. a recorder D. a camera 3. Who first gave the author an opportunity to perform for others? A. Elwyn Jones B. Mr. Vurnette C. Mr. Jackson D. His mother 4. What does the author mainly tell us in the passage? A. Teachers help us more than anyone else. B. Being a dreamer is important for everyone. C. Mother is always standing with her child. D. The old usually learn more


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