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1、2021-2022学年江西省赣州市章贡区九年级(上)期末英语试卷一、单选题(本大题共8小题,共8.0分)1.1.-Do you come to London for theof seeing your friends or doing business?-I come here on business.()A. purposeA. purposeB. interestC. suggestionD. thought2.Is that Miss Lin over there?No. Itbe her. She has gone to the USA.()3.3.4.A. mustn'tB.

2、 can'tC. won'tFrank threw the basketball to me,but I missed it and itA. flewB. appearedC. competedFrank lives such a poor life that he has to live in a (an)D. needn'ton the ground.()D. landedroom with his twokids.()A. privateA. privateB. peacefulC. tinyD. untidy5.-Has Tim got any experie

3、nce in this job?No,he wants to learn very much.(6.6.7.A. andB. orC. becauseD. butExcuse me,how long can I keep these books?Look al the rules on the wall.TheyA. will returnC. should returnThe governmentin a week.B. must be returnedD. were returnedstudents not to swim in rivers.Let's go to swim in

4、 aswimming pool.()A. is warningA. is warningB. warnedC. has warnedD. will wam8.8.Would you like some tea?No.just a glass of water,please.Idrink tea.(A. seldomA. seldomB. alreadyC. almostD. still二、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)Increasing your vocabulary is one of the fastest ways to improve your language leve

5、l.Research shows that you will remember more if you review the words you have learnt regularly (定 期).Start by reviewing the words 10 minutes after each lesson,then an hourjhen a day and then a week. (5) I hope you can develop these habits and that they will help you develop your language ability.A.

6、I asked some students about their learning habits.B. The best way is to use it to do something you enjoy.C. Nowadays,learning a new language is very necessary.D. This will help you remember more new words.E. Here are some tips for you to learn a foreign language.F. You can find lots of songs on your

7、 computer or your mobile phone.G. If you don't make those mistakes,then they can't help you improve.41.A. AEB. BC. CD. DE.F. FG.G42.A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF. FG.G43.A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF. FG.G44.A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF. FG.G45.A. AB. BC.CD. DE.EF.FG.G七、单词拼写/单词释义(本大题共1小题,共11.0分)46. interesting; but; ban

8、k; themselves; careful; list; popular; activity; nearby; hold; useStudents at Shanming Middle School in Jiangsu often take part in activities which are held by (I) communities (社区).Does it sound fun? Well,students have mixed feelings.They enjoy the time outside school,but they don't find the act

9、ivities (2).Why not design (设计)activities by (3) ? Some students got this idea and soon 35students joined the project.They first thought of activity ideas and (4) them in an "activity menu".They included visiting science museums and companies,watching movies and basketball competitions. &q

10、uot;The menu looked great, (5) we soon found problems/' said Wang Ziming,one of the designers.First they needed a place (6) the activities.Thc students decided to talk to the local government to let them (7) the district stadium (区体育馆)."Wc first presented the benefits (益处)of these community

11、 (8) to thcm,"said Wang/'Thcn we promised we'd use the stadium (9) and clean it afterwards."The local government agreed that they could use the stadium and some sports equipment once a month.The students also designed a virtual (虚拟)(10) to encourage volunteering.Students who volunt

12、eered as librarians or cleaners would be rewarded (奖励)with "gold coins".A certain number of coins gave them free entryentertainment events such as watching a movie.Now this special activity menu has become (11) in the communities.The students are happy with this.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)

13、(10)(11)八、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)美团、饿了么等外卖平台的兴起,给网上订餐提供了极大的便利,而这也渐渐让许多人养成了”外卖胃假定你是李华,你的笔友Jack来信了解你在网上订餐的经历以及你对网上订餐的看法。请根据以下写作要点和要求,用英语写一封回信,针对”外卖胃”现象谈谈你的看法,并提出建议。写作要点:1) Your experience of ordering takeout food online;2) Your opinion about ordering takeout food online:3) Your advice to the people who h

14、ave the "takeout stomach".要求:1) 不使用真实的校名、人名等相关信息;2) 短文应包括体术中所有的写作要点,条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;3) 词数不少于80,短文开头己给出,不计入词数。Dear Jack,I am glad to receive your letter.In the letter,you asked me to tell you something about my experiences of ordering takeout food online and my opinion.Now jet me share them

15、 with you.答案和解析1. 【答案】A【解析】purpose目的;interest兴趣;suggestion建议;thought想法。根据语境,可知 是问来伦敦的目的,即你到伦敦来的目的是为了看到你的朋友还是做生意? 故选:Ao一你到伦敦来的目的是为了看到你的朋友还是做生意?我来这里出差。辨析名词的含义,结合语境,给出答案。2. 【答案】B【解析】答案:B。各选项的意思是:A。不要;B.,不可能;C不会;D不必。根 据语境she has gone to the USA (她去了美国)可知不可能是Miss Lin,故选答案B。 是林小姐在那边吗?不,不可能是她,她去了美国。本题考查情态动

16、词的用法,在熟知其意思的基础I:可正确作答。3. 【答案】D【解析】A.flew飞B.appeared出现C.competed竞争D.landed降落;我没有接到子,那 么结果白然就会是”篮球落地land”,故而排除A、B和C。故选:Do弗兰克把球扔给我,可是我没接到,球落到地上了。动词词义辨析类题目,首先弄明白空白处所缺失部分在句中的含义,然后根据具体形式 从所给选项中注意筛选,直至找到正确答案。4. 【答案】C 【解析A. private私人的;B. pcaccfu 1和平的;C. tiny小的;D. untidy不干净的。 根据语境”克过着如此贫穷的生活”可知,”住在一个很小的房间里”符

17、合题意,所以是tiny。 故选:Co弗兰克过着如此贫穷的生活,以至于他不得不和他的两个孩子住在一个很小的房间里 辨析选项中形容词的意思,理解题意,结合语境完成试题。5. 【答案】D【解析】and的用法并列连词and意为”和,又”,表示并列关系,常用来连接表示对等 成分的单词、短语或者句了,表示意思的顺延或增补。并列连词but意为”但是”,表示 转折关系,所连接的成分意思相反或相对。并列连词。r意为”或者”,表示选择关系。另 外,在否定句中否定并列成分时,用or,而不用and。because因为,表示原因,引导原 因状语从句。根据前面No,可知,他没有这项工作的经验,后面he wants to

18、learn very much. 他非常想学习。联系前后句,此处表示转折关系。故选:Do-蒂姆有这项工作的经验吗?-没有,但他非常想学习。考查连词。要根据连词的含义和用法,进行比较,找出正确答案。6. 【答案】B【解析】主语they指代these books,动词return的承受者,所以用被动语态,结合选 项可知用情态动词的被动语态,其构成是:情态动词+be+过去分词。故选:Bo-对不起,这些书我能借多久?-看看墙上的规则。它们必须在一周内归还。解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合时态和语 态准确作答。7. 【答案】C【解析】根据语境,空处表示过去发生的动作对

19、现在造成的影响或结果,应用现在完成 时,构成形式为:have/hasdone;主语是第三人称单数形式,故助动词应用has,warn的 过去分词是warnedo故选:Co政府己经警告学生不要在河里游泳。我们去游泳池游泳吧。考查动词时态,结合时间状语以及语境准确判断所应使用的时态。8. 【答案】A【解析seldom 很少;already 已经;almost 几乎;still 还是。根据 just a glass of water" 只要一杯水”可知,我”很少”喝茶。故选:A。-你想喝茶吗?“不,请给我一杯水。我很少喝茶。要结合语境,辨析副词用法,选择合适答案完成试题。923.【答案】B、

20、D、A、C、D、B、A、D、B、D、C、C、A、D、A【解析】(1 )B.形容词辨析。A.relaxed放松的;B.sad悲伤的;C.surprised惊奇的;D.happy 开心的;上文It makes us feel better,可知悲伤时感觉更好。句意,当我们悲伤时,它让 我们感觉更好。故选:Bo(2) D.连词辨析。A.although虽然;B.since自从;C.bccause因为;D.whcn当;上下文 是时间关系,用when。句意,当我们想要改变心情时,听快乐的音乐似乎是-件好事。 故选:DoA,动词短语辨析。A.ended up结果;B.looked for 寻找;C.giv

21、en up放弃;D.brought out出现;句意,有很多次我听了快乐的音乐,结果感觉好多了!故选:A,(3) C.动词辨析。A.search搜寻;B.show展示;C.improve提升;D.change改变;由下 文stay strong,可知是正面影响,所以是improve。句意,而且,你可能不知道的是,音 乐可以改善你的记忆力。故选:CoD.名词辨析。A.head头;B.moulh嘴;C.ears耳朵;D.brain大脑;下文提到了 brain, 这里是原词复现。句意,锻炼你的大脑对你的大脑有好处。故选:Do(4) B.名词辨析。A.pressure 压力;B.exercise 锻炼

22、;C.event 事件;D.survey 调查;下 文提到了 exercise,这里是原词复现。句意,约翰霍普金斯医学院的一篇文章称,听或演 奏音乐就像是”全脑锻炼”。故选:BoA.形容词辨析。A.helpful 帮助的;B.painful 疼痛的;C.peaceful 平静的;D.harmful 有害的;结合下文 but your brain will do a bit of work to make sense of it,可知但你的大脑 会做一些工作来使它有用,上卜文是转折关系,所以是helpfuL句意,你可能没有意识 到它是有帮助的,但你的大脑会做一些工作来理解它。故选:A。(5) D

23、.介词辨析。A.like像;B.for为了; C.of的;D.with凭借;句意,用音乐保持头 脑清醒的一个重要好处是可以提高记忆力。故选:DoB.形容词辨析。A.popular流行的;B.classical经典的:C.folk民间的;D.soft柔软 的;结合下文,提到了 classical music,这里是原词复现。句意,进步的研究发现,古 典音乐对记忆具有最重要的影响。故选:Bo(6) D.动词辨析。A.prepared 准备;B.protected 保护;C.enjoyed 享受;D.performed 表现;上下文讲述的是音乐的好处,所以是performed.句意,一项实验表明,听

24、古典 音乐的人在短期记忆测试中比不听古典音乐的人表现得更好。故选:D。(7) C.hIJ词辨析o A.quickly 迅速地;B.quictly 安静地;C.carefully 细心地;D.suddenly 突然;这里carefully翻译成精心地,比较符合题意。句意,这就是为什么音乐被精心挑 选用于电影、电视节目和广告的原因。故选:CoC.副词辨析。A.even甚至;B.never从未;C.just只是;D.ever曾经;句意,当你 快乐时,你只是听到这些声音并享受它们。故选:C。(8) A.名词辨析。A.part部分;B.goal目标;C.list清单;D.job工作;句意,这样有 趣的声

25、音会成为你好心情的一部分。故选:AoD.名词辨析。A.invention 发明;B.cducation 教育;C.pride 骄傲;D.beauty 美;只 有beauty,符合语境。句意,这就是音乐的美。故选:D。(9) A.代词辨析。A.anything 任何物;B.everything切;C.something 某物;D.nothing 没有;否定句常用anything«句意,不需要说什么就能感觉到。故选:A。文章说明了音乐给人带好的好处。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意, 结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。24.答案】【

26、小题1】B【小题2】A【小题4】F【小题5】D【解析】细节推理题B.结合下文,I'm going to my hometown with our parents. nJ知要和父母回家乡,据 此判断问句是询问对方打算去做什么。故选B。(1) A.结合下文,To celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.可知是对目的的回答,据此判断 问句是询问原因。故选A。(2) G.结合下文,It's a traditional festival in China.nT知是中国的传统节日,据此判断问 句是询问它是什么样的节口。故选G。(3) F.结合下文,We'

27、;ll have dinner with our relatives together,watch theDragon Boat races and eat zongzi.可知答语回答了庆祝方式,据此判断问句是询问如何庆 祝。故选F。(4) D.结合上文,Would you like to go with us? Wc can celebrate it together.可知邀请庆 祝,据此判断答语的含义为不错,很乐意去。故选D。对话主要谈论了假期要做什么的打算。阅读对话,理解对话的含义,结合上下文和选句判断正确的句子。25-27.【答案】D、B、A【解析】(I) D。细节理解题。根据第一篇短

28、文中This special cup can make fruit flavors that your tongue can sense.Even when you put water i n the cup,you would think you are drinking fruity drinks!"这个特殊的杯子可以让你的舌头 感觉到水果的味道。即使你把水倒进杯子里,你也会认为你在喝水果饮料。可知,这个 杯子的特殊之处在于当你喝水的时候,你可以感受到水果的味道。故选D。(2) B。细节理解题。根据第二篇短文With Blink Camera,you can travel wit

29、hout worries.Blink Cameras "watch" and "listen (on eve rything in your home.They send videos to your smart phone.You can hear and see what's hap pening in your home."有了 Blink照相机,你可以无忧无虑地旅行。Blink照相机”看"和” 听"你家里的一切。它们会向你的智能手机发送视频。你可以听到和看到家里发生了什 么。可知,这种照相机可以在你出门旅行的时候,监视

30、家里发生的事情。故选B。(3)A。推理判断题。根据短文 "Ryan Yasin is a designer from the UK.He invented clothes that can "grow" with babies.He made a kind of special material.lt can become long.He uses the material to make clothes,such as coals and pants."可知,Ryan Yasin是一位来自英国的设计师。他发明了可以和婴儿一 起"成长”的衣服。

31、他制作了一种特殊的材料。它可以变长。他用这些材料做衣服,比如 外套和裤子。可知A正确,D错误。"They send videos to your smart phone."可知它们会 把视频发送到你的智能手机上。可知B错误。"This special cup can make fruit flavors that your tongue can sense."可知这种特殊的杯子可 以让你的舌头感受到水果的味道。可知C错误。故选A。这篇短文给我们介绍了三个非常有趣的发明:可以感受到水果味的杯了,能够监视家里 发生的一切,并把视频发到你的手机上的照相机和可以

32、变长的裤子。做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项,在抓住关键句 子的基础上合理地分析才能得出正确的答案。2831.【答案】D、D、A、A【解析】(I) D。细节理解题。根据第二段的关键句"Using the canal instead of going around Africa can make trips several thousand miles shorter and save many days of travel.使用运河而不是环游非洲可以缩短儿千英里的行程,并节省 许多天的旅行时间。"以及通读第二段可知,第2段主要谈论苏伊土运河是一

33、条重要的 水道。故选:Do(2)Do细节理解题。根据第四段的关键句"It's believed that a strong wind blew the Ever Given to one side.据信,强风将风吹向一侧。 ”可知,恶劣的天气可能会导致Ever Given的被卡住,故选:D。(3)Ao 细节判断题。根据"The canal has been around since 1869.i条运河自 1869 年以 来一直存在。”可知,这与选项 A"The Suez Canal has a history of over 150 years.苏伊士运

34、河已有150多年的历史。”描述一致,因此A是正确的,故选:Ao(4)Ao文章结构题。第一段是讲一艘大船在苏伊士运河的中间卡住了,引出苏伊士 运河这个话题:第二段、三段分别讲它的重要性,历史及现状;第四段、五段分别讲大 船卡住的原因、专家对苏伊士运河的预言;因此选项A可以显示文章的结构,故选:Ao 本文介绍了苏伊士运河,一艘大船在苏伊士运河搁浅的事情。首先要仔细阅读短文,掌握大意,然后结合具体的题目,找出相关信息,就可以确定正确答案。32-35.【答案】A、A、D、C解析】(1) A.判断推理题。根据文中第一*段But why? Do they get more exercise?Breathe

35、 cleaner air?但是为什么呢?他们有更多的运动吗?呼吸更清洁的空气?由此可 以推断,作者提问题是为了吸引读者的阅读兴趣,让人们读得更多。故选A。(2) A.细节理解题。根据文中第三段The kids were asked not to return to the boxes they'd already clicked once,which made them r emember which boxes had already been searched.孩了们被要求不要返回他们己经点击过 一次的框,这让他们记住哪些框己经被搜索过。由此订知,A项,不要再次点击同一个 框。符合

36、题意。故选A。(3) D.词义猜测题。根据文中第四段They found children living in greener neighborhoods have better spatial working memory.他 们发现生活在绿色社区的孩子有更好的空间工作记忆。以及第五段'This is an important finding,"they said. "Getting close to green space may be conducive to children.""这是一个重 要的发现,”他们说。”靠近绿地可能对儿童con

37、duciveo ”由此可以猜测,conducive是有 帮助的意思,即helpfuLD项符合题意.故选D.(4) C.主旨大意题。根据文中第一段Several recent studies have found that children can perform better if (hey go to the natural wo rid more.最近的几项研究发现,如果孩子多去自然世界,他们的表现会更好。以及最后 _段One could argue that,for a neighborhood,parks are not just relaxing places-they may pl

38、ay a sp ecial role in developing young minds.有人可能会说,对于一个社区来说,公园不仅仅是放 松的地方一一它们可能在培养年轻人的头脑方面发挥着特殊的作用。由此可知,本文的 主旨应该是,有必要让孩子们接近绿色空间。C项符合题意。故选C。这篇短文主要讲述了自然世界在培养年轻人的头脑方面发挥着特殊的作用。通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅读并找出与题目相对应的内容,仔细 核对,选择符合原文原意的答案,完成后再次阅读并检查。36-39.【答案】D、A、B、C Is there anything more popular than music ? I

39、t makes us feel better when we're(9), and we use il to celebrate a happy time.Listening to happy music seems like a good thing to do(10)we want to change our moods.There have been so many times when I've listened to happy music and(l Dfeeling better!What's more,the thing you might not kn

40、ow is that music can(12)your niemoryjust like a healthy lifestyle helps your muscles and bones stay strong,exercising your mind is good for your(13).And listening to or playing music is like "total brain(14)”, according to an article from Johns Hopkins Medicine.Music is based on the relationshi

41、p between one note and the ncxt.You may not realize it is(I5), but your brain will do a bit of work to make sense of it." the article explains.One important advantage of keeping your mind dead 16)music is to improve memory.Following the "Mozart Effect", further studies,wanting to know

42、 more about (he influences of music on the human brain,have found that(17) music has the most important influence on memory.Onc experiment showed that people listening to classical music(18)better on short-term memory tests than those who did not.Music can produce emotional response (情绪反应)of listene

43、rs.That's why music is(19)choscn for use in films,TV shows and ads.When you are happy,you are20)hearing the sounds and enjoying them.Such interesting sounds become a(21 )of your good mood. A nd when you are sad,music is also your best friend.That's the(22)of music.lt can be felt without havi

44、ng to say(23).9.A. relaxedB. sadC. surprisedD. happy10.A. althoughB. sinceC. becauseD. whenII.A. ended upB. looked forC. given upD. brought out12.A. searchB. showC. improveD. change13.A. headB. mouthC. earsD. brain14.A. pressureB. exerciseC. eventD. survey15.A. helpfulB. painfulC. peacefulD. harmful

45、16.A. likeB. forC. ofD. with17.A. popularB. classicalC. folkD. soft18.A. preparedB. protectedC. enjoyedD. performed19.A. quicklyB. quietlyC. carefullyD. suddenly20.A. evenB. neverC. justD. ever21.A. partB. goalC. listD. job【解析】(1)D推理判断题。第一段主要阐述了”很多能量被浪费”这一说法,根据Solving the energy problem.a main cause

46、 of global warming,would require people to use less energy for indoor heating,可知,下文要说明人们如何减少能源的使用。所以,第一段的 目的是展示一些背景信息。故选D。(2)A词义猜测题.根据第二段Engineers at Rutgers University and Oregon State University have found a way to make thin and lastingheating patches.Their heating performance is nearly 70 percent

47、 higher than similar patches cr eated by other researchers.They are inexpensive and are able to produceheat where the human body needs it since they can be sewed (缝)as patches.可知,本段主 要介绍了罗格斯大学和俄勒冈州立大学的工程师们找到了一种制作轻薄而耐久的加热 补丁的方法。这种补丁的优点是:加热性能比类似的补丁高70%,而且价格不高,易于 产生人体所需要的热量。可以推测出,画线词指”轻薄而耐久的加热补丁”。故选A。(

48、3)B细节理解题。根据最后一段The engineers also want to know how many patches would be needed and where they should be placed on people to keep them comfortable while using less indoor energy.可知,工程师 们还想知道,在减少室内室内能量时,需要多少补丁以及放置在何处才能让人感到舒服。 所以接下来要进一步研究这种补如何让人体更舒服。故选B。(4)C标题归纳题。根据第二段What if you could warm up with hi

49、gh-tech and removable patches (可移动的补丁) in your clothes while saving money and causing fewer carbon footprints? 可知,本文主 要介绍了一种高科技的可移动补丁,这种补丁用在衣服上能够产生人体所需的热量。所 以最合适的标题是”在衣服上使用高科技加热补丁”。故选Co本文主要讲述了可以加热的高科技补丁,介绍了这种补丁的优点,以及为了进一步研究 的方向。科普知识类阅读题难度比其他题材难度稍大,生词较多,但很多能够借助上下文猜测出 词义,一般不会影响理解。这类阅读尤其要注意文章中出现的人名、数字、

50、举例,以及 作比较的地方等,这些都有可能是题眼。40.【答案】【小题1 She knockedan ice-cream out of a woman's hand and it dropped onto the woman's shirt.小题 2 Because (hey thought it was funny that she was making a big deal out of the situation.【小题 3 Yes,I do.Because I think Martha is clever.解析(1 )She knocked an ice-cream ou

51、t of a woman's hand and it dropped onto the woman's shirt.细节理解题。根据 When Cynthia was turning around,she knocked (碰撞) an icc-cream out of a woman's hand and it dropped onto the woman's shiit.Cynthia 转过身来 时,从一个女人手里碰掉了一个冰淇淋,它掉到了女人的衬衫上。故答案是She knocked an ice-cream out of a woman's han

52、d and it dropped onto the woman's shirtoBecause they thought i( was funny (hat she was making a big deal out of the situation. 细节理解题。根据Cynthia's friends started laughing.They thought it was funny (hat she was making a big deal o utofthe situation.辛西娅的朋友们开始大笑起来。他们觉得很有趣的是,她在利用这种 情况大做文章。故答案是 Be

53、cause they thought it was funny that she was making a big deal out of the situation oYes,I do.Because I think Martha is clever.个人观点题。合理即可。我需要这样的朋 友,因为我认为 Martha 很聪明,故答案是 Yes,I do.Because I think Martha is clever<» 本文讲述的是Cynthia去商场的一次经历。掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再【口I到原 文中去寻找、捕获有关信息。41

54、45.【答案】E、B、F、G、D【解析】细节推理题。(1) E.根据前句"To be a really successful language learner,you need (o make the new language part of your li fe and part of what you do each day.要成为一名真正成功的语言学习者,你需要让新语言 成为你生活的一部分,成为你每天工作的一部分。”可知说的是学习语言,结合选项, 应说这里有些教你学习外语的小贴士。故选E。(2) B.根据前句"Use the language for somethin

55、g you enjoy" uf知用这种语言做你喜欢的事 情,结合选项,应说最好的方法是用它来做你喜欢的事情。故选B.(3) F.根据前句"Listen to songs"可知听歌曲,结合选项,应说你可以在你的电脑或手 机上找到很多歌曲。故选F。(4) G.根据前句"Don't worry about mistakes"可知不要担心错误,结合选项,应说如果 你不犯这些错误,它们就不能帮助你提高。故选G。(5) D.根据前句"Increase your vocabulary"nf知增加你的词汇吊:,结合选项,应说这将 帮

56、助你记住更多的新单词。故选D。短文讲了如何学习一门语言,详细地介绍了一些方法和建议。做题时结合原文和题FI有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案。46. 【答案】小题1 nearby【小题2】interesting小题 3 themselves【小题4】listed小题5 but小题 6 to hold【小题7 use小题 8 activities小题 9 carefully【小题10 bank小题 11 popular【解析】(I) nearby.考查形容词。根据句意:江苏山明中学的学生经常参加附近社区 举办的活动。nearby形容词,修饰名词communities,故填ne

57、arby。(2) interesting.考查形容词。根据句意:他们喜欢课外时间,但他们觉得这些活动并不 有趣。find sth+形容词,发现某事.,故填interestingothemselves.考查代词。根据句意:为什么不自己设计活动呢? by oneself靠自己, 故填 themselveso(3) listed.考查动词。根据句意:他们首先想到活动点子,并将它们列在"活动菜单”中。 and连接的前后要保持-致,前面thought是过去式,故填listed。(4) but.考查连词。根据句意:菜单看起来不错,但我们很快就发现了问题o but但是, 表示转折,故填but。(6

58、)to hold.考查动词。根据句意:首先,他们需要一个举办活动的地方。need to do sth 需要做某事,故填to holdo(7)use.考查动词。根据句意:学生们决定与当地政府协商,让他们使用地区体育场。 use使用,let sb do sth让某人做某事,故填use。(8)activities.考查名词。根据句意:我们首先向他们介绍了这些社区活动的好处o these 这些,后面加名词复数,故填activitieso(9)carefully.考查副词。根据句意:然后我们承诺会小心使用体育场,并在事后进行 清洁。carefully副词,修饰动词use,故填carefully。(10)bank.考查名词。根据句意:学生们还设计了一个虚拟银行来鼓励志愿者。a+名 词单数,故填banko(ID popular.考查形容词。根据句意:现在,这种特别的活动菜单在社区中很受欢迎。 popular形容词,放在become后作表语,故填popular。短文大意主要讲述的是江苏山明中学的学生自己设计开展课外活动的经过。他们通过这 样的方式,在活动中找到了自己的乐趣。根据短文大意和语境选择合适的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使补全后的短文 意


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