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1、subject-prominence vs. topic-prominence英语的主语突出汉语的话题突出英语的subject-prominence谓语动词前是主语。主语和谓语在人称、性、数上匹配。有施事主语、受事主语、形式主语(it)、话题主语。 主谓一致 主语不可缺 主语是名词或代词成分汉语的topic-prominence谓语动词前的成分灵活,可以是主语,也可以是话题。话题不是主谓宾那样的语法成分,而是陈述说明的对象。如果一个句子有话题,其它部分就是说明,负责对话题进行描述、说明或评估。不讲究人称、数、性上面形式的一致性. 汉语:主题/话题突出:汉语的话题评述句 topic + comm

2、ent TC / Theme + rheme TR 1. 动作发出者作话题 成百万原来享受公费医疗的城市居民,今后的医疗费用要自己承担一部分。 Millions of urban residents who were entitled to free medical care will have to pay part of their medical expenses. 搞西洋画的,生活环境也应该洋一点。 Those who specialize in Western painting should live in an environment of Western styles.2. 动作

3、承受者作话题 那件事我已经办好了。I have handled the matter. 这个人我见过。I have seen the man somewhere. 汉语:主题/话题突出 汉语的话题评述句 topic + comment TC / Theme + rheme TR 3.动词或动词短语作话题 吃,北京很方便。 It is easy to find various restaurants in Beijing./Vavarious restaurants are available in Beijing. 加入世贸组织利大于弊。 China will witness more ben

4、efits than losses after its entry into WTO.4.从句作话题 张三明天去美国,我觉得很奇怪。 That Zhang San is going to the USA tomorrow strikes me strange. / It strikes me strange that Zhang San is going to the USA tomorrow. 历史系开会,我可以跟李四提一提。 At the meeting of History Department, Ill mention it to Li Si. 汉语:主题/话题突出:汉语的话题评述句

5、topic + comment TC / Theme + rheme TR 5. 地点作话题 信封里装不下这些照片。 The envelope cant hold the photos. 桌上搁着一碗饭。 A bowl of rice is on the table.6. 时间作话题 今天风和日暖。 The wind is gentle and the sun is warm today. 这么快就盖好了一栋房子。 The house was built at an admirable speed.汉语的无主句 (zero/null-subject sentence)1. 表示客观、科学、公正

6、的语气(科技材料、法律条文) 在海拔3000米的高空采集到了这种空气样本。 This air sample has been collected at the altitude of 3,000 meters. 要制造飞机,就要考虑空气阻力的问题。 Air resistance has to be taken into consideration when an airplane is to be made. 用机械加工的方法,特别是用磨削的方法,可以获得最佳表面光洁度。 Best surface finish is provided by means of machining, especi

7、ally by grinding. 违反法律,就必须受到法律的惩罚。 Those who break the laws must be punished by laws. 禁止打架斗殴。 Figthing is prohibited.汉语的无主句 (zero/null-subject sentence)2. 表达不满,但又不失礼貌的语气 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。 While the magistrates were free to burn down houses, the common people were forbidden to light lamps. 为什么总把这些麻烦事推给我

8、呢? Why are these troubles always left to me? 为什么不直接反映到职能部门去呢? Why is it not reported directly to the competent department?汉语的无主句 (zero/null-subject sentence)3. 省略第一人称“我”或“我们” 希望一切问题都会迎刃而解。 I hope that all the problems will be readily solved. 在新的历史时期,要继续发扬尊老爱幼、勤俭节约等中华民族的优良传统。 In the new era, we will

9、carry on such traditional Chinese virtues as respecting the old and cherishing the young as well as working hard and being frugal. 在中国东盟全面经济合作框架协议的基础上,探讨签署扩大和深化双方经贸合作的文件,建立经贸合作的制度性安排。 We should consider signing a follow-up agreement on expanding economic and trade ties as well as the relevant instit

10、utional arrangement, on the basis of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations ). 只有创新改革,才能促进经济社会的快速发展。 Only through reform and innovation can we promote the rapid develop- -ment of economy and society.汉语的无主句 (zero/n

11、ull-subject sentence)4. 谚语或表示哲理的句子 活到老,学到老。 We / one is never too old to learn. 没有调查就没有发言权。 One who makes no investigation has no right to speak. No investigation, no say. 没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无所谓顺利。 Without facility, there would be no difficulty; without difficulty, there would be no facility. 留得青山在,不怕

12、没柴烧。 As long as there are green mountains, one need not worry about firewood. Where there is life, there is hope. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 It is impossible to get the tiger cubs if one does not enter the tigers lair. / It is impossible to succeed if one makes no efforts. 种瓜得瓜种豆得豆。 If you have sown melons, you wil

13、l harvest melons while if you have sown beans, you will have beans./One will harvest what he/she has sown.汉语的无主句 (zero/null-subject sentence)5. 表示存现 有很多问题亟待解决。 Many problems have to be solved immediately. There are many problems to be solved immediately. 改革开放以后,涌现出一大批敢想敢干的创业者。 Since the adoption of

14、the reform and opening-up policy, progressive and daring entrepreneurs have come to the fore in large numbers. 至于环保,还存在不少问题。 With regard to environmental protection, many problems still exit / there still exist many problems. 突然窜出一只狗,追着她咬,把她吓糊涂了。 Suddenly a dog appeared and chased after her, scaring

15、 her almost out of her wits.英语主谓句翻译成汉语话题评述句This pool of human resources has one of the highest mobility rates in China. 这些人力资源在中国的流动性最大。The more successful Chinese firms tend to internationalize more and more, due to national and regional policies aimed at fostering the development of firms outside

16、their borders, but also as a consequence of the intense competitive pressures and looming overcapacities that now prevail in China in many industries and reduced margins.由于国家和地区政策均鼓励企业到国外发展,较成功的企业国际化程度愈来愈高,当然,还有一个原因就是,国内很多行业竞争压力越来越大,生长能力过剩现象初见端倪,利润下滑。If the courts ruled in favour of General Motorm,

17、it would make it much more difficult for Chery to sell the QQ in international markets.如果法庭宣布通用汽车胜诉,奇瑞在国际市场销售QQ汽车就比较困难。英语主谓句翻译成汉语话题评述句A telephone was fitted up in the pavilion. 亭子里装了一部电话。That bed has been slept in today.那张床今天有人睡过了。The transfer of information from one part of the computer to another

18、depends on the electrical current being conducted over wires.计算机传送信息,靠的是电线中传导的电流。It is impossible, in our society, not to be sometimes a Snob.我们这个社会,有时不得不做个马屁精。英语主谓句翻译成汉语无主句Mention should be made of the role played by the other man.应该提一下另一人所起的作用。The relatives of the missing can still be spotted at b

19、us stations or outside Red Cross office, hoping against the odds to receive good news-or any news-about their loved ones.在公共汽车站和红十字会办公室的外面,仍然可以看到失踪者的亲人们,他们抱着一线希望,希望能得到亲人的好消息,任何消息。It is right to be contented with what we have, never with what we are. 可以满足于所得,但不能满足于现状。One cannot see the wood for the t

20、rees. 只见树木不见森林。课后翻译练习In this chapter, we will examine how Chinese firms have used alliances and joint ventures with foreign companies to boost their international presence. We will first analyze how joint ventures in China have initially helped Chinese firms enhance their technical capabilities, mak

21、ing it possible for them to compete, both in their own domestic market which is attracting more and more foreign rivals, and also in more open international markets. Second, we will examine how joint ventures have become a device through which Chinese firms are able to rapidly develop a market prese


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