已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?1. 重点词汇:post office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, town, street, road, next to, across from, near, between, in front of, behind, turn, enjoy, spend2. 短语归纳:1. post office 邮局2. police station 警察局3. pay phone 付费电话4. Bridge Street 桥街5. Center

2、street 中心大街6. Long Street 长街7. near here 附近8. across from 在对面9. next to 挨着,靠近10. between and 在和之间11. in front of 在前面12. excuse me 劳驾13. far from 离远14. go along 沿着走15. turn right / left 向右 / 左转16. on the(或ones) right / left 在(某人的)右边 / 左边17. in my neighborhood 在我的街区18. look like 看起来像19. in life 一生中20.

3、 be free 免费(有空)3. 必背典句:1. Is there a hospital near here? 这附近有医院吗?Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street. 是的,有。它在桥街上。2. Oh wheres Center Street? 噢中心大街在哪里?Its not too far from here. 它离这儿不太远。3. Go along long Street and its on the right. 沿着长街走,它在右边。4. Turn right at the first crossing. 在第一个十字路口向右转。4. 语法知识:T

4、here be句型1. 定义:主要用以表达“某地有某人(某物)”。其基本句型为“There be + 某物或某人(主语) + 某地”。2. 具体结构:(1) There is + 单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语. (2) There are + 复数名词+ 地点状语. 3. 句型变化:(1)否定句:there be的否定式通常在be后加not。(2)一般疑问句把be动词提前,首字母大写,句末用问号即可。肯定回答:Yes, there is / are. 否定回答:No, there isn't / aren't. some和any在“there be”句型中的用法:som

5、e 一些(some用于肯定句)any 一些(any用于否定句和一般疑问句)注意:在希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中要用some。人教版英语七下 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 单元测试卷(时间: 90分钟分值: 100分)一.单项填空(每小题1分,满分10分)1. Where is the park, please?A. HelloB. Excuse meC. SorryD. Hi2. Is there a post office on Fifth Avenue?Yes,.A. here isB. they areC. it isD. there

6、 is3. is the pay phone?Its next to the post office.A. WhenB. WhoC. WhereD. Why4.Therea pen and two pencils in the pencil case.A. isB. areC. haveD. be5. Walk along the street and take the crossing on the left.A. fiveB. fivesC. fifthD. fivth6. The school isthe park.A. nextB. next toC. the nextD.the ne

7、xt to7.The library isthe post office and the supermarket.A. amongB. betweenC. on D. across8. Welcomemy birthday party.A. atB. inC. toD. /9. She oftenfun.A. haveB. hasC. doD. does10.What can you seethe right?A. onB. toC. atD. in二.完形填空(每小题2分,满分20分)Tom 1near the sea. Their house is not very high, but i

8、t is beautiful. There 2big trees and a small garden in front 3 their house. They plant flowers in the garden. Some are red, some are white 4some are blue. Tom and his family love 5garden very much.6 Tom and his sister go to school 7 bus. The bus is comfortable. There are air conditioners in the bus.

9、 And it is a double-decker bus. After school, they sometimes help their mum 8 some shopping at the Shopping Center, and sometimes help their dad in the garden. At weekends, they often take some photos by the sea.9 summer, they often go swimming 10 their parents.1. A. livesB. livedC. livingD. to live

10、2. A. areB. isC. wasD. be3. A. toB. forC. atD. of4. A. butB. orC. atD. and5. A. theyB. themC. theirD. theirs6. A. AllB. BothC. SomeD. Two7. A. onB. byC. takeD. sit8. A. doB. doingC. doesD. did9. A. InB. OnC. AtD. To10. A. andB. forC. ofD. with三.阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)A根据下面的地图寻找正确路线和目的地,完成选择填空题。注意每次都以A号处作为出发

11、点。1.Walk up the street and turn left at the first crossing. Then turn left again at the next crossing. Theis a few meters on your left.A. bankB. collegeC. post officeD. shop2. Walk up the street only a few meters. Take the first turning on the right. Theis on your left.A. post officeB. bankC. houseD

12、. restaurant3. Walk up the street and take the second turning on the right. Theis on your right half-way down this street.A. cinema B. bus stop C. mosque houseD. chemists4. Take the first turning on the right. Then take the next left and walk up the street. Theis on the right just after the second c

13、rossing.A. houseB. bankC. butchersD. cinema5. Turn right first. Then turn left. Walk up this street and turn left at the third crossing. Theis half-way down the street on the left.A. shopB. bankC. cinemaD. houseBIf you go to England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives

14、 on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then. When you drive a car in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember

15、 the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful to have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.In many England cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city well. Its very interesting.1. In England the traffic moves.A. in the

16、 middle B. on the leftC. on the rightD. in the park2. Before you cross a street, you must look to.A. the right B. the leftC. the right and then left D. the left and then right3. The streets get very busy in the morning and in the evening because people.A. go to work B. go shoppingC. come from workD.

17、 A and C4.It isto cross the streets in the morning and in the evening.A. safeB. easyC. dangerousD. interesting5. You can see the city well on thefloor of the bus.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourthCWe have twenty minutes rest between classes. Look! Most of

18、 us are playing during the rest time. Some students are on the playground. They are having a basketball game. Oh! A boy isrunning with a ball. And another 

19、is trying(尽力) to stop him. They are so coo1. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. A few of the

20、m are reading or doing homework. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in a tree in front of the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting be

21、cause she is smiling(微笑). What are the teachers doing? Do you know? Some of them are working in the office, and some are talking with students. Everyone is busy

22、 with his or her things. Busy and happy!1. Where are some students having a game? A. In the classroom.          B. In front of the clas

23、sroom.  C. On the playground.       D. in the classroom 2. A girl is looking at the birds. She is _ A. happy     B. busy 

24、0;   C. sad         D. interesting 3. What are teachers doing? A. Working or talking with students.     B. Having a basketball gam

25、e. C. Playing with the students.           D. Talking to each other. 4. There are _ students in the classroom. A. no     B.&#

26、160;some      C. few         D. many 5. The passage is mainly(主要地) about _ A.students    B.a basketball game     C.rest 

27、time     D.school activities四任务型阅读(每题2分,共10分)Green:  1     Tom: How can I get to the supermarket, please? Green: Im sorry I dont know. Youd better ask 

28、;the girl over there. Tom:   2    (One minute later) Tom:   3    , could you tell me the way to the Supermarket, please?Rose: Yes, I

29、60;live near there. Tom: Is it far? Rose: No, not at all. Tom: But   4    ? Rose: Now walk along this street about two minutes. The Supermarket&#

30、160;is over.there between the school and the bookstore. Tom: Oh, I see. Thank you very much. Rose:    5     . A. Youre welcome      

31、60;B. Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? C. Thank you all the same   D. where is the supermarket E. Excuse me五.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(每题1分,共10分)1. My brother is a waiter. He works in a r.2. Jus

32、t go aCenter Street and turn right when you see a post office.3. Is there a pay phone in the n?4. Eme, wheres the bus station?5. People can get money from the b.6. She won't p_more attention to us if she becomes a manager-assistant.7. How can you e_ more time together every day?8. I would c_ the

33、 highest mountain and swim in the deepest ocean for you.9. My parents sent me to the h_ but the doctors could do nothing for me.10. The p_ required the traveler to unlock his suitcase.六.书面表达(共20分)根据下面英语和汉语提示和要求写一篇小短文,告诉你的朋友怎样到你家。假设下星期日是你的生日,你将邀请你的朋友Tom到你家,写一个4060词的便条告诉你的朋友如何到你家,尽可能运用下列提示语:1. turn ri

34、ght2.go along Guanghe Street3. the Helping Street4.go straight5. across from要求:1.至少5句以上;2.时态正确;3.书写规范。_答案和解析:1 单项选择1.B 在你向别人问路时,应先说礼貌用语Excuse me.故选B项。A、D两项为见面打招呼常用语,C项Sorry.在说错话、做错事时使用。2.D There be句型的一般疑问句的简略答语用Yes, there is/are.或者No, there isnt/arent.故选D。3.C 由答语“它挨着邮局”可知,问句对地点提问。A项When意为“何时”,对时间提问。

35、B项Who意为“谁”,对人提问,C项Where意为“在哪儿”,对地点提问,D项Why意为“为什么”,对原因提问,由答语可知应选C项。4.A There be句型表示存在,be的单复数形式采取“就近原则”。并列主语中be后紧跟着的是单数名词,则be用is,如果be后紧跟着的是复数名词,则be用are。a pen为单数,因此用is,故选A。5.C 句意为“沿着街走,在第五个拐弯处左拐”。表示序数词用fifth,故选C项。6.B 句意为“学校挨着公园”。next to意为“挨着,靠近”,故选B项。7.B 句意为“图书馆在邮局和超市之间”。between.and.表示“在和之间”,指两者之间;amon

36、g表示在三者之间,across表示“穿过”,指从物体表面穿过,与句意不符,可排除A、C、D三项,故选B项。8.C welcome to.表示“欢迎到来”,A、B、D三项不符合固定结构,故排除。9.B have fun是固定短语,表示“高兴”,可排除C、D两项,主语she为第三人称单数,由often可判断为一般现在时,故用have的第三人称单数形式has,故选B项。10.A 表示“在左/右边”,要用介词on,故选A项。二.完形填空1.A 整篇文章是一般现在时,故应选lives。2.A There be句型中谓语动词采用就近原则。be后big trees为复数,故选are。3.D in front

37、 of为固定短语,意为“在前面”。4.D and表并列关系。5.C 名词前用形容词性物主代词。6.B both.and. 和都7.B “by+交通工具”意为“乘坐”。8.A help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”,为固定搭配。9.A 季节前用介词in。10.D with“与一起”,表示伴随。三.阅读理解A篇1. C从A点出发,想上走在第一个转角向左转,在下一个路口再左转,在几米开外你的左边的是post office。2. B向上走几米,从第一个路口向右转,在你左边的是Bank。3. B向上走几米,在第二个路口向右转,在你右边整条路的中间为bus stop。4. D在第一个路口向右转

38、,下一个路口向左转再向上走,cinema在第二个路口的右边。5. A先向右转,然后左转,沿着这条路走并且在第三个路口左转。Shop在这条路中间的左边。B篇1. B 由原文第一段第一句If you go to England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left.可知:在英国,车辆在左边行驶,故选B项。2.C 由原文第一段的Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then left.可知:在你横穿马路时,你必须首先向右看,然后向左看,故选C项。3.D 由原文第一段的In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy.可知:早上和傍晚的街道是拥挤的,因为人们正在上下班,包括A项“上班”和C项“下班”,故选D项。4.C 由原文第


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