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1、教师辅导讲义年级:高二课时数:3辅导科目:英语课题Unit5. Technology all around us 基础知识梳理教学目标1 .使学生能够基本掌握 unit5中的基础词汇及其拓展用法;2 .帮助学生梳理课文中的一些重点句型,并且会做一些相关的单选题和翻译题。教学内容Stepl: Greetings & Free talkIs there something interesting or important this week?Step2: Warming up 你是哪种Cookie ?Cookie就是用烤箱烤成的小点心,一般做的时候里面都要放黄油和糖。但是,cookie这个

2、字在用做习惯用语的时候还可以指某些人。你可以把你心爱的人称为cookie。你也可以叫一个很好玩的小孩,或一个漂亮的女孩cookie。另外还有两种人,我们也可以用cookie这个字来称呼他们,这两种人就是:smart cookies和tough cookies。Smartcookies和tough cookies可以指男的,也可以指女的。Smart就是聪明,所以,smart cookie就是那些脑子比较聪明一些的人。For example:When my sister was only ten years old I saw what a smart cookie she was going t

3、o be. And I was right; she's in Harvard medical school and she gets the highest grades in her class。(我妹妹只有十岁的时候,我就看出她将来会是一个非常聪敏的人。我L点也没错。她现在在哈佛大学的医学院念书,学习成绩是全班最好的。)我们冉来讲tough cookie。首先我们得知道 tough这个子的思思。Tough在形谷人的时候,它是才一个人很坚强, 很有主意,不太会受别人的影响。这种tough cookies有的时候不受别人欢迎,但是他们往往会达到他们的目的。For example:Ou

4、r boss is sure one tough cookie. If you don't work hard, he'll fire you from your job in a minute. The good thing is that he's fair-minded; do good work and he'll pay you top wages 。(我们的老板是一个非常严格的人。要是你不努力工作,他会马上解雇你。不过他很公正,要是你工作有成绩,他 会给你很高的工资。)Step3: Key words and expressions of this

5、unit1. virtual adj.实质上的,实际的,事实上的【拓展】virtuallyadv.实质上,实际上The President was so much under the influence of his wife that she was the virtual ruler of the country. 总统受到他妻子很大的影响,她才是这个国家真正的统治者。If you travel by plane, Tokyo and Shanghai are virtually neighbors. 加果你乘坐飞机旅行,东京和上海实际上很近。2. below adv.& prep

6、.比 低,向/在较低处Shall l write my name above or below the line?我名字与在线上还是线下?From the summit, we made our way into the valley below. 我们从山顶走至 U下面的村庄。【搭配】 belowabove (the) average平均之上,下3. magic1)n.魔术,魔法【搭配】practise magic施魔法perform magic=do magic (adj.) tricks 变魔术2) n. 魔力,魅力【搭配】 the magic of one's smile/lo

7、ve微笑/爱的魅力By the magic of satellite technology, we can take you live to Sydney, Australia.借助于人造卫星的魔力,我们能带你亲临澳大利亚的悉尼。3) adj.神奇的,有魔法的Harry Potter is a magic book that fascinated so many children all over the world.哈里波特是一本吸引了全世界许多孩子的魔法书。【拓展】 magical adj.魔法似的,不可思议的,迷人的,神秘的a magical evening beneath the br

8、ight stars 在亮晶晶的星光下迷人的夜晚4. close adj & adv.1)靠近的/地They live quite close.他们住得很近。The church is close to the school.这个教堂离学校很近。.2)亲密的He is my closest friend.他是我最亲密的朋友。3)势均力敌的,实力相近的We have just watched a close match of football.我们刚刚看了一场势均力敌的足球比赛。【辨析】 c close靠近地,closely紧密地,仔细地The shy girl stood close

9、by her mother.那个害羞的女孩紧靠着她母亲站着。These two events are closely connected.这两件事情紧密相连。The police are watching the spy closely.警察正严密地监视着那个间谍。5. imagen.肖像;影像;心目中的形象;公众形象;映像Their coin bore an image (肖像)of the emperor.I can shut my eyes and see images (影像 >of things and persons.I had formed an image (心目中的形象

10、)of her before we met.The government has a bad image.(公众形象)You see your image (映像)in the mirror,【辨析】 imagine V .想象f imagine sth .imagine doing sth .imagine that-clauseYou can imagine my surprise when they told me the news.当他们告诉我这个新闻时,你能想象我的惊讶。It's hard to imagine living in a place where there ar

11、e no cars.彳艮难想象生活在没有车的地方。【拓展】C imaginationn.想象力Imaginaryadj. 虚构的,假想的Imaginable adj.可想象的imaginative adj.富有想象力,有创造力的vivid imagination 丰富的想象力All his troubles are imaginary .他所有的困难都是虚构的。They had used all the imaginable means, but they failed in the end.他们用了所有能想象得出的方法,但是最后还是失败了。an imaginative writer 想象力丰

12、富的作家6. data pl. n.资料,材料,数据We can't tell you the results of the survey until we have looked at all the data.直到我们看了所有的数据,才能告诉你调查的结果。We use a keyboard to input the data.我们用键盘输入数据。请注意这一类单词的单复数形式:单数复数datum数据databacterium细菌bacteriamedium媒介mediacurriculum课程curricula7. reach v.到达;伸出手臂;延伸;联络When we reach

13、ed home, it was already dark.当我们至U家时天已经黑了【拓展】r reach sth.伸手触及到reach out(one' s hand ) for sth. 伸手去拿1 reach for sth.伸手去拿reach sb.与联系Are you tall enough to reach that apple on the tree? 你够得到树上的苹果吗?He reached for a packet of tea.他伸手拿了一包茶。The monkey reached out hand through the bars and took the ban

14、ana.猴子伸手穿过栏杆拿了 只香蕉。I can't reach him by phone/on the phone.我打电话联系不至U他。8. enable vt.使能够【搭配】 enable sb. to do sth.This dictionary will enable you to understand English words.这本字典能使你理解英语单词。The bird's large wings enable it to fly very fast.鸟的一双大翅膀使它能够飞得很快。【拓展】ableadj.有能力的unableadj.不能的,无能力的(in)ca

15、pableadj.有(无)能力的,有(无)disablev.使残废,使丧失能力disabledadj.伤残的【搭配】 1 1. enable sb. to do sth. 使做某事. 2. be (un)able to do sth. (不)能做某事3. be capable of doing sth. 能做某事4. be disabled from 使(某人)无能力做,背剥夺了I'd like to go, but I'm unable to.我想去,但我不能。He seems unable to understand the simplest instructions.他似

16、乎连最简单的说明书都不能理解。He was disabled in the war; he lost his left arm.他在战争中残废了,他失去了左臂。He is disabled from voting .他被剥夺了投票权。9. entertainment 娱乐It's not a very serious film, but it's good entertainment.这不是部严肃的电影,但是部很好的娱乐片。【拓展】entertain v.招待,款待,请客;使快乐/有兴趣f entertaining adj.愉快的;有趣的They entertain a gre

17、at deal.他们常常招待客人。A circus show entertains children.马戏表演使孩子们兴高采烈。【搭配】 entertain sb to with sth款待某人;以招待某人We're entertaining our neighbors to dinner this evening. 我们今晚招待令B居吃饭。10. observe v.1)观察,注意到He observes keenly, but says little.他观察敏锐但说得少。The police observed the man entering enter the bank . 警察

18、注意至U那个人走进车艮行。2)遵守(规章、法律等)Everybody should observe traffic rules.每个人应该遵守交通规则。3)庆祝How do you usually observe your Christmas Eve? 你们通常怎样庆祝圣诞夜?【拓展】observation n.观察,注意,观察力an observation car 观光车an observation post 瞭望哨11. inspect v.1)检查He will inspect his car before he drives every morning.每天早晨在开车前,他者B会检查他

19、的车。2)视察The government officials will inspect our school next week.下周政府官员将视察我们学校。12. commit v.1)做(坏、错、愚蠢的)事【搭配】ccommit a crime an offence 3日罪< commit suicide自杀-commit murder杀人I committed an error again . 我又犯了错。2) commit sb to doing sth/to sth 使某人承诺做某事He has committed himself to supporting his brot

20、her's children.他已经答应抚养哥哥的孩子。Signing this form commits you to buying the goods.你签下这个表格就要买货物。They committed many horrible crimes against the people.他们犯了反人民的可怕罪行【拓展】commitment n.承诺;承担的义务I don't want to get married because I don't want any commitments.我不想结婚,因为我不想承担任何责任。Come and look around o

21、ur shop without commitment to buying anything.我们商店来看看, 不需要承诺买什么。13. face v.1)面对,朝The house faces the street这房子面向大街。Turn round and face me.转过来面向我。2)面临(问题或不愉快的情况)我们今年没钱度假。We'll have to face the facts - We can't afford a holiday this year.我们将不得不面对现实【搭配】 face sth. 正视b be faced with 面临;面对face up

22、to 勇敢地接受,对待He was faced with severe financial burden of caring for a wife and five children.他要面对严峻的经济负担,养妻子和孩子。Faced with the evidence, he confessed/admitted the crime . 面对证据,他认了罪。14. manufacture v.制造(尤指用机器)This firm manufactured cars . 这个工厂制造汽车。【拓展】 manufactured goods 制成品、工业品manufacturing industry

23、制造业manufacture n.制造manufacturer n. 制造商、制造公司The manufacture of these very small components is expensive.制造这些小零件很昂责。15. distinguish adj.区分,辨别【搭配】distinguishfrom 区分distinguish oneself使自己出众It is hard to distinguish gold from brass sometimes. 有时候很难区分黄金和铜。He distinguished himself in physics.他在物理方面享有盛名。16.

24、 experiment n.& v.1)v.做实验We experimented by putting oil and water together, and we found that they did not mix.我们把油和水放在一起做实验,发现它们不能相容。We human beings shouldn't experiment on animals.我们人类不应该在动物身上做实验。2) n.实验【搭配】 do carry out conduct perform an experiment 做实验17. performance n.1)表演,娱乐The first p

25、erformance of Hamlet was in 1936.哈姆雷特的首场演出是在 1936年。2)成绩,表现Parents shouldn't measure their children's performance by scores.家长们不应该以分数来衡量孩子的成绩。3)履行,执行the performance of one's duty 职责的履行【拓展】perform v.执行;履行;表演;扮演He performed well under pressure.他在压力之下表现得彳艮好。18. monitor v.监视,监测The voting must

26、 be monitored by the government officials. 投票必须由政府官员监视。The machine is monitoring the heart beat of the patient . 机器正在监测病人的心跳。19. electronic adj.电子的比较下列单词的意义与用法:electronic adj.电子的electronic music 电子首乐electric adj.用电的electric fans 电扇electrical adj.电的,与电后关的electrical appliances 电器electrical engineer电气工

27、程electricity n.电The electricity has been cut out. 电被切断。Expressions:1. thanks to多亏了,由于Thanks to your donation, we can rebuild our lab. 多亏了你的捐赠,我们才能建造实验室。 【辨析】thanks to与owing to和due to用法上的区别thanks to用作状语,可以表达止面意思“幸亏”,也可用于“讽刺” 口吻中due to形容词短语,只能用作表语owing to一般多用于状语,用来修饰全句,必须用逗号把它和主句分开。有时也可作表语,此时,可以和due t

28、o互换。Thanks to the bad weather, our journey was uncomfortable.由于糟糕的天气,我们的旅途极不舒服。This accident was due to his carelessness.这场事故是由他的粗心造成的。They decided to postpone the trip, owing to the outbreak of Influenza A (H1N1).由于甲型(HINl)流感的爆发,他们决定延期启程。2. future n.将来试比较下例词组在意义上的区别:in the futurein time yet to come

29、 在将来in futurefrom now on 从今以后Roberts may take the place of work in dangerous conditions in the future. 将来机器人可以完成在危险条件下的工作。1 will have to depend on myself in future.以今以后,我将不得不依靠自己。3. before long=soon 不久注意区别before long与long before用法和意义上的区别:before long意思为“不久之后”相当于soon, 这里的long是名词long before反意思为“很久以前,早在

30、之前”这里的before是连词,后面跟从句常用句型It will be long beforeIt won ' t be long before要过很久才 不久以后就,很快就Marx was forced to leave his homeland, and before long, he had to move on.马克思被迫离开祖国,不久他不得不又搬离。He told me that he had seen Peter long before.他告诉我彳艮久以前见过Peter。It will be long before we attend the grand occasion

31、again.很久以后,我们才会再参加重大场合。It won ' be long before we meet again.不久我们又会见面的。Step4: Consolidation exercise.Section A : Choose the right answer(所选题目,主要针对上面所讲解的重点词汇用法进行巩固训练)1. There is still a big difference between the i world and the real life.2. These tickets eyou to ride free on the underground for

32、three days.3. Can you i l iving on the moon?4. This play doesn't try to teach you anything. It is just for e .5. I (伸手去拿)a cup of tea, only to break it.6. (幸亏)his help, I was in time to catch my flight.7. Can you d the different musical instruments playing now?8. Thanks to the invention of Virtu

33、al Reality, we can inspect the buildings before c .9. The biggest problem we are f now is a lack of money.10. He doesn't teach us now, but his (形象)is still fresh in our mind.11. To our great surprise, he came to the party; (而且),he also brought us wine.12. We can learn by (试验)that oil and water w

34、ill not mix.13. Every parent will be deeply c about the healthy growth of their children.14. The Internet can be an excellent m for education if used properly and wisely.15. The d we have collected are not enough to be convincing.*Keys:1. imaginary 2. enable3. imagine 4. entertainment 5. reached out

35、 for6. Thanks to 7. distinguish 8. constructing 9. facing10. image11. in addition 12. experiment 13. concerned 14. medium 15. dataSection B : Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from the list given below. Change the form where necessary.entertainvirtualequipobservemagicianfacereachdatu

36、min additionimagineinspectfor sure1. The villagers need food and water. , they also need some relief.2. Some people themselves by reading while others have to be entertained by the radio and television.3. As Senior Two students, we should ourselves mentally and physically to meet the trials we'l

37、l face.4. Those students are the habits of wild birds near the lake.5. people are good at forming ideas of new and exciting things.6. This year we are the most serious financial crisis and must learn to be economical.7. The minister some car manufacturers last week.8. One thing is. McDonald's wi

38、ll continue to expand its business around the world.9. The news only me yesterday.10. He is the president of the company.11. Do you believe in the performed on the stage?12. Please get the ready as soon as possible and we will have a meeting this afternoon.*Keys:1. In addition 2. entertain 3. equip

39、4. observing 5. Imaginative 6. facing7. inspected 8. for sure 9. reached 10. virtual 11. magic 12. dataSection C: Translation1 .随着科技的发展,人类登上火星的梦想终将实现。(come true)2 .多亏了你的帮忙,我才没有被解雇。(thanks to)3 .因特网的普及使人们聊天很容易。(enable)4 .他已承诺养育他的侄子。 (commit)5 .毫无疑问,政府将采取措施来防止疾病的蔓延。(no doubt)6 .虚拟游戏能把我们带入幻想世界,在那我们能体验最

40、令人兴奋的冒险。(virtual)7 .研究者现在需要做更深入的实验。(experiment)8 .你必须学会勇敢地面对责任。(face)*Keys:1. As science and technology develops, the dream that human beings go to the Mars will come true.2. Thanks to your help, I was saved from/1 escaped being fired.3. The popularity of the Internet enables people to chat with eac

41、h other easily.4. He has committed himself to supporting his brother's son/nephew.5. There is no doubt the government will take measures to prevent the disease from spreading.6. Virtual Reality can take us into a fantasy world, where we can experience the most exciting adventures.7. Researchers

42、now need to conduct further experiments.8. You must learn to face up to your responsibilities .Step5:能力拓展-Reading (Unit9)AIt's 2035. You have a job, a family and you're about 40 years old! Welcome to your future life.|Getting ready for work, you pause in front of the mirror, "Turn red,&

43、quot; you say. Your shirt changes from sky blue to deep red. Tiny preprogrammed electronics are rearranged in your shirt to change its color. Looking into the mirror, you find it hard to believe that you are 40. You look much younger. With amazing advances in medicine, people in your generation may

44、live to be 150 years old. You're not even middle -aged.As you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal into a bowl, you hear : "To lose weight, you shouldn't eat that," from your shoes. They read the tiny electronic code on the cereal box to find out the nutrit

45、ion details. You decide to listen to your shoes. "Kitchen, what can I have for breakfast?" A list of possible foods appears on the counter as kitchen checks its food supplies."Ready for your trip to space?" You ask your son and daughter. In 2005 only specially trained astronauts

46、went into space and very few of them. Today anyone can go to space for day trips or longer vacation. Your best friend even works in space. Handing your children three strawberries each, you add, "The doctor said you need these for space travel. " Thanks to medical advances, vaccination sho

47、ts are a thing of the past. Ordinary foods contain specific vaccines. With the berries in their mouths, the kids head for the front door.It's time for you to go to work. Your car checks your fingerprints and unlocks the doors. "My office. Autopilot,"youcommand. Your car drives itself d

48、own the road and moves smoothly into traffic on the high -way. You sit back and unroll your e-newspaper. The latest news downloads and fills the viewer. Looking through the pages, you watch the news as video films rather than read it.16. What changes the color of your shirt?A. The mirror. B. The shi

49、rt itself.C. The counter.D. The medicine.17. How do the shoes know that you shouldn't eat the breakfast cereal?A. By pouring the breakfast into a bowl.B. By listening to the doctor's advice.C. By testing the food supplies in the kitchen.D. By checking the nutrition details of the food.18. Th

50、e strawberries the children eat serve as.A. breakfast B. lunchC. vaccinesD. nutrition19. How is the text organized?A. In order of timeB. In order of frequency.C. In order of preferenceD. In order of importance.BScience and new technology have made such rapid progress in agriculture that modern machi

51、nes can do almost all farm work, and therefore have made it possible for farmers to produce more food on the same amount of land. When people live in plenty, vegetables and fruits are becoming more and more popular. As a result more and more vegetables and fruits are in greater need.Can orchard work

52、ers harvest fruits with machines as farmers to crops? Yes, they can. Scientists have already invented many different fruit -harvesting machines. Now, let's take cherry-picking machine for example. The cherry-picking machine first shakes a cherry tree, then catches cherries in heavy sheets and pu

53、shes the fruit along belts. The cherries are then dropped into huge containers of water, in which they are washed clean, and look fresh and pretty when they are placed into plastic boxes which come along the belt one after another. All this work is finished within three minutes. In this way two orch

54、ard workers are able to fulfill the harvesting work of a cherry orchard within two days which was done by over one hundred workers for two weeks. Another new machine that picks tomatoes has just been invented. First it cuts the vines below the soil. Then both the vines and the fruit are pulled into

55、the machine which separates the tomatoes from the vines and finally returns the vines to the field.It is believed that it will soon be possible for powerful wind machines to blow oranges off trees. New machines that are now being tested will pick apples, peaches, pears and strawberries. It is also b

56、elieved that with the development of science and new technology, farm working conditions will be greatly improved, that more and more work will be done by machines instead of men and that people's living standard will be greatly improved in the future.20. The best title for this passage is.A. Science, New Technology and AgricultureA.three hundred and fifty farmers a dayB.one hundred farmers two weeksC.two hundred farmers two weeksD.thousands of farmers a day22. According to this passage, when cherries leave the picking machines, th


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