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1、2012高考英语精选备考题库系列(含详解)阅读理解(九)备战2012高考,精选阅读200篇,适合高三上学期使用,希望对大家有帮助。(2011年8月)From the first use of the rocket to carry satellites into space to the setting up of space stations, human beings have been putting great effort into space research. And so far, we have achieved many successes. But there are s

2、till numerous tasks in front of us and we should not cease trying to progress.The international space station is an important step we should take in space exploration. It is not only helpful but also essential. It provides a proper space environment for many experiments that we have wanted to do for

3、 a long time. It is also a base for the observations of the earth and the universe. It could also be an important base for later travel to the moon and Mars. In a word, if we want to explore space more, the first thing we should do is to set up a space station.As the space station costs a lot of mon

4、ey, it is hard for one country alone to establish one. The USA seems to be the only country that has the ability to build a space station alone,and it has tried to do so, but not very successful. So it aggregated many other countries to work on it together. Though it is still extremely expensive, it

5、 is much cheaper than doing it alone. It is really a job that needs everyone s effort and will benefit everyone.But even so, the funds needed are still a big problem. As for the USA, it seems that it has too many things to spend its money on. Although it is the richest country in the world, it has m

6、uch debt every year. It has to make arrangements about its finance, and try to find a balance in all these issues.语篇解读这是一篇说明文。国际空间站对于人类探索太空起着至关重要的作用。由于耗资巨大,财大气粗的美国单独建造起来也并不那么成功。只有各国合作起来,才能解决资金问题,从而使国际空间站造福全人类。1What is the authors attitude towards building and developing the international space stati

7、on?A. Supportive. B. Doubtful.C. Critical. D. Dissatisfied.解析态度判断题。根据第一段中的“we should not cease trying to progress”和文中作者介绍国际空间站的重要性可知,作者对建设国际空间站持支持态度。答案A2From Paragraph 2 we learn that _.A. the necessity of building the international space station is not realized nowB. many experiments have been done

8、 in the international space stationC. the international space station is necessary for people to explore space moreD. people have traveled to Mars from the international space station解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In a word,if we want to explore space more,the first thing we should do is to set up a space station”

9、可知,国际空间站是进行太空探索所必需的。答案C3Which of the following is NOT a reason for countries cooperation in building the international space station?A. That it requires a lot of money.B. That it needs everyone s effort.C. That it will benefit every participating country.D. That it is too far away from the earth.解析细

10、节理解题。根据第三段中的“As the space station costs a lot of money.”和“It is really a job that needs everyones effort and will benefit everyone”可知,A、B、C三项均提到了,而文章中没有提到D。答案D5The underlined word “aggregated” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “_”A. united B. scoldedC. allowed D. forbade解析词义猜测题。由该词所在的语境可知,发展国际空间站耗资巨

11、大,因此美国联合其他一些国家共同来建设该工程,即该词的意思相当于united。答案A5Which of the following aspects about building the international space station is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Difficulties. B. Cooperation.C. Significance. D. Specific arrangements.解析细节理解题。第二段提到了建设国际空间站的重要性,第三段提到了建设国际空间站面临的困难和合作的重要性,但是文中没有涉及具体细节安排,故答案为D。

12、答案D长难句解读From the first use of the rocket to carry satellites into space to the setting up of space stations, human beings have been putting great effort into space research.此句较长,但是简单句,句子前半部是介词短语,结构是“from.to.”。语意:从最初使用火箭将卫星送入太空到建立空间站,人们一直在太空研究方面努力着。One potential problem with allowances is that childr

13、ens responsible behavior can become about earning the allowance rather than the intrinsic (固有的) value of their family responsibilities. For example, if you pay your children for taking out the trash, they see this chore (家务) as a job that they should be rewarded for instead of a responsibility they

14、must fulfill as part of the family. But giving children an allowance for weekly chores is not necessarily bad. You are rewarding them for fulfilling their family responsibilities, but it is not for a specific act. Rather, it is an appreciation of their commitment to your family values. You are also

15、conveying another important message that their actions have consequences: if they do good things, good things happen. They also learn a lesson about the market economy, namely that work is rewarded.Allowances can also be used as punishment and to teach children lessons about family values. For examp

16、le, if your children join a group of kids smashing (砸碎) pumpkins on Halloween, a part of a reasonable punishment might be to require them to pay the families out of their allowances to replace the pumpkins. Thus, your children learn that bad behavior has financial consequences. Also, by relating the

17、 punishment to the misdeed, you ensure that your children see the connection and learn the value lesson.How much allowance should you pay your children?The precise amount depends on your family s financial situation, the cost of living and your childrens needs. Children can start to earn a weekly al

18、lowance as early as 5 years of age. An increase of $ 1 per week for each ydar of your children s lives is realistic until they reach their midteens. When they begin to drive and date, you can calculate their expenses and establish a reasonable allowance that covers their needs.语篇解读本文为议论文,就“孩子做家务要不要给

19、予物质奖励”这一话题进行谈论。文章分析了其利与弊,最后还就怎样的金额比较合适提出了自己的看法。1The underlined sentence in the 1st paragraph probably means that “giving allowances may _”A. lead to childrens preference for money rather than anything elseB. lead to children s preference for earning money by their ownC. cause the problem that childr

20、en value money more than responsibilitiesD. cause children to earn money instead of going to school解析句意理解题。根据接下来的一句的举例说明可知前一句的句意,孩子会认为做家务得到奖励是合理的,而不认为做家务是他的责任。答案为C。答案C2How many advantages of giving allowances are mentioned in the passage?A. One. B. Two.C. Three. D. Four.解析推理判断题。第一段最后三句分别提到了三点好处,第二段的

21、第一句论及了使用经济方式作为处罚的好处。显然文中共提及四点好处,故选D。答案D3When your children join a group of kids smashing pumpkins on Halloween,_.A. they should be taught that bad behavior has financial consequencesB. they should be rid of their opportunity to celebrate HalloweenC. you should give them some allowances to pay for th

22、e pumpkinsD. you should ensure your children see the connection with their lessons解析事实细节题。根据第二段第三句可知A正确,让孩子意识到做出不好的行为要承担经济后果。其他选项均与第二段内容不符。答案A4The precise allowance amount you should pay your children depends on all the following factors EXCEPT_.A. how rich or poor your family isB. how much other ch

23、ildren receiveC. the actual needs of your childrenD. the living standard in your area解析正误判断题。根据第三段第二句可知,A、C和D均正确。故选B。答案B5It can be inferred that_.A. the author doesn t want to give any tips on the allowance amountB. allowances given to children of different ages may varyC. children under 6 cant be g

24、iven any allowanceD. the allowance amount grows at the same speed with your children解析推理判断题。根据文章最后两句可知B正确。最后一段作者就具体数量提了自己的意见,故A错。C与第三段第三句不符,D过于绝对化。答案B长难句解读For example,if you pay your children for taking out the trash,they see this chore(家务)as a job that they should be rewarded for instead of a respo

25、nsibility they must fulfill as part of the family.该句为一个多重复合句。第一层次为they see this chore as a job;第二层次有两个:if you pay your children for taking out the trash 为条件状语从句,that they should be rewarded for instead of a responsibility为定语从句修饰job。第三层次为they must fulfill as part of the family,是省略了which/that的定语从句,修饰r

26、esponsibility。If you want to help children develop language and speech skills, UCLA researchers say, listening to what they have to say is just as important as talking to them.The effect of a conversation between a child and an adult is about six times as great as the effect of adult speech input al

27、one, the researchers found. “Adults speaking to children helps language develop, but what matters much more is the interaction,” said the study s lead author, Frederick Zimmerman, an associate professor in the School of Public Health at the University of California, Los Angeles. The researchers also

28、 found that TV viewing didn t have much of an effect positively or negatively as long as it wash t displacing conversations between an adult and a child.The UCLA study included 275 families with children between 2 months and 48 months old. They represented a variety of incomes and education. The res

29、earchers found that, in an average day, children hear about 13,000 spoken words from adults and participated in about 400 adultchild conversations a day.Assessed separately, factors positively associated with language development included each additional 100 conversations a day and each 1,000 word i

30、ncrease in the number of words spoken by adults and heard by children. When looked at alone, TV was negatively associated with language development. But, when the three factors were analyzed together, the only one that stood out was conversation between adults and children.“The more a child speaks a

31、nd interacts with an adult, the better idea a parent has about where the child is,” Zimmerman said. “Although it s mostly done unconsciously, parents will provide feedback and correct mistakes. Theyll also tailor their speech to the child. Parents can give a child words by talking to them about what

32、 they re doing, such as,Im putting on your pajamas now. But give your child the opportunity to talk, hopefully without the rest of the noise in the environment,” she added. “If parents can carve out some conversation time maybe at bath time or at dinner time that s a wonderful thing.”语篇解读本文是科普文。研究发现

33、,父母和孩子之间的交谈对孩子语言的发展至关重要。这种交谈必须是双向的、互动的。1The researchers also found that TV viewing _.A. could have a positive effect on a childs language developmentB. had a little effect on a child s language developmentC. affected a childs language development more negatively than positivelyD. affected a childs l

34、anguage development both negatively and positively解析细节理解题。从文章第二段最后一句可知,看电视对孩子没有多少影响,无论是积极的还是消极的。答案B2Frederick Zimmerman would probably agree that _.A. parents should let their children talk most of the timeB. children should watch TV programs selectivelyC. the conversation between parents and childr

35、en should be twowayD. it s no good for parents to correct their children s mistakes when they are speaking解析推理判断题。从文章第二段内容可知,Zimmerman强调父母跟孩子之间交谈的双向性和互动性才是更重要的。答案C3We can conclude from the last paragraph that _.A. parents should let a child repeat what he or she saysB. bath time or dinner time is th

36、e best chance for parents to talk to a childC. parentchild conversation can be carried out at any proper timeD. parents should leave a child talking alone解析推理判断题。从文章最后一段可知,父母应该随时创造跟孩子交谈的机会,时间的选择是非常灵活的。答案C4What would be the best title for the passage?A. Talk with kids, not at themB. Let your children

37、 voice their own opinionsC. How to develop a child s language abilityD. The importance of early child language development解析主旨大意题。根据文章内容分析,文章强调父母和孩子之间的交流,而且强调交流的互动性,因此A项符合文章的主旨,适合作本文标题。答案A5The underlined word “tailor” in the last paragraph can be best replaced by _.A. control B. improveC. pass D. ad

38、just解析词义理解题。根据句子结构和语境分析,此处tailor是动词,本义是“量体裁衣”,此处的意思是不断调整以适应。故答案为D。答案D长难句解读The researchers also found that TV viewing didn t have much of an effect positively or negatively as long as it wasnt displacing conversations between an adult and a child.研究者还发现,看电视只要不取代大人和孩子之间的交谈,它就没有多大影响,无论是积极的还是消极的。本句是一个复合

39、句,that引导宾语从句,从句中又有as long as“只要”引导的条件状语从句。The HOPE IS A GAMECHANGER PROJECT will deliver unbreakable soccer balls to kids who,all too often, see things horrible, broken and not survive the simplest of circumstances. The project started taking form well before anyone knew where it would lead which is

40、 to test the power of likeminded people working together to turn inspiration into action.Four years ago Bobby was in Rwanda offering help to the people there and taking photos of a child soldier named Moise with his “soccer ball”, which was a pile of rubbish tied together with a string. This “ball”

41、was the only thing Moise could call his own no family, no home, no place to go. Forced to fight in the Congo and having killed three people at the unbearably young age of seven, the boys spirit was broken. And Bobby knew, as he took one photo after the next, that hed never forget him. In fact, he re

42、turned the following year to tell Moise he had stayed deep within his heart but he was gone.I recently helped Bobby launch his new book The Power of the Invisible Sun which features a photo of Moise, his ball, and kids from wartorn areas around the world. All of his earnings go towards the HOPE IS A

43、 GAMECHANGER PROJECT for the kids he visited over the past decade. They caught the emotional landscape from heartbreak to joy, but share the undeniable longing for recovery and hope.Bobby and I share the unchangeable belief that delivering hope is really a gamechanger, especially to a child. We beli

44、eve that each indestructible ball will come to represent a lasting symbol of hope. A light no matter how smallThe Power of the Invisible Sun.This holiday season, I ask you to think about whether you are doing enough to help someone else in the world. Or as Bobby likes to put it, consider “taking_a_c

45、oncrete_baby_step”, which added together, can create transformational change. Its my great hope that the HOPE IS A GAMECHANGER PROJECT will change the lives of children the world over one book, one ball at a time.1. In the first sentence of the passage, the writer implies that_.A. kids live an unsaf

46、e life in parts of the worldB. the balls sent to kids should be of good qualityC. young kids can not overcome the difficultiesD. kids intend to break their toys into pieces解析考查推理判断能力。从第一句中可以看出孩子们处于一个与家人分离并无法生存的境地,故选A。而B、C、D三个答案与文章提到的事实相反。答案A2. The purpose of The HOPE IS A GAMECHANGER PROJECT is to_.

47、A. send ball gifts to kids in poor countriesB. collect money to help kids in needC. comfort kids in wartorn areasD. offer kids help to change their lives解析考查对作者意图的理解能力。通过最后一句关键信息“change the lives of children the world overone book,one ball at a time.”可以得出答案。答案D3. How may Bobby feel about Mosie?A. He

48、 was very proud of Mosies bravery.B. He felt sorry for Mosies ruined childhood.C. He thought money could solve Mosies problem.D. He felt happy to tell him what was in his heart.解析考查细节理解能力。从第二段中可以看出Mosie无家可归的悲惨童年。答案B4. Which of the following about Bobbys new book is TRUE?A. It earned a lot of money t

49、o help kids like Mosie.B. The photos inside reflected the kids hopeless life.C. Its title shows the authors belief to change the world.D. It changed the life of the kids recorded in the book.解析考查推理判断能力。书名中的关键词The Power of the Invisible Sun和A light no matter how small.是答案的信息点来源。答案C5. The underlined p

50、art in the last paragraph probably means_.A. starting the first step as a baby doesB. taking an active action from now onC. making great changes step by stepD. doing some small but good deeds解析考查猜词能力。尽管每一选项都接近意思,但从后句“which added together,can create transformational change.”暗示,每个人都做一件小小好事,聚集在一起将改变孩子的

51、生活。答案DWestern New Bridge Library AnnouncementShortened Library Hours for Spring BreakLibrary Hours have been shortened to 7 hours a day (900 a. m. 400 p. m. ) for Spring Break from March 24 to March 30.Coming EventsOn Monday, March 24, at 1030 a. m. , Scott Sutton, a childrens writer, will tell stor

52、ies to kids over seven. Sutton s attractive style will surely inspire everyone present !At 200 p. m. , on March 25, a lecture will be delivered in Room 201, which focuses on the development of writing skill. Famous tutors from the district won t disappoint you.At 100 p. m. ,on March 26, the Georgeto

53、wn Musicians will present an Irish Folk Concert, which will be entertaining for the entire family. Come for the music and stay to check out some relevant books for the rest of the week!On Thursday, March 27, at 200 p. m. , the annual Children s Gathering will take place in Room 201, the second floor

54、. Pick up an invitation in the Children s Room and return your RSVP (回复)to reserve your seat at the table by 300 p. m. on Tuesday, March 25. Only children are allowed in the Gathering.At 1030 am. on Friday, March 28, Enzo Monfre of the hit kids science show, ENZOology, will bring Fossils Live! Surel

55、y Enzo will take the audience back in time, deep beneath the surface of the earth, to uncover the mysteries of killer dinosaurs, and more. Enzo recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show come and see him at the library!Please note: In case of emergency, please call the Help Desk at 926 3736 and f

56、ollow the procedures outlined on the voice message. The calldown service is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergencies. The Help Desk supplies service to you all the year round! For questions about all these, please contact_hld_wnbl._corg.Come for the great Fun; Stay for the relevant Book

57、s!语篇解读本文是一则通知,属于应用文。文章主要介绍了寒假期间学校图书馆作息时间的变化及将要举行的一系列活动。1Tim wants to polish his writing, it is best for him to attend the related activity on_.A. MondayB. TuesdayC. Thursday D. Friday解析推理判断题。根据Coming Events中的第一、二两条信息判断,提高写作技能的活动是在March 25举行的,而由第一条信息可知March 24是星期一,所以选B。答案B2Which of the following descriptions about the annual Children s Gathering is true?A. Tickets are a must in order


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