Unit 4 Section B A hero27s aspiration 单词_第1页
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1、New wordsaspiration n.C, U a strong desire to have or achieve sth. 强烈愿望;志向;抱负The large gap between aspiration and reality eventually broke his spirit. 愿望与现实之间的巨大落差最终使他心灰意冷。barely ad.1 only with great difficulty or effort 勉强才能His voice was barely loud enough to be heard at the back of the theater. 他的

2、声音在剧院的后排只能勉强听见。I had barely finished my meal when the phone rang. 我刚吃完饭电话就响了起来。2 almost not 几乎不Afraid of darkness, Nina barely walks out of the house at night. 尼娜怕黑,晚上她几乎不出门。lane n. C1 one of the two or three parallel areas on a road which are divided by painted lines to keep traffic apart 车道Impatie

3、nt drivers try to change lanes, but still get stuck in the end. 不耐烦的司机们试着变换车道,但最终还是堵在了路上。2 a narrow road in the countryside (乡间的)小路The country lane twists and turns between small cottages. 乡间的小路在村舍之间蜿蜒盘绕。terror n.U a feeling of extreme fear 恐惧;惊恐After the plane crash, I tended to shake with terror w

4、henever I was about to fly in a plane. 那次飞机失事事件之后,每当我要坐飞机时都会恐惧得发抖。awful a.very bad or unpleasant 糟糕的;恶劣的;讨厌的Yesterday was an awful day for me when everything I did went wrong. 昨天对我来说真是糟糕的一天,我做什么事都出错。abolish vt.officially get rid of a law, system, practice, etc. 废止;废除;取消It was not until 1920 that the

5、y abolished all the unequal treaties. 直到1920年他们才废除了所有的不平等条约。image n.C a picture that you have in your mind, esp. about what sb. or sth. Is like or the way they look 印象;概念At 46, Burnett hardly fits most peoples image of an American college student. 46岁的伯内特不太符合大多数人心目中美国大学生的形象。slippery a.a slippery sur

6、face, object, etc. is difficult to hold, walk on, etc. because it is smooth, wet, or covered in sth. such as ice or oil 滑的;湿滑的The Eiffel Tower was closed to the public after a morning snowfall made it too slippery to climb. 早晨的一场雪导致埃菲尔铁塔因太滑、无法攀登而停止对公众开放。concrete n.U a substance used for building tha

7、t is made by mixing sand, small stones, cement, and water 混凝土a.definite and specific 具体的There is no concrete evidence to support the claim that the crisis is truly over. 没有具体的证据证明危机确实已经过去这一说法。primitive a.1 very simple in design (设计)简单的The washing facilities in the camp were very primitive. 露营地里的洗漱设施

8、很简陋。2 at a very simple stage of development, before modern technology 原始的The first animals on the earth were primitive marine animals. 地球上最早的动物是原始海洋动物。crystal n.C, U 水晶reflect v.if sth. reflects light, the light shines back off it 反射(光)The light of the house reflected on the smooth surface of the la

9、ke. 房里的灯光反射在平静的湖面上。vt.1 if a surface reflects sth., you can see the image of that thing on the surface 映射;反射The driver saw the police car reflected in his mirror. 司机看到了反射在汽车镜子里的警车。2 show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling 显示;反映His films reflected the hopes and fears of ordinary people

10、. 他的电影反映了普通人的希望和恐惧。lean vi.1 support yourself in a sloping position against a wall or other surface 倚;靠He likes to lean on the bridge, watching the boats go by. 他喜欢靠在桥上,看船只来来往往。2 move or bend your body in a particular direction 屈身;倾斜Dont lean out of the window when the bus is moving. 不要在公共汽车行驶时把身体探出

11、窗外。ignore vt.1 not consider sth. or not let it influence you 忽略;忽视;不顾The government ignored the peoples dissatisfaction with its economic policies. 政府对于人们对其经济政策的不满置若罔闻。2 pretend that you have not noticed sb. or sth. 装作没有注意到;无视Sam had completely ignored his friends comments, preferring his own theory

12、. 山姆完全不理睬朋友的评论,认为自己的说法更有道理。patrol n.1 C a group of people or vehicles that move around a place in order to prevent trouble or crime 巡逻队;巡查 队;巡逻车队The State Patrol identified the young man wounded in a motorcycle crash as James Renison. 州巡逻队确认在摩托车撞车事故中受伤的年轻人是詹姆斯雷尼森。2 C, U the movement of a patrol arou

13、nd a place 巡逻;巡查Should police be allowed to carry guns on the streets when theyre on patrol? 警察在街上巡逻时是否应该被允许佩戴枪支呢?v.move regularly around a place in order to prevent trouble or crime 巡逻;巡查Patrolling through the neighborhood, the policeman found two speeding cars. 那名警察在街区巡查时发现了两辆超速行驶的车辆。slam vt.1 put

14、, move, or hit sth. somewhere with great force 猛放;用力移;猛击My wife got so angry that she suddenly slammed the book down on the table. 我妻子很生气,突然把书重重地扔在桌子上。2 shut a door or lid with great force so that it makes a loud noise, often because you are angry 使劲关;把砰地关上Close the door carefully. Dont slam it. 轻轻关

15、门,别发出“砰”的响声。halt n.sing. a stop or pause 停止;暂停If we cannot solve the financial problem, the whole industry could come to a halt. 如果我们不能解决资金问题,整个产业将会停滞。yell v.(also out) shout or say sth. very loudly, esp. because you are frightened, angry, or excited (尤因恐惧、愤怒或激动而)叫喊,大嚷大叫People were running in all di

16、rections, yelling and shouting for help. 人们四处逃散,大声呼救。n.C a loud shout 叫喊There were shouts and yells from passengers who had not got onto the bus. 没上车的乘客大声叫喊着。backup n.1 C,U people or equipment that can be used when extra help is needed 后备人员;支援人员;备用设备I've got my mom as a backup in case the babysi

17、tter can't make it. 万一保姆来不了,我妈妈可以做后补。2 C a copy of information on your computer that you make in case you lose the information 备份To protect the data stored in your personal computer, it is important to take a backup of the files at frequent intervals. 为了保护你个人电脑里保存的数据,你需要不时地给文件做备份,这是非常重要的。swell v

18、.increase in amount or number (数量)逐渐增加;(使)增多,增大The population of London swelled, with young people coming from across the country. 随着全国各地的年轻人的到来,伦敦的人口越来越多。vi.become larger and rounder than normal, used esp. about parts of the body 肿;肿胀I had a toothache that made the side of my face swell up. 我牙疼得一边脸

19、都肿了。monster n.C an imaginary or ancient creature that is large, ugly, and frightening 妖怪;怪兽;怪物roar vi.make a deep, very loud noise 吼叫;呼啸The wind was roaring in my ears. 风在我的耳边咆哮。n.C a deep, loud noise made by an animal such as a lion, or by sb.s voice 吼叫声;咆哮声Our talk was completely drowned out by th

20、e roar of the machines. 我们的谈话完全被机器的轰鸣声淹没了。limb n. C1 a large branch of a tree 大树枝2 an arm or leg 肢;手臂;腿current n.C a continuous movement of water in a river, lake, or sea (河、湖或海的)水流,潮流A river may have such a slow current that you can barely notice it. 河里的水流可能会很慢,慢得你几乎难以察觉。a.(only before noun) happen

21、ing or existing now 现时的;当前的;现行的The university is planning to expand the number of students from its current size of 15,000 to over 20,000. 这所大学计划从目前15,000名学生的规模扩大到20,000多名。submerge vt.cover sth. completely with water or another liquid 使浸没;淹没She lost her consciousness after being submerged in an icy

22、river for minutes. 她在冰凉的河水里浸了几分钟后就失去了知觉。heave v.push, pull, or lift a heavy object using a lot of effort (用力)推,拉,提,举The box is so heavy that I need four strong men to heave it into the car. 箱子太重了,我需要四个强壮的男子把它抬进车里。vi.move up and down with very strong movements 强烈起伏When he heard the surprising news, h

23、is chest heaved and his mouth was widely open. 当他听到这个惊人的消息时,他的胸脯猛烈地起伏着,嘴巴张得很大。lord n.1 sing. (Lord) a title of God or Jesus Christ, used when praying 主(祷告时对上帝或耶稣的称呼)2 C (also Lord) a man who has a high rank in the British aristocracy(英国的)(男性)贵族lower a.below another thing of the same kind 较低的;较下的High

24、 heels can cause lower back pain because the heels cause your body to lean forward, putting too much pressure on the back. 高跟鞋会导致腰背部的疼痛,因为穿高跟鞋迫使你身体前倾,从而给背部造成过大的压力。v.reduce sth. in amount, degree, strength, etc., or become less 减少;降低The price is her minimum; she refuses to lower it any more. 这个价格是她的底

25、价,她拒绝再降价。collapse vi.1 suddenly fall down or become unconscious because you are ill or weak (因病或虚弱)突然倒下,昏倒She arrived at home exhausted and barely capable of taking a shower before collapsing on her bed. 她回到家时精疲力竭,勉强洗了个澡,然后就倒在了床上。2 if a building, wall, etc. collapses, it falls down suddenly, usu. be

26、cause it is weak or damaged 倒塌;坍塌Last night, the roof of the old house collapsed under the weight of the snow. 昨天夜里,老房子的屋顶承受不住积雪的重量而坍塌了。badge n.C a small piece of metal or plastic that you carry to show people that you work for a particular organization 徽章;证章;徽牌identify vt.1 be a sign that shows who

27、 or what sb. is 是的标志;显示出Jacks red and gold jacket identified him as a steward. 杰克那金红相间的上衣显示他是名乘务员。2 recognize sb. and be able to say who they are 辨认,确认(某人)The policemen said they used a number of methods to identify that clerk as a spy. 警方说他们用了几种方法证实那名职员是个间谍。A suspected man may deny a charge, but hi

28、s fingerprints can identify him. 嫌疑人有可能否认指控,但可以通过他的指纹识别他。3 recognize sth. and understand exactly what it is 确认,识别(某物)Face your problems as soon as you identify them because avoiding them will not help. 当你一旦确定了问题就要去面对它们,因为逃避是没用的。betray vt.1 show feelings that you are trying to hide 流露(想掩饰的情感)His comm

29、ents betrayed a lack of understanding. 他的评论表明他缺乏理解。2 be disloyal to sb. who trusts you, so that they are harmed or upset 背叛(信任你的人);对不忠;出卖He was accused of betraying his country during the war. 他被指控在战争期间背叛了祖国。crack v.break or make sth. break, either so that it gets lines on its surface, or so that it

30、 breaks into pieces (使)裂开;(使)破裂One of the joints in the pipe cracked and gas was escaping. 管子的一个接口裂开了,煤气泄漏了出来。n.C a very narrow space between two things or two parts of sth. 裂缝;缝隙A stone hit the rear window of his car and made a crack. 一块石头打在他的汽车后窗上,砸出了一条裂缝。moan v.1 make a long low sound because of

31、pain, sadness, or pleasure 呻吟;呜咽The sick child moaned a little, and then fell asleep. 病中的孩子呻吟了一会儿,然后睡着了。2 complain about sth. in an annoying way 抱怨Hes always moaning that we use too much electricity. 他总是抱怨我们用电太多。grab vt.take hold of sb. or sth. with a sudden or violent movement 攫取;抓住When I saw Tom c

32、oming toward us, I grabbed Janes hand and ran. 当我看见汤姆向我们走来时,我抓起简的手就跑。slender a.thin in an attractive or graceful way 修长的;苗条的;纤细的She wore a long evening gown emphasizing her slender figure. 她穿着一件长的晚礼服,更显得她身材修长。streak vi.move very quickly 快速移动The cat streaked across the road with a dog behind it. 那只猫飞

33、快地穿过马路,后面跟着一条狗。stiff a.if you are stiff or a part of your body is stiff, you feel pain in your muscles and cannot move easily (肌肉)疼痛的,僵硬的,不灵活的Sitting still before a computer all day can give you a stiff neck. 一整天坐在电脑前一动不动会使你的脖子僵硬。heal v.1 become mentally or emotionally strong again after a bad exper

34、ience, or help sb. to do this (在精神或感情上)(使)复原;(使)坚强起来Time can heal all your sorrows. 时间能治愈你所有的悲伤。2 become healthy again, or make sth. healthy again (使)康复,复原His wounds refused to heal for lack of medicine. 他的伤口因缺乏药物而无法愈合。The soup will help to heal the broken bone. 这种汤有助于断骨愈合。acute a.1 very serious or

35、severe 严重的Sometimes the more acute the illness, the easier it is for a doctor to diagnose it. 有时病症越严重,医生就越容易作出诊断。2 used for describing the senses and abilities of sb. who notices things very quickly and easily 灵敏的;敏锐的It s well known that dogs have an acute sense of smell. 众所周知,狗有灵敏的嗅觉。nightmare n.C

36、a very frightening dream 噩梦;梦魇 The boy has had nightmares ever since he lost his mother in an accident. 那个男孩自从妈妈在事故中丧生后一直噩梦连连。What a nightmare it is to live on a lonely island for ten years! 在孤岛上生活十年,这是怎样的一场噩梦啊!Phrases and expressionslive in terror of sb./sth. be very afraid of sb. or sth. all the t

37、ime 一直很害怕某人/某物Everyone for miles around lived in terror of the gang of robbers. 方圆几英里的人们都很害怕这伙强盗。a string of a number of similar things or events coming one after another 一连串,一系列(事件等)The team had a string of 13 wins last season. 上个赛季,该队连赢了13场。turn off (infml.) stop listening to or thinking about sb.

38、 or sth. 不再听;不再想I couldnt understand the lecture of this professor, so I just turned off. 我听不懂这位教授的讲座,所以也就不听了。lean on depend on sb. for support and encouragement, esp. at a difficult time 依靠;依赖They leaned on the dictionary as the authority that answered their questions. 他们依赖词典,把它当作解答问题的权威。beat sb. t

39、o it (infml.) do sth. before sb. else 抢在某人之前做When I went to take the keys I found that someone had beaten me to it. 当我去拿钥匙时,我发现有人抢先拿走了。pull over drive to the side of the road and stop your car, or make sb. else do this (使)(车辆或司机)停靠在路边The policeman signaled him to pull over and gave him a speeding ti

40、cket. 那名警察示意他靠路边停车,并给他一张超速罚款单。I was told to pull my car over because it was in the way. 有人让我把车停靠在路边,因为我的车挡着道了。slip off/down move smoothly, esp. off or from sth. 滑落;脱落One of the silk straps on her dress has slipped off her shoulder. 她裙子上的一根丝带从肩上滑落下来。bring sth. to a halt make sth. stop moving 使停止;使停住;使暂停Production was brought to a halt by a strike. 生产因罢工而被迫暂停。cut through move or pass eas


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