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1、第22课时Unit 6九年级上册自 学 反 馈重 点 突 破第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自 学 反 馈类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1. come v. _ (adj.)2. lively adj. _ (adv.) 现场直播现场直播3. Asia n. _ (adj.) 4. murder v. _ (n.) 凶手凶手5. direct v. _ (n.)6wealth n. _ (adj.) Asianlivemurderercoming自学反馈重点突破directorwealthy 短语短语归纳归纳1. 对某事厌烦对某事厌烦 _2. 整天待在家里整天待在家里 _3

2、. 需要小憩一会需要小憩一会 _4更多地了解关于更多地了解关于 _5. 赢得大奖赢得大奖 _6的数量的数量 _7. 最新的信息最新的信息 _8许多,大量许多,大量 _9. 即将来临的世界杯即将来临的世界杯 _stay at home all dayneed a little sleeplearn a lot about win a big prizethe number ofuptodate informationa number ofthe coming World Cupget/be bored with sth 第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破短语短语归纳归纳1010被

3、现场报道被现场报道 _11. 11. 在网上为在网上为投票投票 _1212短信短信 _13. 13. 两张免费的音乐会票两张免费的音乐会票 _1414充满充满 _1515找到答案找到答案 _1616容易受到惊吓容易受到惊吓 _1717近距离地看一看近距离地看一看 _1818因因获奖获奖 _be covered livevote online fortext messagestwo free concert ticketsbe full offind out the answerget scared easilytake a close look win an award for第22课时Uni

4、t 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破短语短语归纳归纳19. 19. 浪费时间浪费时间 _2020由某人导演的一部恐怖片由某人导演的一部恐怖片 _21. 21. 被发现已经死了被发现已经死了 _2222从从出来出来 _23. 23. 报警报警 _2424三个穿警服的人三个穿警服的人 _a waste of timea horror film directed by sbbe found deadcome out ofcall the policethree men in police uniforms 第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破句型句型再现再现1.一周体育新闻摘要及最新消息

5、。一周体育新闻摘要及最新消息。 _ what is happening in sport,_. 2. 你整天待在家里不感到厌烦吗你整天待在家里不感到厌烦吗? Arent you _ at home all day?3. 如果你和我一样忙,你就不会感到厌烦了如果你和我一样忙,你就不会感到厌烦了。 If youre _ I am, you wont get bored.A weekly roundup ofgetting bored with stayingas busy aswith uptodate information第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破句型句型再现再现4.

6、在这些节目中,总有知名人士谈论他们的生活在这些节目中,总有知名人士谈论他们的生活。 _ always famous people on these shows _5. 有很多对著名运动员的访谈节目有很多对著名运动员的访谈节目。 _ with famous players.6. 在这部影片中,一名富有的医生被发现死在家里在这部影片中,一名富有的医生被发现死在家里。 In the film, _ in his house. There areThere are a number of interviewsa wealthy doctor is found deadalking about thei

7、r lives第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破句型句型再现再现7. 直到最后你才会找到答案直到最后你才会找到答案。 You _ the very end.8. 在你看完这个节目之后,你将会意识到这些老虎面临在你看完这个节目之后,你将会意识到这些老虎面临着多大危险着多大危险。 After you watch this programme, you will _9. 本年度北京音乐颁奖典礼将在本周六现场直播本年度北京音乐颁奖典礼将在本周六现场直播。 This years Beijing Music Awards _ this Saturday.will not find out

8、the answer untilrealize how much danger these tigers facewill be covered live第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破句型句型再现再现10. 大约大约30万歌迷已经在网上投票选出了他们最喜欢的歌万歌迷已经在网上投票选出了他们最喜欢的歌曲、歌星和音乐电视曲、歌星和音乐电视 About 300, 000 fans _ their favourite songs, singers and music videos 11.观虎因其令人惊奇的摄影而获奖。观虎因其令人惊奇的摄影而获奖。 Tiger Watch_photo

9、graphy.12. 看电视广告只是浪费时间看电视广告只是浪费时间。 Watching TV ads _.have voted online forwon an award for its amazingis just a waste of time第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破语法语法结构结构1.if1.if引导的条件状语从句。引导的条件状语从句。 详见详见P119P119,语法互动,语法互动( (十四十四)2. unless2. unless引导的条件状语从句。引导的条件状语从句。 详见详见P119P119,语法互动,语法互动( (十四十四)第22课时Unit 6 九年

10、级上册自学反馈重点突破词 汇 点 睛1 cover vt. 报道,电视报道;涉及;覆盖The reporters are sent to cover the fire in the factory.那些记者们都被派出去报道这家工厂的大火情况了。His speech covered some differences between Eastern culture and Western culture.他的演说涉及了东西方文化的差异。The table is covered with a nice cloth.桌上盖着一块漂亮的桌布。重 点 突 破第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突

11、破拓展 cover n. 盖子,套子,覆盖物;(书等的)封面、封皮;隐藏物,躲避处The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉了。第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破 2 director n. 导演 点拨 director由“direct(v.)or”构成。类似结构的单词还有:actor(演员), visitor(参观者), inventor(发明者), collector(收藏家)等。拓展 (1)direct作动词,意为“导演;指导”。 Who directed that film?那部电影是谁导演的?

12、(2)direct作形容词,意为“直接的”。 He took a direct flight to New York.他乘坐直达航班到纽约。(3)directly作副词,意为“直接地”。 She has never talked about Tom directly.她从不直接谈论汤姆。 (4)direction作名词,意为“方向”。 People ran in all directions when they heard the noise like thunder. 当人们听到像雷一样的声音时,他们到处乱跑。第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破 3 waste n. 浪费 点

13、拨 a waste of意为“的浪费”。Its a waste of time for you to talk to him. 你和他谈话是白费时间。拓展 (1)waste作名词时,还可译为“废料,废弃物”,是不可数名词。 Much of these waste is harmful. 这些废弃物中大量是有害的。第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破拓展 (2)waste作动词,意为“浪费”。常用于以下结构:waste time (money) on/over/upon表示“在方面浪费时间(金钱)”;waste time (money) on sth/in doing sth表示“

14、浪费时间(金钱)做某事”。I dont think we need waste much time on this. 我想我们不必在这件事上浪费时间了。We wasted a whole afternoon in trying to repair the car. 我们浪费了整整一下午的时间试图把这辆汽车修理好。第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破 a number of和the number of (1)a number of意为“许多,大量”。“a number of 名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。Spring is coming. A number of flower

15、s begin to come out. 春天来了,花儿竞相开放。(2)the number of意为“的数量”。“the number of名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。The number of giant pandas is becoming smaller and smaller. 大熊猫的数量正变得越来越少。巧 辩 异 同第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破 1 A weekly roundup of what is happening in sport, with uptodate information. 一周体育新闻摘要及最新消息。点拨 (1)weekly

16、adj. 每周一次的,每周的;adv.每周一次地 Mr Wang is used to reading the weekly newspaper every Sunday morning.王先生习惯于每周日早上看周报。She calls her mother weekly. 她每周给妈妈打一次电话。句 型 透 视第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破(2)uptodate作形容词,意为“最新的”,同义词为latest和newest。 但uptodate和latest指“与时间有关的最新的”,而newest指“新旧程度”。 Amys digital camera is the upt

17、odate/latest in our class.埃米的数码相机是我们班最新的。拓展 表示时间单位的名词词尾加ly可变为形容词或副词,表示频率,如:daily 每日的,日常的;monthly每月一次的,月刊;yearly 年度地。第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破 2 About 300,000 fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos, and the results will be announced during the show.大约30万歌迷已经在网上投票选出

18、了他们最喜欢的歌曲、歌星和音乐电视,其结果将在节目中宣布。 点拨 (1)vote online for sthvote for sth online,意为“为某事在网上投票”。You can vote online for your favourite programme of the Spring Festival Gala Evening. 你可以为你最喜欢的春节联欢晚会节目网上投票。第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破(2)announce作动词,意为“宣布,发表”。 The news was announced by Radio Beijing. 这则消息由北京广播电台发

19、布了。John announced that he had found a new job. 约翰宣布他已经找到了一份新工作。拓展 announcement作名词,意为“通告,通知,布告”。The president will make an important announcement. 总统将要发表一项重要声明。第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. Is that singer from an _ (Asia) country?2. Some students in our class would like to be _ (direct)3

20、. He was the eldest son of a _ (wealth) family.4. Sadly, the little dog was found _ (die) nearby the river.5. Lucy writes a _ (week) email to her friend.Asian directorswealthy deadweekly 第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破.单项选择()1. The number of swimmers _ getting larger and larger. Look! A number of students

21、 _ swimming in this river. Ais; are Bare; is Cis; is Dare; are()2. Ill go hiking with my cousin tomorrow. But if it _, Ill stay at home and help my mother do some housework. Awill rain Bis raining Crains Ddoesnt rainBC第22课时Unit 6 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破()3. The result _ the match _in a week. Aof; will announce Bof; will be announced Cfor; was announced Dfor; announced()4. The _ action film has attracted milli


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