已阅读5页,还剩21页未读 继续免费阅读




1、商品混凝土生产合同 (中英文)商品混凝土生产合同CONTRACT OF COMMERCIAL CONCRETE PRODUCTION本合同系中译英翻译:张云军Translated from Chinese to Englishby Mr. Chang Yunejune.签署日期:Date of Sig nature甲方(发包人): Party A ( Employer )乙方(承包人): Party B (Contractor )双方就赞比亚 3000T/D 熟料水泥生产线工程建设基地所需的混凝土搅拌、混凝 土供应等建设施工事项协商一致,订立本协议。Parties hereto have ma

2、de mutual agreement on the construction project of concrete mixing and supply, which are necessary for Zambia 3000T / D cement clinker production line construction, hereby conclude and enter into this Agreement.、工程概况 Project Review工程名称:赞比亚 3000t/d 水泥生产线建设工程Project Name : Zambia 3000T / D cement clin

3、ker production line construction工程地点: Project Place: NDOLA, ZAMBIA 工程内容:混凝土搅拌与供应Project Contents: Concrete Mixing andSupply二、工程承包范围 Contracted Works承包范围:赞比亚 3000t/d 水泥生产线建设工程商品混凝土搅拌 (含维护保养) 及试验,汽车泵泵送。Contracted Scope: Concrete mixing ( including maintenance and care ), motor pump of 3000t/d producti

4、on line of commercial concrete, Zambia三、暂估工程量 Valuation of Quantity3.1 供应规模与数量: 混凝土总的需求量约为 10 万立方米,每立方砼 5 美元或 等值人民币,最终以双方确认的供应料单为最终结算量。该单价不因任何原因 进行调整。Supply Size and Quantity: Total demand of concrete is approximately 100,000 cubic meters, on which the price is 5 (FIVE) US Dollar or equivalent value

5、 sum of RMB for one (1) cubic meter. However, final settlement shall be made against Supply Statement which confirmed by parties hereto, and no adjustment of unit price shall be made for any event.四、乙方施工内容 Items of Party B 's Execution4.1 乙方负责在赞比亚现场范围内混凝土搅拌站搅拌、汽车泵泵送、试验,以 及对搅拌站、 汽车泵、地泵的维修和保养等一系列与

6、混凝土搅拌站有关的工作Party B should responsible for a series of projects in respecting toMixing Station including, within Zambia's on-site zone, concrete mixing in Station, motor pump, test and inspection, in addition to the repair / maintenance of Station, motor pump and pump.五、水电供应 Supply of Water and E

7、lectricity5.1 甲方负责免费提供现场搅拌站的生产用水;Party A will furnish water used for production free of charge in Mixing Stati on on site.5.2 甲方负责提供满足现场搅拌需求的电力供应,乙方负责从发电机组至搅拌 站区域的电路敷设和连接,所需电缆、配电箱由甲方提供。Party A is liable for supply of electricity which is satisfy to demand of site mixing, and party B is liable for la

8、ying and connecting of the circuit from dynamotors to Mixing zone, for which the required cables, distribution boxes shall be provided by party A.六、材料供应 Materials Supply6.1 甲方负责提供混凝土搅拌设备、运输设备、泵送设备、试验设备以及相关 的备品备件。Party A is responsible for providing concrete mixing equipment, transportation equipment

9、, pumping equipment, testing equipment and spare parts therewith.6.2 甲方负责提供混凝土搅拌所需的一切原材料,包括满足混凝土质量要求的 一切添加剂的供应。Party A is responsible for providing all necessary materials for concrete mixing, including all additives which in conform to satisfaction of concrete quality 's requirements.6.3 乙方应对甲方

10、提供材料进行妥善保管合理使用。如因乙方原因导致的甲方 供应设备、材料不合理的损坏或者丢失,则乙方照价赔偿。Party B should made proper safekeeping and reasonable use of the materials which are supplied by party A, Provided that if any material or equipment, provided by party A, are unreasonable damaged or lost due to party B 's liability, party B sh

11、ould make compensation on the price thereof.七、合同价格 Contract Price 本合同为固定综合单价合同,固定综合单价在合同期内不因人工工资上涨、工 程量增减、施工周期长短、工程所在国市场价格的变化而调整。本合同暂估金额: 300 万美元 (大写:叁佰万元美元 )The cost hereof is on fixed comprehensive unit price which shall not be made any adjustment due to labor wages rising, added or less quantity,

12、 extension or shortening of period and market price change in the country in which project locate.The valuated amount hereof is USDollar 3,000,000 (Words: Three Hundred Million US Dollars ONLY)八、甲方的权利和义务 Party A 's Rights and Liability8.1 合同履行期间, 由于乙方供应能力不足或供应的混凝土的质量不符合要求, 给甲方造成损失或影响工程的施工进度, 经要求

13、整改而仍不能满足协议要求时, 甲方有权终止本合同,并依据合同向乙方追索经济赔偿。Wheredeficiency of party B's supply or the quality of supplied concrete unable satisfy the requirement, in the period of performance of contract, and bring bout loss to party A or effect the project progress, which still can not satisfy the requirement by

14、and through making good or correction, party A is entitle to terminate this contract and claim party B to make compensation for economic loss consequent thereon or incidental thereto.8.2 甲方负责与设备厂家的沟通联系。负责搅拌设备的安装调试。Party A is responsible for communication and contact with equipment manufacturers in a

15、ddition to the installation and commissioning of mixing equipments.8.3 甲方指定搅拌站建站场地,场内运输道路由甲方负责修整The ground in which mixing station to be built is designated by partyA and building of road for transporting in site shall be party A' sliability.8.4 甲方在协商约定的时间内向乙方提供混凝土的需求计划,计划的时间、内 容及格式由甲乙双方现场确定。乙方确

16、保按期供应混凝土。甲方有权调取搅拌 站的生产原始记录和报表。The plan of concrete demandshould, within the agreed time by negotiation, be provided by party A to party B, and the time, contents and format of plan should be confirmed on site by parties hereto. Party B ensure to supply concrete on schedule. Party A is entitle to obt

17、aining original record of production and statements in Mixing Station.8.5 甲方应及时提供按照合同规定应由甲方提供的设备、机具和材料。Party A should provide in time the equipments, machinery and materials which be provided by party A as per the stipulations of contract.8.6 甲方负责办理乙方出国人员的签证、当地国劳工证、居住证等境外应办的 一切相关证件并承担由此发生的费用。Party A

18、 should be responsible for processing of all relevant certificate or permission of party B's going -abroad personnel, which are necessary in abroad including visa, local labor permission and residence permission and so on.九乙方的权利和义务 Party B 's Rights and Liability9.1 乙方向甲方供应工程所需的合格混凝土,混凝土配合比须

19、由业主、甲方、 乙方和第三方经过试验最终确认合格后方可投入生产,配合比参数乙方不得随 意更改。Mix design of qualified concrete, being supplied by party B to party A for project necessary should be finally confirmed as qualification through joint test of party A, B and the third party before used into production. The parameters of mix design shal

20、l not be altered by party B at its initiative.9.2 乙方承担甲方所有采购材料的仓储及保管。Party B should be liable for storage and safekeeping of all purchased material by party A.9.3 乙方供应的混凝土质量必须符合国家标准、规范要求及甲方与业主签订的 总包合同的相关要求。如果甲方提供原材料如不合格,乙方有权拒绝使用。乙 方按时向甲方提交混凝土试验报告及业主批准的合格证书。Concrete quality of party B's provision

21、 should satisfy State'sstandards, criterions and relevant requirements of EPC contract which being concluded between party A and employer. Provided that if the raw materials which provided by party A is unqualified, party B is entitle to refuse to use into production. Party B should submit party

22、 A with Test Report of Concrete and Qualification Certificate as approved by employer.9.4 现场构件混凝土的试块的取样和检验由乙方负责完成。因乙方试块制作、 养护原因检验不合格,导致业主对混凝土构件进行回弹试验,经再次检验结果 合格增加的试验费用均由乙方承担。现场混凝土的所有检测、试验均由乙方完 成,产生的所有费用均已计入混凝土综合单价中。Sampling and inspection of test block on site should be accomplished by party B. Prov

23、ided that if failure of qualification due to the reason of party B's making, curing, which result in rebound test of concrete made by party A, the added expense for passing re-text shall be born by party B. All inspections and experiments of concrete on site should be accomplished by party B, an

24、d all cost and expense arising therefrom have been incorporated into the comprehensive unite price of concrete production.9.5 乙方必须选派有丰富现场管理经验的项目经理驻守工地,负责现场的管理 和协调工作。乙方必须保证熟练技术人员的数量和技术素质,以及现场施工所 需的、施工经验丰富的汽车砼泵车操作人员、搅拌站操作人员以及相关维修保 养人员。Party B should dispatch the project manager having enough experienc

25、e of on-site management to be resident on site for responsibility of management and coordination. Party B should ensure the number and technical capacity of competent technician and operators of motor pump, mixing station and relevant maintenance personnel, which are necessary on-site execution and

26、with enough project experience.9.6 乙方保证搅拌站厂区的清洁卫生符合当地环境卫生管理的有关规定。遵守 甲方和业主的管理规定,按标准化施工现场要求文明施工。Party B should ensure the clean and sanitation within Working zone in conformity with the relevant rules of local environment sanitation and abide by the management regulations of party A and employer, carr

27、y out orderly execution as per the requirement of standardized working site.9.7 乙方投入人员计划及费用见附件一表格。Plan and cost of party B's personnel make reference to the form ofAppendix 1.十、工程预付款:无 Advanced Payment: none一、工程量确认 Confirmation of Quantity混凝土量的计算按照甲、乙及土建分包商三方确认签字的实际供应单证以及设 计变更及有效签证量计算。供应单证上须有浇注时

28、间、混凝土规格、数量、浇 注部位、添加剂参数等相关信息。Calculation of concrete amount shall be subject to the bills of actual supply which are confirmed in writing by the three parties of party A, party B and subcontractor of earth project in addition to the valid confirmed quantity. The Bill of Supply should indicate the rel

29、evant information of pouring time, specifications and quantity of concrete, pouring location and additives parameters and so on.十二、工程款(进度款)支付 Paymentof Project Cost ( Progress Payment )12.1 每月 5 日之前由乙方向甲方提交上月混凝土浇注工程量表, 供甲方进行审 核。审核无误后甲方支付乙方经审核工程款的 90%。Party B should prior to 5th of every month submit

30、 party A with last month's Bill of Quantity of concrete pouring for party A's review. Party A should on and after due verification of Bill of Quantity, effect payment of 90% of project cost which have been reviewed by party A.12.2 土建工程全部结束, 经甲方、业主验收合格,甲方支付乙方工程款至 95%, 其余 5%作为工程质保金。质保期为土建工程验收合

31、格后一年。Party A should, after total accomplishment of earth works and acceptance by party A and employer, effect payment till the mount of 95%of project cost and remaining 5%shall be retained as quality guarantee moneywhich shall be refund to party B after one year as of acceptance of earth works.十三、其它

32、事项 Miscellaneous13.1 乙方应当认真做好混凝土的配合比设计及生产配合比设计,各种原材料含 量要求必须满足甲方及业主要求。Party B should earnestly prepare mix design of concrete and production, The contents of various materials should satisfy the requirements of party A and employer.13.2 操作人员具有上岗相应的上岗证书。The operators have the Certification of Post cor

33、responding to its work.13.3 搅拌站现场保持干净整洁, 物料堆放整齐, 混凝土汽车泵应注意清洁保养。 每次混凝土浇注完成后,乙方负责将汽车泵清洗干净。Mixing station site should be kept clean, stacked materials in order, motor pumpbeing carefully cleaned and maintained. Party B should, after every finishing concrete pouring, is liable to wash and clean motor pu

34、mp.13.4 合同未声明事项及双方违约责任,一律按中华人民共和国合同法的规 定执行。Settlement of any outstanding issues and defaulting liability of parties hereto shall be subject to the provisions of CONTRACT LAW OF PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC OF CHINA.十四、争议解决 Dispute Settlement若因本合同发生任何争议,双方将尽其最大努力通过友好协商解决。若协商不 成,任何一方可将争端提交至中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会,按

35、照申 请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有 约束力。In the case of any dispute, parties hereto will use their best efforts to solve all differences amicably by negotiation. If no settlement can be reached by negotiationeither Party may submit such dispute to ChinaInternational Economic and Trade Arbitration C

36、ommission Shanghai Sub-commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules then in effect. The arbitration award will be final and binding upon both parties.十五、合同签署 Execution本合同双方约定合同双方盖章、签字后合同生效。本合同正本贰份,副本伍份。合同正本双方各执壹份,副本甲方执叁份,乙方执贰份。当正本与副本的内容不一致时,以正本为准。This contract shall come into

37、force and effective upon stamping and signatures thereon by parties hereto.Two copies of original contract and five copies of counterpart thereof.Each party hold one original copy of contract, three counterparts for party A and two counterparts for party B. In case of inconsistency ordifference betw

38、een original contract and counterpart thereof, the original shall be prevail.十六、 附录 Appendix混凝土工程技术要求 Technical Requirements of Concrete甲方: Party A乙方: Party B法定代表人: Legal Representative 法定代表人: Legal Representative附录:混凝土工程技术要求Appendix: Technical Requirements for ConcreteContents 目 录1 General Requirem

39、ents一般要求2 Material 材料3 Concrete Mix 混凝土配合比1.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:要求1.1.1. Concrete shall be batched only with approved materials, approved mix designs, and at approved facilities.只能使用批准的材料、 批准的配合比设计和在批准的设施内对混凝土进行配料1.1.2. The Contractor shall define the method of design of the mix, by reference to

40、 a recognised published design method.承包商应通过参考认可的设计方法确定配合比设计。1.1.3. Plant trials shall be carried out for each grade and type of concrete in the contract, 你 unless approved otherwise by the Engineer.除非监理工程师另有批准,应对每种标号和种类的混凝土进行工厂试验。1.1.4. Aggregate proportions shall be based on measured and not assum

41、ed relative densities. 集料的比例应根据测量的而非假设的相对密度。1.1.5. If requested by the Engineer, concrete mix designs which include an admixture shall be prepared and tested如果监理工程师要求,应准备和检验含外加剂的混凝土配合比设计。1.1.6. Results of the trial mixes must demonstrate that the mix complies with the strength, workability and durab

42、ility requirements of specification.试验配合比的结果必须证明所采用的配合比符合规范的强度、和易性和耐久性 要求。1.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE 量保证1.2.1. Reference Codes and Standards. Concrete work shall conform in general to the requirements of BS 8110 and BS 5328. 参考规范和标准混 凝土工程一般应符合英国 BS8110和BS5328的要求。1.2.2. The following codes and standards

43、referenced herein but not dated shall be those of the latest edition on the date of the Purchase Order contract.以下引用的但未标注日期的规范和标准应当是定购合同之日的最新版本的规范 和标准。1. BS 12 -Portland cement 硅酸盐水泥(英国标准)2. BS 812 -Testing aggregates检验集料 (英国标准)3. BS 882 -Aggregates from natural sources for concrete 混凝土的天 然集料(英国标准)4

44、. BS 1881 -Methods of testing concrete 混凝土的检验方法(英国标准)5. BS 3148 -Water for making concrete (including notes on the suitability of the water)混凝土用水(包括关于水的合适性的注释)(英国标准)6. BS 4027 -Sulphate-resisting portland cement抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥(英国标准)7. BS 4408 -Recommendations for non-destructive methods of test for concre

45、te对混凝土非破坏性检验方法的建议(英国标准)8. BS 4550 -Methods of testing cement水泥检验的方法(英国标准)9. BS 5075 -Concrete admixtures混凝土外加剂(英国标准)10. BS 5328 Part 1 -Guide to specifying concrete混凝土说明指南(英国标准)11. BS 5328 Part 2 -Methods for specifying concrete mixers 说明混凝土搅拌机的方法(英国标准)12. BS 5328 Part 3 -Specification for the proce

46、dures to be used in producing and transporting concrete对在生产和运输混凝土中使用的程序的说明(英国标准)13. BS 5328 Part 4 -Specification for the procedures to be used in sampling, testing and assessing compliance of concrete对在取样、 检验和评价混凝土的符合性时使用的程序的说明(英国标准)14. BS 6089 -Assessment of concrete strength in existing structure

47、s对既有结构物的混凝土强度的评价(英国标准)15. BS 6100 -Glossery of building and civil engineering terms 建筑和土木工程术语词汇汇总表(英国标准)16. BS 6699 -Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag磨细矿渣水泥(英国标准)17. BS 8110 -Structural use of concrete 混凝土的结构用途(英国规范)1.2.3 Quality Control: Do not begin concrete production until all mix designs have

48、 been reviewed and certified by the Engineer'sRepresentative.质量控制:只有当工程师代表审查和批准了所有的配合比设计时,才能开始混 凝土的生产。1.2.4 Workmanship: The Contractor is responsible for correction of concrete work which does not conform to the specified requirements including strength, tolerances and finishes.工艺: 承包商应负责纠正不符合规

49、定要求,包括强度、公差和表面光洁度的混 凝土工作。1.2.5 Should cubes testing indicate unacceptable concrete, coring,load testing or removal and replacement of the concrete may be required to the client.如果砼试块试验显示混凝土不合格,可能需要进行提取芯样、荷载试验或清除 并替换混凝土。1.2.6 Concrete may be subject to settlement. It should be noted that top of concr

50、ete elevations should reflect final installation elevations after any settlement.混凝土可能会沉降。应注意到,混凝土的顶部标高应当反映所有沉降后的最终 安装标高。1.3 Concrete Testing Services:混凝土的检验设施1.3.1. The Contractor shall set a Testing Laboratory approved by theEngineer 's Representative to perform the testing of the concrete dur

51、ing the progress of the work. It should have the capacity to perform material evaluation tests, to design concrete mixes, and to perform strength tests associated with form removal.承包商应设置一个实验室。 该实验室应获得监理工程师代表的批准, 承担工程 进展过程中的对混凝土的检验 . 并具备材料的评估试验,设计混凝土配合比和 涉及模板拆除有关的强度检验的能力。2. MATERIALS 原材料2.1. Recent

52、independent test results acceptable to the Engineerconfirming compliance with the specified requirements and referenced standards.工程中所使用材料应具备符合相关规范和相应标准的合格证,并得到监理工程 师的认可。2.2. Cement 水泥2.2.1. nufacturer's certificates shall also be supplied with each consignment of cement certifying compliance wi

53、th the relevant standard. Deliver by bulk or in the original sealed containers or bags, bearing the manufacturer's name, cement type and date of manufacture, in batches not exceeding 100 tonnes.对于每次交货的水泥应配有产品合格证书,证明产品符合有关标准。散装或者 使用密封容器或袋装分批提供水泥,每批不超过 100 吨,水泥外包装上注明厂 家名称、水泥品种和生产日期。2.2.2. Provide

54、cement samples from each consignment delivered to the site as required by the Engineer for testing.按照监理工程师的要求对进场的每批货提供水泥样品,用于检验。2.2.3. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) shall conform to BS 12 or ASTM C150 Type I.普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC应符合BS12第1类。Unless noted otherwise, MSRC shall be utilized for grade C25 concrete

55、.Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement(MSRC)shall conform to BS4027 Type II除非另有说明, C25 混凝土应使用中等抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥。中等抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥(MSRC应符合BS4027类型II2.3. GGBS磨细矿渣2.3.1. Manufacturer's certificates with all information necessary to verify compliance with BS 6699 shall also be supplied with each consignment of GGBS

56、.对于每次交货的磨细矿渣水泥应配有含有所有必要资料的产品合格证书,证明 产品符合英国标准 6699。2.3.2. As requested by the Engineer for independent testing. 依照监理工程师的请求进行独立检验。2.3.3. GGBS shall comply with BS 6699, in addition to the following requirements, unless other wise approved by the Engineer.除非监理工程师另有批准,磨细矿渣应符合 BS6699以及以下要求。1) . Raw mater

57、ial (slag) is limited to one source. Slag supplied or blended from several different plants or steel mills will not be accepted unless approved by the engineer.天然材料 (矿渣)限于一种来源。除非监理工程师批准,不能接受由几个不同 工厂或钢铁厂提 供的或拌合的矿渣。2) . GGBSshall be supplied to the concrete batching plant in bulk powder form.磨细矿渣应以散装粉

58、末方式提供给混凝土搅拌站。不得使用中等磨细矿渣不得使用预混合矿渣水3) . Interground slag cements shall not be used. 水泥。4) . Preblended slag cements shall not be used. 泥。2.4. Microsilica 硅粉2.4.1. Manufacturer's certificates with all information necessary to verify compliance to an Internationally recognised standard shall also be supplied with each consignment with Microsilica.对于每次交货的硅粉,应配有含有所有必要资料的产品合格证书, 证明产品符合国际认可的标准。2.4.2. Microsilica shall comply with an internationally recognized standard, in addition to the following requirements, unless otherwise approv


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