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1、第四集桑德拉*世界需要爱*What the world needs now*甜蜜的爱*Is love, sweet love*世上真爱*Its the only thing*寥寥无几*That theres just too little of*世界需要爱*What the world needs now*甜蜜的爱*Is love, sweet love*真爱不独享*No, not just for some*搞不明白她怎么要这么多衣服I dont see why she needs all this gear.大卫 她是个女孩子Oh, David! Shes a girl.需要很多东西She

2、 needs a lot of stuff.这地方不错Its a lovely place.干净 光线充足Clean and light.你在这儿会很开心的I think youll be very happy here.-是的 -希望是吧- Yeah. - Hopefully, anyway.你过生日的时候一定要回家Try and make it home for your birthday, please.好 你会好好保重吧OK. Are you going to be OK?我没事Yes, Ill be fine.我只是担心你I just worry about you.发邮件给我 好吗

3、And email, wont you?经常查邮件Check your emails!-我会的 -好- Yeah, I will. - Yeah, yeah.走吧Go on.-不能让大卫等久了 是吧 -是的- Dont want to leave Dad waiting, do we? - No.我也爱你I love you too!拜拜Bye!你没事吧You all right?没事Yeah.挂了 有人打电话过来Ive got to go, Ive got someone else on the line.待会儿再跟你讲Ill speak to you later.诺比 怎么样了Nobby,

4、 hows it going?给独眼西蒙打个电话 好吗Give one-eyed Simon a call, yeah?他会帮我们搞定的Hell come and do it for us.好吧 那我打给他Well, Ill ring him then, all right?好 老兄 谢了OK, mate, ta.*你能否躺在她身旁*Can you lie next to her*献出你的身体*And give her your heart, your heart*也献出你的心*As well as your body?*你能否躺在她身旁*And can you lie next to her

5、*承认你的愚蠢*And confess your love, your love*也承认你的爱*As well as your folly?*你能否跪在国王面前*And can you kneel before the king*宣布你的清白*And say Im clean, Im clean?*告诉我 全心爱你*But tell me now, where was my fault*岂能算是错*In loving you with my whole heart?*大卫David?怎么了 桑德拉Yes? Sandra?我在想Ive been thinking.我们应该一起做点事I want

6、us to do something together.比如出去吃个饭I dont know, go for a meal?就我们俩Just the two of us.好Ok.这样吧 我去阿梅迪奇斯订个位Ill tell you what, why dont I book us a table at Al Medicis?-阿梅迪奇斯 -对- Al Medicis? - Yeah.我们老是去那里We used to go there all the time!-是啊 -那也很不错 大卫- Yeah. - Oh, that would be really lovely, David.-好 亲爱

7、的 -谢谢 谢谢- All right, darling. - Thank you, thank you.睡吧 桑德拉Try and get some sleep, Sandra.-你好 -你好- Hello. - Hello.东西不错You have nice things.谢谢Oh, thank you.所有的胸针都是复古款All the brooches are vintage.四五十年代的样式Forties, Fifties.你要想看我可以拿给你If you want to see anything I can open the cabinet.谢谢Yes, please.看看那个带花

8、的This, erm, with the flower.噢 好Oh, yeah.送给特别的人吗For somebody special?是的 我母亲Yes. My mother.噢 她生日吗Oh? Her birthday?不 我很久没见她了No, I havent seen her for a long time.-哦 -请问多少钱- Oh. - How much, please?这个15镑Er, thats 15.能替我留着吗Will you save it?我星期五带多点钱过来买I can come back on Friday with more money.可以 没问题的Yeah,

9、yeah, I think that will be fine.谢谢Thats very kind.好 星期五OK. Friday?-是的 -那好- Yes. - All right then, yeah.没问题Yeah, thats fine.我给你留着Ill keep it for you.非常感谢Thank you very much.你母亲住哪儿Where does your mum live?土耳其 土耳其东南部Turkey. South-east Turkey.-是吗 -库尔德斯坦- Oh? - Kurdistan.哦 好Oh, right.-星期五 -谢谢- Friday. -

10、Thank you.-拜拜 -拜拜- Bye-bye now. - Bye.大卫 我们订的七点半的位子David, the tables booked for 7.30.你准备好了吗Are you nearly ready?来了Yeah, coming.怎么了What?你不换件衣服吗Are you not going to get changed?没这必要Didnt realise I had to.好吧Right, OK.我开车还是你开车Am I driving? Are you driving?你开吧You can drive.行 走吧All right, come on then.工作怎

11、么样Hows work?-工作 -嗯- Work? - Yeah.挺好Yeah, its all right.这地方不错 是吧Its lovely, isnt it, here?菜怎么还没上Wish the food would hurry up.店里生意很不错Well, the shops doing really well.-是吗 -是的- Is it? - Yeah. Yeah.好Good.钟声Bells!出来挺不错的 是吧Its nice to be out, isnt it?我们好多年没出来吃饭了Havent done this for ages.是吧Have we?出来一下Goin

12、g out.一起到餐厅吃饭Its really lovely to be in a restaurant,感觉挺不错的having a meal together.嗯 我只希望菜能快点上Yeah, I just wish this bloody food would hurry up.怎么回事I mean, what is going on?大卫David?我们没以前那么好了 对吧Were not good, are we?我还好I.Im all right.还好其实并不是真的好 对吧Its not really good enough, though, is it, All right?不够

13、好Its.its not good enough.我们之间出现问题了Somethings wrong with our relationship有必要解决and we need to address it.你不觉得吗Dont you think?桑德拉 我们之间很好啊Sandra, everythings fine,你只是没事想得太多了youve just got too much time on your hands.你要全心全意照顾店子You need to throw yourself into the shop,这才是你该做的thats what you need to do.就像你对

14、工作的态度吗Like you do with your work?我认为这叫逃避现实I think its called burying your head in the sand.我想回家了I think Id like to go home.我们才刚坐下Weve just sat down.我只是想回去了I just think Id like to go home.天啊 桑德拉Oh, Christ, Sandra!是你想来的You wanted to come.我知道 但我实在不想待了I know, but I dont want to be here any more.-你好 -你好-

15、 Hello. - Hello.记得我吗You remember me?买胸针的Oh, the brooch!不好意思啊Oh, yeah, Im sorry.我放哪里了Erm, now where did I.?在这里呢Oh, here it is.-领到薪水了吗 -是的 领到了- You got paid then? - Yes, I got paid.-15镑吧 -是的 15镑- Its 15? - Yeah, 15, thats right.你在哪儿工作Where do you work?西湾的环卫处Er, West Bay for WRG.我打扫.公共厕所I clean the, er

16、m, the conveniences.这样啊Oh? All right.要包装一下吗Do you want this gift-wrapped?好的Yes, please.这是送你妈妈的 对吧I know its for your Mum, isnt it?-是的 在土耳其 -好的- Yes, in Turkey. - Right.我估计邮费都比礼物贵I expect the postage is more than the actual gift!不打紧的Its not important.我尽量包得小一点Yeah, well, Ill try and make it as small a

17、s possible.谢谢你Thank you.你看上去没以前开心You dont seem, erm, er. as happy. than before.出什么事了吗Something bad happen?不 没什么 没有Oh, er, no, no, erm, no.好吧 有 只是你问得太突然了Well, yeah! Youve taken me a bit by surprise, erm.没什么 你不用非得告诉我Its nothing. You dont have to say anything.不是 我女儿上周日去上大学了No, erm, my daughter went to

18、university on, er, on Sunday离家挺远 我蛮想她的and its a long way away, and, well, Im missing her.人之常情Of course.多谢关心Erm, thank you for asking.也许你正好有时间.摸索Maybe it will, erm, give you some time to, er, explore.摸索Explore?我也失去过I lost, er, someone too.我.And I, erm.有时候是好事Good things happen sometimes.你这话很贴心Thats a

19、lovely thing to say.你人真好Thats really nice.谢谢你Thank you for that.谢谢Thank you.再见Bye-bye.我们回不到过去了 是吗Its never going to be the same again, is it?女儿不在 一切都回不去了Its not going to be the same, without the girls.亲爱的 别这样折磨自己Dont do this to yourself, darling, please.我忍不住I cant help it.我要走了 亲爱的Ive got to go, darl

20、ing.*我的心捉摸不定 双眼昏花*How fickle my heart and how woozy my eyes*试图在你的谎言里找到些许真实*I struggle to find any truth in your lies*内心无意知晓那些未知的事*And now my heart stumbles on things I dont know*我的脆弱终将暴露无遗*My weakness I feel I must finally show*伸出你的手 我们共同将其打败*Lend me your hand and well conquer them all*给我你的心 我却只能让你失

21、落*But lend me your heart and Ill just let you fall*借我你的眼 我能改变你的所见*Lend me your eyes, I can change what you see*但你的灵魂定要自由不拘*But your soul you must keep totally free*唤醒我的灵魂*Awake my soul*唤醒我的灵魂*Awake my soul.*伊斯梅尔Im Ismail.桑德拉Im Sandra.*试图在你的谎言里找到些许真实*I struggle to find any truth in your lies*内心无意知晓那些

22、未知的事*And now my heart stumbles on things I dont know*我的脆弱终将暴露无遗*My weakness I feel I must finally show*-新衣服啊 桑德拉 -是啊- Is that a new top, Sandra? - Yeah.穿着很漂亮You look nice.今晚我要出去一趟Im going out tonight.你去哪儿Where are you going?当然是跟芮塔去学校A course, college, erm, with Rita.这星期你每晚都跟芮塔出去 对吧Youve been out wit

23、h Rita every night this week, havent you?是啊Yeah.你什么时候回来What time are you going to be back?不知道 十一点吧I dont know. About 11?结束后跟她们一起喝点东西Having a drink afterwards with the girls.我要迟到了Im going to be late.你吃完了自己收拾吧Can you clear up after yourself?-好的 -回见- Yes. - See you later.这很奇怪 对吧Its strange, isnt it?奇怪什

24、么What?我们啊Us.我们就像是 怎么说呢Like weve, erm, I dont know.上辈子互相认识known each other in another life.是是 我懂 我懂Yes. Yes, I know, I know.我不明白I dont understand it.但感觉很开心But it makes me feel.very good.我感觉特别幸运I feel very, very lucky.你和你老公是包办婚姻吗Was your marriage arranged?-包办 -是啊 -不- Arranged? - Yes. - No! 不是吗No?不是 我们

25、见了面 我们No, we did meet and we, I suppose we.你是为结婚而结婚吗Did you arrange it for yourselves?有些人就是Some people do this.我想 是的Er. .Yeah, I suppose I did.我从没这么想过 不过你说的对Yeah. I never looked at it like that, but yeah, youre right.在我那个年龄 多数女人都这么想吧Thats what most girls of my age wanted.想要结婚 订婚结婚然后生小孩They got marri

26、ed, engaged, and married and then had children.一切都发生得那么快It sort of all happened quite suddenly.太年轻了 不知道自己想要什么Er, too young, really, to know what I wanted.那你现在想要什么What do you want now?-你肯定做梦吧 -嗯- You must have dreams. - Mmm.你都梦见什么了What do you dream about?飞翔Flying.多好啊Yeah.高高地飞翔Flying above everything.

27、那么自由Being free,可以俯瞰一切looking down on everything.不受束缚Not being tied down.就是这样Yeah.你想要逃离吗You want to escape?-我想是的 -暂时逃离吗- I think I do, yeah. - You want to escape for five seconds?再久一点吧I want it to be longer than that.我希望能永远地逃离I suppose I want to escape forever.*唤醒我的灵魂*Awake my soul*唤醒我的灵魂*Awake my so

28、ul*唤醒我的灵魂*Awake my soul*你生来就要遇见你的缔造者*You were made to meet your maker*唤醒我的灵魂*Awake my soul*唤醒我的灵魂*Awake my soul*唤醒我的灵魂*Awake my soul*你生来就要遇见你的缔造者*You were made to meet your maker*你生来就要遇见你的缔造者*You were made to meet your maker*天气真是多变 不是吗Crazy weather, isnt it?-是啊 一刻前还是晴天 -就是- Yes, it was sunny 15 minu

29、tes ago. - I know!今天过得很开心 真的很开心Its been a lovely day, really lovely.很特别 有你的每一天都很特别Special. Every day with you is special.谢谢你 让我对生活有了不同的看法Thank you for making me look at life differently.让我又重新热爱生活了Making me enjoy life again.不客气Youre welcome.那我们现在做什么呢So, what do we do now?你有什么要做的吗Do you have a plan?我没

30、有No, I dont.我也没有Nor do I.那我们就继续吧So we continue.那再好不过了Id like that very much.-嗨 -嗨- Hi. - Hi.-你还好吗 -挺好的- You all right? - Yeah.那就好Good.今晚过得如何How was tonight?-不错啊 -是吗- It was good. - Yeah?你最后去哪儿了Where did you go in the end?布拉德利餐厅Oh, Bradleys.布拉德利啊 在布罗德斯泰斯Bradleys, up Broadstairs.那里不错啊 我去过几次的Its good i

31、n there, yeah, Ive been a couple of times.芮塔怎么样 她还好吗Hows Rita? Is she all right?还是老样子Same as ever.挺有意思的Funny.好些年没见到她了Havent seen her for ages.我很高兴你出去玩 桑德拉Im glad youre going out, Sandra,看来你还是比较开心的and youre enjoying yourself a little bit.这很好 对吧Its all good, you know?理当如此I think you deserve it.法语学得怎么样

32、了Hows the French going?难以想象芮塔说法语的样子I cant imagine Rita speaking French.你好吗法语Comment ca va?别这么刻薄Dont be mean.她说得挺好的Shes good actually.-是吗 -是的- Is she? - Yeah, she is.你学到了什么呢What have you been learning then?别再问了Stop asking questions.我有点累了 我要先去睡了Im just a bit tired. I think Im going to go to bed.晚安Nigh

33、t-night.*你能否躺在她身旁*Can you lie next to her*献出你的身体*And give her your heart, your heart*也献出你的心*As well as your body?*你能否躺在她身旁*And can you lie next to her*承认你的愚蠢*And confess your love, your love*也承认你的爱*As well as your folly?*你能否跪在国王面前*And can you kneel before the king*宣布你的清白*And say Im clean, Im clean?*

34、告诉我 全心爱你*But tell me now, where was my fault*岂能算是错*In loving you with my whole heart?*告诉我 全心爱你*But tell me now, where was my fault*岂能算是错*In loving you with my whole heart?*一张空白的页面*A white blank page*一股膨胀的怒气*And a swelling rage, rage*你还好吗Ok?桑德拉 我们之间到底怎么了Sandra, whats going on with us?我不知道I dont know.

35、早些时候我去城里 路过店子I was in town earlier and I popped by the shop看到你在锁门and I saw you locking up.你在查我You were checking up on me?你在查我吗You were checking up on me?你不相信我You dont trust me?!-对不起 桑德拉 -真不敢相信- Im sorry, Sandra. - I cant believe that.我们在一起这么多年After all the years.我从来都没有查过你Ive never checked up on you!桑德拉 我只是.Sandra, I just.真不敢相信I cant believe that.你知道吗 你不用.You know what? Listen, you


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