



1、八年级英语期考专题复习一、书面表达校纪校规篇罗列学校里的一些校纪校规,用上must 和mustnt。There are many rules in our school. we must obey(遵守) them.1. We must do our homework. 2. We must listen to the teachers in class .3. We must wear school unitforms(校服)4. We mustnt be late for school.5. We mustnt eat in the classroom.6. We mustnt drink

2、 or smoke.7. We mustnt fight(打架) with others.交通安全篇交通安全关系到每个人的切身利益,所以,我们应该自觉遵守交通规则。如:走人道、过斑马线;不要在道路上或街道上玩耍;不闯红灯不要和朋友并排骑车,也不能骑得太快;不要酒后驾驶等等。参考词汇:traffic safety(交通安全);rules(规则);sidewalk(人行道);zebra crossing(斑马线)Traffic safety is very important to everyone. So we must obey the traffic rules. For example,

3、we must walk on the sidewalk and go across the zebra crossing. Dont play on the road or on the streets. Dont run red lights. Dont ride your bike too fast. Dont ride by side with your friends on the streets because its very dangerous. Dont drink before we drive.地震自救篇写一篇关于地震中在房间里应注意的事项。When an earthqu

4、ake happens, we should keep calm and be brave first. We should stay away from the windows. We should hide under a table. We should leave the building quickly when the ground stops shaking. Dont use the lift. . Dont jump out of the building. Bring your mobile phone and some water if you can.传统习俗篇请你用英

5、语写一篇关于中国的传统节日春节(Spring Festival)的一些情况的文章。内容提示:1.春节的地位;2.节前准备情况;3.除夕之夜及春节期间的主要活动。提示词汇:one of the most important festivals; delicious things to eat; wear new clothesSpring festival is a traditional festival of Chinese people.Its one of the most important festivals in China. It usually comes in January

6、 or February. Before spring festival, We usually clean and decorate our house and we go shopping. On the eve, we have a big family dinner. We always have many delicious things to eat. We get together and watch TV. Then we play fireworks,. During the Spring festival,we wear new clothes and go to visi

7、t friends. Children always get Hong bao , They are happy. I like spring festival. 天气+建议篇假如你叫李华,你在美国的笔友Tim要来中国旅游,向你询问有关中国的天气情况以及来中国的最好时间等。请你给他写一封信,介绍一下中国的气候特点,并为他提一些建议,70词左右。 Dear Tim, Im glad to hear that youll come to visit China. You asked me about the weather in China. There are 4 seasons spring,

8、 summer, autumn and winter. Spring is warm. Summer is very hot. Autumn is cool and winter is the coldest of all. So I think the best time to visit china is in spring or autumn. There are many good places to visit in China. I hope you can come soon. Yours, Li Hua二、词汇(1)词形变换 right_ 名词-动词pratice_ 序数词ad

9、vice_ five_名词-形容词 twenty_cloud_ 比较级和最高级snow_ short_ _rain_ large_ _wind_ hot_ _sun_ heavy_ _tradition_ exciting_ _difference_ good/well_ _medicine_ bad_ _help_ many/much_ _形容词-副 little_ _loud_ far_ _easy_ 过去式 am/ is_单数-复数 are_dictionary_ do_toy_ go_month_ see_sanwich_ take_baby_ buy_gentleman_ have_

10、近义词 come_present_ give_glad_ get_must_ fall_反义词 can not(缩写)_forget_ get(不定式)_outside_ sit(现在分词)_dry_ play(三单)_thin_ they(宾格)_ (2)重点短语查找_ 怎么了?_犯错误-_ 大量,众多_写下,记下_ 为加油_同意某人-_ 热身,做准备活动_请求(给予)_ 远离_建议某人做某事_ 交通事故_相当好,很好_ 一直,不断地_在东/西/南/北方_ 最后,终于_家乡,故乡_ 不知道_因而著名_ 处于危险中_最后,终于_ 为了_ 想到,想出_ 开办,设立_夺去,拿走_ 偶尔,一两次_和

11、平地,平静地_ 考虑_照顾,照管_ 及时_从跌落_ (永久)关闭,关停_注意,留心_ 有时,间或_肩并肩地_ 一副国际象棋_爬出来_ 电子游戏_稍等_ 例如_首次,初次_ 抬起,提起_急救_ 确保,确认_在的底部_ 不和接触_三、综合练习A.单词填空 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. The panda is one of the animals in d_.2. Can you tell us how to _ (提高)our English.?3. He lives the _(最远的) from school.4.Beijing is in the n_of China.5. Lao

12、She was b_in Beijing in 1890.6.Liuxiang is tall.Yaoming is t_ than Liuxiang.7.Mozart(莫扎特)was a f_ musician. 8.The p_ of China is about 1.37 billion.9.There are twelve m_ in a year. 10.Whats w_ with your bike?Its broken.B.单项选择题( ) 1.He lives the from school.A.farB.farerC.fartherD.farthest( )2.It is i

13、nteresting for us _ a foreign language .A.learning B.learns C.learn D.to learn( )3.Jenny is_taller than any other student in her class.A.much more B.very C.more D.much ( )4.The Yellow River is the second_one in China.A.longB.longer C.longest D.the longest( )5.Would you like_to drink? Yes,Id like a c

14、up of coffee.A.something else B.else something C.anything else D.else anything( )6.Who is the man over there?Is it Mr.Li?No,it_be him.Mr.Li is much taller.A.mustnt B.may not C.cant D.neednt( )7.All the people went home_Mr Wang, besause he had to finish his work.A.with B.besides C.except D.after( )8.

15、I think we should work harder than before.I agree_you.A.onB.to C.withD.for( )9.The _information, the _ A. much ,better B. many ,best C. more ,better D. most ,better( )10.Beethoven wrote _ beautiful pieces of music. A. hundred ofB. two hundreds C. hundreds ofD. hundred( )11.Linda does well in maths,

16、and she never makes _ in her maths homework. A. mistakes B. meals C. spellings ( )12.Why didnt Lucy talk with me?She is a_ girl. She is afraid to speak in front of others.A. naughtyB. shyC. clever( )13. Would you like to go to the _ to buy some storybooks with me? Sure, lets go. A. bookshop B. park

17、C. clothes shop ( ) 14. Did you have fun in Qingdao last week?_. I hope to go there again. A. Im afraid not B. Im not sureC. Of course ( ) 15. Shall we go for a picnic next week?_. A. Thats a good idea B. Thank you very much C. I know, thanks ( ) 16. Peter_ at home at eight oclock last night. A. watches B. was watching C. watche


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