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1、名师精编 优秀教案英语: Unit 4 Body languange Period 3 Extensive Reading 优秀教案(新人教版必修 4)The General Idea of This Period This period aims at training the students reading skill.The students have to get the general idea of how body language expresses our feelings.Having read the two articles,the students are expe

2、cted to sum up the functions and similarities of body language.Whats more,the students are Develop the students reading skill to get alRea Task-A tape-recorder,a projector,some slides and a multi-Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Enable the stuNecessary Body language is an important non-verbal communi

3、cation.Learning about the meanings of some body language in different cultures and applying it properly is of great help to our daily 名师精编 优秀教案Teaching Procedures Step 1 Review and check the homework T:In the last lesson we learned something about the v.-T:S:The v.-ing as th T: S:The v.-T:Well done.

4、All of you have reviewed the lesson.Then lets go on to check the homework.Using6 students come to the blackboard and write down the sentences.The other students check their Suggested answers: 1.It seemed that he avoided getting to 2.Reading is learning,but speaking the language is also a kind of lea

5、rning 3.The news that the Chinese team won the gold medal was very encouraging 4.It is clear that your spoken English will greatly improve if you can practise speaking whenever 5.I saw them whispering 6.I counted the people entering 7.The man with sun-glasses standing 8.Being 9.Driving 10.Knowing 11

6、.He stayed in the waiting 12.I almost feel asleep when I saw that boring film. Step 2 Warming up T:1.I m hungry.名师精编优秀教案T:You know a lot about gestures.Then can you figure out the meanings of the following gestures Whatthe matter?OK. Very good! Step 3 Pre-reading Before reading the text,assign some

7、questions for the students to discuss.So they may read T:I would like you to discuss the following 3.Is all the body questions with your group members.After 4 名师精编 优秀教案T: S:1.I think the major function of the body language is to show all kinds of ideas,feelings,wishes or T: S: T:Good.I think sometim

8、es,it even more important than spoken language.When you dont understand a foreign language,body language can help you to communicate with the S:3.I dont think all the body languages are the same in the world.The same body language can express different feelings or ideas in different cultures.For exa

9、mple,nodding the head means “yes ” T:Well done!So we could summarize that communication is very important in our life,sometimes learning to get along well with others is more important than getting some more knowledge.So we should learn more body language,try our best to get along well with the peop

10、le around us. Step 4 First reading T:Let s read a passage about how to show our feelings with body language.Read the passage and decide which of these statements are true and which are false.Tick the correct box.If the statement 3.You 4.If you stand with your arms across your body,you are always pro

11、tecting yourself from being 5.If you sit looking away from a person,or with your back turned,you are saying you are not inte8.Most people can understand each other if they try. Step 5 Second reading (Group work) 名师精编 优秀教案T:You are going to read the passage again and try to find some of the body lang

12、uage which show 1.frowning or turning ones back to to show anger someone 2.closing onehand and shaking it at to threaten that person to show agreement someone 3.nodding the head up and down 4.shaking the head to show disagreement or refusal 5.looking away from a person or to show no interest to the

13、person yawning arms across 6.standing,holding your to protect yourself from an unwanted conversation your chest 7.sitting,looking at and turning towards the person you are talking to 8.rolling your eyes and turn your head to show you are interested to show you do not believe what you hear or you do

14、away not like it not good behaviour to get punishment from their teachers because they 1.childrenlooking directly at an adult in Asia and South America 2.childrennot looking directly at the teacher in North America think the children are not telling the truth. 2.A smile does not always mean that one

15、 is 1.a smile 3.A smile can hide other feelings,such as anger,fear 4.If someone “loses face” they may smile to hide it.2.a hug to your boss or teacher probably not a good idea to show respect 3.standing too close to your boss or teacher not acceptable 名师精编 优秀教案Step 6 Further Reading T:Just now we ha

16、ve learnt that body language has different meanings in different cultures.Now let s learn more and get details of different body language.Before reading the text,first have a look at the exercises.The information was found in the notes left by an anthropologist.You need to arrange it so that it can

17、be used in a report on international greetings.Organize the information so S: S: S: S: S:5.People shake their hands wh S:6.To show respect Muslim people will touch their heart and mouth when greeting someone. Step 7 Post-After reading the two passages,the students have a general knowledge on body la

18、nguage.Its time for them to go further to discuss the open questions and to express their opinions.The students are encouraged to discuss in groups so that they can communicate with their members 1.How can we know others feelinT:Today,we have learnt so much about body language.Homework for today is

19、to summarize what The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard 名师精编 优秀教案Unit 4 Body language Period 3 Extensive reading 2.Warming up 3.Pre-4.First reading-5.Second reading (Group work) Record after Teaching Activities and Research To deepen their understanding of the passage,the students are encourag

20、ed to prepare a short mime.Some good ones may act their mimes out.Not only is it a good way to involve the students in class,but also it can make them have a better understanding of body language and learn to use it Reference for teaching Body Language() When you dont speak,you may still be communic

21、ating.It is true that you may not wish to say anything.But your very silence may show your wish to be left alone or to stay uninvolved,which is the message you wan So it has been justly said that while “we speak with our vocal organs we converse with our whole bodies ”.All of us communicate with one

22、 another nonverbally,as with the use of gestures such as the thumbs-up sign to indicate that we approve.But m ost of the time were not aware that were dong it.We gesture with eyebrows or a hand,meet someone elses eyes and look away,shift 名师精编 优秀教案positions in a chair.These actions we assume are rand

23、om and incidental.But researchers have discovered that there is a system to them almost as consistent and comprehensible as language,and they conclude that there is a whole range of body language,including the way we move,the gestures we employ,the postures we adopt,the facial expressions we wear,th

24、e direction of our gaze,thThe body language serves a variety of purposes.Firstly it can replace verbal communication,as with the use of gestures.Secondly it can modify verbal communication.Loudness and tone of voice is an example here.Thirdly it regulates social interaction:turn taking is largely go

25、verned by non-verbal signals.Fourthly it conveys our emotions.Finally it conveys our attitude towards ourselves and towards the people we are communicating with.This is particularly important for successful cross-Every culture has its own body language,and children absorb its nuances along with spok

26、en language.A Frenchman talks and moves in French.The way an Englishman crosses his nothing like the way.A male American does it.When we communicate with people from other cultures,the body language sometimes help make the communication easy and effective,such as shaking hands is such a universal ge

27、sture that people all over the world know that it is a signal for greeting.But sometimes the body language can cause certain misunderstanding since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior for sending the same body signals.Nodding onehead is generally meant to show agreeme

28、nt t to Nepalese,Sri Lankans,some Indians and some Eskimos,it means not “yes ”,but no”.When an American rubs his nose,it may mean his disagreeing with someone or rejecting something.But there is a conversation between student and professor in which the studen t holds the older mans eyes a little lon

29、ger than usual can be a sign of respect and affection;can be a subtle challenge to the professorauthority;or can be something Numerous studies have indicated that different cultural groups can recognize direct expressions of emotion with equal levels of agreement.Facial expressions of such basic emo

30、tions as happiness,anger,disgust,sadness,fear and surprise are recognizable all over the world.Among the Japanese,however,the open and full expression of a number of these emotions is likely to be held in check.As a result Americans dealing with the Japanese may find themselves perplexed by what the

31、y perceive as a lack of emotion expression.To those coming from societies which are less 名师精编 优秀教案restrained in such matters the Japanese may at first fight appear somewhat inscrutable.It is only with time that such outsiders can begin to recognize that degree of emotional restraint being Within soc

32、ieties there are also differences between groups in terms of differences in the extent which emotions are expressed.In Britain,for example,the traditional male role is one that involves the suppression of the expression of most emotions.Women,on the other hand,are expected to express their emotions

33、more freely.Not only do women give off more nonverbal emotional signals,but there is also much evidence that they are better at interpreting such So in order to achieve a more successful cross-cultural communication,we need not only know “what to say ” but also “how to say it appropriately”other wor

34、ds,if we want to communicate with people of other cultures more successfully,we need not only be able to use the verbal language appropriately,but also be able to use the nonverbal behaviors that go with that particular language.Observation shows that a truly bilingual person switches his body langu

35、ages at In the 24 years since China opened up to the outside world,the Chinese have seen that internationalization works.This means a root and branch reform of Chinese economy.Entering the WTO,China will enrich itself and the world.Then body language is the most powerful,efficient and common means f

36、or communication and it will also be more and more important in the future Body Language ( ) Although we may not realize it when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not only by words.We send messages to the people around us also by expressions and body movements.We call it “body languag

37、e ”,which is a kind of communicatio n,nonverbal communication.A smile and handshake show welcome.Waving ones hand is to say “goodbye ”,nodding the head means agreement,while shaking it means disagreement.Putting up a hand means “May I ask a question?”.Kissing means “love ”.Waving ones arms show happ

38、iness.These gestures are accepted both by Chinese and Americans as having the same Because culture influences communication.Different country has different culture.So the way 名师精编 优秀教案people in different countries communicate is different too.FOR EXAMPLE,Arab man often greet by kissing on both cheek

39、s.In Japan men greet by bowing.In the United States,people shake hands to show “their greeting”.And the gesture of putting a hand on a person neck is different for Chinese and Americans.For Chinese,it is to say “someone will be killed”.For Americans,it shows “I full m ”.And in Thailand,if you want t

40、o signal a person to come near,you should move the fingers back and forth with palm down.But in the United States,you ask someone to come by holding the palm up and moving the fingers towards our body.And crossing onelegs in the United States is a sign of being relaxed.But in Korea,itnot allowed.In

41、Chinese,people hand everything with both hands to show their respect,but for Muslims,they think the left hand is Because of special culture influences some countries,some body languages should attract our attention.In Turkey,putting onehand in onepockets is a sign of disrespect.In some Asian t kiss

42、or hug countries,you must not touch the head of another person.And in China,people doneach other,except his or her lover.For an Arab,it is a good manner to stand close to his friend when they are talking,but for English people,they dont like to be close to one another.And in parts of All above show

43、that it is important to know the meaning of gestures and movements in foreign country,foreigners should follow these customs,should learn their culture.So we can communicate with them in a correct way,not only by words,but also by body language.I think that Body Language ( ) The very best instrument

44、 there is for finding out what is going on with a person is her body.The state of the body will be a reflection of her overall state.That information is very The best thing is if the person herself is in tune with her body and she feels what is going on A person external body language speaks volumes

45、.By observing somebody posture,eye movements,breathing and skin color,you can gain information about what she is doing in her mind.You can get the same information by listening to the qualities of her tone of voice.And this is without being psychic,just by looking and listening.If you add a bit of E

46、SP to it,it just gets much 名师精编 优秀教案Body language is a big subject and to master the reading of it to perfection requires a good deal of training and experience.Here we will just present some of the most practical things you can In the absence of knowing what different body movements mean,you can si

47、mply notice when there is a change in the clients body.For example,if she is sitting perfectly still and suddenly starts twitching or moving her eyes that is a change.Or if she changes her rate of breathing that is a Let s say you have asked th e client to close her eyes and move back to a past inci

48、dent.At first she is just sitting still,her eyes not moving.But suddenly you can see her eyes moving behind her eyelids and her head is jerking a little bit,and maybe her breathing gets faster.Well,that most likely means that she found an incident.Interestingly,she might not herself have noticed tha

49、t.Subconsciously she has the incident right there,but consciously she might not have acknowledged it.So,if she doesnt start speaking by herself you can say “Whats that?”If we are dealing with an incident,the body will often show what is in it,or how she relates to it.If her eyeballs are moving,it me

50、ans that there is something to look at.If she suddenly breathes painingly,it means some If the client is leaning forward,she is probably into the incident,involved directly in the You can not be sure,just from a specific body motion,what is going on.But it gives you a very good idea.Particularly whe

51、n you notice the changes in response to your directions.If you ask there another viewpoint in the incident?” and she suddenly leans back,that probably means that it is an external There are a whole set of signals that tell you what kind of perceptions the person is accessing.To make things simple,we can divide body perceptio


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