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1、课时5 Writing牛津沪教版七年级下 Unit 5 Water本课时的话题为“描述一个实验过程或食品的制作过程”。描述实验过程用一般现在时,多用祈使句及一些连接词。牛津沪教版七年级下add, become, disappear, salt, water, glass, drop, salad, noodle, yogurt, honey单 词: a glass of, turn into, dry up, be made up of, turn into,cut up短 语: 1. Add some salt to a glass of water. 2. Stir the water.3

2、. Heat the water. 4. Continue to.5. Finally.句 型:常用衔接词:first, then, next, finally根据下面的提示,写一篇短文描述怎么制作蔬菜沙拉。开头已给出。提示:1. 准备好蔬菜(生菜、西红柿和卷心菜)和沙拉酱(salad dressing)2. 清洗蔬菜,切好放进碗里。3. 加入沙拉酱,最后搅拌蔬菜和沙拉酱。How to make the vegetable salad?Salads are very popular in Western countries, because they are tasty and healthy

3、._1. 体裁:说明文 2. 人称:第二人称 3. 时态:一般现在时【审题指导】【思路构建】How to make thevegetable salad开头:引出话题Do you know how to make. Let me tell you.正文:制作步骤First, you need. Next. Then. Finally.结尾:评价和感受It is very delicious and you can enjoy it.Salads are very popular in Western countries, because they are tasty and healthy.

4、Do you know how to make the vegetable salad? Now, let me tell you how to do it.To make the vegetable salad, you need some vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes and cabbage and the salad dressing. First, you need to wash the vegetables carefully. Next, cut【范文赏析】them up and put them in a big bowl. Then, a

5、dd the salad dressing. Finally, mix the vegetables and the salad dressing together.The vegetable salad is OK. It is very delicious and you can enjoy it.点评:语法运用准确,前后文逻辑关系合理。first, next, then, finally 的运用使写作顺序一目了然。popular, tasty, healthy, need, cut up 的运用使步骤描写更加生动。你的外国朋友Jack 明天来你家做客,你想制作一份三明治招待他。请你根据下

6、面的提示写一篇关于制作三明治的英语短文。Firstbread, butterNextone tomato, an onionThencheese, lettuceFinallyanother piece of bread_Do you know how to make sandwiches? Now, lets have a try. To make a sandwich, we need butter, 2 pieces of bread, one tomato, an onion, some cheese and lettuce. First, check all the ingredients and put one spoon of butter on a piece of bread. Next, cut up an onion and a tomato. Add them to the bread. Then, put some cheese on the onion and tomato and_add some lettuce on the cheese. Fi


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