初中英语形容词、副词用法课件(PPT 37页)_第1页
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初中英语形容词、副词用法课件(PPT 37页)_第3页
初中英语形容词、副词用法课件(PPT 37页)_第4页
初中英语形容词、副词用法课件(PPT 37页)_第5页
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1、英语复习课形容词和副词第1页,共37页。 Adjective形容词的用法形容词比较级和最高级的构成形式形容词比较级和最高级的基本用法第2页,共37页。形容词的基本用法第3页,共37页。第4页,共37页。第5页,共37页。形容词表语 She is beautiful.定语 She is a beautiful woman.宾语补足语She makes English classes intreresting第6页,共37页。练习 请说出下列句子中形容词的用法1.All the studets must keep their eyes closed.2.This red desk is very

2、heavy.3.Its a hot day today. 4.I find it difficult to get along with such a strange man.5. Her singing sounds beautiful.第7页,共37页。注意1.形容词修饰名词要前置,修饰不定代词时要后置. 如: an important meeting something important2.表示人的性质、特征的形容词前加定冠词the 可表示一类人. 如:The rich should help the poor. The young should be polite to the ol

3、d. 第8页,共37页。 Mr Zhang Mr Liu 30 years old 30 years old第9页,共37页。 第10页,共37页。 0.5$ 0.3$第11页,共37页。 1 2 3 第12页,共37页。Mr King Mr Green Mr White70 岁 30岁 50岁第13页,共37页。比较级和最高级的构成第14页,共37页。 规则形容词 1.单音节和少数 双音节形容词 2.多音节形容词 tall taller, tallestnice nicer nicestbig bigger biggestheavy heavier heaviestinterestingmo

4、re interestingthe most interesting第15页,共37页。 不规则形容词的比较级和最高级 good/well bad/ill little many/much far old better bestworse worstless leastmore mostfarther fathestfurther furthestelder eldestolderolder oldest第16页,共37页。练习:写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级1) new 2) nice3) heavy4) old5) easy6) hard newer newestnicer nicesth

5、eavier heaviestolder oldestelder eldest easier easiest harder hardest 第17页,共37页。6) long7) tall8) big 9) late10) few11) cheap12)popular13)beautiful14)deliciouslonger longesttaller tallestbigger biggestlater latestfewer fewestcheaper cheapest more popular most popular more beautiful most beautifulmore

6、 delicious most delicious第18页,共37页。15) young 16)far17)slow18)thin19)wet20)rich21)fatyounger youngestfarther farthest further furthestslower slowestthinner thinnestwetter wettestricher richestfatter fattest 第19页,共37页。形容词比较等级的基本用法第20页,共37页。 形容词的比较等级原级比较级最高级第21页,共37页。 原级的用法 as 原级 asnot as(so) 原级as数词tim

7、es as原级as第22页,共37页。汉译英北京和上海一样美.北京没有上海大.吉姆和汤姆一样高.他没有汤姆聪明.我们学校是你们学校的三倍.Beijing is as beautiful as Shanghai.Beijing is not so big as Shanghai.Jim is as tall as Tom.He is not as clever as Tom.Our achool is three times as big as yours第23页,共37页。 比较级的用法比较级thanthe 比较级of the two比较级than any other单数名词第24页,共37页

8、。刘林比李雷更细心。他是两个男孩中更高的那个。我的书桌比你的干净。它是两张书桌中更干净的。上海比中国任何城市都大。Liu Lin is more careful than Li Lei.He is the taller of the two boys.My desk is cleaner than yours.It is the cleaner of the two.Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.第25页,共37页。一班的江涛比二班的任何学生都高。Jiang Tao in Class I is taller than any s

9、tudent in Class 2.第26页,共37页。/最高级的用法 of us/ all/the three 1.最高级 among them in the world2.序数词+最高级 3.one of the 最高级+复数名词第27页,共37页。中国是世界上第一大国。上海是中国最大的城市。他是三者当中最矮的。英语是最重要的学科之一。China is the first biggest city in China.Shanghai is the biggest city in China.He is the shortest of the three.English is one of

10、the most important subjects.第28页,共37页。高老师是最受欢迎的教师之一。Miss Gao is one of the most popular teachers第29页,共37页。回答下列问题1.“越来越” “越, 就越” 2.修饰形容词比较级的副词和短语有哪些?He is much taller than me.比较极+比较极the比较级+the比较级a lota littlefarevenstill第30页,共37页。3.比较时,为避免重复,可用哪些词代替? 有什么规律? 4.比较范围中的“包括”与“不包括”指的是什么? onethosethat代替可数名词

11、单数代替可数名词复数代替不可数名词Li Lei is cleverer than any student in AmericaLi Lei is cleverer than any other student In his class.第31页,共37页。练习 填如正确的替代词1.篮子里的苹果比箱子里的苹果更好吃.The apples in the basket are more delicious than _ in the box. 2.李先生讲的故事比王先生讲的更有趣The story Mr Li told us is more interesting than_ Mr Wang tol

12、d us.3.瓶子里的水比杯子里的水干净。The water in the bottle is cleaner than_In the glass. thosethe one that第32页,共37页。练习 用所给形容词的正确形式填空1.This is a _ street. That street is_. Zhong Shan Road is _ of the three.(busy) 2.Fish and chips are very_. Fried chicken is_(delicious).3.Dicks kite is _. Kates kite is_ than Dicks.

13、Da Maos is _ of all. (beautiful)4. Wuhan is a _city, Beijing is_ than Wuhan.Shanghai is _ city in China.(big)busybusierthe busiestdeliciousmore deliciousbeautifulmore beautifulthe most beautifulbigbiggerthe biggest第33页,共37页。5.I think pingpong is much_ (popular) .6.Zhao Lei is one of _(young) boys in

14、 his school.more popularthe youngest第34页,共37页。练习 汉译英1.他越忙越快乐._ he is,_ he is.3.越便宜越好._ ,_.4.天气越来越冷了.The weather is getting_.The busier the happier The cheaper the bettercolder and colder第35页,共37页。5.足球越来越受欢迎了.Football is _.5.李梅是两个当中更高的女孩.Li Mei is _ of the two girls6.黄河是中国第二长河.Honghe River is_ in China.7.重庆的天气比北京的天气更热.The weather in Chingqing is hotter


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