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1、Lesson135The latest report 最新消息1 future2 get married3 hotel 4 latest5 introduce WORD future词 义未来(的)adj. 补充前途 n.词 组my future husband/wifein the futurehave a bright future get married词 义结婚补充marrymarriedmarriage词 组a married man/woman 已婚男士/女士a single man/ woman 单身男士/女士嫁/娶 v.结婚的、已婚的 adj.婚姻 n. hotel 词 义酒店

2、,旅馆 n.区别restaurant 饭店(只吃饭,不住宿) 词 组five-star hotel latest词 义最新的(时间) adj.对比newest 东西刚生产出,材质新 adj.辨析late, lately, laterintroduce词 义1) 介绍 2)引进,引入 v.词 组 A to B 把A介绍给B oneself 自我介绍本课语法 1复习巩固直接引语变间接引语2 学习宾语从句直接引语直接引用别人的原话,通常置入引号内间接引语转述别人说话的内容引述词say, tell思考:间接引语属于英语中哪一个语法点?答:宾语从句为什么?She said that she loved

3、that boy. 她 说 她 爱 那个 男孩主语谓语宾语从句小主小谓小宾简化:XX 说 XX。主句 过 去 将 来 现 在She says that she loves that boy.She says that she loved that boy.She says that she will love that boy.主句从句当主句用一般现在时,从句该用什么时态,就用什么时态! 过 去 现 在She said that she loved that boy.She said that she had loved that boy.She said that she would lov

4、e that boy.当主句用一般过去时,从句时态后退一格!主句从句 翻 译 孔子说明天我们去爬山。Confucius said that we would climb the mountain the next day.过 去现 在将 来直接引语变间接引语两原则1)主句为一般现在时,从句可为任意时态。2)主句为一般过去时,从句往后退一格。直接引语 间接引语一般现在时一般将来时一般过去时/现在完成时现在进行时can, may, must, will一般过去时过去将来时过去进行时过去完成时could, might, must, would 客观真理时态不变,永远为一般现在时一般现在时一般过去时

5、一般过去时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时现在进行时过去进行时情态动词can, may, must, willcould, might, must, would客观真理 时态不变The moon moves around the earth.1) He said, “I am tired.”2) He asked, “Are you tired?”3) He asked, “Why are you tired?”陈述句一般疑问句特殊疑问句1) He said that he was tired.2) He asked3) He askedyou were tired.if/whether(是否)

6、whyyou were tired.小 结1 引导词:say, tell, ask, want to know, wonder, think2 连接词: that, if/whether, wh-特殊疑问词3 语序:陈述句语序4 时态、人称一致原则 宾语从句考点分析 1. 考试频率 2. 典型样式 3. 考查角度1.考点分析考试频率2007-2010年100套中考真题单选题考点统计表07年08年09年10年总计介词1219152066代词30322829119冠词和数词2123232592动词时态语态65627354254名词和主谓一致111718955并列句779427形容词和副词36412

7、628131情态动词1923212083感叹词744621状语从句1011111244词汇辨析114127125123489句子功能361717音标语音11013宾语从句2322242695定语从句1012171655反疑疑问句251715IT的用法11114连词1122162271总计3834354134101641考点分析考试频率2. 考点分析典型样式宾语从句考题特征: 1,know, decide, wonder, ask, say, remember+_ 2, tell sb. / ask sb. + _ 3, 答案: 特殊疑问词 + 句子 (2007, 北京) Do you know

8、 _ the MP3 player last week?Sorry, I have no idea.A. how much did she pay for B. how much will she pay forC. how much she paid for D. how much she will pay for(2010, 苏州)Could you tell me_? He is in the libraryA. where Simon was B. where is SimonC. where was Simon D. where Simon is关于语序:宾语从句的语序一定是陈述句的

9、语序 主语 + 动词/助动词/系动词/情态动词 例子: I think (that) you will like noodles soon. Can you tell me whether I can use your computer? I just want to see who the Dragon Warrior was.宾语从句的两大核心: 语序 & 时态【2008 济南】What did your teacher say to you?He said A. I was good at math B. what do I likeC. where do I live D. how c

10、ould I read it【2010四川攀枝花】He didnt tell me _.A. where he bought the new computer B. where did he buy the new computerC. where he buys the new computer D. where does he buy the new computer【2011,内蒙古包头】 We dont know _ the meeting will be held soon. A. when B. what C. whether D. since【2011,山东青岛】 I wonde

11、r _. Im afraid well be late. A. how we can be on time B. what we are going to do C. why we get to school late D. if we will arrive at the meeting on time【2011,河南】I didnt see Laura at the party last night. Do you know _?A. why didnt she come B. where did she go C. when would she arrive D. where she w

12、ent【2011,湖北孝感】I want to know _ for the class yesterday morning.A. why did you come late B. why you came late C. why do you come late D. why you come late【2011,济南】He asked me _ . A. who did kick the first goal in the World Cup B. when was the APEC meeting heldC. when China became a member of the WTO

13、D. where will the 2008 Olympics be held【2011,江苏南京】Most children are interested in amazing things,and they wonder _A. when can they see UFOs B. how can elephants walk on tiptoeC. why do fish sleep with their eyes open D. why there is no plant life without lightning记 者:您刚拍完一部新电影吗,马什小姐? 马什小姐:是的,我刚拍完。 记 者:您准备


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