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1、Unit 5 Eco-awareness in Traditional Chinese CultureLead-inText studyExercisesContentLead-inWatch a video clip of the English documentary Home, and notice the eco-philosophy it holds.IntroductionThe Philosophy of “Life”Ecological AestheticsHumans at One with Other Living ThingsText studyIntroductionP

2、rotection of the eco-environment is capturing wider international attention today.Eco-ethics and eco-philosophy have arisen in the face of the increasingly serious ecological crisis facing the whole world.Eco-ethics and eco-philosophyThe main idea of eco-ethics and eco-philosophy is to replace “huma

3、n-centrism (人类中心主义)” with “eco-holism (生态整体主义)”.It holds that all living things in the earths biosphere are entitled to equal rights similar to those of human beings, or the rights to survival and development. IntroductionWhen we examine traditional Chinese culture, we also find from ancient times a

4、 strong eco-consciousness that is at one with eco-ethics and eco-philosophy.采菊东篱下悠然见南山山气日夕佳飞鸟相与还IntroductionThe Philosophy of “Life (生)”Traditional Chinese philosophy is a philosophy of “life”.Confucius“Heaven is the source of all living things.”The “creation of life” is the “Heavenly Way (天道)” and

5、the “Heavenly Destination (天命)”. The Book of Changes (Yijing) “The continuous creation of life is change (生生之谓易).” The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating life (天地之大德曰生).“ The Philosophy of “Life (生)”Mencius“(One should) love ones family, love the people, and love all living things in the w

6、orld (亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物).” Confucian thinkers of later generations carried on the idea of “Heaven and Earth giving birth to all life (天地生物之心)”, and thus emphasized love for and kindness toward all living things.Many prominent Confucian scholars of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) echoed their masters view on l

7、ife.周敦颐程颐张载程颢The Philosophy of “Life (生)”“Heaven creates life through yang and nurtures (养育) life through yin (天以阳生万物,以阴成万物).” Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073) Note:Zhou Dunyi: 周敦颐。北宋理学家,曾撰写太极图书和通书。 The Philosophy of “Life (生)”周敦颐“The nature of life is love (生之性便是仁).” Cheng Yi (1033-1107)Note:Cheng Yi: 程颐。称伊川

8、先生,河南府(今河南洛阳)人,与程颢为兄弟,世称“二程”,同受学于理学创始人周敦颐,后建立了自己的理学体系。程颐The Philosophy of “Life (生)”“All people in the world are my brothers and all beings in the world are my companions (民吾同胞,物吾与也).“ Zhang Hengqu (1020-1077) Note:Zhang Hengqu: 张横渠,名载,字子厚,北宋哲学家,人称横渠先生。理学支脉“关学”创始人,反对“有生于无”的思想,提出“太虚”即“元气”、“气”,是万物生成的本

9、源。The Philosophy of “Life (生)”“Those with love regard themselves as the same as other living things in the world (仁者以天地万物为一体).” Cheng Hao (1032-1085) Note:Cheng Hao: 程颢。称明道先生,为程颐兄弟。“二程”为理学的奠基者。The Philosophy of “Life (生)”Note:Zheng Banqiao: 郑板桥。清代著名画家,“扬州八怪”的主要代表,以三绝“诗、书、画”闻名于世的书画家、文学家。“I loved all

10、living things in the world, be it an ant or an insect. This was the will of Heaven, and that human beings should understand Heavens will.” Zheng Banqiao (1693-1765)The Philosophy of “Life (生)”Related to eco-ethics and eco-philosophy is the eco-aesthetics of traditional Chinese culture.瘦西湖Slender Wes

11、t Lake in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, a scene of vibrant lifeEcological AestheticsEcological AestheticsAncient Chinese thinkers regarded nature, with human beings included in it, as the world of life. All living things in the world have their own life and state of being.Ecological AestheticsEcologic

12、al AestheticsEcological AestheticsLove for all living things in the world and appreciation for their state of being can often be found in ancient works of art and literature.Humans at One with Other Living ThingsArtDong Qichang (1555-1636), a famous painter of the late Ming Dynasty, explained that,

13、most artists enjoyed a long life because everything they observed was full of life.Note:Dong Qichang: 董其昌。“华亭派”的主要代表,精于书画鉴赏,其书画风格名重当世,并成为明代艺坛的主流。Dong You, collector and connoisseur (鉴赏家) of the Song Dynasty, emphasized that artists should depict (描绘) the state of life, which exists in nature. Theref

14、ore, artists should observe and learn from nature.Humans at One with Other Living ThingsWang Gai (1654-1710) of the Qing Dynasty compared the happiness of fish in their natural world to that of humans in their natural world. Note:Wang Gai: 王概。擅诗画,传世作品有康熙玉山观画图轴等;且擅诗文,著有澄心堂纸赋称于时。Humans at One with Oth

15、er Living ThingsA work of Wang GaiLiteratureIn the poems of the Tang and Song dynasties, when Chinese poetry reached the apex (预点) of development, birds and flowers were often depicted as if they had human feelings.感时花溅泪恨别鸟惊心落花人独立微雨燕双归Humans at One with Other Living ThingsIn Strange Tales from Make-

16、do Studio (Liaozhai Zhiyi), by Pu Songling (1640-1715), human beings and other living things are described as being of the same kind. Many of the stories tell of love between men and beautiful women incarnated (化身的) from plants or animals. Note:1. Strange Tales from Make-do Studio:聊斋志异。清代文言短篇小说集,蒲松龄

17、撰,合计近500篇。故事来源非常广泛,具有很高的思想价值和独特的艺术风格。2. Pu Songling:蒲松龄。清代文学家,别号柳泉居士,山东淄川(今属淄博市)人。Humans at One with Other Living ThingsPu SonglingHumans at One with Other Living ThingsExercisesComprehensionCommunicationApplicationComprehensionl. Skimming and ScanningGo through the passage quickly and answer the fo

18、llowing questions briefly. 1) What does the first paragraph mainly point out?2) What is emphasized in the Confucian philosophy of “life”?The first paragraph mainly points out the urgency of the ecological problemsIn the Confucian philosophy of “life”, love for and kindness toward all living things a

19、re emphasized.3) According to Zheng Banqiao, what is the “will of Heaven”?According to Zheng Banqiao, the “will of Heaven” is to love all living things in the world, be it an ant or an insect.4) What is eco-aesthetics of traditional Chinese culture related to?Eco-aesthetics of traditional Chinese cu

20、lture is related to eco-ethics and eco-philosophy.Comprehension6) In the poems of the Tang and Song dynasties, how were birds and flowers usually depicted?In the poems of the Tang and Song dynasties, birds and flowers were often depicted as if they had human feelings.Comprehension5) Why do Chinese p

21、ainters never paint dead animals?Chinese painters never paint dead animals because they love all living things in the world and appreciate their state of being.II. Careful Reading1. Read the passage carefully and fill in the following blanks with the missing information.Human beings have done so muc

22、h damage to the natural environment that _ _ .2) The quotations from Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai, and Cheng Hao show that _ _ _.Comprehension the very existence of human beings themselves is threatened Confucian love starts from loving ones family and other people, to loving all living things in the world

23、4) Zhou Dunyi found pleasure in _ _, while Cheng Hao enjoyed observing living things such as _ and _ .Comprehension observing the natural growth of grassfishnewly hatched chicks3) Zheng Banqiao advised people _ to _ instead of _ if they really love birds.plant more treeskeeping them in a cageas bird

24、s homeMany Chinese painters believed that in order to bring vitality to their works, they must _. 6) The story of “Xiangyu” is a good example to illustrate that _ _ _.Comprehensionobserve and learn from naturehumans and other living things are ofthe same kind and they share weal and woe together2. P

25、ut each of the following into English and then compare your translation with that in the passage1)天以阳生万物,以阴成万物。 周敦颐2) 生之性便是仁。 程颐Heaven creates life through yang and nurtures life through yin. Zhou DunyiThe nature of life is love. Cheng YiComprehension 4) 民吾同胞,物吾与也。 张载5) 仁者以天地万物为一体。 程颢All people in t

26、he world are my brothers and all beings in the world are my companions. Zhang ZaiThose with love regard themselves as the same as other living things in the world. Cheng HaoComprehension3)亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物。 孟子(One should) love ones family, love the people, and love all living things in the world. Mencius6

27、) 我图娱悦,彼在囚牢,何情何理,而必屈物之性以适吾性乎。 郑板桥7) 万物之生意最可观。 程颢It is unreasonable to keep them in a cage just to please myself, to oppress their nature to suit my nature! Zheng Banqiao Life and its state of being is most worthy of appreciation. Cheng HaoComprehensionCommunication The following are some quotes from

28、 Chinese and foreign poets. Read them carefully and find out their views about man and nature.泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。 杜甫 一重一掩吾肺腑,山鸟山花吾友于。 杜甫人鸟不相乱,见兽皆相亲。 王维一松一竹真朋友,山鸟山花好弟兄。 辛弃疾高秋总馈贫人实,来岁还舒满眼花。 杜甫Woodman spare the tree! Touch not a single bough! In youth it sheltered me. And Ill protect it now. George Pope MorrisWe cannot command nature except by obeying her. Francis BaconWhen one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world. John MuirCommunicationThe chessboard is the


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