



1、公众#yasi1jia2练习步骤:第 1 步手写:用铅笔手写。不需要严格控制时间,主要是追求质量(基础好的同学可以自己写。基础不好的同学写作提示,有些写作提示比较详细,有些写作提示比较简单,可以根据写作提示练习思路扩展)。第 2 步自查:对照版本的参考自查,自己修订错误;第 3 步复盘:重新写一遍,仍然要求手写。(最好是等两天之后再做第 3 步,因为当时马上写的话,容易变成背诵),写完之后再对照原文。自己写过的文章一定要多复习几遍,因为悉的词汇和句子。的时候你一定会去写自己最熟学习范文的第一步是根据上课讲过的论证方法,去思考范文的论证结构和思路。自己练习的时候不需要和范文写得一样,可以使用自己

2、曾经掌握的高分词汇,但是一定要准确。同时也可以学习范文中的词汇表达和句式。还有重要的一点:避免低级的语法错误。如果基础不好的同学,或者遇到某些比较难的题目,可以采取仿写的方法来练习。大作文题: Some people think we do not need the libraryanymore as we have acs to information via theernet, whileotheopeve the role of the librarycannotbereplaced.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.写作提示在第

3、2 页参考范文在第 3 页1公众#yasi1jia2甲方:1. 通过网络查信息更方便,效率更高。2. 网络馆不会占用土地,而且不会消耗纸张,对环境有好处。造纸行业消耗大量木材,而且排放污水破坏环境乙方:1.馆能够营造学习的氛围,鼓励大家读书。现代人每天都上网、看电视,读写技能下降,但是馆能提供一个很好的地方,让大家安静地读书,学习知识,吸取智慧。2. 在很多城市,馆甚至是城市的地标建筑,代表了城市的文化个人观点:馆的地位受到了网络的,但是馆不会,它是一个学习、交流和参加文化活动的场所。馆有自身的弊端,不如网络看书更环保,不过馆可以增加一些、减少纸质书来解决这些问题。2公众#yasi1jia2版

4、本参考范文网络时代是否还需要馆Theernes made itsible for people to gain information convenientlyat home andlibrary is not nehe office. Therefore, some people claimt building thesary anymore and it is a waste of money.According to these people, books are available on theernet and the numberof readershe library has d

5、eclined significantly in recent years. For exle,whenng scientific research,people can consult reference books on the webwithout going to the library. More importantly, using theernes muchlower cost and less impact on the environment. In comparison, libraries storepr books and it is well knownt pr-ma

6、king industry is a heavy polluter,consuming wood resourand discharging waste water in largeties.However, some people support the construction of the library and they bevet the atmosphere of the library can encourage people to read and study. Ina fast-paced society, it is common for people to choose

7、to spend their sparetime in watchinand browsing wges. As a result, their reading andwriting skills have declined gradually, particularly for children. By contrast, thelibrary is an ideal place for people to enjoy reading, which is a traditional way ofacquiring knowledge and absorbing wisdom from the

8、 book. Also,any citiesthe library hase a landmark of the city, representing its cultural identity.y opinion, although the role of the library is challenged by theernet, itdoes not meant the library has lost its value. The function of the library is toprovide a place for studying, searching for information and participating incultural ac


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