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1、Unit 4 We are having an English class 2重难点知识讲解 Words and expressions:old 老的,旧的 young 年轻的 happy 高兴的 sad 悲伤的 short 短的 long 长的 big 大的 small 小的 tall 高的 short 矮的 quick 快的 slow 慢的 反义词:oldyounghappysad shortlongbigsmalltallshortquickslow“b”:blackboard, book, box, bag, basketball, ball, bee, baby, Ben, bin,

2、 board, blue, boat, body, bottle, boy, bounce, bread, brother, burger, bus.“p”:pear, peach, pen, pencil, pencil-case, potato, put, picture, pineapple, pea“c”:classroom, crayon, carrot, cow, cat, cock, chair“d”:dog, desk, dress, doorSentences: Hello, everyone. Please work in groups now.嗨,大家好。现在以小组为单位

3、练习。 This is 这是一个 That is 那是一个 I am 我是 He/she is 他/她是 e.g.This is a long ruler. That is a short pencil.这是一把长尺子。那是一支短铅笔。 I am tall, but he is short.我很高,但是他很矮。 I am young, but she is old.我很年轻,但是她老了。 The rabbit is quick, but the turtle is slow.那个兔子跑得很快,但是乌龟很慢。 I am happy, but she is sad.我很开心,但是她很忧伤。 Sen

4、tences: Whats he/she/it doing? 他/她/它在干什么? He /She/ It is +v.-ing他/她/它在做 e.g.Whats the girl doing? 那个女孩子在做什么? She is sitting on the chair.她正坐在椅子上。 Whats the cat doing? 那只猫在做什么? It is sleeping.它在睡觉。 Whats the boy doing? 那个男孩子在做什么? Hes making a word.他在组词。Sentences:Where should I put the book? 我该把书放在哪里?

5、 e.g.I should put the book in School things.我应该把书放在学习用品里。 I should put the hat in Clothes.我应该把帽子放在衣服类里。 I should put the carrot in Food.我应该把胡萝卜放在食品里。 I should put the bee in Animals.我应该把蜜蜂放在动物里。(2)Study Pronunciation:字母组合er在单词中发 的音,发 时嘴唇微微张开,舌头自然放松,舌中部微微隆起。 younger brotheryounger brothergettogether

6、after suppera gettogether after supper Listen, point and say.Listen, read and act.(3)Read, think and answer Its about the sports superstars. Its about the birthday party.Its about big circus. Its about brain bomb. Its about Rachel and the soldiers story. Its about Math. Its about the first day of sc

7、hool. Its about colours.Its about the beach. Its about listening and playing.Which book would you like to read? 你想看哪本书? Guess what it is about. Its about猜猜它是关于什么的。它是关于 Id like to read“The First Day of School”.我想看开学第一天这本书。 Its about the first day of school.它是关于开学第一天的事情的。(4)Colour the words.Look at th

8、e colours of the pictures. 看着图片中的颜色。 Colour each letter of the words the same colour as the picture.然后把相应单词涂上相同的颜色。 (5)Listen, say and act.Im sorry. Im late.对不起,我迟到了。 Thats OK. Dont be late next time.没关系。下次别迟到了。Can I ask you a question? 我能问你一个问题吗? Yes, please.是的,请问! Excuse me通常用于打搅他人,不同意,迫不得已而失礼或不赞成

9、时的道歉语。 May I come in? 我可以进来吗? Yes, sure.是的,当然可以Whats the Chinese for“eraser”? “eraser”的汉语怎么说? Xiangpi!橡皮! e.g.Whats the Chinese for“long”? “long”的汉语怎么说? Changde!长的! Whats the Chinese for“panda”? “panda”的汉语怎么说? Xiongmao!熊猫! Whats the English for“Qianbihe”? “铅笔盒”的英语怎么说? Pencil-case.e.g.Whats the Engli

10、sh for“Qianbi”? “铅笔”的英语怎么说? Pencil.Whats the English for“Chizi”? “尺子”的英语怎么说? Ruler.Im sorry. (做错事向别人道歉)对不起。 Thats OK. 没关系。 (6)Listen and say.一只肥猫抓住一只疯老鼠。 她在小屋里卖羊。(7)Look, search and read.答案:(8)Lets chant and sing.(9)Listen and write.单词:old, young, happy, sad, long, short, tall, big, small, quick, slow.三、单元小结 1Words and expressions: 2Sentences:Whats he/ she/ it doing?他/她/它在做什么?He/ She/ It is+v.-ing他/她/它在做Im sorry. Im late.对不起,我迟到了。Thats OK. Dont


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