人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid课时作业4:Using Language_第1页
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人教版(新教材)高中英语选修2Unit5 First Aid课时作业4:Using Language_第5页
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1、Using LanguageK基础练1I .根据首字母或汉语提示拼写单词Peter has earned not only the trust of his fellow (同事的)workers but also that of his boss.The way that I thought of to solve this problem proves to be practical (切实可行的).Rubin suffered a right ankle (脚踝)sprain when she fell off the stairs.Marie held the baby tightly

2、 (紧紧地)in her arms.Im sorry to interrupt (打断)you, but there is something important I have to tell you.When the fire broke out in the shop, people ran for the exits, screaming (尖叫)in fear.No argument can justify (证明有道理)a war, for once the gun goes off, thereis no winner. We are concerned about child w

3、elfare (福禾U).If you are in the event of getting trapped in ruins during an earthquake, dont panic, 10. When you bleed, you lose blood from your body as a result of injury or illness, n.单句语法填空He caught my hand and held it tightly (tight).Meteorology is a very practical (practice) science because ever

4、yone is concerned about the weather.He grabbed (grab)her arm and pulled her out of the path of the car.He desperately (desperate)saw her disappear into the crowd.Each year, more than 2, 800 people, mostly children, choke to death.She has kept up physical training for several years without interrupti

5、on (interrupt).All the young soldiers are ready to bleed (blood) for the country.I still remember that he left Beijing on a foggy (fog) morning.The work was done manuaHy (manual), not by a machine.can put people into a state of emotional well - being.When people are in this state, their immune syste

6、ms become stronger.Of course, hugging is not the only way to comfort others.But physical contact like hugging can comfort people without “making any judgements (about right or wrong)”, Michael Murphy from CMU told Time.K参考范文UThe necessity and significance of hugging is confirmed by a recent study.(要

7、,点 1) In the study, participants were asked about their experiences of conflict and the hugs they received with exposure to cold viruses at the same time.(要点 2) The study shows hugs help avoid negative feelings and relieve stress.(要点 3) The study also finds hugging can strengthen peoples immune syst

8、ems, reducing the possibility of developing illnesses.(要点 4)Surely hugging is an ideal way to give us comfort.(要点 5)I have to figure out its meaning with the help of an English translation.HI.选词填空help sb to ones feet, face up to, out of shape, sleep in, force out, push up.sum up, be concerned about,

9、 go off, keep fitAfter years of eating excessively, he was terribly out of shape.Under those circumstances he had no choice but to face up to challenge bravely. If they force me out, Ill be homeless.That growing demand will naturally push up prices over the long term.Luckily, the parents rushed out

10、and helped the boy to his feet immediately.A very loud security alarm immediately went off just now.He is concerned about his childrens relationship with other students in the school, so he often calls the teachers.Will you please sum up your views in a few words now?To keep fit, we often take part

11、in physical exercise.Yesterday, few students turned up in the morning, because most slept in.W.补全句子The teacher suggested that we (should) clean the blackboard aftei class.老师建议我们课后把黑板擦了。It is very important for modern young people to master at least two foreign languages.掌握至少两门外语对于当代年轻人来说是很重要的。Collec

12、ting informatioa about children s health is his job.收集有关儿童健康的信息是他的工作。. Hearing he news, they all jumped with joy.听到这个消息时,他们都高兴得跳了起来。To improve your spoken/oral English, youd better try your best to grasp every opportunity to talk with foreigners.为了提高你的英语口语,你最好尽力抓住每一个与外国人交谈的机会。Yesterday, few players

13、turned up because most of them slept in.昨天,几乎没有球员到场,因为大多数人都睡过头了。This pair of shoes is out of shape, and Ill throw them away. 这双鞋走样了,我要把它们扔掉。Remember your every effort counts. 记住,你的每一次努力都很重要。. If you see him have a breathing problem, take him to the hospital immediately. 如果你看到他有呼吸问题,马上带他去医院。Youd bett

14、er apply some ointment to the cut, 你最好在伤口上擦些药膏。v .课文语法填空Zhang Tao, who was eating at a restaurant, should owe his safety to a fellow diner, Chen Wei.During the dinner, he suddenly 1. (choke) on some steak, while what his friends could do was only slap him on the back 2. (desperate). Fortunately, Che

15、n had learned 3. to give first aid in school.He remained calm and performed the Heimlich manoeuvre right 4. , thus forcing out the food instantly and 5. (make) Zhang breathe again.The Heimlich manoeuvre, 6. was created by Henry Heimlich, an American doctor, has saved thousands of lives around the wo

16、rld.7. (do) the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick, practical and easy.However, 8. is not recommended to perform it on a small child, as it may hurt him.With choking victims, every minute counts.So, we shouldnt stand 9. and do nothing.We are all 10. (human) and we all have a responsibility to look after on

17、e anothers welfare.K答案R 1 .choked K考查动词的时态。因为事件发生在过去,所以用一般 过去时choked。3desperately R考查副词。修饰动词slap应使用副词,故填desperately。how K考查固定用法。句意:幸运的是,陈在学校里学习过如何实施急救力 4. awayK考查固定搭配。right away意为“立即;马上“。!1making K考查非谓语动词。该处动作与前面的forcing out并列,都表示 remained calm and performed the Heimlich manoeuvre 产生的影响或结果。故填 making

18、 o 3which K考查非限制性定语从句。此处which指代先行词The Heimlich manoeuvre,在非限制性定语从句中作主语。XDoing K考查非谓语动词。该处缺主语,且表示主动动作,故填Doing。1 8. it K考查代词。it在这里作形式主语,真正的主语是to perform it on a small child o 2by考查介词。standby为固定短语,意为“袖手旁观”。1humans K考查名词复数。human为可数名词,且前面有all修饰,故填humanso 2 K提能练I .七选五How to Do Basic First AidBasic first a

19、id refers to a temporary form of help given to someone who has been injured or has got sick due to choking, a heart attack, drugs or other medical emergencies, 1 .Care for the person who has just gone through serious damage, including both physical treatment and emotional support. 2 . Let the person

20、 know that help is on its way and that everything will be all right.And you can ask about his name, and then about his interests if he knows what has happened.3 Youd better listen for the sound of air coming in and out, and feel for air using the side of your face.If there are no signs of breathing,

21、 place two fingers under the chin (下巴)and gently guide the face upwards to open up his airways.Perform 30 chest compressions (心肺复苏 )and two rescue breaths as part of CPR. 4 . And then press the chest down about 2 inches at a rate of 100 compressions per minute.After 30 compressions, give two rescue

22、breaths, done by opening the airways, closing the nose and fully covering the mouth hole.Make sure the person is warm as you wait for medical help.Remove some of your own clothes, such as your coat or jacket, and use it as a cover until medical help arrives. Ho we ver, if the person suffers from hea

23、tstroke (中暑),do not cover him or keep him warm. 5 .A. Instead, try to cool himB Remember to stay calmC Perform first aid immediatelyHere are some tips for first aidIt is important to take the correct chest compressionsIn the center of the chest, fold your two hands together firstIf a person is in a

24、state similar to sleep, he may need checking for breathK语篇解读本文是一篇关于如何实施基本的急救措施的科普类文章。DK后文主要讲实施急救的具体做法,第一段为总起段落,所以该句承上启下,讲这有一些关于急救的建议。工B (根据上文中 emotional support 和下文的 Let the person know that help is on its way and that everything will be all right.可知B选项(记住要保持冷静)是正确的。5 3. G K该空设于段首,为主题句。根据后文 listen f

25、or the sound of air.feel for air. 以及open up his airways可知,这些均为检查呼吸的做法,应选G选项(如果一个 人处于类似昏睡的状态,他可能需要被检查一下呼吸)。XF K根据前一句 Perform 30 chest compressions(心肺复苏)and two rescue breaths as part of CPR.可知,该段讲的是如何实施心肺复苏和人工呼吸。又由下文And then press the chest down about 2 inches at a rate of 100 compressions per minute

26、.可 知这里讲的是心肺复苏的步骤,由此可知应选F选项(首先,将你的双手叠放在 一起,放在(患者的)胸部中间)。XA K根据上文 However, if the person suffers from heatstroke(中暑),do not cover him or keep him warm.可知应选A选项(相反,要尽量使他凉爽)。!1II .完形填空Thai hairstylist Pornsupa Hattayong is making medical workers fighting the new coronavirus (冠状病毒)feel just a little bette

27、r.She is providing haircuts for them at hospitals in Bangkok.Pornsupa says at first she was 2 about offering her service, thinking it was unimportant.But now, she is pleased with the warm welcome she receives from health care workers.Thailands hair shops have been 3 for more than a month to help sto

28、p the spread ofCO VID19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus.Pornsupa began her 4 at the end of March.On her first hospital visit, Pornsupa had 5 on cutting the hair of six health workers.Instead, she gave haircuts to 30 of them.On her second 6 , a group of 20 quickly 7 50.Pornsupa said, “They

29、 just kept coming.Some 8 in their medical gowns (医护月艮) and asked if they could get a haircut 9 as they had to go to work” . At that point, she asked her firends to help her.Bangkok Metropolitan Administration General Hospital is the fourth hospital where she has given haircuts.The team 10 about 50 h

30、aircuts each day.Pornsupa wears protective clothing on all parts of her body as she works.She uses a spray (喷雾器)containing alcohol on her 11 between customers while offering her service.The haircutting team is not 12 and Pornsupa says she is living on money she had saved.She adds that she is just pr

31、oud her skill is making a difference.For Dr.Teerapat Jittpoonkuson, it is the humanity behind the haircut that is more 13 . He said, I dont feel like this is 14 a service I am getting.lt feels like more of a(n) 15 given by a group of people to our hospital staff.This is more than just a haircut.vk语篇

32、解读I泰国发型师Pornsupa Hattayong为正在与新型冠状病毒作斗争的医务工作者们免费理发,希望他们能够在这种情况下感觉好一些。A.freeB. importantC. uniqueD. necessaryK答 案I A K根据倒数第二段中的.she is living on money she had saved. 可推知Pornsupa Hattayong为奋战在一线的医务工作者们提供免费的理发服务。 句意:她在曼谷的医院为他们提供免费的(free)理发服务JA.certainB. unsureC. confidentD. frightenedK答 案H B K根据该空后的.th

33、inking it was unimportant.XT知 Pornsupa 开 始的时候不确定要不要提供服务。句意:Pornsupa说,起初她不确定(unsure)要 不要提供服务,她认为这是无关紧要的。uA.shutB. openedC brokenD. runK答 案I A K 根据该空后的 Pornsupa began her at the end of March.可 知Pornsupa的理发店在三月末才开始营业。句意:为了阻止由新型冠状病毒引 起的COVID-19疾病的传播,Pornsupa的发廊已经关闭了 (shut)一个多月。A.serviceB. devotionC. car

34、eerD. courseK答案I A K根据最后一段中的 I dont feel like this is a service I am getting.可知Pornsupa在提供理发服务。句意:Pornsupa在三月底开始了她的服 务(service)。A.workedB. keptC. managedD. plannedk答 案I D K根据该空后的.cutting the hair of six health workers.和.she gave haircuts to 30 of them,可知Pornsupa 一开始计划给六名医护人员理发,但她 实际上给三十个人理发了。句意:在她第一

35、次去医院时,Pornsupa计划(planned) 给六名医护人员剪头发。A.chanceB. tripC. visitD. interview答 案I C K根据上文的On her first hospital visit可知她之前已经去过一次 医院了。句意:在她第二次去(visit)医院时,一个二十人的团体很快就变成了 (turned into)五 十人。IA.cut offB. turned intoC reduced toD. fell intoK答 案)1 B K根据该空前的.she gave haircuts to 30 of them .和该空后的50, 可推知理发的人数在增加。

36、句意见上题。XA.arrivedB. performedC. organizedD. returned答 案A K根据空前They just keep coming .及此空所在的句子可推知一些 人穿着他们的医用防护服来了(arrived),问他们是否可以现在就理发,因为他们 要去上班。XA.on timeB. as usualC right awayD. at times答 案C K根据该空后的.as they had to go to work可知他们想马上(right away)理发。句意见上题。DA.showsB. providesC. sharesD. delivers(答案H B

37、K根据第一段中的 She is providing haircuts for them at hospitals in Bangkok.可知Pomsupa在提供免费的理发服务。句意:团队每天提供 (pro vides)大约五十次理发服务。UA.equipmentB. souvenirsC. instrumentsD. clothesK答案XAK她会在给下一个顾客理发前,对她的设备(equipment)喷洒酒精(消毒)。A.trainedB. paidC. preparedD. treatedK答 案 B K根据该空后的.she is living on money she had saved.

38、可知这个 理发师团队提供免费的服务。句意:这个理发师团队没有薪水(paid), Pomsupa 说她靠自己的积蓄生活。HA.valuableB. limitedC. unusualD. endlessK答案I A K对Teerapat Jittpoonkuson医生来说,更有价值的(valuable)是理 发背后的人性。IA.nearlyB.hardlyC. simplyD.speciallyK答案C K他说:“我不觉得这仅仅(simply)是我得到的一项服务A.kindnessB.honourD awardC. lesson答案 A K根据第一段中的 She is providing hai

39、rcuts for them at hospitals in Bangkok.可知Pomsupa为奋战一线的医护人员提供免费的理发服务, 这对医护人员来说是一种善意的举动。句意:这感觉更像是一群人对我们医院员 工的一种善意(kindness)。3III.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。US psychotherapist (精神治疗医师)Virginia Satir once said: We need four hugs a day for survival.We need eight hugs a day for maintenance.We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” She believed that hugging was necessary and important.Researchers have found scientific evidence that backs up her belief.According to a rece


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