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1、代词(建议用时40分钟)I .单句语法填空Susan made clear to me that she wished to make a newlife for herself. After teaching (she)to surf with one arm, in 2004, she entered a major competition and won the ESPY Award.My wife is a shopaholic(购物狂).She is addicted to shopping on the Internet. seems that she cant control h

2、erself well, just clicking constantly with the mouse.A few years before, Id been at home in Hong Kong, with (it) choking smoke. A couple of days ago, I met a friend of(me) at a local cafeteria for a chat.In 1989, the Chinese government declared the ninth day of the ninth lunar month to be Seniors1 D

3、ay 一a day to respect the elderly and to let them enjoy(they).一Have you found a job yet?一No.Pve got two job offers, but I feel 1 would accept. The quality of education in this small school is better than in some larger schools.星期以来,凯瑟琳一直在默默地担心自己是否有足够乘飞机回家过两个星期的春假。故A选项正确。C 考查名词辨析。A.time时间;B.food食物;C.m

4、oney钱; D.room房间。根据下文“with $850 cash in the desert.Just enough to get her home and back.“可知,凯瑟琳一直在默默地担心自己是否有足够钱乘飞 机回家过两个星期的春假。故C选项正确。D 考查动词辨析。A.equipped装备;B.supplied提供; C.decorated 装饰;D.filled 装。be filled with 装满”。句意:她在沙漠 里发现了一个空白的、身份不明的信封,里面装着850美元现金。故D 选项正确。B 考查动词短语辨析。A.setoff出发;B.broke down坏掉; C.h

5、eadedfbr朝出发;D.heldon坚持,继续。这里表示“他们的车坏掉了”。故B选项正确。D 考查名词辨析。A.rest 休息;B.practice 实践;C.understanding 理解;D.help帮助。车坏掉之后他们得到了意想不到的帮助。故D选 项正确。B 考查名词辨析。A.members成员;B.volunteers志愿者; C.tourists游客;D.reporters记者。根据语境,此处指”来自全国各地 的志愿者们聚集到一起参加活动”。故B选项正确。A 考查名词辨析。A.purpose 目的;B.question 问题;C.decision 决定;D.lesson课程。w

6、ith a purpose of ”带着目的“。故A选项正确。C 考查动词辨析。A.introduced介绍;B.expected期望,预 料;C.experienced经历;D.examined检查。句意:他们所经历的很多 事情都不仅仅是个巧合。故C选项正确。D 考查动词辨析。A.turn转向;B.limit限制;C.compare比 作;D.devote 奉献。devote.to. JE奉献给;致力于”。故D选项正确。IV .语法填空One day, I was comfortably waiting for my flight with a good book to read when

7、elderly lady was wheeled to our waiting area.I noticed the trouble she was having 2 (try) to open a packet of nuts with her shaking hands.No one else was willing to meet her gaze (目光),so I 3 (offer) to help.The lady was very grateful.We sat and chatted.The time came to board the plane.She could walk

8、 but needed some 4 (assist), so I volunteered to help her and carry her bag.As I helped her get 、 (settle), I noticed her “seat mate, a businessman, looked a bit horrified at having to make the flight with her.He offered to change 6 (seat) with me 一 and I agreed.We had a long chat.As we were enterin

9、g another country we needed to fill out forms! offered to fill (her) out because of her shaking hands.We landed and I needed to change planes, but I helped her first.The wheelchair she ordered was nowhere to be seen so we slowly walked to the gate 8 her daughter was waiting.As a result, I had to run

10、 to catch my connection but, as I thought aboutthe experience, I saw her 9 my airport angel, a chance for me to hope that in the future when Im in my eighties and traveling, someone will take the time 10 (connect) with me.答案与解析文章大意:本文属于记叙文,讲述作者在机场和飞机上帮助一位 行动不便的老太太,作者希望以后别人能够同样帮助自己。an考查冠词。句意:一天,我在读着一

11、本好书等待我的航班, 正在这时,一位老太太推着轮椅来到候机室。由于第一次提及老太太, 故用不定冠词,elderly为始发音为元音,故用an。trying考查非谓语动词。句意:我注意到她用她颤抖的双手 打开一袋坚果有困难。分析句子可知,she was having 2 (try) to open a packet of nuts with her shaking hands 为定语从句修饰先行词 trouble, 本句为短语have trouble (in) doing sth.,故用现在分词tryingooffered考查一般过去时。句意:没人愿意帮忙,因此我主动 帮忙。分析句子可知,本句缺乏

12、谓语,由于陈述过去的事情,故用一 般过去时offered。assistance考查名词。句意:她能行走,但是需要一些帮助。分析句子可知,本句缺乏宾语,故用assist的名词形式assistance。settled考查非谓语动词。句意:当我帮她坐到自己的位置时, 我注意到她旁边是一个商人,因为要与老太太一道坐飞机感到很恐怖。 分析句子可知,本句为get sth. done “让某事被做,get her settled 把她安置下来”,settle与其逻辑主语her为动宾关系,故用过去分词settled oseats考查名词。句意:他主动提出和我换位置,我同意了。 根据文章可知,商人不愿意与老太太

13、坐在一起,故交换位置,故用seatsohers考查名词性物主代词。句意:由于她双手不便,因此我 帮她填写了表格。根据前文可知,进入其他国家需要填表,故作者帮 老太太完成她的表格,作fill的宾语且后面没有名词,故用名词性物主 代词hersowhere考查关系副词。句意:由于没看见她预订的轮椅,因 此我们慢慢地走向机场出口,她女儿在那里等她。分析句子可知,her daughter was waiting作定语修饰先行词the gate,关系词在从句中作地 点状语,故用关系副词where。as考查介词。句意:但是我回想这次经历,我把这位老 太太视为我的机场天使。本句为短语see sb. as “把

14、某人视作”, 故用介词asoto connect考查动词不定式。句意: 希望在我八十多岁 旅行的时候,有人能够花点时间帮助我。分析句子可知,作者希望自 己的付出,在以后别人也能够帮助她,本句为take time to do sth. “花 时间做某事”,故用不定式to connect。V .短文改错Last Saturday, I went on journey by train.There were such many passengers that not everyone could get a seat.Many people had to stand,which was really

15、 tired.I had a reserved seat so I could sit comfortable.In front of my seat is a woman with two little kids.With the kid squeezing into their single seat, she had to stand up all the way.So I moved a bit but shared my seat with her.The woman felt very grateful to my selflessness.Seeing her beautiful

16、 smile, I also smiled.Share increased happiness!这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者上周六乘坐火车去旅行,在火车上 发生的故事。.考查冠词。固定短语go on a journey意为“去旅行”,中间需 要冠词,故on后添加a。.考查固定句式。many前用so,与that构成so.that.句型,表 示“如此以至于”,故such改为S。.考查形容词。根据句意可知,此处表示上文“站着”这个动作 是“令人累的”,所以用tiring。.考查副词。sit为动词,应该用副词修饰,故comfortable改为 comfortably。.考查动词时态。故事介绍过去的事情,

17、应该用一般过去时,故 is改为waso.考查名词的数。kid为可数名词,由下文their可知,这里kid 用复数形式。故kid改为kids。.考查介词。根据句意可知,那位妈妈是一直站立着,而stand up 只是表示瞬间的动作“站起来”,不能和all the way连用。故去掉up。.考查连词。根据句意可知两个动词之间是并列关系而非转折关 系。故把but改为ando.考查介词。固定短语be grateful to sb. for sth.意为因而感激某人”,故to改为for。.考查非谓语动词。Share在句中作主语应该用动名词形式,意 为“分享”,故Share改为Sharing。Cars do

18、 cause us some health problemsin fact far more serious than mobile phones do. Have you finished all your exercises?一Yes,is left.As a matter of fact, they are as easy as ABC.答案与解析it 所填词代替宾语从句“that she wished to make a new life fdr herself,作made的形式宾语,故用it。herself teach oneself意为“自学”,根据句意可知应填she的 反身代词h

19、erselfoIt句意:我妻子是一个购物狂,她沉迷于网上购物。她似乎 不能很好地控制自己,只是不停地用鼠标点击。设空处在句中充当形 式主语,故用Itoits人称代词it不能作定语,应用其形容词性物主代词its。句 意:几年前我住在香港的家中,那里有令人窒息的烟雾。mine表示“我的其中一位朋友” 一般有两种表达方式:a friend of mine 或 one of my friends 0 mine 在止匕等于 my friends othemselves所填词与其逻辑主语them所指相同,均为the elderly,应填入反身代词themselvesoneither根据句意”我感觉我两个工

20、作都不会接受”可知, 应填neither,表示两者都不。that that表示特指,代指前文提到的单数名词或不可数名词, 此处用that代替句首的不可数名词qualityo代词it和one只能代指可 数名词单数。ones ones表示泛指,用来代替上文出现的复数可数名词,此 处用ones代指前面的health problemsonone考查none表示数量否定的用法。此时常可译为“连一 个人、一点东西都没有”。II .单句改错. I felt so regretful for telling lies.I had wasted anybodys time. Once he can do tha

21、t naturally and can swim without fear, the child can master the technique and push him forward through the water.Though facing great pressure, the speakers bravely overcame it.They challenged them to achieve great success.My uncle gave my cousins and me some wine and said, “Now enjoy yourself, but d

22、ont get drunk! ”I hope you can consider my advice seriously and then make you final decision.Besides, the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities lively and interesting.Using an iPad, we can listen to music, download a lot of reading materials and read it. It does not

23、 cost many, yet we can still learn a lot. Mary waited for a reply, but neither came.For those who want to study abroad, it is necessary for they to have a good knowledge of English.答案与解析anybodys-everybodys anybody 一般用于疑问句、否定句或 条件句中,意为“任何人”,用在此处不符合句意。himf himself句意:一旦这个孩子能够自然地那样做且游泳 时不害怕,他就能掌握这项技能,然后

24、他自己就能自如地在水里游泳 了。谓语动词push的宾语与主语是同一主体,应该用反身代词作宾语。themthemselves句意:尽管面对巨大的压力,演讲者们勇 敢地克服它。为了取得巨大的成功,他们挑战自我。谓语动词challenged 的宾语与主语是同一主体,应该用反身代词作宾语。yourselfyourselves 根据 my cousins and me 可矢口不止个人, 因此yourself应改为复数形式。第二个youf your形容词性物主代词your修饰名词decisionohistheir try ones best to do sth.是固定短语,意为“尽某人所 能做某事”,因为

25、主语是the foreign teachers,所以ones应该用theiroit-them 用 them 指代前面提到的 a lot of reading materialsomanyf much much代替不可数名词,cost much“花费很多”。 此处也可理解为much money的省略。neither-none none表示三者或三者以上都不,既可指人也可 指物。根据句意可知,此处应为no reply,故用none。注意neither表 示两者都不。theythem for为介词,后面应用代词的宾格,故应用them。III .完形填空One evening, Catherine w

26、as at home as usual.As her 1 swung between what she was going to do with her life and their dinner plans for the evening, she was unexpectedly 2 by an urgent call from her sister “Get over here! Turn on NBC and check these guys out.They are just like you One Facebook message and a phone interview la

27、ter, Catherine 3 herself on a bus with 8 strangers in the middle of the sweltering desert heat of Utah, picking up trash and 4 awareness about zero-waste and climate change.With a deep 5 of the environment and a desire to make a 6, Catherine, Davey, and a group of self a environmental pick-up artist

28、s” went on a coast to coast road side trash pick-up.As they walked, sometimes only 8 0.9 miles in an entire day, they 9 and steadily made their way across the United States for three years, picking up a total of 20L 678 pounds of trash.Catherine and Davey 10 with them wonderful stories of hope and i

29、nspiration that fueled their 11 to continue their journey. After spending weeks silently 12 how she would have enough 13 to fly home for their two-week spring break, Catherine found a blank, unidentified envelope 14 with $850 cash in the desert.Just enough to get her homeand back.After their bus 15

30、outside of Denver, they unexpectedly got16 and arrived in Yosemite National Park three weeks later, just in time for the “Yosemite Facelift where 17 from all over the state came together with a 18 of cleaning up trash all over the park.Being at the right place at the right time became almost normal,

31、 andthey realized that much of what they 19 was more than just a coincidence.Together, their team learned to simply 20 themselves totheir task, and surrender to the journey.A.handsB balanceC thoughtsA上lamedC movedA.droppedC. foundA.abandoningC raising. A.prideC - fearA.differenceC. mistakeA.correcte

32、dC repeatedD. positionB interruptedD - frightenedB cheeredD - taught- shakingD. hidingB. trustD. loveB promiseD. planB describedD discoveredA.drivingC. ridingA.slowlyC. helplesslyA.heardC. wroteA.effortsC. problems. A.worrying aboutC. depending onA.timeC moneyA.equippedC decoratedA.set offC headed f

33、orA.restC understandingA.membersC. touristsA.purposeB fixingD coveringB - secretlyD frequentlyB sharedD readB - costsD. choicesB replying toD. meeting withB - foodD - roomB suppliedD. filledB - broke downD. held onB - practiceD - helpB volunteersD reportersB questionD. lessonC. decisionA.introducedC experiencedA.turnC. compareA.introducedC experiencedA.turnC. compareB expectedD examinedB . limitD devote答案与解析文章大意:本文为记叙文。文章讲述了带着对环境的热爱和想要 有所作为的愿望,凯瑟琳、戴维和一群自命为“环保拾荒艺术家”的 人沿着海岸公路边的垃圾拾荒的故事。她们的故事也激励了更多的志 愿者加入了这样的行动中来。C 考查名词辨析。A.hands 手;B.bala


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