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1、英语有趣的学习单词的方法学英语有乐趣才能有热情,来点小方法让背单词的事儿,变得有 意思,小编今天就给大家看看英语单词,有兴趣的可以阅读一下最易记住的10个英文单词1、衙门:Yamen中文解释:衙门,旧时称官署为衙门,古时也常用来象征武力。英文解释:A yamen was the administrative office and/or residence of a local bureaucrat or mandarin in imperial China.Ayamen can also be any governmental office or body headed by a mandar

2、in, at any level of government: the offices of one the Six Ministries is a yamen, but so is a prefectural magistracy.The term has been widely used in China for centuries, but appeared in English during the Qing dynasty.2、罗盘:Luopan中文解释:罗盘,是用于风水探测的工具,理气宗派常用的操作 工具。罗盘主要由位于盘中央的磁针和一系列同心圆圈组成,每一个圆圈都代表着中国古人对

3、于宇宙大系统中某一个层次信息的理解。英文解释:Luopan is a Chinese magnetic compass, also known as a Feng Shui compass. It is used by a Feng Shui consultant to determine the precise direction of a structure or other item. Since the invention of the compass for use in Feng Shui,traditional feng shui has required its use.3、牌

4、楼:Pailou中文解释:牌楼也叫牌坊,汉族传统建筑之一。最早见于周朝, 最初用于旌表节孝的纪念物,后来在园林、寺观、宫苑、陵墓和街道 均有建造,北京是中国牌楼最多的城市。英文解释: Paifang, a traditional Chinese architectural form like an archway. The word paifang was originally a collective term for the top two levels of administrativedivision andsubdivisions of ancient Chinese cities.

5、 The largest division within a city in ancient China was a fang (Chinese:坊), equivalent to a current day precinct.4、豆腐:Tofu中文解释:豆腐是一种以黄豆为主要原料的食物,起源于中国, 在越南、日本和朝鲜半岛也很普遍。豆腐是我国炼丹家、淮南王刘安 发明的绿色健康食品。时至今日,已有二千一百多年的历史,深受我 国人民、周边各国、及世界人民的喜爱。英文解释:Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a food made by coagulating so

6、y milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft white blocks. Tofu has a subtle flavor and can be used in savory and sweet dishes. Tofu originated in Han dynastyChina some 2,000 years ago. Chinese legend ascribes its invention to prince Liu An (179122 BC).5、功夫:Kung Fu中文解释:中国功夫也称中国武术,是以技击为主要内容

7、,以套 路和搏斗为运动形式,注重内外兼修的中国传统体育项目,是中国人民长期积累起来的一宗宝贵文化遗产。英文解释: Chinese martial arts, which are called kung fu orgung fu (/k fu/) (Chinese:功夫)and wushu (武用,are a number of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits,

8、 identified as families( 家;ji r, sects (派;pi) or schools (M; mn) of martial arts.6、太极拳:Tai Chi中文解释:太极拳,国家级非物质文化遗产,是以中国传统儒、道哲学中的太极、阴阳辩证理念为核心思想,集颐养性情、强身健体、 技击对抗等多种功能为一体,结合易学的阴阳五行之变化,中医经络 学,古代的导引术和吐纳术形成的一种内外兼修、 柔和、缓慢、轻灵、 刚柔相济的汉族传统拳术。英文解释:Often shortened to tai chi, taiji or tai chi in English usage, Ta

9、i chi chuan or3tijqun is an internal Chinese martial art practicedfor bothitsdefensetrainingand itshealthbenefits. Though originally conceived as a martial art, it is also typicallypracticedfora varietyof otherpersonalreasons: competitive wrestling in the format of Pushing Hands (Tui Shou), demonstr

10、ation competitions, and achieving greater longevity.7、麻将:Mahjong中文解释:麻将,一种汉族发明的益智游戏,麻将类娱乐用具, 用竹子、骨头或塑料制成的小长方块,上面刻有花纹或字样,每副 136张。四人骨牌博戏,流行于华人文化圈中。不同地区的游戏规则 稍有不同。麻将的牌式主要有“饼(文钱)”、“条(索子)”、“万(万贯)” 等。英文解释: Mahjong, also spelled majiang, mah jongg, and numerous other variants, is a game that originated in

11、China. It is commonly played by four players (with some three-player variations found inSouth Korea and Japan). The game is played with a set of 144 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols, although some regional variations use a different number of tiles.8、叩头:Kowtow中文解释:扣头,指叩头,磕头。英文解释: Kowtow

12、, which is borrowed from kau tau in Cantonese (koutou in Mandarin Chinese), is the act of deep respect shown by prostration, that is, kneeling and bowing solow as to have ones head touchingthe ground. Analternative Chinese term is ketou; however, the meaning is somewhat altered: kou has the general

13、meaning of knock, whereas ke has the general meaning of touch upon (a surface), tou meaning head.9、风水:Feng shui中文解释:相传风水的创始人是九天玄女,比较完善的风水学问 起源于战国时代。风水的核心思想是人与大自然的和谐, 早期的风水 主要关乎宫殿、住宅、村落、墓地的选址、座向、建设等方法及原则, 为选择合适的地方的一门学问。风水有两种释义,其一水肿病的一种, 多由风邪侵袭,肺气失于宣降、不能通调水道、水湿潴留体内所致。其二指住宅基地、坟地等的自然形势,如地脉、山水的方向等的体系。英文解

14、释: Feng shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. The term feng shui literally translates as wind-waterin English. The feng shui practice discusses architecture in metaphoric terms of invisible forces that bind the universe, earth, and humanity

15、together, known as qi.10、算盘:Suan pan中文解释:算盘,又作标盘,珠算盘是我们祖先创造发明的一种 简便的计算工具,珠算盘起源于北宋时代,北宋串档算珠。中国是算 盘的故乡,在计算机已被普遍使用的今天,古老的算盘不仅没有被废 弃,反而因它的灵便、准确等优点,在许多国家方兴未艾。因此,人 们往往把算盘的发明与中国古代四大发明相提并论,北宋名画清明上河图中赵太丞家药铺柜就画有一架算盘。英文解释: The Suan Pan is an abacus of Chinese origin first described in a 190 CE book of the East

16、ern Han Dynasty, namely Supplementary Notes on the Art of Figures written by Xu Yue. However, the exact design of this suanpan is not known. Usually, a suanpan is about 20 cm tall and it comes in various widths depending on the application. It usually has more than seven rods. There are two beads on

17、 each rod in the upper deck and five beads on each rod in the bottom deck.3分钟教你学会背单词Heres How: 怎么做:Choose a subject area that interests you very much.选择一个你感兴趣的话题。Write a short introduction to the subject trying to use as many vocabulary words concerning the subject as possible.写一个关于这个话题的简短介绍,尽量多地用上与

18、这个话题有关 的词汇。Using your introduction, arrange the principle ideas concerning the subject into a vocabulary tree.用你自己写的介绍整理出与此话题相关的主要概念,并制作一个单词树状图。To create a vocabulary tree, put the subject at the center of a piece of paper.在纸张中心写上主题名称来绘制单词树状图。Around the central subject, put the principle areas relat

19、ing to the subject. Example - verbs, descriptive adjectives, where, etc.围绕中心话题,划分出与主题相关的几个区域,比如:动词、描 述性形容词、地点等等。In each of these categories, write the appropriate vocabulary. If you need to, write sub-categories.在每一个分类下,写上恰当的词汇。如果有需要,可以细化你的 分类。Create the same vocabulary tree in your native language.

20、用母语绘制同样的树状图。Your native language tree will be much more detailed. Use this native language tree as a reference point to look up new words and fill in your English tree.母语的树状图会更详细些。用母语树形图作为参考,寻找新的单词填充英文树形图。Rewrite your introductory essay concerning the subject taking advantage of the new vocabulary l

21、earned.重写上面的介绍短文,用上新学的单词。To make this vocabulary active, practice reading your essay aloud until you can present it by memory.要想自如使用这些新单词,大声朗读你的短文直到可以背诵。Ask a friend or fellow classmate to listen to your presentation and ask you questions about the subject.找一个朋友听你的短文,并针对这个话题向你提问。Tips:贝占士Remember tha

22、t vocabulary goes from passive knowledge to active knowledge - this means that you need to repeat a word often before it becomes active vocabulary.记住背单词都有一个从消极词汇到积极词汇的过程,即死记硬背 到熟练掌握的过程,这就意味着要想熟练掌握一个单词, 你要反复地 记忆。Be patient with yourself, it takes time for this process to work.对自己有耐心,这个过程需要时间。Try to a

23、lways learn vocabulary in groups of words instead of random lists. In this manner, words are related to each other and are more likely to remembered over the long-term.试着从词句间学习新单词,而不要对着词汇表学习。这样,学到 的词汇就可以互相联系,也更能够长时记忆。简单有效的英语单词记忆法1读音记忆根据字母组合、读音规则进行记忆,会读一个单词,便会拼写出来。外来语:中文中有许多词来自英语,这些词的发音近似英语。如:tank坦克,

24、jeep吉普车,coffee咖啡2歌诀记忆如:new新的;门n前一只鹅e,曲颈向天歌,借问哪里去,直 奔小山坡w。chair椅子:小汽车c a r, h i来 中间插,你和我坐上去,兜兜 风真潇洒。区分am are is的用法:我用am,你用are, is用于他,她,它, 以上主语是单数,一个以上是复数,复数主语用are。我用have,你用have, has用于他,她,它,以上主语是单数, 复数主语用have。3睡眠记忆晚上睡前读两遍要记的单词,然后睡觉,第二天醒来后再读两遍,这样记忆效果不错。(一般上午9-11点,下午3-4点,晚上7-10点记忆力比较好)4感官记忆记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。(多动手写)5复习记忆记住了的单词,过段时间不看,就忘记了,所以每隔一段时间要 进行复习,巩固所学单词,反复记忆。6整体记忆把几个字母看作一个整体来记 如:“ow ”再加上不同的字母, 可组成how(怎么样,如何),cow(奶牛),now(现在),d


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