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1、英语教学法语法翻译法 Grammer Translation Method直接法 Direct Method听说法 Audio-lingual Method4情景法 又称视听法 the situational approach认知法 cognitive approach交际法 communicative approach 功能法 functional approach 意念法 notional approach功能-意念法 functional-notional approach任务型教学法 task-based language approach任务前Pre-task任务环 task-cyc

2、le :task, planning, reporting语言聚焦 languaga focus: analysis, practice(types of tasks:brainstorming tasks ; jigsaw tasks;information-gap tasks;problem-solving tasks;decision-making tasks;opinion exchange tasks)英语语言知识教学一、语音教学 teaching pronunciation语流层次的语音教学stress of sentences; rhythms ;sense-group and

3、pause ;liaison and loss of plosion ;intonationthree ways to show the stress patterns of words, phrases and sentences:use gestures; use the voice; use the blackboard口语中:elision and assimilation二、词?匚教学 teaching vocabulary词汇教学模式:PPT 模式:presentation, practice, testingLBLT 模式:task based language teaching

4、Ways of presenting vocabularyftry to provide a visual or physical demonstration to show meaning.Provide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning.Use synonyms, antonyms, to explain meaningUse lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings.Translate and exemplify.Use word foemat

5、ion rules and common affixes to build new lexical knowledge on what is already known.Teach vocabulary in chunks.Think about the context in real life where the word might be used.Think about providing different context for introducing new words.Prepare for possible misunderstanding or confusion that

6、students may have.Ways of consolidating vocabularyLabellingSpot the differencesDescribe and drawPlay a gameUse word seriesWord bingoWord associationFind synonyms and antonymsCategoriesUsing word net-workUsing the internet resources for more ideasDeveloping vocabulary learning strategiesreview regual

7、ryguess meaning from contextorganize vocabulary effectivelyuse a dictionarymanage strategy use三、语法教学:teaching grammer演绎法 the deductive method归纳法 the inductive method指导发现法 the guided discovery method语法教学模式:行为主义语法教学presentation, explanation, practice, assessment任务型语法教学任务准备,设置语境呈现任务,任务执行,汇报,聚焦练习交际型语法教学

8、:Presentation, practice, practice in contextPresentation, rehearsal, reportIntroduce, practice, produce/communicate语法练习方法Mechanical practice: substitutional drills; transformation drills meaningful practice;communicative practice四、语篇教学 teaching discourse语篇教学方法整体教学法 title, main idea, topic sentenceIn

9、troduction (present situation)-background informationtopic sentence body(supporting detail) short summary opinion (prediction)一conclusion (suggestion/solution) recommendation (calling for action)topic sentence introduction (supporting detail) thesis statementtopic sentence( majorpoint two) supportin

10、gcontrolling idea) topic arguments) concludingpoint one)supporting detail topic sentence(major detail conclusion(short summary)general introductory(remarks) introduction (narrowing sentence supportingdetail(examples,reasons, remarks conclusion(restatement of controlling idea)线索教学法 5W+1H (who, when,

11、where, why, what, how)时间顺序 chronological order背景知识教学法段落提问教学法1关于主旨题的提问形式The article is mainly about The main idea of this text may be The authors purpose in writing this text.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?Which statement best express the main idea of the paragraph?We can su

12、mmarize the main idea that 2关于文章细节Who, when, where, what, why, howWhich of the following is NOT true?According to the passage which of the following is NOT a statement?3推断型The author implies that.The author suggests that.The tone of this article is It can be infferred from the text that 4作者观点类型的提问方式

13、The author believes that The author thinks that.According to the author The author agrees with The author gives his opinion that The author ;s point of view 讨论教学法英语语言技能教学一、听力教学Three teaching stages1 pre-listeningPre-listening activities should aim to motivate students, to active their prior knowledg

14、e, and to teach key words or key structures to the students before listening begins so that students are effectively, thematically and linguistically prepared for the listening task.Predicting : teacher can help students by asking leading questions or letting them read the comprehension questionsSet

15、ting the sceneListening for the gist: in real life they will not be able to listen to something several times.Listening for specific information: there are situations in real life where we listen only for some specific information and ignore the rest of the entire messages.while-listeningNo specific

16、 response. This can work well with stories or with any kind of materials that is intersting, humorous, or dramatic.Listen and tick. If all the students need to do is tick items, the task will be much easier.Listen and squence. Find out the order of things.Listen and act. Listenning and responding ph

17、ysically to commands or directions.Listen and draw. This type of activity works very well as an information gap activity between pairs of students.Listen and fill. All you need to do is to decide which words to take out and replace with blanks.Listen and notes. Listeners take notes while listening.p

18、ost-readingMultiple-choice questions.Answering questions. Open-ended questions and inference questions can be asked.Note-taking and gap-filling.Dictogloss.听力技能训练活动1辨音Identify the different phonemes;Mark stress, rhythm, meaning group, etc;Imitate; Repeat2听主旨大意Select the appropriate topic;Creat a syno

19、psis for the listening material构思内容梗概 ;Match the topic3.听细节信息Fill in the diagram; choose true or false; answer questions;Put sentences in order according to the listening material;Ask questions about the main points;Put pictures in order after listening to stories;Matching task; dictation; draw pict

20、ures; act out4推理判断Choose true or false; answer questions; discuss questions5猜测词义Ask questions about words and phrases in the listening material to check student s understanding Check students comprehension of word meanings by substituation;Ask questions on context and help students understand the ta

21、rget vocabulary;Analyze the structure of vocabulary;Analyze the flow of the listening material6记笔记Spot dictation, compound dictation;Fill in the diagram; fill in the table7识别交际信息Listen and circle the information;Listen and choose the appropriate information;Listen and match the explanations with the

22、 information;Listen and discuss口语教学口语教学方法3P 模式 presentation, practice, productionTBLT 模式 task-based language teaching: pre-task, while-task, post-task阅读教学Three stages of teaching readingpre-reading activitiesPredicting: making reading more intriguing and purposeful. Predicting based on the title, vo

23、cabulary, the T/F questionsSetting the scene: discussing cultured-bound aspects of the text, relating what students already know to what they want to know, and use visual aids (real objects, pictures, photos, maps, video, multi-media materials)Skimmning: getting the main idea of the text.Scanning: l

24、ocating specific information.While-reading activities traditional exploiting ways: multiple choice questions, T/F questions, open questions, paraphrasing, and translation.Post-reading activitiesPost-reading tasks enable students to produce language based on what they learned.PWP阅读教学模式Basic skills:Sk

25、imming 略读 scanning 寻读Extensive reading 泛读 intensive reading 精读写作教学A process approach to writingcreating a motivation to writingbrainstormingmapping ; mapping help ss organize ideasfreewritingoutlining; write a more detailed outline.DraftingEditingRevisingProofreadingconferencing教学过程的安排Warmming-up预热环

26、节Leading-in课堂导入Presentation新知呈现Practice课堂操练Consolidation巩固拓展Summary and homework 总结与作业布置Principles for good lesson planningAim : the things that students are able to do by the end of the classVariety means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the stud


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